O. A. Menska
2021 ◽  
pp. 55-67
Н.С. Куклин ◽  
Л.В. Куклина

В работе рассматривается история формирования государственной политики Индонезии в сфере защиты и сохранения культурного наследия и исследуется значение этой сферы для национального самосознания. Изучены документы, относящиеся к международному и национальному законодательства («Конвенции об охране всемирного культурного и природного наследия» 1972 года, Закона Республики Индонезия № 5 (1992 г.) «Об объектах культурного наследия» и др.), определяется их влияние на выработку государственных подходов в данной сфере. Выявлено, что культурное наследие и памятники природы Индонезии играют значительную роль в формировании как общеиндонезийской идентичности, так и этносов в составе населения страны, а соответствующие объекты защищаются идеологией Панча Сила. Авторы приходят к выводу, что государственная политика Индонезии формировалась в условиях несогласованности между основными национальными законами и международными нормами, что, однако не мешает оценивать ее как достаточно эффективную. This article examines the historical evolution of Indonesian policy in the field of national cultural heritage protection and preservation, as well as the significance of this sphere for national identity. The authors focus their attention on this topic as it is insufficiently studied both in the Indonesian and Western research fields. Another important fact is that Russian experts barely discuss this topic. To achieve the aim of analyzing the history of Indonesian state policy for the protection of cultural heritage, the authors of this article examined the international documents on heritage protection and the main regulations adopted by the state bodies of Indonesia at various historical stages. The authors used the historical and genetic method to reveal the origin and the main stages of the evolution of Indonesian state policy in the preservation and protection of cultural heritage. The authors note that the historical cultural heritage and natural monuments of Indonesia play a significant role in the formation of both the general Indonesian national identity and the identities of diverse ethnic groups in the country’s population. The objects of cultural heritage are endowed with special symbolism and are protected not only by legislation in the field of preservation of cultural values but also by the national ideology of Pancasila. The authors analyzed several cases during the most important periods of Indonesian history to conclude that the main problem of Indonesia’s state policy in this sphere is still the discrepancy between national legislation and international normative acts. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the role of local communities, local cultural organizations, and civil society foundations in maintaining cultural sites, since often many of them do not have a formal implementation in the regulatory framework, but de facto occupy an important place in the system of national cultural heritage protection. The social and scholarly significance of research in this area is determined by the need to structure knowledge and develop a detailed idea of what shapes Indonesia’s national system for cultural heritage protection in its various forms, and, possibly, to initiate an interdisciplinary discussion to combine the scholarly, theoretical, and practical levels of the implementation of such a policy. Indonesia is incredibly rich in its cultural heritage and its experience can be valuable in global practice.

2021 ◽  
pp. 016555152110221
Tong Wei ◽  
Christophe Roche ◽  
Maria Papadopoulou ◽  
Yangli Jia

Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that is inherited from past generations. Terminology is a tool for the dissemination and communication of cultural heritage. The lack of clearly identified terminologies is an obstacle to communication and knowledge sharing. Especially, for experts with different languages, it is difficult to understand what the term refers to only through terms. Our work aims to respond to this issue by implementing practices drawn from the Semantic Web and ISO Terminology standards (ISO 704 and ISO 1087-1) and more particularly, by building in a W3C format ontology as knowledge infrastructure to construct a multilingual terminology e-Dictionary. The Chinese ceramic vases of the Ming and Qing dynasties are the application cases of our work. The method of building ontology is the ‘term-and-characteristic guided method’, which follows the ISO principles of Terminology. The main result of this work is an online terminology e-Dictionary. The terminology e-Dictionary could help archaeologists communicate and understand the concepts denoted by terms in different languages and provide a new perspective based on ontology for the digital protection of cultural heritage. The e-Dictionary was published at .

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-233 ◽  
Katarina Kocić ◽  
Tijana Spasić ◽  
Mira Aničić Urošević ◽  
Milica Tomašević

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-95
Oksana Stasevska ◽  
Illia Malanchuk

Problem setting. The study of the potential of cultural diplomacy has been growing rapidly in recent times. This is due to the realization of the failures of traditional and «force» diplomacy, which often demonstrate the inability to ensure the successful solution of important international problems. Researchers note the need to use cultural diplomacy to intensify and increase the effectiveness of international cooperation. Target of research. Understanding the actualization of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine in the modern world, an attempt to analyze its legal basis. Analysis of resent researches and publications. The concep «cultural diplomacy» is more common in scientific discourse. Scientists such as D. Vedeneev, V. Kostrov, T. Peresunko, N. Musienko, V. Tsyvaty, M. Kulinich, O. Rozumna, and others have contributed to the development of the role of cultural diplomacy in the foreign policy vector of the Ukraine. Political science works predominate among the researches. Few works analyze the legal aspects of cultural diplomacy. Article’s main body. In the context of globalization there is a loss of national origins. Therefore, states must use all their potential to preserve and enhance their own and the world’s cultural heritage, mutual understanding and support of interethnic harmony. International legal thought defines the concept of «diplomacy» in different ways, sometimes identifying it with international law or foreign policy. However, diplomacy is one of the most important tools of foreign policy, along with its components such as the armed forces, intelligence, economic ties, and so on. Cultural diplomacy is a type of diplomacy that uses the country’s cultural heritage as a means to an end. The role of cultural potential in international relations is highly valued. It is cultural diplomacy, not the use of force to impose political, ideological ideas, which aims to unite countries. Ukraine is returning to the active use of cultural diplomacy tools in the XXI century, when there was an urgent need for broad international support for the implementation of ambitious European integration plans. The system of coordination, stimulation and organization of cultural activities at the international level allows identifying the tasks of cultural diplomacy of Ukraine. Ukrainian cultural diplomacy based on international legal instruments ratified by Ukraine and acts of national legislation. The analysis of the problem allows determining the urgent task of creating a favorable legislative framework for the maximum effectiveness of cultural diplomacy. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The filling of legal gaps in cultural diplomacy should take place in the vector of recognition of culture as a subject of foreign policy, awareness of its reputational and social potential. Ukraine faces the task of updating old and finding new cultural images and symbols to create a decent image of the country, as well as to create an appropriate legal framework for the effective implementation of the tasks of cultural diplomacy.

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