scholarly journals Observation the Implementation of Business Knowledge Management System in Creative Industry in Achieving Compatitive Advantage (Study in Visual Communication Design Business in Riau Province, Indonesia)

Yanti Mayasari Ginting ◽  
Elfindri Elfindri ◽  
Hafiz Rahman ◽  
Dodi Devianto

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of business Knowledge Management System (KMS) of creative industry in the visual communication design sub-sector to attain sustainable competitive advantage. This research is a quantitative research using survey method with a questionnaire as the instrument. The population in this study consists of business owners, business managers, and creative workers in the business of visual communication design sub-sector located in Riau, Indonesia. The sample size is 202 and the sampling method used is purposive sampling, there are 34 questions in the questionnaire and analyzed by using SEM AMOS. This study found that KMS of the business effect sustainable competitive advent age. Both basic competing strategies and strategic competitiveness can be used as dimensions of sustainable competitive advantage. This study is conducted in Visual Communication Design so that it needs to be extended to other sub-sectors to further validate the model.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Yanti Mayasari Ginting ◽  
Elfindri Elfindri ◽  
Hafiz Rahman

<p><em>This study examines the Sustainable Competitive Advantage model in the creative industries of the Visual Communication Design (DKV) sub-sector through a review of Social Capital and the mediating role of the Knowledge Management System (KMS). This research is quantitative descriptive, using cross sectional time dimension. The population in this study consisted of owners, managers, and designers in the DKV business in Riau Province, Indonesia. The research method is probability sampling using cluster sampling techniques. The samples used were 202. Data were collected through a questionnaire consisting of 41 questions. The results of this test is that there is a relationship between social capital and the knowledge management system. Knowledge Management System mediates the relationship between Social Capital and Sustainable Competitive Advantage. This research was conducted at DKV Enterprises so it needs to be extended to other creative industry sub-sectors to further validate the models that have been developed. So that the benefits obtained will be more extensive and meaningful for the creative industry holistically. Previous research has concentrated on the effect of social capital on knowledge management on the character of business organizations by not normalizing knowledge as the main competitiveness in organizations. Furthermore KMS in the creative economy is Knowledge Collaboration from various elements that support the creation of superior creative products.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Penelitian ini menganalisis peran mediasi <em>Knowledge Managemant System</em> (KMS) dan modal sosial terhadap <em>Sustainable Competitive Advantage</em> (SCA) pada industri kreatif sub-sektor Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan dimensi waktu <em>cross sectional</em>. Populasi dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari pemilik, manajer, dan desainer dalam bisnis DKV di Provinsi Riau, Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini adalah <em>probability</em>, menggunakan teknik <em>cluster sampling</em>. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 202 responden. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang terdiri dari 41 pertanyaan. Hasil tes ini adalah bahwa terdapat hubungan modal sosial terhadap KMS. KMS memediasi hubungan antara modal sosial terhadap SCA. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada usaha DKV sehingga perlu diperluas ke sub-sektor industri kreatif lainnya untuk lebih memvalidasi model penelitian yang telah dikembangkan. Penelitian ini memberikan manfaat bagi industri kreatif untuk dapat mengetahui dimensi atau aspek dari setiap variabel penelitian yang perlu diberi perhatian untuk diterapkan, sehingga dapat mencapai SCA. Penelitian sebelumnya telah dilakukan pada pengaruh modal sosial pada KMS pada karakter organisasi bisnis yang dimana pengetahuan tacit bukanlah sebagai daya saing utama dalam organisasi. KMS usaha dalam industri kreatif adalah kolaborasi pengetahuan dari berbagai elemen didalam ekosistem yang mendukung mulai dari penciptaan gagasan untuk menghasilkan produk kreatif sampai kepada pengembangan produk dan pemasarannya.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Leonardi Paris Hasugian ◽  
Sintya Sukarta ◽  
Raden Fenny Syafariani

Cleanliness is one of many other indicator that have to be held by a tourism destination. It mean that the tourism destination should be clean from garbage or any other dirty things. Indonesia is a tourism destination that have been known as a beautiful and humble country to be visited. As a tourism country, Indonesia should also give a big concern to the cleanliness issue. Various criticisms and suggestions always delivered to the manager or government of the tourist sites, but the response from them was null. There have to be a research to find out what is the root of the environment cleanliness problem and which part of the improvement that was missed. This study covers how to integrate all the stakeholder by using Information Technology in order to address the environment cleanliness issue. Existing policy established will be the basis for analyzing, designing, implementing, and evaluating a product in addressing the issues of garbage. The research is developed under the PEST and SWOT method, and using the Knowledge Management System. Visual Communication Media is a product that was built to help people in controlling the outstanding garbage. Information technology is built to become a medium in managing information related to garbage problems. Meanwhile, Counseling and Socializing is held to provide learning of the importance in maintaining hygiene. The integration of these things is monitored and evaluated to obtain a comprehensive improvement. Index Terms—Cleanliness, Information Technology, Knowledge Management System.

The Winners ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Shienny Megawati Sutanto ◽  
Marina Wardaya

This research aimed to find out how to use iconic images illustration to increase selling value of fiction works. The theoretical basis of this research was visual communication design, illustration, color, and semiotics. The method used in this research was qualitative research by doing interviews with experts who are experienced in publishing and illustration field. Another method used was observing children and fiction books which use iconic image illustration to attract consumer’s interest in order to increase books sales. The results of this study show that fiction books with iconic image illustration images have the positive response from consumers who show their interest and desire to buy them. Moreover, these results are expected to be useful for the creative industry, especially the sub-sector publishing industry when designing illustrations to be used in a book.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 75
Rahil Asadi ◽  
Larisa Mihoreanu ◽  
Vasilica Georgiana Radu

Abstract.Nowadays, the concept of Knowledge Management is gradually being recognized in governmental establishments which are seeking to deploy their own knowledge management system and make the most of their existing knowledge in policymaking, by creating and maintaining a competitive advantage in the domestic and international environment.For an organisation, the intellectual assets and individual knowledge are as important as the other physical and financial assets. Knowledge is a primary resource featured to provide a competitive advantage to any organization that recognises and incorporates it efficiently in its processes.This article aims to review the value of knowledge management, the pillars by describing its cycle and highlighting its importance for governmental organisations. The obstacles and difficulties of implementing and deploying knowledge management in government organisations with suggested solutions that are also discussed.In conclusion, recommendations for decision makers are presented to enhance the efficiency of the knowledge management implementation and scale up the gain of a lasting competitive advantage within national and international environments.

Yanti Mayasari ◽  
Teddy Chandra

Purpose Th purpose of this paper is to represent the role of social capital for the knowledge management system (KMS) in the kind of literature which is related to the topics in the creative industry. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses conceptual and literature study with empirical quantitative and qualitative investigation to validate. As some literature states that KMS is an organizational process and tool for acquisition, conversion, application and protection of existing knowledge as a way to use, develop and manage it which comes from internal and external organizations. Findings Literature shows that for some organizations, knowledge is gained through research and development (R&D) of the internal organization. In contrast, the creative industry requires knowledge that is derived from social capital such as social environment and community. The social environment and community (social capital) will provide knowledge that is required for the existence of the creative industry in producing the creative product that may represent the social context in which the creative industry exists. This study uses a meta-analysis as a tool of analysis to classify previous research and studies regarding the roles of social capital for KMS in the creative industry that were used as the cornerstone of the research. Originality/value Studies in the creative industry previously show that knowledge is a collaboration of tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge which is gained from various the creative classes within the industry. As a renewable resource-based industry, creativity, skill and talent are resources that are used to be commercialized to gain wealth for not only big industries but also for micro, small and medium economies (UMKM) that mostly done by communities, to create employment through the exploitation of intellectual property. Therefore, the creative industry can be meant as a knowledge-based industry that requires the application of KMS in its operation.

2021 ◽  
Yon Ade Lose Hermanto ◽  
Andreas Syah Pahlevi ◽  
Andika Agung Sutrisno ◽  
Nabisah Binti Ibrahim

COVID-19 has brought about a number of changes in people’s lifestyles and business pivots, specifically in the Visual Communication Design (VCD) subsector of the creative industry. This study aimed to determine those changes. The first step is to identify the new business pivot; next, look for future business opportunities so that the businesses can sustain and grow. The study uses a phenomenological method that specializes in visible phenomena and realities to examine their explanations. The method explores data to find the meaning of the primary and essential things of the phenomenon, reality or events experienced by the object of the research. The results of this study indicated four new lifestyles in the new normal era: (1) Staying at home; (2) Staying at the bottom of the pyramid; (3) Going virtual; and (4) Being an emphatic society. As such, the new lifestyle influences the changes in the VCD-business pivot. Designers can change the business pivot to survive during the pandemic, including designing masks, personal protective equipment/hazmat suit, making posters and comic strips including quotes motivating people to face the pandemic, etc. Keywords: business pivot, visual communication, COVID-19 pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Gilang Cempaka ◽  
Ayoeningsih Dyah

Community service  by Visual Communication Design (DKV) Paramadina University is aims to developing skills for the member of residents at the “Rumah Singgah” Bina Anak Pertiwi. It has around 166 children and 377 adults. They generally come from street who do not have a decent life. The training is taught batik through cold wax media on cloth, with visual characteristics of Betawi culture. DKV empowering member of residents through improving skills in batik. Besides abilities in digital technology, hand skills with creativity are believed still survive and become the backbone of the creative industry in the 4.0 era. The activity method is to provide training with practicing, apply cold waxed batik with the visuals of Betawi’s icons. This activity was attended by around fifteen member residents. Through this training, batik can be developed into various kinds of products such as scarves, tablecloths, souvenirs and other home decorations. Making batik with cold wax  is relatively easy to apply, and the materials are easy to get. So it is hoped that the member residents can innovatively develop their own skills and creativity. They are expected to be more productive so that they can improve their economic level.

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