Exploring the issue of environmental degradation in the era of mass consumerism and digital media as the solution
As the price of clothing continues to globally decline, demand and consumption rise in tandem. This relationship between mass production and consumption has earned the title “fast fashion” as it values efficiency and inexpensive manufacturing methods and materials. The environmental costs however, of producing, consuming and ultimately discarding so much clothing is unparalleled. Although there is growing pressure on the industry to engage in more socially and environmentally-responsible practices, this pressure does not in any fundamental way contradict the logic of consumer capitalism. The following research project places the responsibility and agency of conscious consumer behaviour back into the hands of individuals in hopes of disrupting the cycle of mass production and consumption. Leveraging the power and influence of social media, this project reflects upon the current role of Instagram as a propagator of consumer culture and reimagines it as a catalyst for mindful purchasing behaviour among the female millennial demographic.