scholarly journals Trematode parasite cercariae as food in model freshwater trophic interactions

Ben Schultz

Free-living parasite stages are important but often overlooked components of ecosystems, especially their role(s) in food webs. Trematode parasites have complex life cycles that include a motile transmission phase, cercariae, that are produced in great quantities within aquatic snail hosts and join the zooplankton community after emerging. Here I examined how cercariae presence affected the population abundance of a common freshwater zooplanktonic animal (Daphnia) when predators were present. I also sought to determine the pathways taken by cercariae-derived carbon within a model freshwater food web by using the stable isotope 13C as a tracer. I found that Daphnia population abundance positively benefitted from cercariae presence when larval dragonfly predators were present, serving as alternate prey. I also found that 13C was an effective tool to track the flow of cercarial carbon, demonstrating high consumption by benthic consumers, as well as the utility of this method for use in future studies.

2021 ◽  
Ben Schultz

Free-living parasite stages are important but often overlooked components of ecosystems, especially their role(s) in food webs. Trematode parasites have complex life cycles that include a motile transmission phase, cercariae, that are produced in great quantities within aquatic snail hosts and join the zooplankton community after emerging. Here I examined how cercariae presence affected the population abundance of a common freshwater zooplanktonic animal (Daphnia) when predators were present. I also sought to determine the pathways taken by cercariae-derived carbon within a model freshwater food web by using the stable isotope 13C as a tracer. I found that Daphnia population abundance positively benefitted from cercariae presence when larval dragonfly predators were present, serving as alternate prey. I also found that 13C was an effective tool to track the flow of cercarial carbon, demonstrating high consumption by benthic consumers, as well as the utility of this method for use in future studies.

Parasitology ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 143 (14) ◽  
pp. 1824-1846 ◽  

SUMMARYComplex life cycles are common in free-living and parasitic organisms alike. The adaptive decoupling hypothesis postulates that separate life cycle stages have a degree of developmental and genetic autonomy, allowing them to be independently optimized for dissimilar, competing tasks. That is, complex life cycles evolved to facilitate functional specialization. Here, I review the connections between the different stages in parasite life cycles. I first examine evolutionary connections between life stages, such as the genetic coupling of parasite performance in consecutive hosts, the interspecific correlations between traits expressed in different hosts, and the developmental and functional obstacles to stage loss. Then, I evaluate how environmental factors link life stages through carryover effects, where stressful larval conditions impact parasites even after transmission to a new host. There is evidence for both autonomy and integration across stages, so the relevant question becomes how integrated are parasite life cycles and through what mechanisms? By highlighting how genetics, development, selection and the environment can lead to interdependencies among successive life stages, I wish to promote a holistic approach to studying complex life cycle parasites and emphasize that what happens in one stage is potentially highly relevant for later stages.

Jan A. Pechenik

I have a Hardin cartoon on my office door. It shows a series of animals thinking about the meaning of life. In sequence, we see a lobe-finned fish, a salamander, a lizard, and a monkey, all thinking, “Eat, survive, reproduce; eat, survive, reproduce.” Then comes man: “What's it all about?” he wonders. Organisms live to reproduce. The ultimate selective pressure on any organism is to survive long enough and well enough to pass genetic material to a next generation that will also be successful in reproducing. In this sense, then, every morphological, physiological, biochemical, or behavioral adaptation contributes to reproductive success, making the field of life cycle evolution a very broad one indeed. Key components include mode of sexuality, age and size at first reproduction (Roff, this volume), number of reproductive episodes in a lifetime, offspring size (Messina and Fox, this volume), fecundity, the extent to which parents protect their offspring and how that protection is achieved, source of nutrition during development, survival to maturity, the consequences of shifts in any of these components, and the underlying mechanisms responsible for such shifts. Many of these issues are dealt with in other chapters. Here I focus exclusively on animals, and on a particularly widespread sort of life cycle that includes at least two ecologically distinct free-living stages. Such “complex life cycles” (Istock 1967) are especially common among amphibians and fishes (Hall and Wake 1999), and within most invertebrate groups, including insects (Gilbert and Frieden 1981), crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods, polychaete worms, echinoderms, bryozoans, and corals and other cnidarians (Thorson 1950). In such life cycles, the juvenile or adult stage is reached by metamorphosing from a preceding, free-living larval stage. In many species, metamorphosis involves a veritable revolution in morphology, ecology, behavior, and physiology, sometimes taking place in as little as a few minutes or a few hours. In addition to the issues already mentioned, key components of such complex life cycles include the timing of metamorphosis (i.e., when it occurs), the size at which larvae metamorphose, and the consequences of metamorphosing at particular times or at particular sizes. The potential advantages of including larval stages in the life history have been much discussed.

2010 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-116 ◽  
Oldřich Kopecký ◽  
Mathieu Denoël ◽  
Jiří Vojar

AbstractMany species with complex life cycles, such as caudate amphibians, migrate from terrestrial to aquatic habitats for reproduction. However, movements between reproductive ponds within a breeding season have rarely been studied and are usually considered to be limited. Our aim was to determine whether this pattern occurs frequently in Alpine newts (Mesotriton alpestris) inhabiting complexes of small ruts on muddy forest tracks. We analysed capture-recapture data for individually marked newts as a function of locality, sex, body condition and hydroperiod throughout the breeding season. More than one third of the newts changed their ruts. Movements occurred more often towards ruts that did not dry during the breeding season. The body condition of males that changed ponds (but not that of females) was higher compared to that of resident newts in one of the studied populations. The relatively high frequency of movements between ruts can be seen as an adaptive strategy in unpredictable habitats which have a high probability of drying. The promiscuous pattern of newts also favours low site tenacity, because few sexual partners are available in each rut. Because of the broad occurrence of this kind of habitat, future studies should take into account these movements to better understand newt population dynamics and how to apply adequate conservation measures.

2016 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
Michael R. Zimmermann ◽  
Kyle E. Luth ◽  
Gerald W. Esch

AbstractDigenetic trematodes have complex life cycles involving multiple hosts and free-living larval stages. Some species have 2 lar-val stages that infect snails, with miracidia and cercariae using these molluscs as first and second intermediate hosts, respec-tively. Although both larval stages may infect the same snail species, this is accomplished using different chemical cues and may be influenced by different biotic and abiotic factors. Significant differences in the infection patterns of these parasitic stages regarding host size and density were observed in 2 separate field studies. The prevalence of sporocysts/rediae and mean abundance of

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-139 ◽  
Pierre Petitgas ◽  
Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp ◽  
Mark Dickey-Collas ◽  
Georg H. Engelhard ◽  
Myron A. Peck ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 181 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51 ◽  
Daniel P. Benesh ◽  
James C. Chubb ◽  
Geoff A. Parker

2005 ◽  
Vol 37 (5) ◽  
pp. 373-382 ◽  
William B. SANDERS

The utility of plastic cover slips as a substratum for in situ study of lichen developmental stages is further explored in a neotropical foliicolous lichen community and in a European temperate corticolous community. Twenty-one months after placement in the tropical forest, the cover slips bore foliicolous lichen thalli with several species producing characteristic ascocarps and ascospores, indicating the suitability of the substratum for completion of the life cycle of these lichens. On cover slips placed within the temperate corticolous community, lichen propagules anchored to the substratum with relatively short attachment hyphae but did not develop further within the one year observation period. Intimately intermixed microbial communities of short-celled, mainly pigmented fungi and chlorophyte algae developed upon the transparent substratum. Among the algae, Trebouxia cells, often in groups showing cell division and without associated lichenizing hyphae, were commonly observed. The potential significance of the free-living populations in the life cycle of Trebouxia and in those of Trebouxia-associated lichen fungi is discussed.

Parasitology ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 137 (4) ◽  
pp. 743-754 ◽  

SUMMARYThe presence or absence of parasites within host populations is the result of a complex of factors, both biotic and abiotic. This study uses a non-parametric classification tree approach to evaluate the relative importance of key abiotic and biotic drivers controlling the presence/absence of parasites with complex life cycles in a sentinel, the common killifish Fundulus heteroclitus. Parasite communities were classified from 480 individuals representing 15 fish from 4 distinct marsh sites in each of 4 consecutive seasons between 2006 and 2007. Abiotic parameters were recorded at continuous water monitoring stations located at each of the 4 sites. Classification trees identified the presence of benthic invertebrate species (Gammarus sp. and Littorina sp.) as the most important variables in determining parasite presence: secondary splitters were dominated by abiotic variables including conductance, pH and temperature. Seventy percent of hosts were successfully classified into the correct category (infected/uninfected) based on only these criteria. The presence of competent definitive hosts was not considered to be an important explanatory variable. These data suggest that the most important determinant of the presence of these parasite populations in the common killifish is the availability of diverse communities of benthic invertebrates.

Oecologia ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 174 (3) ◽  
pp. 953-965 ◽  
Daniel L. Preston ◽  
Abigail Z. Jacobs ◽  
Sarah A. Orlofske ◽  
Pieter T. J. Johnson

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