scholarly journals Primo Levi and Hunger

2012 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-196
Daniela Bisello Antonucci

When Primo Levi was deported to Auschwitz in 1944, he suffered from physical hunger. But the association of this real hunger—the lack of food—with his other desperate hunger—his desire to tell his story—created the energy to make a connection with the world after the Lager experience. This study shows how Levi’s eagerness to write about his other hunger animated and supported his appetite for life. By doing so, Levi obtained the knowledge he needed to understand it, and be able to live after the Lager.

Ana Lúcia Rodrigues Gama Russo

ResumoPrimo Levi, químico italiano, participou da resistência italiana, e, judeu, foi capturado e levado a Auschwitz. Ao fim da segunda guerra mundial, retomou suas atividades na indústria, e iniciou a de escritor. Em suas memórias do Holocausto, a Química, seus elementos, e as habilidades necessárias nas suas práticas servem de fios construtores. Se a História da Ciência se constitui como uma área de interface, ela é interdisciplinar e, o livro A Tabela Periódica, como leitura contextualizada do período, mescla elementos históricos e científicos que permearam a construção do conhecimento. Por meio da leitura, a Química deixa de ser apenas ciência e se torna vivência. A Química, a matéria e suas transformações se tornam uma lente de mundo. A leitura de dois capítulos do livro foi mediada junto a alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio. O objetivo foi compreender a possibilidade de emprego de sua leitura na formação de alunos do ensino médio, visando a interdisciplinaridade e despertar o interesse pela leitura. Observamos desconhecimento básico sobre acontecimentos recentes da história da humanidade, dificuldades na interpretação de texto, contudo percebemos após a leitura guiada dos dois capítulos uma melhor interpretação e compreensão dos fatos.Palavras chave: História da Ciência; História da Química; Ensino de Química; Primo Levi.  AbstractPrimo Levi, an Italian chemist and Jewish men that had been a part of the Italian résistance movement, was captured and taken to Auschwitz during the World War II. After the war, he resumed his activities in the chemical industry and started a career as a writer. In his memories about the Holocaust, Chemistry, its elements and the abilities needed to its praxis, serve as conducting wire. If History of Science is an interface area, it is also interdisciplinary and his book, Periodic Table, as contextual reading of the period, has both historical and scientific elements that contribute to the construction of knowledge. Through the reading Chemistry is no longer just a science, it is experience. Chemistry becomes a lens through which to see the world. The reading of two chapters of the book was mediate amongst two different high school classrooms. The goal was to understand the possibility to use the reading in high school Education, aiming interdisciplinary formats and to promote the habit of reading. It was observed a lack of knowledge about recent events in human history and difficult to read the text, but it was also observed an improvement of both throughout the activity.   Keywords: History of Science; History of Chemistry; Chemistry Teaching; Primo Levi.

2007 ◽  

Twenty years ago a unique figure in the history of our country returned dramatically to the world of the "drowned", one of the spectral "saved" who had found the strength to testify the dramas of the twentieth century: Primo Levi. On the twentieth anniversary of his death, Firenze University Press has decided to revive his lesson with a tribute that is not intended as a celebration, but rather as a pause for refection in which we can listen again to the words of this great writer, dissected and scrutinised the world over, generating germs of memory hopefully as universal as the mathematical and geometrical signs and the chemical formulas he so loved. Voci dal mondo per Primo Levi. In memoria, per la memoria edited by Luigi Dei, a lecturer in physical chemistry at the University of Florence, consists of fifteen short essays contributed by a polyhedric group of writers from various parts of the world and of different educational and professional backgrounds. Review: La Rassegna Mensile di Israel Interview with

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Ana Gantman ◽  
Robin Gomila ◽  
Joel E. Martinez ◽  
J. Nathan Matias ◽  
Elizabeth Levy Paluck ◽  

AbstractA pragmatist philosophy of psychological science offers to the direct replication debate concrete recommendations and novel benefits that are not discussed in Zwaan et al. This philosophy guides our work as field experimentalists interested in behavioral measurement. Furthermore, all psychologists can relate to its ultimate aim set out by William James: to study mental processes that provide explanations for why people behave as they do in the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Michael Lifshitz ◽  
T. M. Luhrmann

Abstract Culture shapes our basic sensory experience of the world. This is particularly striking in the study of religion and psychosis, where we and others have shown that cultural context determines both the structure and content of hallucination-like events. The cultural shaping of hallucinations may provide a rich case-study for linking cultural learning with emerging prediction-based models of perception.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
Nazim Keven

Abstract Hoerl & McCormack argue that animals cannot represent past situations and subsume animals’ memory-like representations within a model of the world. I suggest calling these memory-like representations as what they are without beating around the bush. I refer to them as event memories and explain how they are different from episodic memory and how they can guide action in animal cognition.

1994 ◽  
Vol 144 ◽  
pp. 139-141 ◽  
J. Rybák ◽  
V. Rušin ◽  
M. Rybanský

AbstractFe XIV 530.3 nm coronal emission line observations have been used for the estimation of the green solar corona rotation. A homogeneous data set, created from measurements of the world-wide coronagraphic network, has been examined with a help of correlation analysis to reveal the averaged synodic rotation period as a function of latitude and time over the epoch from 1947 to 1991.The values of the synodic rotation period obtained for this epoch for the whole range of latitudes and a latitude band ±30° are 27.52±0.12 days and 26.95±0.21 days, resp. A differential rotation of green solar corona, with local period maxima around ±60° and minimum of the rotation period at the equator, was confirmed. No clear cyclic variation of the rotation has been found for examinated epoch but some monotonic trends for some time intervals are presented.A detailed investigation of the original data and their correlation functions has shown that an existence of sufficiently reliable tracers is not evident for the whole set of examinated data. This should be taken into account in future more precise estimations of the green corona rotation period.

Popular Music ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-245
Inez H. Templeton
Hip Hop ◽  

O. Faroon ◽  
F. Al-Bagdadi ◽  
T. G. Snider ◽  
C. Titkemeyer

The lymphatic system is very important in the immunological activities of the body. Clinicians confirm the diagnosis of infectious diseases by palpating the involved cutaneous lymph node for changes in size, heat, and consistency. Clinical pathologists diagnose systemic diseases through biopsies of superficial lymph nodes. In many parts of the world the goat is considered as an important source of milk and meat products.The lymphatic system has been studied extensively. These studies lack precise information on the natural morphology of the lymph nodes and their vascular and cellular constituent. This is due to using improper technique for such studies. A few studies used the SEM, conducted by cutting the lymph node with a blade. The morphological data collected by this method are artificial and do not reflect the normal three dimensional surface of the examined area of the lymph node. SEM has been used to study the lymph vessels and lymph nodes of different animals. No information on the cutaneous lymph nodes of the goat has ever been collected using the scanning electron microscope.

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