С. В. Онишко ◽  
В. А. Новицький

In article is analyzed the structure of innovative investment system in Ukraine. Founded that in Ukraine developed three types of non-bank innovative investors – collective investment institutes (including venture funds), non-state pension funds and insurance companies. To unveil their innovation investment activity was analyzed the current structure of investment assets and its changes. Also in article we outlined the key problems of development of innovative investment in Ukraine and proposed few ways to solve them.

Ivan Gaiduk

The subject of the article is methodological and practical aspects of determining the efficiency of the work of non-state pension funds. The aim of the article is is to show the real state of affairs about the productive activity of non-state pension funds and analyze the effectiveness of their work. Article methodology. The article uses structural-logical, economic-statistical and economic-mathematical methods, as well as comparative analysis, a graphical method. Results of research. During the study, the dynamics of the number of NPFs, asset management companies and administrators in Ukraine, as well as the distribution of NPF participants by age group was analyzed. The index of economic efficiency of NPF activity (growth of the net value of the unit of pension contribution, profitability of investment of pension assets) is considered in accordance with the method of determining the criteria for assessing the financial condition of the NPF, developed by the National Financial Services Commission. Analytically represented: structure of the net asset value of NPF by type; the total average net asset value per participant in Ukraine and the profitability of the investment activity of the NPF. The indicator of the CAGR of the net value of assets of domestic NPFs by types for 7, 5 and 1 year is calculated. Scope of results of research. The results of the study can be used by citizens of Ukraine of different ages who are interested in providing pensions, in the practice of employees of non-state pension funds, banks and life insurance companies. Conclusions. Analyzing different groups of indicators of non-state pension fundsactivity in Ukraine, the overall low level of development of this segment of non-state pension provision was revealed. The effectiveness of the funds directly depends on the number of participants and the quality management of assets. According to statistics, in this area, the domestic non-state pension fundsstill needs to introduce serious improvements.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (74) ◽  
Yulia Shyshkova ◽  
Darina Voitanyk ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Svіtlana Achkasova ◽  
Anastasiia Urum

Non-state pension funds play an important role in the development of the economy. The development of the system of non-state pension provision, which includes non-state pension funds, complies with the main aspects of the Ukraine – 2020 Sustainable Development Strategy. The importance of selecting investment areas for non-state pension funds results in the need to further explore and find ways to improve the investment process. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological aspects of investing assets of non-state pension funds in bonds. The study object is the investment activity of non-state pension funds. The following methods are used: vertical and horizontal analysis, SWOT analysis, regression analysis, graphical and tabular methods. It is determined that effective investment of non-state pension funds’ assets provides an increase in the value of assets, which in turn enables participants of non-state pension funds to enhance the quality of life. Involving non-state pension funds in the stock market and their interaction with other entities in this market are illustrated by the investment in bonds example. The market of bonds in Ukraine for 2013-2017 has been analyzed and the tendency towards development has been determined. The possibilities and threats of investment of non-state pension funds’ assets in bonds are substantiated. The approach to determining the impact of factors on the government bond yields, in particular, bonds of domestic state loans and bonds of enterprises has been further developed. This approach, unlike the existing ones, provides for the use of regression analysis and takes into account changes in the environment according to factors (consumer price index and household income for government bonds, the number of enterprises and the discount rate of the National Bank of Ukraine for bonds of enterprises). That is of practical importance and will make it possible to improve the investment strategy of non-state pension fund assets in bonds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 2606-2636
Ekaterina S. YAROVAYA

Subject. This article deals with the analysis of competitiveness, which is an important component of the strategic management of a non-State pension fund. Objectives. The article aims to study the existing approaches to the analysis of competitiveness, determine the role of the indicator of adaptability of competitiveness of non-State pension funds in conditions of high variability of the external environment, and formulate recommendations for drawing up criteria for the enterprise competitiveness taking into account the specifics of the activities of the funds. Methods. For the study, I used analysis, and the systems, and structural and functional approaches. Results. The article defines and classifies the factors affecting the competitiveness of non-State pension funds in modern market conditions. It substantiates the influence of the indicator of adaptability on the competitiveness of non-State pension funds. The article also proposes an approach to ranking this indicator, which can be applied regardless of the chosen method for assessing the competitiveness of non-State pension funds. Conclusions. The article concludes that the testing of the assessment of the non-State pension fund competitiveness using the author-proposed adaptability indicator helps determine the level of non-State pension fund competitiveness at the current time, track the changes, and identify the existing problems, the causes of their occurrence, and thereby ensure the conditions under which the non-State pension fund has the opportunity to promptly respond and adapt to external changes thus ensuring its stability in the market.

R. Polischuk

The problem of lack of interest of the population to participate in the formation of pension savings is one of the key problems of private pension funds. Accounting and registration of various rights, licensing and accreditation of institutions, establishment of norms, quotas and other restrictions, control and supervision, as well as the application of material sanctions and measures of administrative coercion are state regulation of private pension provision. The National Securities and Stock Market Commission, the National Bank of Ukraine, and the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine exercise state supervision and control over the activities of non-state pension funds. The current distribution of powers to oversee the activities of private pension funds between regulators is not effective enough. State intervention in the field of private pension funds should be timely, appropriate and limited. The need to invest heavily in setting up an administrator and an asset management company significantly reduces the attractiveness of private pension provision for potential investors, and the over-regulation of the institution under review reduces the level of confidence of ordinary citizens, employers and investors. The lack of components in the management system of non-state pension funds responsible for risk management and internal audit, the purpose of which is to protect against risks and exercise internal control, respectively, is a significant shortcoming of today. Ways to solve the above problems are, in particular: the unification of state regulators of the financial market in Ukraine and the creation of a mega-regulator for the activities of NPFs; abolition of normative legal acts, which in practice have proved their ineffectiveness, in terms of regulating the activities of NPFs, with the simultaneous adoption of new legislation that would “reduce the cost” of the mechanism of creation and operation of the institution of NPFs; implementation of EU Directive 2016/2341 of 14 December 2016 into the legislation of Ukraine regarding the functions of risk management and internal audit of NPFs; introduction of legal norms prohibiting, in particular, the National Bank of Ukraine from interfering in the activities of NPFs in terms of return of their assets by insolvent banks and investment activities, on grounds not expressly provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Non-State Pension Provision” and establishing legal grounds for personal liability persons for such actions.

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