scholarly journals Genetic diversity of muskmelon using multivariate technique

2016 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-286
S Rahman ◽  
MAK Miah ◽  
H Rahman

An experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of Plant Genetic Resources Centre (PGRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur in 2011 to estimate genetic diversity through multivariate technique. Based on multivariate analysis and application of covariance matrix for nonhierarchical clustering, 64 genotypes of muskmelon were grouped into six clusters to indicate the existence of considerable diversity among the genotypes. The cluster IV was consisted of single genotypes (BD2303). The highest number of genotypes possessed in Cluster I. The first principal axis largely accounted for the variation among the genotypes which alone contributed 25.65% of the variations. The highest inter genotypic distance (2.878) was observed between the genotypes BD2303 and BD2313 followed by the genotypes BD2303 and BD2314 (2.808).The highest intra cluster distance was computed for cluster III (0.839) followed by cluster I (0.751). Cluster VI showed the least intra cluster distance which indicated that the genotypes in this cluster were more or less homogeneous. The inter cluster distances were larger than the intra cluster distances suggesting wider genetic diversity among the genotypes of different clusters. Cluster mean pointed out the heavier fruit in cluster IV (2533.3g). The size of this cluster was also far different from all other clusters. Similarly, the highest total fruit weight per plant was found in cluster IV (13.5 kg) which was also far different from other clusters. So it revealed that genotypes of this cluster could be used for developing high yielding variety. Cluster VI showed the highest brix reading (5.6%). Therefore, the genotypes of this cluster could be used for the development of sweet muskmelon variety. Hybridization between the genotypes of cluster IV and those of cluster VI could develop high yielding sweet muskmelon variety(s).Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 41(2): 273-286, June 2016

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
A. K. M. Quamruzzaman ◽  
F. Islam ◽  
M. M. R. Salim ◽  
L. Akhter ◽  
M. M. Rahman ◽  

The presented study was conducted at the experimental field of Olericulture Division, Horticulture Research Center, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh during the year 2018-19 to assess the extent of genetic diversity among 25 bottle gourd germplasms. Data on: days to first harvest, fruit number per plant, average fruit weight, fruit yield (kg/plant), fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit yield (t/ha), fruit shape and fruit color were recorded.  Plot means for quantitative characters were used for the statistical analysis, while genetic diversity, principal component analysis (PCA), principal Coordinate analysis (PCO), cluster analysis, cluster means and two-dimensional scattered plotting diagram were studied. The germplasms were constellated into five distinct groups with the range of 3 germplasms in the cluster III to 6 germplasms in the clusters II and IV. The inter-cluster distance in all cases was larger than is the intra-cluster distance. The highest intra-cluster value (2.65) was found in the cluster IV. Maximal inter-cluster distance (12.24) was observed between germplasm of cluster I and V, followed by the clusters I and III (12.05) and minimal was found between germplasms of cluster I and IV (3.46). In case of the cluster means values and yield contributing performance cluster I, cluster IV and cluster III performed well. Considering the group distance and inter-genotypic crosses between the clusters and cluster means, inbreeds belong to clusters: I, IV and III, to that will be given higher priority for crossing in future bottle gourd hybridization program.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-36 ◽  
S Afroz ◽  
MS Noman ◽  
MS Hossain ◽  
AA Mamun ◽  
N Howlader ◽  

Twenty two genotypes of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were evaluated using D2 and principal component analysis (PCA). The genotypes were collected from Plant Genetic Resources Centre (PGRC) of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur , Agro-G, & Lal Teer seed company. The study was undertaken at Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Farm, Dhaka during March 2010 to October 2010 to select suitable donor parents for improved breeding of cucumber. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the first two axes accounted for 67.39% of the total variation among the fourteen characters studied. As per cluster analysis, the genotypes were grouped into four clusters consisting 5, 3, 8 and 6 genotypes which revealed that there exist considerable diversity among the genotypes. Highest intra-cluster distance was found in cluster ?I and lowest in cluster ?V. Among four clusters, the highest inter-cluster distance was observed between cluster ?I and cluster ? and lowest between cluster I and cluster ?V. Considering all of the characters studied, the Serena, BD-4305, BD-4256, CU937F1 and BD-4309 were selected for future breeding programme.DOI: J. Environ. Sci. & Natural Resources, 6(1): 33-36 2013

1970 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 607-616 ◽  
ASMR Khan ◽  
MG Rabbani ◽  
MA Siddique ◽  
MI Hossain

The genetic diversity among 64 pointed gourd genotypes were assessed through multivariate analysis from an experiment conducted in Regional Agricultural Research Station, lshurdi, Pabna during the growing season 2002-2003. The genotypes were grouped into twelve clusters. The cluster V consisted of highest number of genotypes and it was nine, the cluster VI and cluster VIII contained the lowest number of genotypes and it was two in each. The clustering pattern of the genotypes under this study revealed that the genotypes collected from the same location were grouped into different clusters. The genotypes of Jessore were distributed in different clusters. The highest inter genotype distance as 366.3 observed between the genotypes P0022 and P0007 and the lowest 2.6 as observed between the genotypes P0043 and P0044. Cluster V had the highest cluster mean value for internode length, fruit weight per plant and yield the highest inter-cluster distance was noticed between cluster III and II (45.71) and the lowest between cluster VII and VI (3.33). ‘The highest intra cluster distance was computed for cluster III and that was lowest for the cluster II. The first five axes accounted for 77.65% of the total variation among the 13 characters describing 64 pointed gourd genotypes. Fruit weight, seeds per fruit and fruit weight per plant contributed maximum to the total divergence. The results obtained by D2 analysis were confirmed by canonical analysis. Key Words: Diversity pointed gourd, morphological characters. doi: 10.3329/bjar.v33i4.2304 Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 33(4) : 607-616, December 2008

А.М. Мазин ◽  
Э.Э. Егги

В статье рассмотрены приёмы восстановления высокоурожайного сорта клевера лугового Псковский местный двуукосный селекции Псковского НИИСХ с целью возвращения его в сельскохозяйственное производство Северо-Западного региона РФ. Сорт Псковский местный двуукосный отличается высокой урожайностью, продуктивным долголетием и устойчивостью к неблагоприятным факторам среды. Имеет повышенный спрос у производственников Псковской области. Однако отсутствие семеноводства, проблемы с выдачей сортовых и посевных документов сдерживают его распространение. Большой интерес представляет использование данного сорта в селекционной работе. В 2018–2020 годах в питомнике ОП Псковского НИИСХ были изучены семь образцов этой культуры (П-101–П-107), полученных из хозяйств области. Посеянные семена собраны с неапробированных посевов предположительно сорта Псковский местный двуукосный, который возделывался в хозяйствах многие годы. Для сравнительного анализа оригинал сорта получили из коллекции ВИР (К-31744). В результате определения типа созревания образцов по количеству междоузлий на стебле и построения вариационных кривых образцы П-103, П-106, П-107 отнесли к позднеспелому типу клевера лугового, что указало на их несоответствие оригиналу. Наиболее близкими по этому показателю к оригиналу оказались образцы П-101, П-102, П-104, П-105. По морфологическим признакам наибольшее сходство с оригиналом имели образцы П-101, П-102, П-103. Методом SDS-электрофореза белковых спектров выявили три позиции, по которым исследованные образцы неапробированных посевов (П-101, П-102, П-103) отличались от К-31744. Для восстановления сорта Псковский местный двуукосный в качестве исходного материала перспективно использование образцов П-101 и П-102 как наиболее схожих с оригиналом по срокам созревания и морфологии. Метод SDS-электрофореза позволяет контролировать селекционные образцы на идентичность сортам клевера лугового. This article reports on the experiment aimed at improving the performance of red clover “Pskovskiy mestnyy dvuukosnyy” to be cultivated in the North-West region of Russia. The variety was bred at the Pskov Agricultural Research Institute and has high productivity, productive longevity and resistance to environmental stresses. This variety is well-known among the farmers in the Pskov region. However poor seed production together with paper issues have negative impact on its wide cultivation. “Pskovskiy mestnyy dvuukosnyy” is a valuable material for plant breeding. In 2018–2020 the Pskov Agricultural Research Institute collected seven red clover specimens (P-101–P-107) from the regional farms. The collected seeds potentially belonged to the “Pskovskiy mestnyy dvuukosnyy” variety. The original variety was obtained from the Federal Research Center N. I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) as a control (K-31744). As a result, P-103, P-106, and P-107 were shown to be long-seasoned and therefore differed from the control. P-101, P-102, P-104, and P-105 were more similar to the control in their maturation rate. However, P-101, P-102, P-103 morphologically were closer to the original variety. SDS-PAGE showed that P-101, P-102, and P-103 differed from the control (K-31744). P-101 and P-102 were used as parent material to improve “Pskovskiy mestnyy dvuukosnyy” since they were more similar to the one.

2019 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-177
MZ Rahman ◽  
MR Karim ◽  
MA Haque ◽  
MJ Rahman

Twenty germplasm of jackfruit grown in the Fruit Research Farm of Horticulture Research Centre (HRC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) were evaluated for growth, yield and yield parameter along with qualitative characters from July 2012 to June 2015. All the germplasm varied for most of the parameters evaluated. The tallest plant was recorded in AH Joy-079(6.75m) and shortest plant in AH Joy-075 (3.50 m) among the germplasm. Base girth ranged from 42.50 cm to 80.20 cm in AH Joy-075 and AH Joy-085, respectively. Maximum plant spreading with North-South and East-West canopy (5.50 m and 6.00 m, respectively) was recorded in AH Joy-079 and minimum (3.00 m and 3.50m) in both AH Joy-075 and AH Joy-090 germplasm. The fruit number varied from 02 to 11 among the germplasm. Individual fruit weight ranged from 2.27 kg to 11.33 kg where AH Joy-034 had the lowest and AH Joy-092 noted the highest fruit weight. Maximum bulb (184) was recorded in AH Joy-092 and minimum (45) in AH Joy-085. Maximum TSS (25.0) was recorded in AH Joy-029 and minimum (14.0) in AH Joy-067 and the edible portion was noted the highest in AH Joy-036 (48.60%) where it was lowest in AH Joy-078 (32.10%). Bulb texture was soft to hard. Maximum germplasm were juicy to medium juicy having yellow to light yellowPulp. Therefore, The germplasm AH Joy-089, AH Joy-017 and AH Joy-092 may be selected for higher yielder. The germplasm AH Joy-034,AH Joy-067, AH Joy-078,AH Joy-085 and AH Joy-098 should be selected for family size jackfruit as their individual fruit weight ranges between 2 to 4 kg including yellow bulb colourcontaining good juiciness and soft bulb texture. Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 44(1): 167-177, March 2019

MY Kabir ◽  
ASMMR Khan ◽  
MS Hassain

The experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi, Pabna during the growing season 2005-2006 to estimate the genetic diversity among 24 genotypes of pointed gourd by using Mahalanobis D² statistics for nine characters. The genotypes were grouped in to five clusters. The cluster I and III consisted of highest number of genotypes and it was six. The cluster IV contained the lowest number of genotypes and it was three. The clustering pattern of the genotypes under this study revealed that the genotypes collected from the same location were grouped into different clusters. The genotypes of Kushtia were distributed in different clusters. The inter cluster distance were larger than the intra cluster distance suggesting wider genetic diversity among the genotypes of different groups. The highest intra cluster distance was computed for cluster IV (35.80) and the minimum intra cluster distance was found in cluster III (18.37). The clusters IV and II were more diverse as indicated by maximum inter cluster distances between them (41.56) and the minimum inter cluster divergence was observed between cluster III and II (6.84). Cluster II had the highest cluster mean value for number of fruits per plant (391), weight of fruit per plant (11.72kg) and yield (35.28t/ha). Genotypes of the cluster V had late maturity. Key words: Genotype; genetic diversity; pointed gourd. DOI: 10.3329/jard.v7i1.4426 J Agric Rural Dev 7(1&2), 87-92, June 2009

S. K. Singh ◽  
Charupriya Singh ◽  
Mounika Korada ◽  
Sonali Habde ◽  
D. K. Singh ◽  

Aim: The knowledge of genetic diversity and relationship among the genotypes play a significant role for genetic enhancement in breeding programmes to increase production, improve quality, biotic and abiotic stresses, and also for the selection of superior parental lines in rice. The present field experiment was conducted to study the diversity present in 29 local genotypes of rice using both morphological and molecular ways. Methodology: The experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Farm, Banaras Hindu University, during Kharif-2017 in an augmented block design with 29 rice genotypes including 3 checks. Mahalanobis’ D2 analysis was carried out to assess the morphological diversity present among the genotypes and molecular analysis was done with 21 polymorphic SSR markers using the NTSYSpc software. Results: Mahalanobis’ D2 grouped the 29 genotypes into 6 clusters based on the inter-se genetic distance. The highest intra-cluster distance was recorded in the Cluster I (32.73), which comprised of 7 genotypes. The highest inter-cluster distance (65.86) was observed between Clusters IV and V. Molecular diversity analysis grouped the 29 rice genotypes into 2 main clusters i.e. cluster I and cluster II with dissimilarity coefficient of 0.34, which were further divided into sub-clusters. Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) value is an evidence of diversity and frequency among the varieties. The level of polymorphism varied from 0.164 to 0.694, with an average 0.521. The highest PIC value was observed for locus RM 5 (0.694) followed by RM 510 (0.692). All the 21 primers showed polymorphism and the number of alleles ranged from 2 to 4 with an average of 3.04.  Conclusion: This study established the presence of considerable amount of genetic diversity among the genotypes studied, the most diverse genotypes being Anupam gold and HUR-1309 followed by Kalanamak-2 and HUR-1304. Breeders may attempt hybridization among the above genotypes which showed maximum diversity, for creating more variability in rice and can be used for planning further breeding programmes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 647-656
N Ara ◽  
M Moniruzzaman ◽  
Ferdousi Begum ◽  
M Moniruzzaman ◽  
R Khatoon

The experiment on papaya (Carica papaya L.) consisting of fourteen genotypes from diversd gene pool was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Ishurdi, Pabna during April 2013 to May 2014 to study the nature and magnitude of genetic divergence and eventually identification of suitable genotypes for use in breeding program. Multivariate analysis was subjected to assess the genetic diversity and Mahalanobis’ generalized distance (D2) was used to assess the divergence present among the genotypes. The fourteen genotypes were grouped into four clusters. The cluster IV had the maximum genotypes (5) followed by cluster I having 4 genotypes and cluster II having 3 genotypes. Cluster III had the minimum genotypes (2). The inter-cluster distances were greater than intra-cluster distances in all cases, suggesting wider genetic diversity among the genotypes of different groups. The highest intracluster distance was observed in cluster III and the lowest in cluster II. The maximum inter-cluster distance was estimated between clusters I and IV (11.3212), moderate distance between clusters II and IV (9.961) and clusters III and IV (7.568), and that of the lowest between clusters I and III. Cluster III recorded the highest mean values for fruit length, plant height at last harvest, number of fruits/plant, weight of fruits/plant and fruit yield, while cluster IV exhibited the maximum mean values for pulp thickness, plant height at 1st harvest and the second highest mean values for fruit length, fruit breadth and TSS. Therefore, more emphasis should be given on cluster III for selecting genotypes as parents for crossing with the genotypes of cluster IV which may produce new recombinants with desired traits.Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 41(4): 647-656, December 2016

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24 ◽  
F. Afroze ◽  
M. G. Rasul ◽  
A. K. M. Aminul Islam ◽  
M. A. K. Mian ◽  
T. Hossain

Genetic divergence among 46 ash gourd genotypes from different origins was investigated to select the parents for hybridization using Mahalanobis D2 statistics. Though the genotypes grouped into seven clusters, the pattern of distribution of the genotypes into different clusters were random indicating that the geographical isolation was not always related to genetic diversity. Characters like fruit weight, fruits per plant, days to first male flower and nodes for first male flower contributed considerably to the total divergence. Maximum inter-cluster distance between cluster III and IV indicating wide genetic divergence between the genotypes of these two clusters (cluster III and IV followed by cluster IV and VII). However, the intra-cluster distances were smaller than inter-cluster distances. Thus, crossing between the genotypes of these two groups (cluster III and IV) would produce high heterotic progeny and may produce new recombinants with desired traits.DOI:

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Md Sarowar Alam ◽  
Md Sultan Mia ◽  
Md Salim ◽  
Jubair Al Rashid ◽  
Md Saidur Rahman

The genetic divergence was studied in33pummelogenotypes using D2 statistics and principal component analysis at Regional Agricultural Research Station, BARI, Akbarpur, Moulvibazar during 2012 to 2014. The genotypes were grouped into 5 clusters and the maximum number of genotypes was included in cluster IV and V and the minimum number in cluster I. The inter cluster distance in all of the cases were higher than the intra cluster distance indicating wider genetic diversity among the accessions of different groups. The highest inter-cluster distance was observed between cluster I and II followed by cluster II and V and the lowest between III and IV. The highest intra- cluster distance was observed for the cluster II and the lowest for the cluster III. For cluster II, the highest mean values for plant height (6.13m), individual fruit weight (1141.67g), fruit length (13.03 cm) and breadth (13.15 cm), number of segments per fruit (14.41), number and weight of seeds per fruit (123.67 and 50.41g), yield per plant (50.94 kg) were observed. The first axis largely accounted for the variation among the pummelo accessions (26.16%) followed by second axis (18.75%). The first 8 axes accounted 90.56 % of the total variation. The characters individual fruit weight (g) and weight of seeds per fruit (g) showing positive value in both the vectors contributed maximum towards divergence. Considering magnitude of genetic distance, contribution of different traits toward the total divergence, magnitude of cluster means for different traits and performance the genotypes of cluster I, II, and IV may be considered as parents for future hybridization program.Res. Agric., Livest. Fish.3(1): 37-43, April 2016

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