scholarly journals Indications of Preterm Caesarean Section: Experience of 100 Cases at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Bangladesh

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-53
Rebeka Khanam ◽  
Fatema Mahbooba Akter ◽  
Rabeya Parvin ◽  
Lutfunnahar Shampa

Background: Preterm caesarean section is performed for different indication among the pregnant women. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to find out the indications of preterm caesarean section among pregnant women. Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Obstetric & Gynaecology at Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College Hospital, Bogra, Bangladesh from January 2007 to December 2007 for a period of one year. Women with the gestational age between 32 to 36 completed weeks who were selected for delivery by Caesarean section were selected as study population. All the women of study were assessed on the basis of detailed history, clinical examination, gestational period, history of premature rupture of membranes, any vaginal bleeding and fetal condition. Result: A total number of 100 pregnant women were recruited for this study. In this study most of the pregnant women were in the age group of15 to 20 years which was 40(40.0%) cases followed by the age group of 21 to 25 years which were 20(20.0%) cases. About 43(43.0%) cases were complicated with pregnancy induced hypertension. Almost all of them had indication for immediate caesarean section. Among the group incidence of eclampsia was high which was in 23(23.0%) cases; however, preeclampsia was found in 20(20.0%) cases. Ante partum haemorrhage was reported in 10(10.0%) cases. Pregnant women with premature rupture of membrane (PROM) was found in 14(14.0%) cases; furthermore, PROM with Chorioamnionitis was detected in 5(5.0%) cases. Preterm labour with history of previous caesarean section was given by 5(5.0%) women. Conclusion: In conclusion eclampsia and preeclampsia are the most common indication for preterm caesarean section followed by premature rupture of membrane. Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research, January 2021;8(1):44-48

Varsha Singh ◽  
Amit Mohan Varshney ◽  
Samarjeet Kaur

Background: Ultrasound examination during pregnancy has become an integral part of antenatal care throughout the world. This technology is an important tool for the obstetricians, to reassure their patients regarding the well-being of their fetus in utero. The objective of this study was to assess the awareness of USG among pregnant women.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among pregnant women attending the ANC clinic of Obstetric department of MLB Medical College Hospital, Jhansi, UP from March to May 2018. The study included 300 pregnant women and data was collected by using pre tested questionnaire.Results: The study reveals that 51.3% of participants were in the age group of 20-25 yr and 50% of them belong to upper lower class, most of them unskilled (83.4%), 63.3% of participants depicted that USG is done only to confirm the pregnancy and 81% of women considered that it is beneficial during pregnancy and 65% was known that USG can be used to determine sex of the foetus.Conclusions: Awareness regarding the uses of ultrasonography during pregnancy was found to be average. There is need to create more awareness in community about the USG uses and PCPNDT act and its provisions. There is need of creating more awareness about the safety, utility and frequency of USG during antenatal period to avoid misuse.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-9
M Hasan ◽  
MR Islam ◽  
A Matin ◽  
R Khan ◽  
M Rahman ◽  

Background: Pleural effusion is a problem commonly encountered by chest physicians. Objective: This study was an attempt to know the clinical presentation in order to avoid delay in diagnosis that may influence treatment and outcome. Methods: This cross-sectional study of thirty (30) admitted cases with pleural effusion were confirmed by chest radiography and aspiration of pleural fluid from one (1) year to twelve (12) years age of either sex the patientdwere selected purposively, was studied from July 2009 to Feb 2010 in the Department of Pediatrics, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital . All information were recorded in pre tested semi structured questionnaire. Results: Positivity was higher in male children, (66.7%). Completely immunized were 56.7%. One third of cases were severely malnourished. History of respiratory distress & fever was present in 96.7%, cough in 90%. All cases had diminished chest movement, sub costal recession, and diminished breath sound on the affected side. Lobar consolidation was observed in 33.3% cases, patchy opacities in 53.3% cases. Fluid levels were observed in 76.7% cases. Color of pleural fluid was straw in 56.7%, clear in 30.0%, blood stained in 13.3%. Conclusion: History and good clinical examination can diagnose pleural effusion. DOI: J Shaheed Suhrawardy Med Coll, 2012;4(1):7-9

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-89
Poly Begum ◽  
Dipti Rani Saha ◽  
Dilruba Zeba

It is commonly believed that if the first child of a mother is born by normal vaginal delivery, all the subsequent deliveries will follow the same. As a result, such multiparous mothers often neglect routine antenatal check ups and intranatal care which may cause poor delivery outcome. For these reasons, attention should be given to analyze the indication of caesarean section (CS) in women who had history of previous vaginal delivery. Our objective was to know the indications and outcome of CS in multigravid women having a child previously delivered vaginally. This observational cross-sectional study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Diabetic Association Medical College Hospital, Faridpur. One hundred and ten multigravid women who had undergone elective as well as emergency CS for various indications were included in this study. Most common indication of CS was fetal distress (33.64%). Others were obstructed labour (10.9%), breech presentation (10.9%), and pre-eclampsia (9.09%). In the postpartum period, 75.5% patients were healthy. Others developed sepsis (10.9%) and URTI (8.2%). Most of the babies (95.5%) were alive. Understanding these insights may help both the mother and the caregiver an idea about the associated risks and what actions should be taken for a safe delivery outcome. Faridpur Med. Coll. J. Jul 2019;14(2): 86-89

Kannu Priya ◽  
Anupama Vinayak Mauskar

Introduction: Urticaria is a highly prevalent condition resulting in a large number of medical consultancies worldwide. Urticaria is derived from the Latin word “urere” meaning “to burn”. Urticaria usually manifests as a transient, itchy, polymorphic skin eruption. It can occur in any age group. Aim: To study the prevalence and possible triggers of acute urticaria in children. Materials and Methods: All children of age group six months to 12 years visiting the Institute from June 2018 to April 2019, with the complaint of acute urticaria with or without angioedema were included in the study while those with chronic urticaria and only angioedema were excluded. Sixty five children presented with acute urticaria with or without angioedema. Patients were diagnosed based on history and clinical examination. All patients were subjected to a detailed history, general physical examination and, necessary investigations like Complete Blood Count (CBC), absolute eosinophil count, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), C-reactive Protein (CRP), Skin Prick test as indicated. They received appropriate treatment and their clinical outcome was studied. Results: Prevalence of acute urticaria was found to be 0.23. It was more commonly seen in males (63.08%) and more in the age group of 1 to 5 years (56.92%). The focus of infection was found in 44.6% of children, while 21% of children had a history of consumption of some form of medications leading to urticaria. Conclusion: Urticaria can be prevented in children by preventing them from infection and avoiding the use of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid unless very necessary. Those children with a family history of acute urticaria should be prevented from exposure to excessive heat, cold, pressure, vibration, etc. Investigations are also recommended as an important diagnostic tool to find out the aetiology of acute urticaria.

2021 ◽  
pp. 46-48
Muzaffer Rashid Shawl ◽  
Fahad ul Islam Mir ◽  
Saad Abdul Rahman ◽  
Anil C Anand ◽  
Manav Wadhawan ◽  

NAFLD is hepatic pandemic of the twenty rst century, being leading cause of chronic hepatic disease in western world. We did a cross sectional study to nd out prevalence of NAFLD among prospective healthy liver donors at a tertiary care hospital at New Delhi, India over a period from June 2014 to March 2016. 124 apparently healthy prospective liver donors were selected. Exclusion criteria were set to exclude all those who had signicant history of alcohol intake (dened as greater than 30g/day for men and greater than 20g/day for women over last two years), Hepatitis B or C infection, severe surgical weight loss or emaciation, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Celiac disease, history of drug intake known to cause hepatic steatosis. Out of 124 prospective liver donors included in this study, 29 (23%) donors were found to have fatty liver on USG abdomen; 38 (31%) donors had fatty liver on unenhanced CTof the abdomen (LAI of ≤ 5 HU); 61 (49%) donors had fatty liver on magnetic resonance.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-31
Swapna Bhattacharjee ◽  
Shekhar Bhattacharjee ◽  
Rukhsana Parvin

Background: Cough variant asthma (CVA) is a subset of asthma where the only symptom is chronic persistent cough. Many cases go unrecognized due to lack of proper evaluation. Response to asthma medication with features supportive of airway hypersensitivity helps in management of this disease. Objective: To find out the proportion of cough variant asthma among the patients attending medicine outpatient department of Enam Medical College, Savar, Dhaka. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in Enam Medical College Hospital, Savar, Dhaka over a period of two years from July 2009 to July 2011. Cough variant asthma was diagnosed mainly on clinical ground as chronic cough without wheezing, fever, weight loss, shortness of breath or sputum or any other apparent cause that persisted for more than eight weeks with absolutely normal physical examination of chest, normal chest radiography and blood count except raised eosinophil count and IgE level. Patients who met these criteria were given 2 weeks course of inhaler beclomethasone propionate and were assessed for improvement. Those who improved after steroid inhalation were categorised as having cough variant asthma. Results: Out of purposively selected 148 patients complaining only of chronic dry cough for more than eight weeks, 92 patients met the primary selection criteria for cough variant asthma. These 92 patients were given 2 weeks trial of 250 ìgm beclomethasone inhalation twice daily. Seventy nine patients reported almost complete recovery from chronic cough after 2 weeks and were categorized as having CVA. Thirteen patients did not improve and were not categorized as CVA. Conclusion: These findings suggest that cough variant asthma is the most common among the patients with chronic cough not due to any apparent cause. The efficacy of inhaled corticosteroid suggests that early intervention is effective in the treatment of this disease. DOI: J Enam Med Col 2013; 3(1): 29-31

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (06) ◽  
pp. 1285-1290
Ahmed Ali Kanhar ◽  
Waseem Raja Memon ◽  
Nasrullah Aamer ◽  
Bahkat Ali Sial ◽  
Abdul Aziz Sahito ◽  

Objective: To determine the frequency of acute renal failure in patients presented with Blackstone poisoning in a tertiary care Hospital. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Medical wards and ICU at Peoples Medical College Hospital, Nawabshah. Period: September 2017 to March 2018. Material & Methods: All the patients of age 20 to 50 years having Paraphenylenediamine (PPD) poisoning (kala-patthar) during ≥6 hours after ingestion and either of gender were included. AKI was labelled as positive if either of any stage was present on the basses of urine output measurement for 24 hours through urine beg r urine output (UO) criteria. All the data was documented in self-made proforma. Results: The mean age for patients was 24.9±8.9 years, 46(19.08%) subjects were male and 195(80.91%) were female. 18(7.5%) study subjects had acute renal failure, out of them 6 study subjects had ARF of stage I, 5 patients had stage II and 7 study subjects had acute renal failure stage III. Conclusion: Acute renal injury is a common complication following PPD ingestion 7.5%. Paraphenylenediamine toxicity is a threat to the region of Asia and is evolving as a substitute to the poisoning of organophosphorus due to its easy accessibility and low cost.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-155
Hamzullah Khan ◽  
Mohammad Zahid Khan ◽  
Mian Mohammad Naveed

Objective: To determine the frequency of COVID-19 and characteristics of patients presenting to the COVID-19 clinic at Qazi Hussain Ahmed Medical Complex (QHAMC) Nowshera. Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted from 21st Feb 2019 to April 8, 2020, in QHAMC Nowshera. Relevant information was collected on a pre-designed Performa prepared following the objectives of the study. Results: Out of 220 patients, 165(75%) were males, and 55(25%) females. 96(43.6%) of the patients were in the age range 18-30 years followed by 52(23.6%) in age range 31-45years and 17(7.7%) with age>60 years etc. Out of total the nasopharyngeal swabs of 26(11.6%) strong suspects were sent for PCR testing. 208(94.5%) were sent home while 12(5.5%) were advised quarantine. Forty-seven (21.4%) had a travel history to an epidemic area in the last 14 days. 51(23.2%) had a positive history of contact. Eighty-five (38.6%) had a fever and sore throat followed by 27(12.3%) with (fever & cough), 24(10.9%) with (cough and shortness of breath/dyspnea) and 14(6.4%) with a simple flue, etc. Out of 26 cases, 6(2.7%) were COVID-19 Positive, 12(5.5%) were negative and results of 8(3.6%) were still awaited. The PCR repeated the test for confirmed cases showed;  4(1.8%) negative, one died and one was refractory positive.  A positive correlation (p=0.03, r=0.4) of an increase in age with the severity of the disease/outcome was recorded. Conclusion: The frequency of infectivity with COVID-19 was 2.6%. A higher number of patients with mild symptoms attend the COVID clinic. The rate of infection and mortality was higher in age> 60 years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-17
Anika Tasnim ◽  
AKM Shamsuzzaman ◽  
Md Shah Alam ◽  
Jannatul Ferdose ◽  
Fazlay Akbar Khan

Background: Patients of burn wound are generally more susceptible to infection due to concurrent status of malnutrition and immunosuppression. Among many bacteria, MRSA has appeared as a challenging pathogen irrespective of effective antibiotic therapy. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to detect the prevalence and antibiogram of MRSA in burn wound infected patients. Methodology: The present cross sectional study was conducted at Department of Microbiology in Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. The samples were collected from Burn and Plastic Surgery Unit of Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, for a period of one year. Phenotypic detection of MRSA were done by cefoxitin disc diffusion method and genotype (mecA gene) was detected by PCR which was conducted at Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka among all the S. aureus isolates. Result: A total of 212 wound swabs were subjected to bacteriological culture media for isolation of MRSA and other organisms. As a whole 89.62% samples yielded growth in culture of which Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the predominant pathogen (34.18%). Out of 21 S.aureus isolates, 07(33.33%) were detected as MRSA by cefoxitin resistance and presence of mecA gene. Although over 85% MRSA were resistance to ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone, but the present study could not detect any vancomycin resistant MRSA. Conclusion: The high prevalence and decreased sensitivity of MRSA to commonly used antibiotics has been observed in Burn Unit of RMCH. Therefore it is necessary to establish an antimicrobial surveillance system in hospital settings to prevent the spread of MRSA. Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases 2020;7(1):12-17

Pooja Gupta ◽  
Mariyam Faruqi ◽  
Subrat Chandra ◽  
Sameer S. Shah ◽  
Rupita Kulshreshtha

Background: The study was undertaken to see the correlation between cervical cytology, histopathology and colposcopy in the diagnosis and management of various cervical lesions.Methods: It is a cross sectional study conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai, in the department of obstetrics and gynecology from February 2007 to March 2008. A total 55 sexually active women were enrolled for the study who belonged to age group greater than 20 years with history of chronic leucorrhoea or post-coital bleeding/spotting, intermenstrual bleeding/spotting or examination findings of erosion, an unhealthy cervix, a lesion bleeding on touch or an abnormal or suspicious Papanicolaou smear. These women then underwent cytology, colposcopy and cervical biopsy.Results: The accuracy of cytology when compared to colposcopy was 81.82%. The accuracy of colpo-histopathology was 83.6%. The combined accuracy was 76.36%.Conclusions: The simultaneous use of cytological studies and screening colposcopy has been shown to increase the cervical cancer detection. Colposcopy offers an excellent tool in the hands of a gynaecologist to evaluate the uterine cervix and it is not possible to develop this kind of perspective by any other method.

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