scholarly journals Integrated use of manure and fertilizers increases rice yield, nutrient uptake and soil fertility in the boro-fallow-t.aman rice cropping pattern

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-161
S Bilkis ◽  
MR Islam ◽  
M Jahiruddin ◽  
MM Rahaman

The effect of integrated use of manure and fertilizers on crop yield, nutrient uptake and soil fertility was studied in the Boro-fallow-T. Aman cropping pattern over two years. The experiment was set up at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) farm, Mymensingh under the AEZ 9 (Old Brahmaputra Floodplain). The field trial consisted of eight treatments and control (no fertilizer or manure), 100% chemical fertilizers (CF), and IPNS based six treatments with six types of manure. Cowdung (CD), CD slurry, Trichocompost (TC) and vermicompost (VC) were added to soil at 5 t ha-1 and poultry manure (PM) and PM slurry applied at 3 t ha-1. For all IPNS treatments, nutrient supply from manure was adjusted with that from chemical fertilizers. In each crop cycle, manure was applied to the first crop (Boro rice) and the residual effect was evaluated on the succeeding crop (T.Aman rice). The IPNS based treatments significantly increased the grain and straw yields of Boro rice and it had also positive residual effect on T.Aman rice. Trichocompost and vermicompost, among the six IPNS treatments, demonstrated higher crop yield and that was followed by poultry manure slurry and cowdung slurry. Integrated use of manure with fertilizers gave on an average 8.3-33.8% and 2.9-18.3% higher grain yield in Boro and T. Aman rice, respectively over sole fertilizers treatment. Higher nutrient uptake by crops (N, P, K & S) was also observed in IPNS treated plots. The IPNS treatments improved soil fertility in terms of increasing organic matter, N, P and S contents of soil after two crop cycles. The study suggests that manure and fertilizers should be used in an integrated manner to achieve sustainable crop yield, without incurring loss to soil fertility.SAARC J. Agri., 15(2): 147-161 (2017)

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-179
S Bilkis ◽  
MR Islam ◽  
M Jahiruddin ◽  
MM Rahman ◽  
TS Hoque

The present study was done at Bangladesh Agricultural University farm to evaluate the field performances of different types of manures viz. cowdung (CD), cowdung slurry (CD slurry), trichocompost (TC), vermicompost (VC), poultry manure (PM) and poultry manure slurry (PM slurry) with chemical fertilizers in the potato-mungbean-T. aman rice cropping pattern during 2011-12 and 2012-13. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design, with three replications and eight treatments including T1 (Control), T2 [HYG based 100% chemical fertilizer (CF)], T3 [CD + CF (IPNS basis)], T4 [CD slurry + CF (IPNS basis)], T5 [PM + CF (IPNS basis)], T6 [PM slurry + CF (IPNS basis)], T7 [TC + CF (IPNS basis)] and T8 [VC + CF (IPNS basis)]. Trichocompost + CF and vermicompost + CF containing treatments produced higher crop yield followed by poultry manure slurry and cowdung slurry. Integrated use of manures and fertilizers gave on an average 6.7-33.7%, 8.3-33.8% and 2.9-18.3% yield increase in potato, mungbean and T. aman rice, respectively over sole application of chemical fertilizers (data not shown). Use of IPNS improved nutrient content and uptake of mungbean. The present study thus indicates that use of manure, especially trichocompost, vermicompost, PM slurry and CD slurry integrated with chemical fertilizers would help increase crop yield and improve soil fertility. However, Trichocompost + CF was the best option in this regard. SAARC J. Agri., 16(2): 167-179 (2018)

1970 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-121
M Akkas Ali ◽  
MSH Molla ◽  
M Robiul Alam ◽  
MA Momin ◽  
MA Mannan

Different combinations of chemical fertilizers and organic manure were applied for sustainable crop productivity in the cauliflower-stem amaranth -jute cropping pattern. The experiment was conducted at farmer’s field in Multilocation Testing (MLT) site of Pakshi, Pahna over three years. There were five combinations of chemical fertilizers (CF) and poultry manure (PM) along with absolute control arranged in a randomized complete block design. The results revealed that all three crops showed significant yield for fertilizer and poultry manure use. Higher yields were obtained with 50% CF + 50% PM followed by 75% CF + 25% PM treatments where cauliflower equivalent yield was increased by 85% and 78%, respectively, over control. This indicates a positive residual effect of poultry manure on the subsequent crops. From the economic points of view, the highest marginal benefit cost ratio (MBCR) was attained in 100% chemical fertilizer due to its lower variable cost followed by 75% CF + 25% PM treated plots. However, gross margin was higher in 50% CF + 50% PM combination for its higher total yield. Key Words: Chemical fertilizer; poultry manure; productivity. DOI: 10.3329/bjar.v34i1.5761Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(1) : 113-121, March 2009

Begom Samia Sultana ◽  
Musharraf Hossain Mian ◽  
M. Jahiruddin ◽  
M. Mazibur Rahman ◽  
Md. Noor E. Alam Siddique ◽  

Soil acidic conditions and the decline in soil fertility are among the critical factors that constraint higher crop productivity in the Old Himalayan Piedmont Plain (OHPP), Bangladesh. The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of lime and manure on soil fertility, nutrients and yields of wheat, mungbean and rice. Experiments were done at Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) farm and farmer field over two consecutive years with the cropping pattern, namely wheat-mungbean-transplanted (T.) aman rice/monsoon rice. The varieties used were Bijoy for wheat, BARI mung6 for mungbean and Bina dhan7 for T. aman rice. There were nine treatment combinations with three lime levels (0, 1 and 2 ton dololime ha-1) and three manure treatments (poultry manure, farmyard manure and no manure) with three replications. The rate of poultry manure was 3 t ha-1 and that of farmyard manure was 5 t ha-1. Nutrients from manure sources were supplemented with chemical fertilizers to adjust recommended dose. Lime was added to the first crop for entire two crop cycles and manures were applied to the first crop of each crop cycle. Soil pH increased by 0.5-1.11 units, the higher values were observed with higher rates of lime application. Soil organic matter (SOM) increased slightly due to manure treatment. Soil phosphorus availability increased, zinc and boron availability decreased, but the potassium and sulphur availability remained almost unchanged after liming. Application of lime and manure had significant positive effect on the yield of wheat, and their positive residual effects on mungbean and T. aman rice. The effect of 1 t lime ha-1 was comparable with that of 2 t lime ha-1. Between two manures, poultry manure performed better than FYM on crop yields. The trend of plant nutrient uptake by wheat, mungbean and rice followed the trend of these crops yield increase, i.e., crops that were able to uptake more nutrients shown higher yields. The treatment combinations with 1 t ha-1 lime and 3 t ha-1 poultry manure produced an average 35-55% yield benefit over control for the first crop (wheat) and 41-43% yield benefit for the third crop (T. aman rice). This study suggests that dololime @ 1 t ha-1 coupled with poultry manure @ 3 t ha-1 or FYM @ 5 t ha-1 would be an efficient practice for better soil acidic condition, soil fertility and productivity of crops in the Himalayan piedmont soil of Bangladesh.

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-38 ◽  
MA Tarafder ◽  
MQ Haque ◽  
MM Rahman ◽  
MR Khan

The experiment was conducted at the Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) sub-staion, Tajhat, Ranpure, using potato-Boro-T. aman rice cropping pattern with an objective to evaluate the direct and residual effects of sulphur and zinc on the growth, yield and nutrient uptake by the crops. The surface soil was sandy loam texture, pH 6.3, organic matter 1.24%, available sulphur 6.62 ppm and available zinc 0.45 ppm. The experiment comprised of eight treatments for potato S15Zn2 (T2, T4 and T8, S8Zn1 (T5 and T6)and S0Zn0 (T1, T3 and T7), for boro rice S20Zn4 (T3, T5, T6 and T7) and S0Zn0 (T1, T3, T4 and T6). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Average tuber yield of potato (var. cardinal) varied from 28.29 to 32.86 t ha-1 with the highest yield in S15Zn2 treatment (100% recommended dose) and the lowest was in the S0Zn0 treatment (control). In the second crop (Boro rice), growth and yield attributes, grain and straw yields responded significantly to S and Zn applied either in the first crop or in both crops. The average grain yield varied from 3.51 to 5.27 t ha-1 over the treatments. In the third crop (T. aman rice), the grain and straw yields responded significantly to S and Zn applied either in the first and second crop or in the third crops. The grain yield of T. aman rice varied from 2.96 to 4.46 t ha-1 over the treatments. The growth and yield contributing characters were also significantly influenced by the treatment. There was a significant direct and residual effect of the treatments on S and Zn uptake by the crops.DOI: Progress. Agric. 19(1): 33 - 38, 2008 

1970 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 497-505 ◽  
ATMS Hossain ◽  
F Rahman ◽  
PK Saha ◽  
ARM Solaiman

A two years’ field trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of poultry litter (PL) incorporation of different ages on the yield, nutrient uptake and nutrient balance in Boro rice at BRRI experimental farm, Gazipur (AEZ-28 and land type-High Land) during 2004-05 and 2005-06 Boro seasons. Eight treatment combinations with different aged PL and chemical fertilizers along with a control treatment (no fertilizer) were tested. The treatment combinations were 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days' aged poultry litter, farmers' 135 days aged poultry litter and 50% of soil test based (STB) chemical fertilizers. All PL treatments received poultry litter 3 t/ha and 50% of STB chemical fertilizers. In both years, 30 days old PL produced significantly higher rice yield with higher nutrient uptake. Keywords: Poultry litter; aging; grain yield; nutrient balance. DOI: 10.3329/bjar.v35i3.6456Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 35(3) : 497-505

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 697-710
MAH Bhuiyan ◽  
MH Mian ◽  
MS Islam ◽  
MR Islam

An experiment was carried out at the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) Farm, Mymensingh from rabi season of 1999 to kharif-II season of 2002 in the Old Brahmaputra Floodplain Soils (AEZ 9, Aeric Haplaquept) of Bangladesh to investigate the effect of integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and nutrient uptake of T.Aus rice and mungbean in the Wheat-T.  Aus/Mungbean-T.Aman cropping pattern. There were four treatments for wheat- T1: Control, T2: NPKSZnB (MYG), T3: NPKSZnB (HYG) and T4: NPKSZnB (MYG) + CD. The nutrient rates for four treatments of wheat were N0P0K0S0Zn0B0 kg/ha for T1, N80P20K50S10Zn1B1 kg/ha for T2, N120P30K75S15Zn2B2 kg/ha for T3 and N80P20K50S10Zn1B1 kg/ha + CD (5 t/ha) for T4. In T. Aus/Mungbean one-third plot of each treatment was cultivated by T. Aus rice and the rest two-thirds plot by mungbean. The rates of N, P, K, and S for  T. Aus rice were, respectively, 60, 12, 32 and 5 kg/ha for MYG, and 90, 18, 48 and 7.5 kg/ha for HYG. The corresponding rates of P, K, and S for mungbean were 10, 13, and 5 kg/ha for average yield goal (AYG). The results showed that grain (3.46 t/ha) and straw yields (5.19 t/ha) of T. Aus rice increased significantly due to application of fertilizers. The highest mean seed yield of 0.56 t/ha and stover yield of 1.99 t/ha in mungbean were obtained from PKS plus inoculum plus residual NPKSZnB for HYG treatment. The N, P, K, S, Zn, and B uptake by T.Aus/Mungbean remarkably increased with increasing supply of nutrients. The highest uptake of N, P, K, S, Zn, and B by the crops was noted in the treatment T3  that received HYG fertilizers in T. Aus rice. The removal of N ranged from 27.3 to 63.2 kg/ha and 29.8 to 48.1 kg/ha, P from 5.62 to 15.80 kg/ha and 2.60 to 4.69 kg/ha, K from 35.8 to 71.8 kg/ha and 21.9 to 37.4 kg/ha, S from 4.08 to 10.26 kg/ha and 2.12 to 4.11 kg/ha, Zn from 44 to 132 g/ha and 56 to 101 g/ha, B from 17 to 70 g/ha and 7 to 16 g/ha by T.Aus rice and mungbean, respectively.  Application of cowdung along with chemical fertilizers resulted in markedly higher uptake of nutrients. The application of NPKS (HYG) fertilizers remarkably increased the crop yield. The lowest grain yield and the lowest nutrient uptake were noted in control plots receiving no fertilizer or manure.DOI: J. Agril. Res. 36(4): 685-695, December 2011

Nitin N. Gudadhe ◽  
S. R. Imade ◽  
J. D. Thanki

Background: Intensive rice cultivation for longer periods continuously resulted in poor soil fertility. Inorganic fertilizers along with integrated and judicious use of different organic sources like FYM, vermicompost, green manure etc. could be an effective choice for enhancing crop yield. A synergistic effect on crop yield is reported through common use of fertilizer and organics which also improve soil fertility. The residual effects of organic manures applied to the preceding crops can be available to succeeding crop. Therefore, this experiments was planned to throw light on the use integrated nutrients through organic and inorganic sources on rice and its residual effect on succeeding greengram. Methods: A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on rice-greengram cropping sequence at Navsari Agricultural University, Gujarat during 2012-15. Five nutrient combinations were evaluated in randomized block design for rice and its residual effect on productivity on succeeding greengram was studied with three fertilizer levels in split plot design. Result: Application of general recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) to rice has increased growth, yield, quality, economics and improved soil properties and the residual effect to succeeding greengram have also gave significantly higher greengram seed yield and other important parameters and this was succeeded by application of 75% RDF through chemical fertilizer + 25% RDF through vermicompost. Among different levels of fertilizers to greengram, application of 100% RDF gave highest greengram seed yield, economics and soil parameters over other two levels.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1070
Mohammad Rafiqul Islam ◽  
Mohammad Moyeed Hasan Talukder ◽  
Mohammad Anamul Hoque ◽  
Shihab Uddin ◽  
Tahsina Sharmin Hoque ◽  

Acid soil is an obstacle to agricultural development and a concern regarding food and environmental security. Therefore, a study was carried out for two consecutive years to see how lime and organic manure (OM) amendments affect yield and nutrient absorption in the Transplanted (T.) Aman–Mustard–Boro cropping pattern in an acidic terrace soil. With nine treatments and three replications, the experiment was set in a randomized complete block design. The treatments were applied to the first crop, T. Aman, with different dosages of lime (dololime at the rate of 1 and 2 t ha−1), OM (cow dung at 5 t ha−1, poultry manure at 3 t ha−1) and lime–OM combination, and their residual effects were studied in the following mustard and boro rice crops. Results demonstrate that the effect of lime and manure was more pronounced in the case of the second and third crops in the first year and of all crops in the pattern in the second year. In the first year, grain and straw yield of T. Aman as well as the overall system productivity were not influenced significantly by the application of lime and manure, but significant increases were obtained in the second year. As an average of both years, the highest grain yield of 5.2 t ha−1 (12% over control) was recorded for T. Aman, 1.7 t ha−1 (41% over control) for mustard and 5.9 t ha−1 (47% over control, 3.9 t ha−1) for boro rice when dololime was applied in combination with poultry manure. In both years, N, P, K and S uptake were significantly increased compared to the control in all the crops due to the combined application of lime and cow dung or poultry manure. Combined application of lime and manure amendment significantly improved nutrient availability and soil quality. Therefore, applying lime in combination with manure can be practiced to uplift crop productivity in acidic terrace soils.

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