scholarly journals Vertical Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus is the most Important Route of Transmission in Asymptomatic Carriers in Bangladesh

1970 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-100
M Harun-or-Rashid ◽  
Abdul Alim ◽  
ARM Saifuddin Ekram ◽  
Iftekhar Mahmood ◽  
M Mahfuzul Hoque ◽  

To find out the route of the transmission of HBV in asymptomatic carrier and build up awareness against the transmission of HBV. It was a prospective study in the Dept. of Medicine (IPD & OPD) and Transfusion Medicine in Rajshahi Medical College Hospital from June 2005 to July 2007. 300 asymptomatic carriers of HBV were included. HBsAg was detected incidentally during routine screening tests done for blood donation programme, foreign mission and courses abroad. All the HBsAg positive patients were confirmed by doing HBsAg (ELISA) tests after 6 months. All were positive. Among 300 asymptomatic carriers male 270 and female 30. Age between 15 to 35 yrs. HBeAg positive only in 15 patients. ALT above 60 U/L in 17 patients, HBV-DNA (PCR) detectable in 15 patients, coarse liver echotexture in 20 patients, Oesophageal Varix small size in 02 patients. Serum Albumin, PT, AFP all were normal range. Screening of all the family members of the carriers was done. Among the 300 index cases 130 (43.33%) family members most likely mother,father, brother, sister or cousin were HBVmarkers positive. Liver related death was present in 50 families (16.66%} HBV transmission is preventable. Mass education is required about the transmission of HBV. Screening of HBV should be mandatory in all pregnant women. Bangladesh Government has integrated the HBV vaccination in EPI. DOI: 10.3329/taj.v22i1.5027 TAJ 2009; 22(1): 97-100

I.M. Vorotnikov ◽  
V.A. Razin ◽  
I.M. Lamzin ◽  
M.N. Sokolova ◽  
M.E. Khapman ◽  

Anemia is one of the most common complications of blood donation. Thus, the objective of the paper was to assess the risks of anemia development in donors according to the regularity of donation and inherited predisposition. Materials and Methods. The authors carried out a prospective study, which included 241 blood donors, using random sampling and case-control techniques. Depending on blood donation frequency, the donors were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 consisted of 122 people (51.5 %) frequently donating blood; Group 2 included 119 people (48. 5 %) rarely donating blood. We studied the initial indicators of a general blood test and the same indicators a year after the first blood donation. Additionally, we performed HLA typing of donors. Statistica v. 8.0 software package (Stat Soft Inc., USA) was used for statistical analysis. To compare two independent samples, we used a nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test and a parametric Student’s t-test (depending on the type of distribution). To assess anemia risks, the odds ratio was calculated. Results. One year after the first blood donation, anemia was diagnosed in 13 people (10.6 %) in Group 1 and in 7 people (5.9 %) in Group 2 (p=0.179). A11 and B7 HLA antigens did not increase anemia risks in group 1 (OS=1.257 (95 % CI 0.318–4.973) and OS=0.240 (95 % CI 0.051–1.134, respectively). HLA-antigens A11 and B7 did not increase anemia risks in Group 1 (OR=1.257 (95 % CI 0.318-4.973) and OR=0.240 (95 % CI 0.051–1.134), respectively). In group 2, antigen-A11 was also an insignificant factor (OS=2.902 (95 % CI 0.606-13.889)) for anemia development. Whereas, antigen-B7 increased anemia risks by 14 times (OS=14.364 (95 % CI 1.644-124.011)). Conclusion. In rare blood donors, it is the genetic factor that plays the main role in anemia development. High prevalence rates of anemia in frequent blood donors are probably determined by other factors. Keywords: anemia, blood donors, HLA typing. Механизмы развития анемий и факторы, их индуцирующие, остаются до конца не изученными. Целью исследования стало изучение риска развития анемии у доноров крови в зависимости от частоты донации и наличия наследственной предрасположенности к развитию анемии. Материалы и методы. Проведено проспективное исследование, выполненное методами случайной выборки и «случай-контроль», в которое вошел 241 донор крови. В зависимости от частоты сдачи доноры были поделены на 2 группы: группу 1 составили 122 чел. (51,5 %), часто сдающие кровь; группу 2 – 119 чел. (48,5 %), редко сдающих кровь. Изучались исходные показатели общего анализа крови и через год от начала донации. Дополнительно проводилось HLA-типирование доноров. Статистический анализ осуществлялся с применением программы Statistica v. 8.0 (Stat Soft Inc., США). Для сравнения двух независимых выборок использовался непараметрический U-критерий Манна–Уитни и параметрический t-критерий Стьюдента (в зависимости от типа распределения). Для оценки риска возникновения анемии рассчитывалось отношение шансов. Результаты. Через год с момента первой сдачи крови в группе 1 выявлено 13 чел. (10,6 %) с анемией, в группе 2 – 7 чел. (5,9 %) (р=0,179). Наличие HLA-антигенов А11 и B7 не повышало риск развития анемии в группе 1 (ОШ=1,257 (95 % ДИ 0,318–4,973) и ОШ=0,240 (95 % ДИ 0,051–1,134 соответственно). В группе 2 наличие гена А11 также являлось незначимым фактором (ОШ=2,902 (95 % ДИ 0,606–13,889), присутствие гена В7 в 14 раз повышало риск развития анемии (ОШ=14,364 (95 % ДИ 1,664–124,011). Выводы. Высокий риск развития анемии у редко сдающих кровь доноров обусловливается генетическими факторами. Высокая распространённость анемии у часто сдающих кровь доноров, вероятно, определяется другими факторами. Ключевые слова: анемия, доноры крови, HLA-типирование.

1970 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-86
Afzalur Rahman Mahmood ◽  
Zannatun Nur

This cross sectional type of descriptive study was carried out among the patients attending the Skin and Venereal Disease (VD) Out Patient Department (OPD) of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) from August 2006 to November 2006 with a view to explore the current situation of scabies and its predisposing factors. In this regard 213 clinically diagnosed scabies contracted patients were interviewed randomly by using pre-tested questionnaire. Risk factors were assessed considering their dwelling places, types of families, number of family members, persons living in each room, using fomites of infected persons, socioeconomic condition, occupation, level of education, regular bathing and cloth washing habit along with age, sex distribution and clinical presentation of scabies. The mean age of the respondents was 13.16 years with a standard deviation (SD) of ±5.38 years and majority (36.15%) was in the age group of 1-5 years. Male, female ratio was 1.15:1. Major level of education was in the group of class I to V (38%). 50.73% had family members comprised of 4 to 6. Majority (38.50%) belonged to lower middle class (income 3001-6000 taka/month). Among the respondents maximum (54.93%) were infected by family members. 77.94% respondents used fomites of affected persons and 66% respondents shared beds of infected persons. Mean duration of illness was 42 days with standard deviation of ±4.47 days. Among the male, majority (82.63%) had lesion on lower abdomen and buttock. In contrary, 80.28% female had lesion on hand. 58.68% presented with papule. The study recommends that emphasis should be given on personal hygiene and life style of people as well as educating them about scabies. Key words: Scabies, Predisposing factors, Skin and VD outdoor DOI = 10.3329/jom.v9i2.1436    J MEDICINE 2008; 9 : 82-86

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 1114
K. Ravichandran ◽  
R. Jayaraman ◽  
K. Nithya

Background: The immediate management of appendicular mass have always been controversial. Early appendicectomy (within 72 hours of presentation) is preferred in some cases, while in others non operative conservative management is advocated. Usually successful conservative management (Ochsner Sherren regimen) is followed by interval appendicectomy (6-8 weeks later). This study determines the outcome of different modalities of intervention in patients with appendicular mass.Methods: A prospective study was conducted in Rajah Muthiah medical college hospital in department of general surgery from June 2018 to December 2020, in cases diagnosed to have appendicular mass. A total of 116 patients were included. After taking detailed history and clinical examination, relevant blood and radiological investigations, were done to achieve the final diagnosis. Presentation, examination findings, investigations, type of surgery, duration of surgery, post-operative complications and duration of hospital stay were studied. Data was collected, compiled, tabulated and analysed.Results: Conservative management followed by interval appendicectomy had lesser incidence of complications like Intraoperative adhesions, surgical site infection, wound dehiscence and enterocutaneous fistula. It also had relatively lesser operative time and lesser period of hospital stay.Conclusions: On comparing the different modalities of intervention, conservative management followed by interval appendicectomy is quite effective and safe method of treatment, with less operative difficulties and better outcome.

Yoshiaki Sasaki ◽  
Hiroki Kajino

No countermeasures have been established against horizontal infection in non-vaccinated children. We reported about siblings with different clinical courses of HBV paternal infection. To eradicate HBV, we should encourage HBV vaccination of all children and HBV infection screening of fathers and other family members.

Blood ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 84 (3) ◽  
pp. 934-940
JT Wang ◽  
MT Lin ◽  
PJ Chen ◽  
JC Sheu ◽  
JT Lin ◽  

To study the incidence of human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) after blood transfusion in Taiwan, serum samples from 699 patients in a prospective study were examined for seroreactivity of anti-HTLV. By an enzyme immunoassay, 9 of the 699 recipients were repeatedly positive. Serial serum samples of these 9 patients were then confirmed with a Western blot analysis and with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for HTLV-I genome. Four were already positive for anti-HTLV before transfusion, 1 carried antibodies to HTLV-I transiently after transfusion, and only 4 cases had de nova seroconversions. These patients and their family members were called back and tested for HTLV- I genome in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and plasma. All the serologically positive patients, except the “transient one,” were positive for HTLV sequences in the PBMCs. Viral sequences could also be detected in several serum or plasma samples. In the family members, only the spouse of a pretransfusion-positive patient was infected. These results suggested that approximately 0.6% of the blood recipients were infected by HTLV-I through transfusion in Taiwan, and that the frequency of intrafamilial HTLV-I transmission is low. We also observed the unusual coinfection by both HTLV-I and hepatitis C virus in 2 patients, and superinfection of hepatitis C virus after blood transfusion in 1 HTLV-I carrier. Cases of coinfection suggest a prevalence of both viruses in blood donors and warrant further screening.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-77
Shirin Akhter ◽  
Rumana Nazneen

Total abdominal Hysterectomy are gradually rising in our country. This study has been designed to find out the common indications of abdominal hysterectomy in a tertiary care hospital,. to know the clinical characters of the patients and. o elucidate postoperative complication of abdominal hysterectomy.Methodology : Cross- sectional observational study was done during 1st October 2007 to 30th September 2008. Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital (HFRCMCH). Total 100 patients were selected following enclusion & exclusion criteria hyperposive sampling. Data were recorded before and after operation and analyzed by SPSS version 15.Result : In the present study patients with leiomyoma of uterus was found to be the major indication of hysterectomy followed by dys functional uterine bleeding (DUB) 18.0%, Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) 14.0%, chronic cervicitis 10.0%, adenomyosis 10.0%, pelvic endometriosis 6.0%, cervical polyp 2.0%, ovarian cysts 1.0% and chriocarcinoma 1.0%. Mean duration of operation (hour) and hospital stay was 1.15 hours and 7.48 days respectively. Most common complication of present series was fever 20.0% followed by 13.0% had wound infection, 6.0% UTI and 2.0% wound dehiscence.Conclusion : Hysterectomy is now the most widely performed major operation in gynaecology. Indication and post operative complications of hysterectomy varies from region to region.Northern International Medical College Journal Vol.6(2) 2015: 76-77

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 2411
Hareesh G. S. R. ◽  
Siva Prasad Naik Nenavath

Background: Fistula in ano is one of the common anorectal condition, which is easy to diagnose but difficult to manage because of post-operative complications like incontinence and recurrence. Also numerous procedures have been described for its treatment so as to individualize treatment options.The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of different treatment modalities in fistula in ano.Methods: This is a prospective study carried out in a tertiary medical college hospital where 75 patients with fistula in ano are analysed for clinical features and surgical modalities compared.Results: Total 75 patients are studied. 82.70% patients presented with discharge in perianal region. Posterior fistulas are seen in 93.30% and anterior in 6.70% patients. 94.70% patients have low level fistula, 84% patients had simple fistula & 16% had complex fistula. 49.30% patients were treated with fistulectomy. 36.0% have undergone fistulotomy. 8.0% had LIFT and 6.7% had SETON. Recurrence is seen in 6.70% of patients.70.70% patients have stayed 4-6 days.Conclusions: Most of the fistulas are simple, posterior and low level fistulas. Fistulectomy is the most common procedure performed. Newer procedures like LIFT and Seton application show promising results with less complications. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Om Prakash ◽  
K. Govardhanan

Background: Varicose veins primarily considered to be a cosmetic problem have been widely mistaken to be medically unimportant and given low priority for treatment. The associated pain, swelling, open ulceration and other morbidities increase cost of its management. The debilitation adds on to the time lost from work and wages. Aim: To study the aetiogenesis, pathology, presentation, complications, and management of varicose veins in the study populations. Methods: The current study followed a prospective observational study design among 60 patients visiting Meenakshi Medical College Hospital and Research Institute with symptoms and signs of varicose veins and clinically diagnosed as having varicose veins. Various presentations and complications and treatments were noted and finally followed up for minimum of 6 months. Results and Conclusion: It is found that varicose veins and their associated symptoms and complications constitute the most common chronic vascular disorders leading to surgical treatment. The incidence is on the rise. It is more common in middle- aged group and in males. Patients presented with spectrum of symptoms and signs, dilated and tortuous veins being more common presentations. Long saphenous system is the most common venous system affected. Ankle (lower perforator being the most common incompetent perforators. The outcome of cases of primary varicose vein depends on a thorough and complete clinical examination and duplex scan by an experienced radiologist. Operative line of treatment is a primary procedure in the management of varicose veins of lower Stripping of LSV up to knee and non-stripping of SSV is associated with less morbidity. Accurate assessment reduces the risk of recurrent varicose veins. There must be ample support from the Government so that even the poor will be benefited from the newer modality of treatment of varicose veins.

Circulation ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 116 (suppl_16) ◽  
Marco Stramba-Badiale ◽  
Lia Crotti ◽  
Karine Goulene ◽  
Matteo Pedrazzini ◽  
Savina Mannarino ◽  

Background. The long QT syndrome (LQTS), a leading cause of sudden death under 20 years of age, is due to mutations in genes which encode ion channels involved in the control of ventricular repolarization. In a prospective study on 34,000 neonates we found that a prolonged QT interval was associated with a 41 times greater risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and, recently, in a case-control study on 201 cases of SIDS we found disease-causing LQTS mutations in 9.5% of the victims. Based on these results the Italian Ministry of Health is considering the possibility of introducing in the National Health Service an electrocardiographic (ECG) screening program in the first month of life to identify infants affected by LQTS. A realistic assessment of the prevalence of infants with LQTS becomes necessary. Methods. An ECG was recorded in the first month of life in 44,596 neonates. The QT interval was measured and corrected for heart rate according to the Bazett’s formula (QTc). In the neonates with a markedly prolonged QT (QTc ≥ 470 msec) molecular screening of the LQTS genes was performed. Results. A QTc between 440 and 470 msec was observed in 611 neonates (1.4%). A QTc ≥ 470 ms was found in 31 neonates (0.07%). Genetic analysis was performed in 28/31 (90%) neonates and LQTS mutations were identified in 14 of them (50%): 8 were LQT1, 4 LQT2 and 2 LQT3. Besides one de novo mutation, all other cases were familial and genetic analysis identified additional family members (37/72, 51%) affected by LQTS who had not been previously diagnosed. Within these 28 infants QTc was longer in the positively genotyped neonates (493±22 vs 479±6 ms, p=0.037) and a LQTS mutation was identified in all the neonates (n=5) with a QTc > 496 ms. Conclusions. An ECG performed in the first month of life, with genetic analysis in selected cases, allows early diagnosis of infants with sporadic and familial forms of LQTS, thus leading to institution of effective therapies aimed at preventing sudden death either in infancy or later on in life, not only in the neonates but also in their affected family members. This study also provides a first data-based estimate of LQTS prevalence, likely to be between 1/3,000 and 1/2,500 live births.

Nataliya Nikolaevna Sakhno

Herpetic infection is a disease caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2; it belongs to the category of TORCH infections along with toxoplasmosis, rubella and cytomegalovirus. Herpetic infection is widespread, and recently there has been an increase in the number of cases of herpetic lesions detected, which is most likely due to the expansion of the range of diagnostic tests. Herpes simplex virus type 1 most often affects the skin and mucous membranes, type 2 leads to damage to the urogenital tract. The source of infection can be either a sick person or an asymptomatic carrier. This disease can be transmitted by household contact, during sexual intercourse; the «vertical» route of transmission from mother to child is also known. Depending on the extent of the lesion, localized, widespread and generalized forms are distinguished; the course of herpes infection can be acute, subacute and chronic; latent course of the disease is often found. In addition to the skin and mucous membranes, the central nervous system and (less often) internal organs can be affected. A typical clinical manifestation of herpes simplex is small blistering eruptions that appear on the face, mucous membrane of the lips, wings of the nose, ears, limbs, gluteal folds. The eruptions are usually preceded by itching and hyperemia at the site of the lesion. Diagnosis of herpes infection is carried out on the basis of clinical data and laboratory tests of blood or vesicle contents. Treatment of the disease involves the prescription of antiviral drugs, symptomatic agents, and immunocorrective therapy. Complete removal of the virus from the body is usually impossible, but strengthening the defenses and normalizing the lifestyle contribute to a significant decrease in the frequency of possible relapses.

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