The Homeland, Imprisoned and Illegal: The Impact of Marginalisation on Views of the Homeland in Kanafānī's and Khalīfa's Work

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Jedidiah Anderson

This paper deals with the concept of Al-Waṭan, or ‘the homeland’, in Arabic in The Shell (Al-Qawqʿa) by Muṣṭafā Khalifa and Men in the Sun (Rijāl fīsh-Shams) by Ghassān Kanafānī. Analysis of how alienation from this concept has affected both Khalifa's and Kanafānī's characters is carried out through the lenses of Deleuze and Guattari's theories of rhizomatic associations and minor literature, as well as through the lens of affect theory. The paper also examines parallels between definitions of Al-Waṭan/the homeland in Ibn Manẓūr's classical dictionary Lisān al-ʿArab and Deleuze and Guattari's concepts of the war machine and the apparatus of capture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. 4562-4562
Thomas E. Hutson ◽  
Toni K. Choueiri ◽  
Robert J. Motzer ◽  
Sun Young Rha ◽  
Anna Alyasova ◽  

4562 Background: The multicenter, open-label, randomized, phase 3 CLEAR study showed that LEN + EVE had a significant PFS benefit (HR 0.65, 95% CI 0.53-0.80, P<0.001) and improved objective response rate (relative risk 1.48, 95% CI 1.26-1.74) vs SUN in the first-line treatment of patients (pts) with advanced RCC. The difference in overall survival (OS) for LEN + EVE vs SUN was not statistically significant (HR 1.15, 95% CI 0.88-1.50) (Motzer R et al. NEJM. 2021). Post hoc subgroup analyses were performed to assess the impact of subsequent therapy on OS. Methods: Pts in the CLEAR study were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to 1 of 3 treatment arms, including LEN 18 mg + EVE 5 mg once daily (QD) and SUN 50 mg QD (4 weeks on then 2 weeks off). These post hoc analyses examined OS by subsequent systemic anticancer medication in the LEN + EVE and SUN arms. Hazard ratios (HR; LEN + EVE vs SUN) were based on stratified (geographic region and MSKCC prognostic risk groups) Cox proportional hazards model. Results: Among 1069 pts with advanced RCC randomized in the CLEAR study, 714 pts were randomly assigned to the LEN + EVE and SUN arms (N=357/each). The median duration of survival follow-up was 27 months in the LEN + EVE arm and 26 months in the SUN arm. Given the shorter median duration of study treatment with SUN (7.8 months) vs LEN + EVE (11.0 months), more pts in the SUN arm received subsequent anticancer therapy during survival follow-up (LEN + EVE, n=167; SUN, n=206). Among pts who received subsequent therapy, pts in the LEN + EVE arm had a longer median time from randomization to initiation of subsequent therapy vs those in the SUN arm (8.0 vs 6.6 months, respectively). OS for the overall population, for pts with no subsequent anticancer therapy, and for pts with no subsequent immunotherapy is shown in the table. In the US population subgroup (LEN + EVE, n=62; SUN, n=61) of the CLEAR study, in which a similar number of pts received subsequent systemic anticancer therapies in the LEN + EVE vs SUN arms (62.9% vs 65.6%, respectively), OS was comparable among the 2 arms (HR 0.95, 95% CI 0.51-1.76). Overall, the safety profile was consistent with the known safety profiles of LEN + EVE and SUN. In both arms, most treatment-emergent deaths were due to progressive disease; there were few treatment-related deaths (<1%, per arm) and no clustering of events. Conclusions: In the CLEAR study, LEN + EVE met the primary endpoint of a significant benefit in PFS vs SUN. The results of these exploratory analyses suggest that subsequent systemic anticancer therapy affected the OS outcome results for LEN + EVE vs SUN in the CLEAR study. Clinical trial information: NCT02811861. [Table: see text]

10.28945/4750 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 001-025
Samuel Barrington ◽  
Randy Esponda ◽  
Timothy E Newsome ◽  
Say Sengsouvanna ◽  
Cynthia L Steel

With the sun losing its glare and now appearing as a beautiful orange orb just above the distant horizon where the sky meets the sea, Barry O’Connor thought to himself, “This is as close to paradise as you can get.” Yet, the vast empty sea of white sand surrounding him told a very different story. It was July 17, 2020, and this beautiful area should have been overrun with college students and young families as they enjoyed their summer vacation. Instead, the executive order that came as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic four months earlier forced him to immediately close his four bars and six Caddy’s Waterfront Dining restaurants, laying off 600 employees and dashing his dreams of another lucrative season. Barry gazed at the beautiful sunset one more time before turning his thoughts to the monumental problem that faced him. While he agreed that the health and safety of his employees and loyal customers was paramount, he couldn’t help but feel the pang that losing a few million dollars a month brings. Now, as businesses began to reopen their doors in the face of new restrictions brought about by COVID, Barry was left to figure out how to navigate the uncharted landscape of new in-house capacity restrictions, everyone’s fear of contracting the virus, and the unknown of when this pandemic would end. All the while, Barry’s bar business was in shambles due to a second government shutdown of bars, which only added pressure on the Caddy’s brand to drive revenue and keep the other half of the business afloat. A potential solution loomed on the horizon, however. This Caddy’s location in Treasure Island had an extensive beach immediately outside its doors, which could expand its footprint, allowing an additional 450-500 customers to enjoy the Caddy’s experience in the safety of an outdoor arena. However, due to local government zoning restrictions, Caddy’s was not legally allowed to treat this area as a traditional restaurant setting. But Barry had become a self-made man because he understood that the nature of business was never static. He knew that the best way forward was to disregard the inconvenience of circumstances beyond his control, and instead pour his efforts into a search for the opportunities that always accompanied such impacts. But just what opportunities did the pandemic create? How could he best leverage technology to exploit them? How would he manage the impact of the changes on his customers and employees?

1958 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 404-419 ◽  
A. Ehmert

The increase of cosmic radiation on 23 February 1956 by solar radiation exhibited in the first minutes a high peak at European stations that were lying in direct impact zones for particles coming from a narrow angle near the sun, whilst other stations received no radiation for a further time of 10 minutes and more. An hour later all stations in intermediate and high latitudes recorded solar radiation in a distribution as would be expected if this radiation fell into the geomagnetic field in a fairly isotropic distribution. The intensity of the solar component decreased at this time at all stations according to the same hyperbolic law (~t–2).It is shown, that this decreasing law, as well as the increase of the impact zones on the earth, can be understood as the consequence of an interstellar magnetic field in which the particles were running and bent after their ejection from the sun.Considering the bending in the earth's magnetic field, one can estimate the direction of this field from the times of the very beginning of the increase in Japan and at high latitudes. The lines of magnetic force come to the earth from a point with astronomical co-ordinates near 12·00, 30° N. This implies that within the low accuracy they have the direction of the galactic spiral arm in which we live. The field strength comes out to be about 0·7 × 10–6gauss. There is a close agreement with the field, that Fermi and Chandrasekhar have derived from Hiltner's measurements of the polarization of starlight and the strength of which they had estimated to the same order of magnitude.

2020 ◽  
Vol 498 (2) ◽  
pp. 1992-2000
Diogo Capelo ◽  
Ilídio Lopes

ABSTRACT The Sun is the most studied and well-known star, and as such, solar fundamental parameters are often used to bridge gaps in the knowledge of other stars, when these are required for modelling. However, the two most powerful and precise independent methodologies currently available to infer the internal solar structure are in disagreement. We aim to show the potential impact of composition choices in the overall evolution of a star, using the Sun as example. To this effect, we create two Standard Solar Models and a comparison model using different combinations of metallicity and relative element abundances and compare evolutionary, helioseismic, and neutrino-related properties for each. We report differences in age for models calibrated to the same point on the HR diagram, in red giant branch, of more than 1 Gyr, and found that the current precision level of asteroseismic measurements is enough to differentiate these models, which would exhibit differences in period spacing of 1.30–2.58 per cent. Additionally, we show that the measurement of neutrino fluxes from the carbon–nitrogen–oxygen cycle with a precision of around 17 per cent, which could be achieved by the next generation of solar neutrino experiments, could help resolve the stellar abundance problem.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (S345) ◽  
pp. 176-180
Adriana Valio ◽  
Raissa Estrela ◽  
Luisa Cabral ◽  
Abel Grangeiro

AbstractYounger and fully convective stars are much more active than our Sun, producing many superflares. Here we estimate the impact of the superflares UV radiation on living organisms on the surface of orbiting planets in the habitable zone of the star. For this we study two active stars, Kepler-96 (solar type) and TRAPPIST-1 (M dwarf). Kepler-96, with an age of 2.4 Gyr, is at the same stage of the Sun when the first multicellular organisms appeared on Earth. The biological impact of super flares are studied on a hypothetical Earth at 1AU of Kepler-96 and on planets TRAPPIST-1e, f, and g for three atmospheres scenarios: an Archean and Present-day atmospheres with and without ozone. We estimated the survival rates of two bacteria and concluded that life would only survive on the surface of these planets if their atmosphere had an ozone layer, or in shallow waters of an ocean.

Electronics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 1045 ◽  
Pere Tuset-Peiró ◽  
Francisco Vázquez-Gallego ◽  
Jonathan Muñoz ◽  
Thomas Watteyne ◽  
Jesus Alonso-Zarate ◽  

In this paper, we experimentally evaluate and compare the robustness against interference of the OQPSK-DSSS (Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying-Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) and the SUN-OFDM (Smart Utility Network-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) physical layers, as defined in the IEEE 802.15.4-2015 standard. The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact that different levels of interference produce on these modulations, in terms of the resulting PDR (Packet Delivery Ratio) and depending on the length of the packet being transmitted. The results show that the SUN-OFDM physical layer provides significant benefits compared to the ubiquitous OQPSK-DSSS in terms of interference robustness, regardless of the interference type and the packet length. Overall, this demonstrates the suitability of choosing the SUN-OFDM physical layer when deploying low-power wireless networks in industrial scenarios, especially taking into consideration the possibility of trading-off robustness and spectrum efficiency depending on the application requirements.

2016 ◽  
Vol 817 (1) ◽  
pp. 81 ◽  
J. Llama ◽  
E. L. Shkolnik
The Sun ◽  

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