Electrical conductivity of gases and plasma from Ziman to Spitzer --- ''for users''

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-10
A.L. Khomkin ◽  
A.S. Shumikhin
John C. Russ ◽  
Nicholas C. Barbi

The rapid growth of interest in attaching energy-dispersive x-ray analysis systems to transmission electron microscopes has centered largely on microanalysis of biological specimens. These are frequently either embedded in plastic or supported by an organic film, which is of great importance as regards stability under the beam since it provides thermal and electrical conductivity from the specimen to the grid.Unfortunately, the supporting medium also produces continuum x-radiation or Bremsstrahlung, which is added to the x-ray spectrum from the sample. It is not difficult to separate the characteristic peaks from the elements in the specimen from the total continuum background, but sometimes it is also necessary to separate the continuum due to the sample from that due to the support. For instance, it is possible to compute relative elemental concentrations in the sample, without standards, based on the relative net characteristic elemental intensities without regard to background; but to calculate absolute concentration, it is necessary to use the background signal itself as a measure of the total excited specimen mass.

Klaus-Ruediger Peters ◽  
Samuel A. Green

High magnification imaging of macromolecules on metal coated biological specimens is limited only by wet preparation procedures since recently obtained instrumental resolution allows visualization of topographic structures as smal l as 1-2 nm. Details of such dimensions may be visualized if continuous metal films with a thickness of 2 nm or less are applied. Such thin films give sufficient contrast in TEM as well as in SEM (SE-I image mode). The requisite increase in electrical conductivity for SEM of biological specimens is achieved through the use of ligand mediated wet osmiuum impregnation of the specimen before critical point (CP) drying. A commonly used ligand is thiocarbohvdrazide (TCH), first introduced to TEM for en block staining of lipids and glvcomacromolecules with osmium black. Now TCH is also used for SEM. However, after ligand mediated osinification nonspecific osmium black precipitates were often found obscuring surface details with large diffuse aggregates or with dense particular deposits, 2-20 nm in size. Thus, only low magnification work was considered possible after TCH appl ication.

1991 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 611-627 ◽  
Marta L. Fiorotto ◽  
William J. Klish

2020 ◽  
Vol 92 (1) ◽  
pp. 10901
Saloua El Asri ◽  
Hamid Ahamdane ◽  
Lahoucine Hajji ◽  
Mohamed El Hadri ◽  
Moulay Ahmed El Idrissi Raghni ◽  

Forsterite single phase powder Mg2SiO4 was synthesized by sol–gel method alongside with heat treatment, using two different cation alkaline salts MCl as mineralizers (M = Na, K) with various mass percentages (2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 wt.%). In this work, we report on the effect of the cation type and the added amount of used mineralizer on microstructure and electrical conductivity of Mg2SiO4. The formation of forsterite started at 680–740  °C and at 630–700  °C with KCl and NaCl respectively, as shown by TG-DTA and confirmed by XRD. Furthermore, the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) transmission spectra indicated bands corresponding to vibrations of forsterite structure. The morphology and elemental composition of sintered ceramics were examined by SEM-EDX analyses, while their densities, which were measured by Archimedes method, increased with addition of both alkaline salts. The electrical measurements were performed by Complex Impedance Spectroscopy. The results showed that electrical conductivity increased with the addition of both mineralizers, which was higher for samples prepared with NaCl than those prepared with KCl.

1980 ◽  
Vol 41 (C8) ◽  
pp. C8-56-C8-57
F. Brouers ◽  
C. Holzhey ◽  
J. Franz

1980 ◽  
Vol 41 (C5) ◽  
pp. C5-219-C5-222
J. P. Desfours ◽  
C. Godart ◽  
J. P. Nadai ◽  
A. Mauger ◽  
G. Weill ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 106 (1) ◽  
pp. 107 ◽  
Jean- Louis Crolet

All that was said so far about passivity and passivation was indeed based on electrochemical prejudgments, and all based on unverified postulates. However, due the authors’ fame and for lack of anything better, the great many contradictions were carefully ignored. However, when resuming from raw experimental facts and the present general knowledge, it now appears that passivation always begins by the precipitation of a metallic hydroxide gel. Therefore, all the protectiveness mechanisms already known for porous corrosion layers apply, so that this outstanding protectiveness is indeed governed by the chemistry of transport processes throughout the entrapped water. For Al type passivation, the base metal ions only have deep and complete electronic shells, which precludes any electronic conductivity. Then protectiveness can only arise from gel thickening and densification. For Fe type passivation, an incomplete shell of superficial 3d electrons allows an early metallic or semimetallic conductivity in the gel skeleton, at the onset of the very first perfectly ordered inorganic polymers (- MII-O-MIII-O-)n. Then all depends on the acquisition, maintenance or loss of a sufficient electrical conductivity in this Faraday cage. But for both types of passive layers, all the known features can be explained by the chemistry of transport processes, with neither exception nor contradiction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (11) ◽  
pp. 50-55
V.I. Maklyukov ◽  
E.O. Gerasimova ◽  
N. V. Labutina ◽  
E.N. Rogozkin ◽  

The article considers the results of research conducted during electric contact heating of rye-wheat dough pieces. It is established that the electrical conductivity of the crumb dough does not depend on the total humidity of the material, but mainly on the amount of free moisture. Using the current and temperature graphs, you can imagine how free moisture changes during the baking process and the influence of the thermophysical and colloidal process on the change in the value of free moisture. Experimentally determined the amount of heat that is spent on baking 1 kg of bread. The accuracy of the theoretical calculation of this parameter in the heat balance of the baking chamber is confirmed.

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