scholarly journals X-Chromosome Inactivation and Autosomal Random Monoallelic Expression as “Faux Amis”

Vasco M. Barreto ◽  
Nadiya Kubasova ◽  
Clara F. Alves-Pereira ◽  
Anne-Valerie Gendrel

X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) and random monoallelic expression of autosomal genes (RMAE) are two paradigms of gene expression regulation where, at the single cell level, genes can be expressed from either the maternal or paternal alleles. X-chromosome inactivation takes place in female marsupial and placental mammals, while RMAE has been described in mammals and also other species. Although the outcome of both processes results in random monoallelic expression and mosaicism at the cellular level, there are many important differences. We provide here a brief sketch of the history behind the discovery of XCI and RMAE. Moreover, we review some of the distinctive features of these two phenomena, with respect to when in development they are established, their roles in dosage compensation and cellular phenotypic diversity, and the molecular mechanisms underlying their initiation and stability.

Nature ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 550 (7675) ◽  
pp. 244-248 ◽  
Taru Tukiainen ◽  
Alexandra-Chloé Villani ◽  
Angela Yen ◽  
Manuel A. Rivas ◽  

Abstract X chromosome inactivation (XCI) silences transcription from one of the two X chromosomes in female mammalian cells to balance expression dosage between XX females and XY males. XCI is, however, incomplete in humans: up to one-third of X-chromosomal genes are expressed from both the active and inactive X chromosomes (Xa and Xi, respectively) in female cells, with the degree of ‘escape’ from inactivation varying between genes and individuals1,2. The extent to which XCI is shared between cells and tissues remains poorly characterized3,4, as does the degree to which incomplete XCI manifests as detectable sex differences in gene expression5 and phenotypic traits6. Here we describe a systematic survey of XCI, integrating over 5,500 transcriptomes from 449 individuals spanning 29 tissues from GTEx (v6p release) and 940 single-cell transcriptomes, combined with genomic sequence data. We show that XCI at 683 X-chromosomal genes is generally uniform across human tissues, but identify examples of heterogeneity between tissues, individuals and cells. We show that incomplete XCI affects at least 23% of X-chromosomal genes, identify seven genes that escape XCI with support from multiple lines of evidence and demonstrate that escape from XCI results in sex biases in gene expression, establishing incomplete XCI as a mechanism that is likely to introduce phenotypic diversity6,7. Overall, this updated catalogue of XCI across human tissues helps to increase our understanding of the extent and impact of the incompleteness in the maintenance of XCI.

Brian A. Aguado ◽  
Cierra J. Walker ◽  
Joseph C. Grim ◽  
Megan E. Schroeder ◽  
Dilara Batan ◽  

Background: Aortic valve stenosis (AVS) is a sexually dimorphic disease, with women often presenting with sustained fibrosis and men with more extensive calcification. However, the intracellular molecular mechanisms that drive these clinically important sex differences remain under explored. Methods: Hydrogel scaffolds were designed to recapitulate key aspects of the valve tissue microenvironment and serve as a culture platform for sex-specific valvular interstitial cells (VICs; precursors to pro-fibrotic myofibroblasts). The hydrogel culture system was used to interrogate intracellular pathways involved in sex-dependent VIC-to-myofibroblast activation and deactivation. RNA-sequencing was used to define pathways involved in driving sex-dependent activation. Interventions using small molecule inhibitors and small interfering RNA (siRNA) transfections were performed to provide mechanistic insight into sex-specific cellular responses to microenvironmental cues, including matrix stiffness and exogenously delivered biochemical factors. Results: In both healthy porcine and human aortic valves, female leaflets had higher baseline activation of the myofibroblast marker, alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), compared to male leaflets. When isolated and cultured, female porcine and human VICs had higher levels of basal α-SMA stress fibers that further increased in response to the hydrogel matrix stiffness, both of which were higher than male VICs. A transcriptomic analysis of male and female porcine VICs revealed Rho-associated protein kinase (RhoA/ROCK) signaling as a potential driver of this sex-dependent myofibroblast activation. Further, we found that genes that escape X-chromosome inactivation, such as BMX and STS (encoding for Bmx non-receptor tyrosine kinase and steroid sulfatase, respectively) partially regulate the elevated female myofibroblast activation via RhoA/ROCK signaling. This finding was confirmed by treating male and female VICs with endothelin-1 and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, factors that are secreted by endothelial cells and known to drive myofibroblast activation via RhoA/ROCK signaling. Conclusions: Together, in vivo and in vitro results confirm sex-dependencies in myofibroblast activation pathways and implicate genes that escape X-chromosome inactivation in regulating sex differences in myofibroblast activation and subsequent AVS progression. Our results underscore the importance of considering sex as a biological variable to understand the molecular mechanisms of AVS and help guide sex-based precision therapies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
pp. 100-110 ◽  
Anne-Valerie Gendrel ◽  
Lucile Marion-Poll ◽  
Kimiko Katoh ◽  
Edith Heard

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (03) ◽  
pp. 367-376

We present statistical mechanics models to understand the physical and molecular mechanisms of X-Chromosome Inactivation (XCI), the process whereby a female mammal cell inactivates one of its two X-chromosomes. During XCI, X-chromosomes undergo a series of complex regulatory processes. At the beginning of XCI, the X's recognize and pair, then only one X which is randomly chosen is inactivated. Afterwards, the two X's move to different positions in the cell nucleus according to their different status (active/silenced). Our models illustrate about the still mysterious physical bases underlying all these regulatory steps, i.e., X-chromosome pairing, random choice of inactive X, and "shuttling" of the X's to their post-XCI locations. Our models are based on general and robust thermodynamic roots, and their validity can go beyond XCI, to explain analogous regulatory mechanisms in a variety of cellular processes.

2011 ◽  
Vol 130 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-185 ◽  
Christine Yang ◽  
Andrew G. Chapman ◽  
Angela D. Kelsey ◽  
Jakub Minks ◽  
Allison M. Cotton ◽  

Ana Cláudia Raposo ◽  
Miguel Casanova ◽  
Anne-Valerie Gendrel ◽  
Simão Teixeira da Rocha

X-inactive-specific transcript (Xist) is a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) essential for X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) in female placental mammals. Thirty years after its discovery, it is still puzzling how this lncRNA triggers major structural and transcriptional changes leading to the stable silencing of an entire chromosome. Recently, a series of studies in mouse cells have uncovered domains of functional specialization within Xist mapping to conserved tandem repeat regions, known as Repeats A-to-F. These functional domains interact with various RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and fold into distinct RNA structures to execute specific tasks in a synergistic and coordinated manner during the inactivation process. This modular organization of Xist is mostly conserved in humans, but recent data point towards differences regarding functional specialization of the tandem repeats between the two species. In this review, we summarize the recent progress on understanding the role of Xist repetitive blocks and their involvement in the molecular mechanisms underlying XCI. We also discuss these findings in the light of the similarities and differences between mouse and human Xist.

2016 ◽  
Taru Tukiainen ◽  
Alexandra-Chloé Villani ◽  
Angela Yen ◽  
Manuel A. Rivas ◽  
Jamie L. Marshall ◽  

X chromosome inactivation (XCI) silences the transcription from one of the two X chromosomes in mammalian female cells to balance expression dosage between XX females and XY males. XCI is, however, characteristically incomplete in humans: up to one third of X-chromosomal genes are expressed from both the active and inactive X chromosomes (Xa and Xi, respectively) in female cells, with the degree of “escape” from inactivation varying between genes and individuals1,2 (Fig. 1). However, the extent to which XCI is shared between cells and tissues remains poorly characterized3,4, as does the degree to which incomplete XCI manifests as detectable sex differences in gene expression5 and phenotypic traits6. Here we report a systematic survey of XCI using a combination of over 5,500 transcriptomes from 449 individuals spanning 29 tissues, and 940 single-cell transcriptomes, integrated with genomic sequence data (Fig. 1). By combining information across these data types we show that XCI at the 683 X-chromosomal genes assessed is generally uniform across human tissues, but identify examples of heterogeneity between tissues, individuals and cells. We show that incomplete XCI affects at least 23% of X-chromosomal genes, identify seven new escape genes supported by multiple lines of evidence, and demonstrate that escape from XCI results in sex biases in gene expression, thus establishing incomplete XCI as a likely mechanism introducing phenotypic diversity6,7. Overall, this updated catalogue of XCI across human tissues informs our understanding of the extent and impact of the incompleteness in the maintenance of XCI.

Giulia Furlan ◽  
Rafael Galupa

Early in development, placental and marsupial mammals harbouring at least two X chromosomes per nuclei are faced with a choice that affects the rest of their lives: which of those X chromosomes to transcriptionally inactivate. This choice underlies phenotypical diversity in the composition of tissues and organs and in their response to environment, and can determine whether an individual will be healthy or affected by an X-linked disease. Here, we review our current understanding of the process of choice during X-chromosome inactivation and its implications, focusing on the strategies evolved by different mammalian lineages and on the known and unknown molecular mechanisms and players involved. We also call for a revised manner in which to think about choice during random X-inactivation.

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