scholarly journals Could β-Lactam Antibiotics Block Humoral Immunity?

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Cléa Melenotte ◽  
Pierre Pontarotti ◽  
Lucile Pinault ◽  
Jean-Louis Mège ◽  
Christian Devaux ◽  

It has been reported that treatment with β-lactam antibiotics induces leukopenia and candidemia, worsens the clinical response to anticancer immunotherapy and decreases immune response to vaccination. β-lactamases can cleave β-lactam antibiotics by blocking their activity. Two distincts superfamilies of β-lactamases are described, the serine β-lactamases and the zinc ion dependent metallo-β-lactamases. In human, 18 metallo-β-lactamases encoding genes (hMBLs) have been identified. While the physiological role of most of them remains unknown, it is well established that the SNM1A, B and C proteins are involved in DNA repair. The SNM1C/Artemis protein is precisely associated in the V(D)J segments rearrangement, that leads to immunoglobulin (Ig) and T-cell receptor variable regions, which have a crucial role in the immune response. Thus in humans, SNM1C/Artemis mutation is associated with severe combined immunodeficiency characterized by hypogammaglobulinemia deficient cellular immunity and opportunistic infections. While catalytic site of hMBLs and especially that of the SNM1 family is highly conserved, in vitro studies showed that some β-lactam antibiotics, and precisely third generation of cephalosporin and ampicillin, inhibit the metallo-β-lactamase proteins SNM1A & B and the SNM1C/Artemis protein complex. By analogy, the question arises as to whether β-lactam antibiotics can block the SNM1C/Artemis protein in humans inducing transient immunodeficiency. We reviewed here the literature data supporting this hypothesis based on in silico, in vitro and in vivo evidences. Understanding the impact of β-lactam antibiotics on the immune cell will offer new therapeutic clues and new clinical approaches in oncology, immunology, and infectious diseases.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (37) ◽  
pp. 4946-4967 ◽  
Anna K. Kiss ◽  
Jakub P. Piwowarski

The popularity of food products and medicinal plant materials containing hydrolysable tannins (HT) is nowadays rapidly increasing. Among various health effects attributable to the products of plant origin rich in gallotannins and/or ellagitannins the most often underlined is the beneficial influence on diseases possessing inflammatory background. Results of clinical, interventional and animal in vivo studies clearly indicate the antiinflammatory potential of HT-containing products, as well as pure ellagitannins and gallotannins. In recent years a great emphasis has been put on the consideration of metabolism and bioavailability of natural products during examination of their biological effects. Conducted in vivo and in vitro studies of polyphenols metabolism put a new light on this issue and indicate the gut microbiota to play a crucial role in the health effects following their oral administration. The aim of the review is to summarize the knowledge about HT-containing products’ phytochemistry and their anti-inflammatory effects together with discussion of the data about observed biological activities with regards to the current concepts on the HTs’ bioavailability and metabolism. Orally administered HT-containing products due to the limited bioavailability of ellagitannins and gallotannins can influence immune response at the level of gastrointestinal tract as well as express modulating effects on the gut microbiota composition. However, due to the chemical changes being a result of their transit through gastrointestinal tract, comprising of hydrolysis and gut microbiota metabolism, the activity of produced metabolites has to be taken into consideration. Studies regarding biological effects of the HTs’ metabolites, in particular urolithins, indicate their strong and structure-dependent anti-inflammatory activities, being observed at the concentrations, which fit the range of their established bioavailability. The impact of HTs on inflammatory processes has been well established on various in vivo and in vitro models, while influence of microbiota metabolites on silencing the immune response gives a new perspective on understanding anti-inflammatory effects attributed to HT containing products, especially their postulated effectiveness in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and cardiovascular diseases.

2015 ◽  
Vol 83 (8) ◽  
pp. 3074-3082 ◽  
Nan Hou ◽  
Xianyu Piao ◽  
Shuai Liu ◽  
Chuang Wu ◽  
Qijun Chen

T cell immunoglobulin- and mucin-domain-containing molecule 3 (Tim-3) has been regarded as an important regulatory factor in both adaptive and innate immunity. Recently, Tim-3 was reported to be involved in Th2-biased immune responses in mice infected withSchistosoma japonicum, but the exact mechanism behind the involvement of Tim-3 remains unknown. The present study aims to understand the role of Tim-3 in the immune response againstS. japonicuminfection. Tim-3 expression was determined by flow cytometry, and increased Tim-3 expression was observed on CD4+and CD8+T cells, NK1.1+cells, and CD11b+cells from the livers ofS. japonicum-infected mice. However, the increased level of Tim-3 was lower in the spleen than in the liver, and no increase in Tim-3 expression was observed on splenic CD8+T cells or CD11b+cells. The schistosome-induced upregulation of Tim-3 on natural killer (NK) cells was accompanied by reduced NK cell numbersin vitroandin vivo. Tim-3 antibody blockade led to upregulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase and interleukin-12 (IL-12) mRNA in CD11b+cells cocultured with soluble egg antigen and downregulation of Arg1 and IL-10, which are markers of M2 macrophages. In summary, we observed schistosome-induced expression of Tim-3 on critical immune cell populations, which may be involved in the Th2-biased immune response and alternative activation of macrophages during infection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (Supplement_6) ◽  
pp. vi129-vi129
Marilin Koch ◽  
Mykola Zdioruk ◽  
M Oskar Nowicki ◽  
Estuardo Aguilar ◽  
Laura Aguilar ◽  

Abstract RATIONALE Dexamethasone is frequently used in symptomatic treatment of glioma patients, although it is known to cause immune suppression. Checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapies have not yet been successful in glioma treatments. Gene-mediated cytotoxic immunotherapy (GMCI) is an immunotherapeutic approach that uses aglatimagene besadenovec with an anti-herpetic prodrug to induce immunogenic tumor cell death and immune cell attraction to the tumor site with potent CD8 T cell activation. GMCI is currently in clinical trials for solid tumors including glioblastoma, where it showed encouraging survival results in a Phase 2 study that did not limit the use of dexamethasone. However, the effects of dexamethasone on its efficacy have not been explored. METHODS We investigated the effects of dexamethasone on GMCI in vitro using cytotoxicity and T-cell-killing assays in glioblastoma cell lines. The impact of dexamethasone in vivo was assessed in an orthotopic syngeneic murine glioblastoma model. RESULTS Cyotoxicity assays showed that Dexamethasone has a slight impact on GMCI in vitro. In contrast, we observed a highly significant effect in T-cell-functional assays in which killing was greatly impaired. Immune cell response assays revealed a reduced T-cell proliferation after co-culture with supernatant from dexamethasone or combination treated glioblastoma cells in contrast to GMCI alone. In a murine model, the combination of GMCI and dexamethasone resulted in a significant reduction in median symptom-free survival (29d) in comparison to GMCI alone (39.5d) (P = 0.0184). CONCLUSION Our data suggest that high doses of dexamethasone may negatively impact the efficacy of immunotherapy for glioma, which may be a consequence of impaired T cell function. These results support the idea that there is a need in identifying possible alternatives to dexamethasone to maximize the effectiveness of immunostimulatory therapies such as GMCI.

2020 ◽  
Simon Zinkhan ◽  
Anete Ogrina ◽  
Ina Balke ◽  
Gunta Reseviča ◽  
Andris Zeltins ◽  

AbstractVaccine-induced immune response can be greatly enhanced by mimicking pathogen properties. The size and the repetitive geometric shape of virus-like particles (VLPs) influence their immunogenicity by facilitating drainage to secondary lymphoid organs and enhancing interaction with and activation of B-cells and other innate humoral immune components. VLPs derived from the plant Bromovirus genus, specifically cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV), are T=3 icosahedron particles. They can be easily expressed in an E. coli host system and package ssRNA during the expression process. Recently, we have engineered CCMV-VLPs by incorporating the universal tetanus toxoid (TT) epitope at the N-terminus. The modified CCMVTT-VLPs successfully form icosahedral particles T=3, with a diameter of ∼30nm analogous to the parental VLPs. Interestingly, incorporating TT epitope at the C-terminus of CCMVTT-VLPs results in the formation of Rod-shaped VLPs, ∼1µm in length and ∼30nm in width. In this study, we have investigated the draining kinetics and immunogenicity of both engineered forms (termed as Round-shaped CCMVTT-VLPs and Rod-shaped CCMVTT-VLPs) as potential B cell immunogens using different in vitro and in vivo assays. Our results reveal that Round-shaped CCMVTT-VLPs are more efficient in draining to secondary lymphoid organs to charge antigen-presenting cells as well as B-cells. Furthermore, compared to Rod-shaped CCMVTT-VLPs, Round-shaped CCMVTT-VLPs led to more than 100-fold increased systemic IgG and IgA responses accompanied by prominent formation of splenic germinal centers. Round-shaped CCMVTT-VLPs could also polarize the induced immune response towards TH1. Up to our knowledge, this is the first study investigating and comparing the draining kinetics and immunogenicity of one and the same VLP monomer forming nano-sized icosahedrons or rods in the micrometer size.

Blood ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 3617-3617
Jan Dörr ◽  
Yong Yu ◽  
Bernd Dörken ◽  
Clemens A. Schmitt

Abstract Introduction: Premature senescence reflects an acutely inducible, irreversible growth arrest as a cellular response to stresses such as oncogenic activation and DNA damage, including chemotherapeutic anticancer agents. Senescence complements apoptosis as a tumor suppressive and therapeutic effector principle, but whether a selective disruption of the senescence machinery impairs treatment outcome is unknown. Moreover, function and fate of senescent tumor cells within the tumor site remain unclear. Here, we analyze the impact of defined genetic alterations, i.e. Bcl2 overexpression (blocking apoptosis), deletion of the histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferase Suv39h1 (controlling senescence), and conditional expression of p53 (mediating both apoptosis and senescence), on therapy-induced senescence (TIS) in the Eμ-myc mouse lymphoma model with specific emphasis on immunological tumor-host and growth-modulating senescent/non-senescent cell interactions as a consequence of TIS in vitro and in vivo. Methods: Lymphoma cells (LCs) of various genetic backgrounds were retrovirally transduced with the bcl2 gene to study TIS in the absence of drug-induced apoptosis. Bcl2-protected LCs were treated with the DNA damaging anticancer agent adriamycin in vitro, or were exposed to the alkylating agent cyclophosphamide upon lymphoma formation in normal immunocompetent mice in vivo. TIS was detected by staining for senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity (SA-β-gal) and other senescence-related markers, including Ki67 and BrdU incorporation. To study tumor-host cell interactions, isolated normal splenocytes were co-incubated with proliferating or senescent LCs in vitro. Immunophenotyping was carried out with antibodies specific for macrophages, granulocytes, natural killer cells and T-lymphocytes. Cytokine production was measured by protein arrays. Results: Senescent LCs engage in cell-cell interactions with different immune cell subsets, in particular macrophages, granulocytes and T-cells in vitro. Fluorescence microscopy reveals that macrophages engulf LCs after they entered TIS. In vivo, TIS correlates with the quantitative attraction of immune cell populations to the tumor site and subsequent clearing of senescent cells. Ongoing mechanistic studies on underlying ligand/receptor interactions will be reported at the meeting. TIS cells exhibit a specific pro-inflammatory secretory profile whose functional impact on tumor and bystander cells is currently being investigated. Importantly, this profile is distinguishable from cytokine profiles of senescence-compromised Suv39h1- or p53-deficient lymphomas, and, thus, reflects a senescence - rather than a DNA damage-associated secretory response. Discussion: The study unveils a functional interaction of senescent LCs with different immune cell subsets in vitro and in vivo. The cytokine arrays show that senescent cells produce a specific secretory profile, which might stimulate immune cell attraction. Therefore, immune cells could be recruited to lymphomas in vivo specifically after TIS with the potential to clear senescent – and possibly non-senescent – cells from the tumor site. The data demonstrate genetically that senescence is a beneficial effector principle of DNA damaging chemotherapy and encourage further exploration of this program to limit cancer expansion in vivo.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. e0250856
Takumi Mikawa ◽  
Eri Shibata ◽  
Midori Shimada ◽  
Ken Ito ◽  
Tomiko Ito ◽  

Glycolytic metabolism is closely involved in physiological homeostasis and pathophysiological states. Among glycolytic enzymes, phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM) has been reported to exert certain physiological role in vitro, whereas its impact on glucose metabolism in vivo remains unclear. Here, we report the characterization of Pgam1 knockout mice. We observed that homozygous knockout mice of Pgam1 were embryonic lethal. Although we previously reported that both PGAM-1 and -2 affect global glycolytic profile of cancers in vitro, in vivo glucose parameters were less affected both in the heterozygous knockout of Pgam1 and in Pgam2 transgenic mice. Thus, the impact of PGAM on in vivo glucose metabolism is rather complex than expected before.

2018 ◽  
Xiaoyan Gong ◽  
Yong Liao ◽  
Annette Ahner ◽  
Mads Breum Larsen ◽  
Xiaohui Wang ◽  

ABSTRACTA pathway for CFTR degradation is initiated by Hsp27 which cooperates with Ubc9 and binds to the common F508del mutant to modify it with SUMO-2/3. These SUMO paralogs form poly-chains, which are recognized by the ubiquitin ligase, RNF4, for proteosomal degradation. Here, protein array analysis identified the SUMO E3, PIAS4, which increased WT and F508del CFTR biogenesis in CFBE airway cells. PIAS4 increased immature CFTR three-fold and doubled expression of mature CFTR, detected by biochemical and functional assays. In cycloheximide chase assays, PIAS4 slowed immature F508del degradation 3-fold and stabilized mature WT CFTR at the PM. PIAS4 knockdown reduced WT and F508del CFTR expression by 40-50%, suggesting a physiological role in CFTR biogenesis. PIAS4 modified F508del CFTR with SUMO-1in vivoand reduced its conjugation to SUMO-2/3. These SUMO paralog specific effects of PIAS4 were reproducedin vitrousing purified F508del NBD1 and SUMOylation reaction components. PIAS4 reduced endogenous ubiquitin conjugation to F508del CFTR by ~50%, and blocked the impact of RNF4 on mutant CFTR disposal. These findings indicate that different SUMO paralogs determine the fates of WT and mutant CFTRs, and they suggest that a paralog switch during biogenesis can direct these proteins to different outcomes: biogenesis vs. degradation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-16 ◽  
Xiaoyan Gong ◽  
Yong Liao ◽  
Annette Ahner ◽  
Mads Breum Larsen ◽  
Xiaohui Wang ◽  

A pathway for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) degradation is initiated by Hsp27, which cooperates with Ubc9 and binds to the common F508del mutant to modify it with SUMO-2/3. These SUMO paralogues form polychains, which are recognized by the ubiquitin ligase, RNF4, for proteosomal degradation. Here, protein array analysis identified the SUMO E3, protein inhibitor of activated STAT 4 (PIAS4), which increased wild-type (WT) and F508del CFTR biogenesis in CFBE airway cells. PIAS4 increased immature CFTR threefold and doubled expression of mature CFTR, detected by biochemical and functional assays. In cycloheximide chase assays, PIAS4 slowed immature F508del degradation threefold and stabilized mature WT CFTR at the plasma membrance. PIAS4 knockdown reduced WT and F508del CFTR expression by 40–50%, suggesting a physiological role in CFTR biogenesis. PIAS4 modified F508del CFTR with SUMO-1 in vivo and reduced its conjugation to SUMO-2/3. These SUMO paralogue-specific effects of PIAS4 were reproduced in vitro using purified F508del nucleotide-binding domain 1 and SUMOylation reaction components. PIAS4 reduced endogenous ubiquitin conjugation to F508del CFTR by ∼50% and blocked the impact of RNF4 on mutant CFTR disposal. These findings indicate that different SUMO paralogues determine the fates of WT and mutant CFTRs, and they suggest that a paralogue switch during biogenesis can direct these proteins to different outcomes: biogenesis versus degradation.

Gricelis Martínez ◽  
Michael R. Mijares ◽  
Juan B. De Sanctis

Background: Various pieces of evidence have shown that people who consume foods rich in polyphenolic and flavonoids compounds have a lower incidence of inflammatory, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Objective: The study aimed to review the most potent compounds that affect the immune response and diseases associated with it. Methods: Publications in PubMed and EmBase, from 1974-2018, and patents form Free patents online, Scifinder, Espacenet and Mendeley in which flavonoids, their semi-synthetic and synthetic derivatives are involved in immunosuppressive or immunostimulatory responses in vitro and in vivo. Results: In vitro, flavonoids and their derivatives inhibit various transcriptional factors, which modulate differentiation, proliferation, activation of immune cells and enhance regulatory T cell generation. Some flavonoids exert anti-inflammatory effects through: Blockade of NF-κB, and NLRP3 inflammasome, inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokine production, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-17A, down regulation of chemokines, and reduction of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Nevertheless, several reports have shown that some flavonoids enhance immune response by enhancing: oxygen and nitrogen radicals, antibody production, cytotoxic activity against tumours by increasing activating receptors and down regulating inhibitory receptors. In consequence, flavonoids may be potentially useful for treatment of infectious diseases and cancer. Conclusion: The most potent flavonoids in inflammation that modify immune responses are apigenin, quercetin and Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) although, other compounds are still under study and cannot be excluded. The most relevant patents concerning the use of flavones and other polyphenols were revised. A promising future of these compounds in different therapies is discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 412-422 ◽  
Ning An ◽  
Yanwen Chen ◽  
Chao Wang ◽  
Chen Yang ◽  
Zhi-hong Wu ◽  

Background: Imbalanced cellular immunity is critical to the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Recently, autophagy has emerged as a key homeostatic mechanism in T lymphocytes. This study was conducted to explore the impact of autophagy on the Th17/ regulatory T (Treg) immune imbalance in SLE. Methods: Peripheral Th17 and Treg cells from newly diagnosed patients with SLE and healthy controls were detected by flow cytometry. Additionally, the effects of chloroquine (CQ) autophagic inhibition on the Th17/Treg immune response were investigated in vitro. In addition, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) treatment of the Th17/Treg immune response and the disease progression of lupus MRL/lpr mice were studied in vivo. Results: Compared with healthy controls, both peripheral Th17 and Treg cells of patients with SLE exhibited activated autophagy, resulting in a heightened Th17 proinflammatory response and diminished Treg immunosuppression. Furthermore, in vitro experiments indicated that CQ autophagic inhibition effectively rebalanced the Th17/Treg immune responses in patients with SLE. In vivo studies of MRL/lpr mice similarly confirmed that HCQ treatment decisively inhibited the autophagy of Th17/Treg cellular subsets, restoring the immune balance, lowering the serum levels of inflammatory cytokines and autoantibodies, and improving renal histopathology. Conclusion: Activated autophagy contributed to the Th17/Treg immune imbalance in SLE, and chloroquine autophagic inhibition rebalanced Th17/ Treg-mediated immunity and ameliorated SLE.

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