scholarly journals Development of the in vitro Cecal Chicken ALIMEntary tRact mOdel-2 to Study Microbiota Composition and Function

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Miriam J. Oost ◽  
Francisca C. Velkers ◽  
Aletta D. Kraneveld ◽  
Koen Venema

The digestive system of the chicken plays an important role in metabolism, immunity, and chicken health and production performance. The chicken ceca harbor a diverse microbial community and play a crucial role in the microbial fermentation and production of energy-rich short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). For humans, dogs, and piglets in vitro digestive system models have been developed and are used to study the microbiota composition and metabolism after intervention studies. For chickens, most research on the cecal microbiota has been performed in in vivo experiments or in static in vitro models that may not accurately resemble the in vivo situations. This paper introduces an optimized digestive system model that simulates the conditions in the ceca of the chicken, i.e., the Chicken ALIMEntary tRact mOdel-2 (CALIMERO-2). The system is based on the well-validated TNO in vitro model of the colon-2 (TIM-2) and is the first dynamic in vitro digestion model for chickens species. To validate this model, the pH, temperature, and different types of microbial feeding were compared and analyzed, to best mimic the conditions in the chicken ceca. The bacterial composition, as well as the metabolite production at 72 h, showed no significant difference between the different microbial feedings. Moreover, we compared the CALIMERO-2 digestive samples to the original inoculum and found some significant shifts in bacterial composition after the fermentation started. Over time the bacterial diversity increased and became more similar to the original inoculum. We can conclude that CALIMERO-2 is reproducible and can be used as a digestive system model for the chicken ceca, in which the microbial composition and activity can be maintained and shows similar results to the in vivo cecum. CALIMERO-2 can be used to study effects on composition and activity of the chicken cecum microbiota in response to in-feed interventions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Mulyati Mulyati ◽  
Suryati Suryati ◽  
Irfani Baga

The study aims to isolate, characterize, and examine probiotic bacteria's inhibitory ability against Vibrio harveyi bacteria, both in-vitro and in vivo. Methods used in the study consist of 1) An Isolation of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria, 2) An Antagonistic Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria in vitro, 3) An Identification of Bacteria, 4) A Pathogenicity Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria, 5) An Antagonistic Test of Candidate Probiotic Bacteria against V. harveyi in vivo. According to the isolation of candidate probiotic bacteria, there are 18 isolated candidate probiotic. After being tested for its inhibitory ability in vitro, there are 8 isolates with zone of inhibition as follows: isolate MM 7 from intestine (22 mm), isolate MM 6 from intestine (12 mm), isolate MM 10 from sea water (10 mm), isolate MM 5 from intestine (9 mm), isolate MM 4 from intestine (8 mm), isolate MM 3 from intestine (7 mm), isolate MM 2.2 from intestine (7 mm), isolate MM 2.1 from intestine (7 mm). Eight genera of the candidate probiotic bacteria is derived from Portunid crab, they are Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, bacillus, vibrio, Alcaligenes, Lactobacillus, micrococcus. Before proceeding the V. harveyi bacterial challenge test in vivo, three potential isolates consisting of MM6, MM7 and MM10 as the probiotic bacteria are pathogenicity-tested against V. harveyi. The survival rate of Portunid crab on pathogenicity test using MM6, MM7 and MM10 generates 91.11-100%, while the control generates 100% survival rate. Variance analysis result through post-hoc Tukey's Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test at 95% confidence interval indicates that isolate MM7 and MM10 are significantly able to increase hatchling Portunid crab's survival rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Camilo Quiroga-González ◽  
Luis Alberto Chica Cardenas ◽  
Mónica Ramírez ◽  
Alejandro Reyes ◽  
Camila González ◽  

AbstractMicrobiome is known to play an important role in the health of organisms and different factors such as diet have been associated with modifications in microbial communities. Differences in the microbiota composition of wild and captive animals has been evaluated; however, variation during a reintroduction process in primates has never been reported. Our aim was to identify changes in the bacterial composition of three individuals of reintroduced woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha) and the variables associated with such changes. Fecal samples were collected and the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was sequenced to determine gut microbial composition and functionality. Individual samples from released individuals showed a higher microbial diversity after being released compared to before liberation, associated with changes in their diet. Beta diversity and functionality analysis showed separation of samples from released and captive conditions and the major factor of variation was the moment of liberation. This study shows that intestinal microbiota varies depending on site conditions and is mainly associated with diet diversity. The intake of food from wild origin by released primates may promote a positive effect on gut microbiota, improving health, and potentially increasing success in reintroduction processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 110
Nathalie Meijerink ◽  
Jean E. de Oliveira ◽  
Daphne A. van Haarlem ◽  
Guilherme Hosotani ◽  
David M. Lamot ◽  

Restrictions on the use of antibiotics in the poultry industry stimulate the development of alternative nutritional solutions to maintain or improve poultry health. This requires more insight in the modulatory effects of feed additives on the immune system and microbiota composition. Compounds known to influence the innate immune system and microbiota composition were selected and screened in vitro, in ovo, and in vivo. Among all compounds, 57 enhanced NK cell activation, 56 increased phagocytosis, and 22 increased NO production of the macrophage cell line HD11 in vitro. Based on these results, availability and regulatory status, six compounds were selected for further analysis. None of these compounds showed negative effects on growth, hatchability, and feed conversion in in ovo and in vivo studies. Based on the most interesting numerical results and highest future potential feasibility, two compounds were analyzed further. Administration of glucose oligosaccharide and long-chain glucomannan in vivo both enhanced activation of intraepithelial NK cells and led to increased relative abundance of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) amongst ileum and ceca microbiota after seven days of supplementation. Positive correlations between NK cell subsets and activation, and relative abundance of LAB suggest the involvement of microbiota in the modulation of the function of intraepithelial NK cells. This study identifies glucose oligosaccharide and long-chain glucomannan supplementation as effective nutritional strategies to modulate the intestinal microbiota composition and strengthen the intraepithelial innate immune system.

Diagnostics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Anastasia Maslianitsyna ◽  
Petr Ermolinskiy ◽  
Andrei Lugovtsov ◽  
Alexandra Pigurenko ◽  
Maria Sasonko ◽  

Coronary heart disease (CHD) has serious implications for human health and needs to be diagnosed as early as possible. In this article in vivo and in vitro optical methods are used to study blood properties related to the aggregation of red blood cells in patients with CHD and comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The results show not only a significant difference of the aggregation in patients compared to healthy people, but also a correspondence between in vivo and in vitro parameters. Red blood cells aggregate in CHD patients faster and more numerously; in particular the aggregation index increases by 20 ± 7%. The presence of T2DM also significantly elevates aggregation in CHD patients. This work demonstrates multimodal diagnostics and monitoring of patients with socially significant pathologies.

Microbiome ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Shasha Xiang ◽  
Kun Ye ◽  
Mian Li ◽  
Jian Ying ◽  
Huanhuan Wang ◽  

Abstract Background Xylitol, a white or transparent polyol or sugar alcohol, is digestible by colonic microorganisms and promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria and the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), but the mechanism underlying these effects remains unknown. We studied mice fed with 0%, 2% (2.17 g/kg/day), or 5% (5.42 g/kg/day) (weight/weight) xylitol in their chow for 3 months. In addition to the in vivo digestion experiments in mice, 3% (weight/volume) (0.27 g/kg/day for a human being) xylitol was added to a colon simulation system (CDMN) for 7 days. We performed 16S rRNA sequencing, beneficial metabolism biomarker quantification, metabolome, and metatranscriptome analyses to investigate the prebiotic mechanism of xylitol. The representative bacteria related to xylitol digestion were selected for single cultivation and co-culture of two and three bacteria to explore the microbial digestion and utilization of xylitol in media with glucose, xylitol, mixed carbon sources, or no-carbon sources. Besides, the mechanisms underlying the shift in the microbial composition and SCFAs were explored in molecular contexts. Results In both in vivo and in vitro experiments, we found that xylitol did not significantly influence the structure of the gut microbiome. However, it increased all SCFAs, especially propionate in the lumen and butyrate in the mucosa, with a shift in its corresponding bacteria in vitro. Cross-feeding, a relationship in which one organism consumes metabolites excreted by the other, was observed among Lactobacillus reuteri, Bacteroides fragilis, and Escherichia coli in the utilization of xylitol. At the molecular level, we revealed that xylitol dehydrogenase (EC, xylulokinase (EC, and xylulose phosphate isomerase (EC were key enzymes in xylitol metabolism and were present in Bacteroides and Lachnospiraceae. Therefore, they are considered keystone bacteria in xylitol digestion. Also, xylitol affected the metabolic pathway of propionate, significantly promoting the transcription of phosphate acetyltransferase (EC in Bifidobacterium and increasing the production of propionate. Conclusions Our results revealed that those key enzymes for xylitol digestion from different bacteria can together support the growth of micro-ecology, but they also enhanced the concentration of propionate, which lowered pH to restrict relative amounts of Escherichia and Staphylococcus. Based on the cross-feeding and competition among those bacteria, xylitol can dynamically balance proportions of the gut microbiome to promote enzymes related to xylitol metabolism and SCFAs.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 216
Rossana Terracciano ◽  
Aobo Zhang ◽  
E. Brian Butler ◽  
Danilo Demarchi ◽  
Jason H. Hafner ◽  

The heterogeneous distribution of delivery or treatment modalities within the tumor mass is a crucial limiting factor for a vast range of theranostic applications. Understanding the interactions between a nanomaterial and the tumor microenvironment will help to overcome challenges associated with tumor heterogeneity, as well as the clinical translation of nanotheranostic materials. This study aims to evaluate the influence of protein surface adsorption on gold nanoparticle (GNP) biodistribution using high-resolution computed tomography (CT) preclinical imaging in C57BL/6 mice harboring Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) tumors. LLC provides a valuable model for study due to its highly heterogenous nature, which makes drug delivery to the tumor challenging. By controlling the adsorption of proteins on the GNP surface, we hypothesize that we can influence the intratumoral distribution pattern and particle retention. We performed an in vitro study to evaluate the uptake of GNPs by LLC cells and an in vivo study to assess and quantify the GNP biodistribution by injecting concentrated GNPs citrate-stabilized or passivated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) intratumorally into LLC solid tumors. Quantitative CT and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) results both confirm the presence of particles in the tumor 9 days post-injection (n = 8 mice/group). A significant difference is highlighted between citrate-GNP and BSA-GNP groups (** p < 0.005, Tukey’s multiple comparisons test), confirming that the protein corona of GNPs modifies intratumoral distribution and retention of the particles. In conclusion, our investigations show that the surface passivation of GNPs influences the mechanism of cellular uptake and intratumoral distribution in vivo, highlighting the spatial heterogeneity of the solid tumor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 132-132
Sergio Calsamiglia ◽  
Maria Rodriguez-Prado ◽  
Gonzalo Fernandez-Turren ◽  
Lorena Castillejos

Abstract In the last 20 years there has been extensive in vitro research on the effects of plant extracts and essential oils on rumen microbial fermentation. The main objectives have been to improve energy metabolism through a reduction in methane emissions and an increase in propionate production; and to improve protein metabolism by reducing proteolysis and deamination. While the positive results from in vitro studies has stimulated the release of commercial products based on blends of essential oils, there is limited in vivo evidence on the rumen fermentation and production performance effects. A literature search was conducted to select in vivo studies where information on rumen fermentation and animal performance was reported. For dairy cattle, we identified 37 studies of which 21 were adequate to test production performance. Ten studies reported increases and 3 decreases in milk yield. For beef cattle, we identified 20 studies with rumen fermentation profile and 22 with performance data. Average daily gain improved in 7 and decreased in 1 study. Only 1 out of 16 studies reported an improvement in feed efficiency. Data indicate that out of more than 500 products tested in vitro, only around 20 have been tested in vivo in different mixtures and doses. The use of statistical approaches will allow to describe the conditions, doses and responses in dairy and beef cattle performance. The search for postruminal effects offers another alternative use. Evidence for effects on the intestinal and systemic effects on the immune system and antioxidant status (i.e., capsicum, garlic, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde curcuma, catechins, anethol or pinene), and in the modulation of metabolic regulation (capsicum, cinnamaldehyde, curcuma or garlic) may open the opportunity for future applications. However, stability of the product in the GI tract, description of the mechanisms of action and the impact of these changes on performance needs to be further demonstrated.

Micromachines ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 861
Elizabeth E. Niedert ◽  
Chenghao Bi ◽  
Georges Adam ◽  
Elly Lambert ◽  
Luis Solorio ◽  

A microrobot system comprising an untethered tumbling magnetic microrobot, a two-degree-of-freedom rotating permanent magnet, and an ultrasound imaging system has been developed for in vitro and in vivo biomedical applications. The microrobot tumbles end-over-end in a net forward motion due to applied magnetic torque from the rotating magnet. By turning the rotational axis of the magnet, two-dimensional directional control is possible and the microrobot was steered along various trajectories, including a circular path and P-shaped path. The microrobot is capable of moving over the unstructured terrain within a murine colon in in vitro, in situ, and in vivo conditions, as well as a porcine colon in ex vivo conditions. High-frequency ultrasound imaging allows for real-time determination of the microrobot’s position while it is optically occluded by animal tissue. When coated with a fluorescein payload, the microrobot was shown to release the majority of the payload over a 1-h time period in phosphate-buffered saline. Cytotoxicity tests demonstrated that the microrobot’s constituent materials, SU-8 and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), did not show a statistically significant difference in toxicity to murine fibroblasts from the negative control, even when the materials were doped with magnetic neodymium microparticles. The microrobot system’s capabilities make it promising for targeted drug delivery and other in vivo biomedical applications.

2004 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 419-424 ◽  
Juan Ma ◽  
Xue-Ling Liao ◽  
Bin Lou ◽  
Man-Ping Wu

Abstract High density lipoprotein (HDL) binds lipopolysaccharide (LPS or endotoxin) and neutralizes its toxicity. We investigated the function of Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I), a major apolipoprotein in HDL, in this process. Mouse macrophages were incubated with LPS, LPS+ApoA-I, LPS+ApoA-I+LFF (lipoprotein-free plasma fraction d>1.210 g/ml), LPS+HDL, LPS+HDL+LFF, respectively. MTT method was used to detect the mortality of L-929 cells which were attacked by the release-out cytokines in LPS-activated macrophages. It was found that ApoA-I significantly decreased L-929 cells mortality caused by LPS treatment (LPS vs. LPS+ApoA-I, P<0.05) and this effect became even more significant when LFF was utilized (LPS vs. LPS+ApoA-I+LFF, P<0.01; LPS vs. LPS+HDL+LFF, P<0.01). There was no significant difference between LPS+ApoA-I+LFF and LPS+HDL+LFF treatment, indicating that ApoA-I was the main factor. We also investigated in vivo effects of ApoA-I on mouse mortality rate and survival time after LPS administration. We found that the mortality in LPS+ApoA-I group (20%) and in LPS+ApoA-I+LFF group (10%) was significantly lower than that in LPS group (80%) (P<0.05, P<0.01, respectively); the survival time was (43.20 ± 10.13) h in LPS+ApoA-I group and (46.80 ± 3.79) h in LPS+ApoA-I+LFF group, which were significantly longer than that in LPS group (16.25 ± 17.28) h (P<0.01). We also carried out in vitro binding study to investigate the binding capacity of ApoA-I and ApoA-I+LFF to fluorescence labeled LPS (FITC-LPS). It was shown that both ApoA-I and ApoA-I+LFF could bind with FITC-LPS, however, the binding capacity of ApoA-I+LFF to FITC-LPS (64.47 ± 8.06) was significantly higher than that of ApoA-I alone (24.35 ± 3.70) (P<0.01). The results suggest that: (1) ApoA-I has the ability to bind with and protect against LPS; (2) LFF enhances the effect of ApoA-I; (3) ApoA-I is the major contributor for HDL anti-endotoxin function.

2012 ◽  
Vol 90 (suppl_4) ◽  
pp. 393-396 ◽  
C. Boudry ◽  
C. Poelaert ◽  
D. Portetelle ◽  
A. Thewis ◽  
J. Bindelle

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