scholarly journals Importance of Proprioceptive Information for Postural Control in Children with Strabismus before and after Strabismus Surgery

Maria P. Bucci ◽  
Hayette Soufi ◽  
Philippe Villeneuve ◽  
Lucile Colleville ◽  
Emmanuel Bui-Quoc ◽  
2019 ◽  
Sarah Kneis ◽  
Anja Wehrle ◽  
Daniela Dalin ◽  
Isabella Katharina Wiesmeier ◽  
Johann Lambeck ◽  

Abstract Background Postural instability presents a common and disabling consequence of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). However, knowledge about postural behavior of CIPN patients is sparse. With this pilot study, we used a new approach to i) characterize postural impairments as compared to healthy subjects, ii) allocate possible abnormalities to a set of parameters describing sensorimotor function, and iii) evaluate the effects of a balance-based exercise intervention. Methods We analyzed spontaneous and externally perturbed postural control in eight CIPN patients before and after a balance-based exercise intervention by using a modification of an established postural control model. These findings were compared to 15 matched healthy subjects. Results Spontaneous sway amplitude and velocity were larger in CIPN patients compared to healthy subjects. CIPN patients’ reactions to external perturbations were smaller compared to healthy subjects, indicating that patients favor vestibular over proprioceptive sensory information. The balance-based exercise intervention up-weighted proprioceptive information in patients. Conclusions CIPN patients’ major postural deficit may relate to underuse of proprioceptive information that results in a less accurate posture control as spontaneous sway results indicate. The balance-based exercise intervention is able to partially correct for this abnormality. Our study contributes to a better understanding of postural impairments in CIPN patients and suggests an effective treatment strategy.

2019 ◽  
Sarah Kneis ◽  
Anja Wehrle ◽  
Daniela Dalin ◽  
Isabella Katharina Wiesmeier ◽  
Johann Lambeck ◽  

Abstract Background Postural instability presents a common and disabling consequence of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). However, knowledge about postural behavior of CIPN patients is sparse. With this pilot study, we used a new approach to i) characterize postural impairments as compared to healthy subjects, ii) allocate possible abnormalities to a set of parameters describing sensorimotor function, and iii) evaluate the effects of a balance-based exercise intervention.Methods We analyzed spontaneous and externally perturbed postural control in eight CIPN patients before and after a balance-based exercise intervention by using a modification of an established postural control model. These findings were compared to 15 matched healthy subjects.Results Spontaneous sway amplitude and velocity were larger in CIPN patients compared to healthy subjects. CIPN patients’ reactions to external perturbations were smaller compared to healthy subjects, indicating that patients favor vestibular over proprioceptive sensory information. The balance-based exercise intervention up-weighted proprioceptive information in patients.Conclusion CIPN patients’ major postural deficit may relate to underuse of proprioceptive information that results in a less accurate posture control as spontaneous sway results indicate. The balance-based exercise intervention is able to partially correct for this abnormality. Our study contributes to a better understanding of postural impairments in CIPN patients and suggests an effective treatment strategy.

2019 ◽  
Sarah Kneis ◽  
Anja Wehrle ◽  
Daniela Dalin ◽  
Isabella Katharina Wiesmeier ◽  
Johann Lambeck ◽  

Abstract Background Postural instability presents a common and disabling consequence of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). However, knowledge about postural behavior of CIPN patients is sparse. With this pilot study, we used a new approach to i) characterize postural impairments as compared to healthy subjects, ii) allocate possible abnormalities to a set of parameters describing sensorimotor function, and iii) evaluate the effects of a balance-based exercise intervention.Methods We analyzed spontaneous and externally perturbed postural control in eight CIPN patients before and after a balance-based exercise intervention by using a modification of an established postural control model. These findings were compared to 15 matched healthy subjects.Results Spontaneous sway amplitude and velocity were larger in CIPN patients compared to healthy subjects. CIPN patients’ reactions to external perturbations were smaller compared to healthy subjects, indicating that patients favor vestibular over proprioceptive sensory information. The balance-based exercise intervention up-weighted proprioceptive information in patients.Conclusions CIPN patients’ major postural deficit may relate to underuse of proprioceptive information that results in a less accurate posture control as spontaneous sway results indicate. The balance-based exercise intervention is able to partially correct for this abnormality. Our study contributes to a better understanding of postural impairments in CIPN patients and suggests an effective treatment strategy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Sabina Shrestha ◽  
Aparajita Manoranjan ◽  
Sushan Man Shrestha

Introduction: Strabismus affects the quality of life of adults both in functional and psychosocial aspect of life. This study was conducted to compare the health related quality of life in adults before and after strabismus surgery.Methods: It was a prospective quantitative study conducted in Nepal Eye Hospital from Sep 2015 to July 2016. Thirty one adult participants with strabismus undergoing strabismus surgery completed the study. Twenty open ended adult strabismus questionnaire (AS-20) were used to assess the health related quality of life of adults before and one month after strabismus surgery.Results: The overall median score of adult strabismus questionnaire for quality of life improved from 68.75 (Interquartile range (IQR 25) to 91.25 (IQR 17.5) after strabismus surgery (p value < 0.00). Similarly, the median function subscale and median psychosocial subscale also improved from 72 (IQR 25) to 95 (10) and from 55 (IQR 37.5) to 90 (IQR 15) respectively after surgery. Conclusion: The quality of life of adult strabismic patients improved significantly after stabismus surgery.

2009 ◽  
Vol 130 (6) ◽  
pp. 696-701 ◽  
Heinz-Dieter Kluenter ◽  
Ruth Lang-Roth ◽  
Dirk Beutner ◽  
Karl-Bernd Hüttenbrink ◽  
Orlando Guntinas-Lichius

2009 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-257 ◽  
Phillip A. Gribble ◽  
Richard H. Robinson ◽  
Jay Hertel ◽  
Craig R. Denegar

Context:Deficits in static postural control related to fatigue have been investigated previously, but there is little evidence to link fatigue to performance measures of dynamic postural control.Objective:To investigate the effects of fatigue and gender on performance measures of the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT).Design:Mixed-model design.Setting:Research laboratory.Participants:16 healthy young adults.Intervention:Subjects performed the SEBT before and after 4 different fatiguing conditions.Main Outcome Measures:The normalized reach distances and sagittal-plane kinematics of the knee and hip were recorded.Results:Fatigue produced deficits in normalized reach distances and decreased knee flexion in all 3 reaching directions. Overall, women were able to reach farther than men while simultaneously demonstrating a greater amount of knee flexion.Conclusions:Gender differences were observed during performance of the SEBT, with women demonstrating greater reach distances and knee flexion, and fatigue amplified these differences.

Esther M. J. Bekkers ◽  
Kim Dockx ◽  
Elke Heremans ◽  
Sarah Vercruysse ◽  
Sabine M. P. Verschueren ◽  

2011 ◽  
Vol 217 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-208 ◽  
Sambit Mohapatra ◽  
Vennila Krishnan ◽  
Alexander S. Aruin

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