scholarly journals Improved Conservation of Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Germplasm via Micropropagation and Cryopreservation

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1861
Yanelis Castilla Valdés ◽  
Mukund R. Shukla ◽  
María Esther González Vega ◽  
Praveen K. Saxena

Coffee (Coffea spp.) is an important tropical agricultural crop that has significant economic and social importance in the world. The ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources through seeds is not feasible due to the sensitivity of coffee seed to desiccation and low temperatures. The cryopreservation of zygotic embryos may allow for an efficient and long-term storage of coffee germplasm. This study describes the cryopreservation methods for conserving zygotic embryos of Coffea arabica L. for the long-term conservation of currently available germplasm. Zygotic embryos were successfully cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen at −196 °C under controlled environmental conditions with either droplet-vitrification or encapsulation–vitrification protocols without dehydration. Zygotic embryos had the highest regrowth (100%) following droplet-vitrification cryopreservation using the Plant Vitrification Solution 3 (PVS3) for 40 min at 23 °C. In the case of encapsulation–vitrification using PVS3 for 40 min at 23 °C, the embryo regeneration response was 78%. Plantlets were recovered following shoot multiplication using a temporary immersion system (TIS) and in vitro rooting. The prolific rooting of shoots was observed after 4 weeks of culture in the liquid medium with plugs made of the inert substrate Oasis® In vitro Express (IVE) compared to the semi-solid medium. The successful cryopreservation of coffee zygotic embryos using droplet vitrification and encapsulation–vitrification followed by micropropagation in temporary immersion culture system has not been reported earlier and together these technologies are anticipated to further facilitate the initiatives for the conservation and distribution of coffee germplasm.

2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 380-389 ◽  
Maísa de Siqueira Pinto ◽  
Renato Paiva ◽  
Diogo Pedrosa Corrêa da Silva ◽  
Paulo Augusto Almeida Santos ◽  
Rodrigo Therezan de Freitas ◽  

ABSTRACT Conservation of plant genetic resources is important to prevent genetic erosion. Seed banks are the most common method of ex situ conservation; however, coffee seeds can not be stored by conventional methods. Cryopreservation is a viable alternative for long-term conservation of species that produce intermediate or recalcitrant seeds, as coffee. The aim of this work was to cryopreserve Coffea arabica L. cv Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144 zygotic embryos, and analyse the effects of dehydration prior cryopreservation and osmotic rehydration after thawing, in embryos germination and seedlings formation after cryopreservation. Prior to cryopreservation, different dehydration times (0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min) were tested. Dehydrated embryos were cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for 1 hour, and after thawing were rehydrated by osmotic solutions. Dehydrated and non-cryopreserved embryos were also analysed. The test with 2,3,5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) was used to evaluate the embryos viability. Non-dehydrated embryos did not survive after freezing. Embryos that were dehydrated until 20% of the moisture content did not germinate when osmotic rehydration was not performed. In contrast, cryopreserved embryos with the same moisture content presented 98% germination when they were rehydrated slowly in osmotic solution. According to tetrazolium tests, embryos presented maximum viability (75%) after dehydration for 60 minutes (23% moisture content). Therefore, coffee zygotic embryos (Coffea arabica L. cv. Catuaí Vermelho) can be successfully cryopreserved using physical dehydration in silica gel for 60 minutes (23% moisture content), followed by osmotic rehydration after thawing. This method allowed a germination of 98% of cryopreserved zygotic embryos.

2012 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 533-538 ◽  
Wellington Ronildo Clarindo ◽  
Carlos Roberto Carvalho ◽  
Maria Andréia Corrêa Mendonça

Jane Muthoni ◽  
Hussein Shimelis ◽  
Rob Melis

Plant genetic resources (PGRs) play an important role in agriculture, environment protection, cultural property and trade; they need to be conserved. There are two fundamental approaches for the conservation of PGRs: in situ and ex situ. In situ conservation is the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings. Ex situ preservation is the storage of seeds or plant materials under artificial conditions to maintain their long term viability and availability for use. Genebanks employ seed storage, field collections of living plants and in vitro storage (tissue culture or cryopreservation) for ex situ preservation of PGR. Storage of orthodox seeds, which are tolerant to low moisture content and low temperatures at appropriate temperature and humidity, is the most convenient ex situ conservation method. Plants that produce recalcitrant seeds or non-viable seeds are conserved in field genebanks as well as in-vitro in slow growth media for short-to-medium term and cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen at -1960C for long-term periods. Cryopreservation is very expensive and needs trained personnel; this could explain why this method is rarely used for conservation of plant genetic resources in most developing countries. Potato tubers are bulky and highly perishable; the crop is generally conserved as clones either in field genebanks (with annual replanting), in-vitro conservation in slow growth media for short-to-medium term and cryopreservation for long term. Field genebanks are expensive to maintain and the crop is exposed to many dangers; hence, cryopreservation is the only feasible method for long term conservation. However, given the high cost of cryopreservation, long-term conservation of potato genetic resources is poorly developed in most resource-poor countries leading to high rates of genetic erosion. This paper looks into the various methods that that can be applied to conserve potato genetic resources and the status of conservation of potatoes in major genebanks and some countries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 422-429 ◽  
T. A. Gavrilenko ◽  
N. A. Shvachko ◽  
N. N. Volkova ◽  
Yu. V. Ukhatova

Collections of common potato maintained in the field genebanks suffer significant losses due to the impact of extreme environmental factors, diseases and pests. The solution of the problem of safe long-term preservation of common potato accessions is to create doublet in vitro and cryo-collections. Cryogenic collections are stored at ultra-low temperatures in cryobanks. Several methods of potato cryoconservation are known, of which the droplet vitrification method developed by B. Panis with colleagues in 2005 is the most widely used in genebanks. This paper provides a detailed description of the modified method of droplet vitrification, which is used for cryopreservation of apexes (shoot tips) of potato in vitro plants at the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR). The method modified at VIR includes the main steps of the original droplet-vitrification method developed by B. Panis and colleagues: 1) preparation of plant material, 2) isolation of shoot tips, 3) treatment of explants with cryoprotector solutions, 4) freezing/immersion in liquid nitrogen, 5) thawing, 6) post-cryogenic recovery and evaluation of viability and regeneration capacity. The modifications of stages 1, 2 and 6 proposed at VIR lead to a significant reduction in the duration of cryopreservation experiments in comparison with the original method of B. Panis. This paper presents the results of cryopreservation of modern potato cultivars and South American landraces which were obtained using the method of droplet vitrification as modified at VIR. The majority (76.7 %) of the studied accessions of cultivated potato were characterized by high rates of postcryogenic recovery (40–95 %) and 23.3 % of the samples had the values of postcryogenic regeneration from 20 to 39 %, which corresponds to the minimal permissible values for long-term storage in a cryobank. Currently the modified droplet-vitrification method is used for further expanding of the VIR potato cryocollection.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 934
Chris O’Brien ◽  
Jayeni Hiti-Bandaralage ◽  
Raquel Folgado ◽  
Alice Hayward ◽  
Sean Lahmeyer ◽  

Recent development and implementation of crop cryopreservation protocols has increased the capacity to maintain recalcitrant seeded germplasm collections via cryopreserved in vitro material. To preserve the greatest possible plant genetic resources globally for future food security and breeding programs, it is essential to integrate in situ and ex situ conservation methods into a cohesive conservation plan. In vitro storage using tissue culture and cryopreservation techniques offers promising complementary tools that can be used to promote this approach. These techniques can be employed for crops difficult or impossible to maintain in seed banks for long-term conservation. This includes woody perennial plants, recalcitrant seed crops or crops with no seeds at all and vegetatively or clonally propagated crops where seeds are not true-to-type. Many of the world’s most important crops for food, nutrition and livelihoods, are vegetatively propagated or have recalcitrant seeds. This review will look at ex situ conservation, namely field repositories and in vitro storage for some of these economically important crops, focusing on conservation strategies for avocado. To date, cultivar-specific multiplication protocols have been established for maintaining multiple avocado cultivars in tissue culture. Cryopreservation of avocado somatic embryos and somatic embryogenesis have been successful. In addition, a shoot-tip cryopreservation protocol has been developed for cryo-storage and regeneration of true-to-type clonal avocado plants.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 445-451 ◽  
Rodrigo Therezan de FREITAS ◽  
Renato PAIVA ◽  
Thais Silva SALES ◽  
Diogo Pedrosa Corrêa da SILVA ◽  
Michele Valquíria dos REIS ◽  

As a consequence of the difficulty in conventional coffee seed storage, biotechnological alternatives such as cryopreservation have been investigated. The objective of this study was to develop a protocol for the cryopreservation of Coffea arabica L. (cv. ‘Catuaí Vermelho’ - IAC 144) zygotic embryos by vitrification. For the cryopreservation study, the embryos were immersed in Plant Vitrification Solution 2 at different times (0, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 250 min) and two temperatures (0 and 25 °C). Subsequently, the best thawing time was determined in a water bath (1, 3, 5 minutes or directly in Recovery Solution). An anatomical study was conducted on non-stored and stored embryos, with or without the use of Plant Vitrification Solution 2. The immersion in cryoprotectant solution for 100 min at 0 °C allows embryo cryopreservation. Embryos can be directly thawed in Recovery Solution after storage in liquid nitrogen. It was observed that Plant Vitrification Solution 2 reduced internal water content in the cells, allowing subsequent embryo growth resumption.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Ines Van den houwe ◽  
Rachel Chase ◽  
Julie Sardos ◽  
Max Ruas ◽  
Els Kempenaers ◽  

AbstractThe CGIAR genebank International Musa Germplasm Transit Centre (ITC) currently holds 1617 banana accessions from 38 countries as an in vitro collection, backed-up by a cryopreserved collection to safeguard global Musa diversity in perpetuity. The ITC also serves as a vital safety backup and transit centre for national banana genebanks and ensures that germplasm is clean of pests and diseases and freely available under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. In more than 35 years of activity, the ITC has distributed over 18,000 banana accession samples to researchers and farmers in 113 countries. Ex situ conservation of vegetatively-propagated crops such as banana poses very particular challenges. Maintaining the ITC genebank is labor intense and costly. Efficiencies are sought through research and development of techniques on detecting viruses, the genetic integrity of accessions, and on innovative means of safeguarding banana diversity, such as conserving populations of wild species by seed banking. Although the conservation of global banana diversity is the main objective of the ITC, significant value comes from its holistic approach to better understand and promote its germplasm through numerous research activities and resources. Techniques for morphological and molecular characterization serve to identify and describe the collection, while also determining what gaps should be filled by collecting missions with national partners. The evaluation of desirable agronomic traits inherent in Musa spp. are investigated by a high-throughput phenotyping platform, which helps breeding programs to select cultivars resistant or tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses. Genomic and bioinformatic studies of several banana wild relatives greatly enhance our understanding of Musa genetic diversity, links to important phenotypic traits and bring new methods for management of the collection. Collectively, these research activities produce enormous amounts of data that require curation and dissemination to the public. The two information systems at the ITC, Musa Genebank Management System and the Musa Germplasm Information System, serve to manage the genebank activities and to make public germplasm-related data for over 30 banana collections worldwide, respectively. By implementing the 10-year workplan set out in the Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Musa Genetic Resources, the network MusaNet supports Musa researchers and stakeholders, including the ITC, and most importantly, links to the world’s banana-producing countries via three regional banana networks.

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