<p class="JudulBabdenganNomor">ABSTRACT</p><p class="JudulBabdenganNomor"> </p><p>This study aimed to select lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as a potential probiotic that producing anti‒microbial compounds in order to treat motile aeromonads septicemia diseases caused by <em>Aeromonas hydrophila</em> on catfish <em>Clarias</em> sp. and evaluated its performance on gnotobiotic catfish. The <em>in vitro</em> assay was done to select several LAB isolates based on antagonistic activity against pathogenic bacteria. The selected isolate was tested <em>in vivo</em> to observe their ability to improve growth performances of catfish. The study was conducted with five treatments consists of K‒ (normal catfish without addition probiotic, without challenge test), K+ (normal catfish without addition of probiotic, with challenge test), Np (normal catfish with addition of probiotic and challenge test), G (gnoto catfish without addition of probiotic, with challenge test), and Gp (gnoto catfish with addition of probiotic and challenge test). The results showed that the addition of <em>Pediococcus pentosaceus</em> E2211 as selected probiotic could increase survival rate, specific growth rate, and immune response towards infection of <em>A. hydrophila</em>. The best survival rate after challenge test was obtained in Np and Gp treatments (88.46%), followed by G treatment (65.38%), while the K+ was only 53.84%. The conclusion of this study was <em>P. pentosaceus</em> E2211 potentially used as a probiotic candidate for normal and gnotobiotic catfish. The presence of normal microflora with <em>P. pentosaceus</em> E2211 in Np treatment showed the best probiotic performance with daily growth rate 3.28%, feed conversion ratio 1.79, and total intestinal bacteria reached 10<sup>8</sup> CFU/mL significantly different from other treatments (P<0.05).</p><p>Keywords: <em>Aeromonas hydrophila,</em> catfish, LAB, probiotic, screening</p><p> </p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyeleksi bakteri asam laktat (BAL) sebagai probiotik potensial penghasil senyawa antimikrob guna menanggulangi penyakit <em>motile aeromonad septicemia</em> akibat <em>Aeromonas hydrophila</em> pada ikan lele <em>Clarias </em>sp. dan evaluasi kinerjanya pada ikan lele gnotobiotik. Pengujian <em>in vitro </em>dilakukan untuk menyeleksi beberapa isolat BAL sebagai kandidat probiotik berdasarkan aktivitas antagonis terhadap bakteri patogen. Isolat terpilih kemudian diuji <em>in vivo</em> untuk mengetahui kemampuannya dalam meningkatkan performa tumbuh ikan lele.<em> </em>Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan, yaitu: K‒ (lele normal tanpa probiotik dan tanpa tanpa diuji tantang), K+ (lele normal tanpa probiotik dan diuji tantang), Np (lele normal diberi probiotik dan diuji tantang), G (lele gnoto tanpa probiotik dan diuji tantang), dan Gp (lele gnoto diberi probiotik dan diuji tantang). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian probiotik terpilih BAL <em>Pediococcus</em><em> pentosaceus</em> E2211 mampu meningkatkan sintasan, laju pertumbuhan, dan respons imun ikan lele terhadap infeksi <em>A. hydrophila</em>. Sintasan terbaik pascauji tantang diperoleh pada perlakuan Np dan Gp yaitu sebesar 88,46%, diikuti perlakuan G sebesar 65,38%, sementara pada K+ hanya mencapai 53,84%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ialah isolat BAL terpilih <em>P. pentosaceus </em>E2211 berpotensi sebagai kandidat probiotik untuk ikan lele normal dan lele gnotobiotik <em>Clarias </em>sp. Keberadaan mikroflora normal yang berasosiasi dengan <em>P. pentosaceus </em>E2211 pada perlakuan Np menunjukkan kinerja probiotik terbaik dengan nilai laju pertubuhan harian 3,28%, rasio konversi pakan 1,79 dan total bakteri usus mencapai 10<sup>8</sup> CFU/mL yang berbeda signifikan dibanding perlakuan lainnya (P<0,05).</p><p>Kata kunci: <em>A. hydrophila,</em> BAL, ikan lele, probiotik, seleksi</p><p> </p>