scholarly journals Industry 4.0 and World Class Manufacturing Integration: 100 Technologies for a WCM-I4.0 Matrix

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (14) ◽  
pp. 4942
Lorenzo D’Orazio ◽  
Roberto Messina ◽  
Massimiliano M. Schiraldi

In the last decade, technological progress has profoundly influenced the industrial world and all industrial sectors have been confronted with a change in technological paradigms. In such a context, this study aims to analyze the synergies between the technological world of Industry 4.0 and the purely organizational and managerial domain of World Class Manufacturing, a model of Operational Excellence. The objective is relating the driving dimensions of the World Class Manufacturing (WCM) system to the technological macrocategories of Industry 4.0: this would allow the identification of which technological solution to leverage on, aiming at optimization in a given World Class Manufacturing pillar. The result is a “WCM-I4.0 matrix”: a proposal to reconcile, exploit and trace the relations between the two complex concepts. The WCM-I4.0 matrix includes, by now, 100 Industry 4.0 technologies that best suits with the World Class Manufacturing pillars.

TEM Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 750-755
Marcela Malindzakova ◽  
Dusan Malindzak

The paper deals with the implementation of the WCM (World Class Manufacturing) model. By implementing the WCM, it is possible to reduce costs in manufacturing operations by removing elements that does not bring added value, or generate losses, waste or even lead to accidents and errors. WCM as a management model includes its own methods and tools that enable the company to achieve profit and a competitive advantage based on the principle of "producing the highest quality products at low prices". The WCM model is based on four concepts to achieve zero waste, zero accidents, zero failures and zero stocks. A prerequisite for the development of the WCM model is the improvement of the company's organizational system in order to achieve a global level of competitiveness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 52 (10) ◽  
pp. 188-194 ◽  
Mojtaba Ebrahimi ◽  
Armand Baboli ◽  
Eva Rother

2012 ◽  
Vol 01 (06) ◽  
pp. 158-166
Mohd Shaladdin Muda

Majority of research into the World Class Manufacturing (WCM) has taken a universalistic approach and has developed general models covering all aspects of manufacturing management. Whilst there has been some research that suggests that appropriate best practice procedures are contingent upon company type, none of this research has tried to develop a detailed WCM model for the make to order (MTO) sector. Given the complex nature of the MTO sector, it could be argued that it is necessary to build a WCM model for the MTO sector initially.

Marianna Ciccarelli ◽  
Alessandra Papetti ◽  
Federica Cappelletti ◽  
Agnese Brunzini ◽  
Michele Germani

AbstractIn the era of the fourth industrial revolution, human has still a central role. Manufacturing industries have to deal with human sustainability in order to guarantee workers’ health and well-being. Several studies have proved the importance of ergonomics in workplace design and the benefits related to the adoption of the human-centered approach. The enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 are changing the role of the operator and can support him from a physical and cognitive point of view. On the other hand, companies are increasingly implementing lean philosophies, such as World Class Manufacturing, to maintain their competitiveness by reducing wastes and costs. However, the need arises for a comprehensive methodology to support the design of manufacturing equipment considering human factors by integrating Industry 4.0 technologies and World Class Manufacturing elements. It aims at improving both ergonomic and efficiency aspects of the workstation. The proposed methodology allows identifying and in-depth analyzing the problem, thus finding and implementing a solution that complies with all the requirements and constraints defined. Each step of the methodology can be strengthened by Industry 4.0 technologies. The methodology has been experimented in a real case study with a global company of agriculture and industrial vehicles, leading to the design and implementation of a new equipment. Relevant benefits in terms of ergonomics, efficiency, and process standardization have been achieved.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Mohsen Shafiei Nikabadi ◽  
Azim Zarei ◽  
Hadiseh Kalantari ◽  
Haniyeh Shambayti ◽  

2004 ◽  
Vol 03 (01) ◽  
pp. 85-102 ◽  

World-class manufacturing systems (WCMS) has attracted the attention of industries all over the world. The perceptible impact of WCMS lies in attaining the far reaching world-class standards. Attempts have been made to examine WCMS for the feasibility in Indian industries. The present work describes a performance value analysis for the justification of WCMS for Indian industries.

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