scholarly journals Chaotic Communication System with Symmetry-Based Modulation

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 3698
Timur Karimov ◽  
Vyacheslav Rybin ◽  
Georgii Kolev ◽  
Ekaterina Rodionova ◽  
Denis Butusov

Communication systems based on chaotic synchronization are gaining interest in the area of secure and covert data transmission. In this paper, a novel digital communication technique based on a coherent chaotic data transmission approach is proposed. In general, this technique resembles the well-known approach based on the modulation of nonlinearity parameters. The key idea of this study is to modulate a signal by varying not the system parameter but the symmetry coefficient in discrete chaotic models obtained by the special numerical integration method. For this purpose, the self-adjoint semi-implicit integration method of order 2 is used to obtain discrete master and slave models of the considered chaotic oscillator. The experimental results explicitly show that, like during parameter modulation, transmitting and receiving oscillators may completely synchronize only if the symmetry coefficients are equal in both systems. The architecture of the communication system based on the proposed modulation is presented. The practical applicability of the approach is confirmed by transmitting a test binary sequence between the transmitter and receiver models and preliminary benchmarking of the obtained communication system. Since the symmetry coefficient modulation does not significantly impact the chaotic behavior of the transmitting digital system, its better suitability for covert messaging was experimentally confirmed by comparing it with the parameter modulation technique.

2014 ◽  
Vol 543-547 ◽  
pp. 2323-2328
Fan Xin Zeng ◽  
Zhen Yu Zhang ◽  
Lin Jie Qian

For suppressing multiple access interference (MAI) in a CDMA communication system, complementary sequence sets are employed as spreading sequences in such system. In this paper, we present a method for constructing a family of quaternary periodic complementary sequence sets, which arises from the conversion of the existing binary periodic complementary sequence sets with odd period of sub-sequences. The period of sub-sequences in the proposed sequence sets is twice as long as the one of the binary sequence sets employed, which is a drawback in the proposed method. Finally, some examples are given in order to illuminate the validity of the new method.

2012 ◽  
Vol 562-564 ◽  
pp. 1678-1681
Yan Zhang

The paper introduces the project component of power carrier communication mode and communication system based on the spread spectrum communication theory. The methods of data transmission and spread spectrum technology applying in the coal mine communication systems are given. Paper analyzes the characteristics of signal and the feasibility of technique solutions for mine communications. The design possesses the strong practicability and operability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1172 ◽  
Jan H. Schmidt

Acoustic underwater communication systems designed to work reliably in shallow coastal waters must overcome major limitations such as multipath propagation and the Doppler effect. These restrictions are the reason for the complexity of receivers being built, whose task is to decode a symbol on the basis of the received signal. Additional complications are caused by the low propagation speed of the acoustic wave in the water and the relatively narrow bandwidth. Despite the continuous development of communication systems using coherent modulations, they are still not as reliable as is desirable for reliable data transmission applications. This article presents an acoustic underwater communication system that uses one of the varieties of the spread spectrum technique i.e., the fast frequency hopping technique (FFH). This technique takes advantage of binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) with an incoherent detection method to ensure the implementation of a system whose main priority is reliable data transmission and secondary priority is the transmission rate. The compromised choice of parameters consisted of the selection between the narrow band of the hydroacoustic transducer and the maximum number of carrier frequency hops, which results from the need to take into account the effects of the Doppler effect. In turn, the number of hops and the symbol duration were selected adequately for the occurrence of multipath propagations of an acoustic wave. In addition, this article describes experimental communication tests carried out using a laboratory model of the FFH-BFSK data transmission system in the shallow water environment of Lake Wdzydze/Poland. The test results obtained for three channels of different lengths are discussed.

Kamal Hamid ◽  
Nadim Chahine

Wireless communications became one of the most widespread means for transferring information. Speed and reliability in transferring the piece of information are considered one of the most important requirements in communication systems in general. Moreover, Quality and reliability in any system are considered the most important criterion of the efficiency of this system in doing the task it is designed to do and its ability for satisfactory performance for a certain period of time, Therefore, we need fault tree analysis in these systems in order to determine how to detect an error or defect when happening in communication system and what are the possibilities that make this error happens. This research deals with studying TETRA system components, studying the physical layer in theory and practice, as well as studying fault tree analysis in this system, and later benefit from this study in proposing improvements to the structure of the system, which led to improve gain in Link Budget. A simulation and test have been done using MATLAB, where simulation results have shown that the built fault tree is able to detect the system’s work by 82.4%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (18) ◽  
pp. 3175-3183
Vahid Vahidi ◽  
Ebrahim Saberinia

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Iztok Dogsa ◽  
Mihael Spacapan ◽  
Anna Dragoš ◽  
Tjaša Danevčič ◽  
Žiga Pandur ◽  

AbstractBacterial quorum sensing (QS) is based on signal molecules (SM), which increase in concentration with cell density. At critical SM concentration, a variety of adaptive genes sharply change their expression from basic level to maximum level. In general, this sharp transition, a hallmark of true QS, requires an SM dependent positive feedback loop, where SM enhances its own production. Some communication systems, like the peptide SM-based ComQXPA communication system of Bacillus subtilis, do not have this feedback loop and we do not understand how and if the sharp transition in gene expression is achieved. Based on experiments and mathematical modeling, we observed that the SM peptide ComX encodes the information about cell density, specific cell growth rate, and even oxygen concentration, which ensure power-law increase in SM production. This enables together with the cooperative response to SM (ComX) a sharp transition in gene expression level and this without the SM dependent feedback loop. Due to its ultra-sensitive nature, the ComQXPA can operate at SM concentrations that are 100–1000 times lower than typically found in other QS systems, thereby substantially reducing the total metabolic cost of otherwise expensive ComX peptide.

Biosensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 65
Puneet Manocha ◽  
Gitanjali Chandwani

Molecular communication is a bioinspired communication that enables macro-scale, micro-scale and nano-scale devices to communicate with each other. The molecular communication system is prone to severe signal attenuation, dispersion and delay, which leads to performance degradation as the distance between two communicating devices increases. To mitigate these challenges, relays are used to establish reliable communication in microfluidic channels. Relay assisted molecular communication systems can also enable interconnection among various entities of the lab-on-chip for sharing information. Various relaying schemes have been proposed for reliable molecular communication systems, most of which lack practical feasibility. Thus, it is essential to design and develop relays that can be practically incorporated into the microfluidic channel. This paper presents a novel design of passive in-line relay for molecular communication system that can be easily embedded in the microfluidic channel and operate without external energy. Results show that geometric modification in the microfluidic channel can act as a relay and restore the degraded signal up-to 28%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1.1) ◽  
pp. 696
Satyanarayana P ◽  
Charishma Devi. V ◽  
Sowjanya P ◽  
Satish Babu ◽  
N Syam Kumar ◽  

Machine learning (ML) has been broadly connected to the upper layers of communication systems for different purposes, for example, arrangement of cognitive radio and communication network. Nevertheless, its application to the physical layer is hindered by complex channel conditions and constrained learning capacity of regular ML algorithms. Deep learning (DL) has been as of late connected for some fields, for example, computer vision and normal dialect preparing, given its expressive limit and advantageous enhancement ability. This paper describes about a novel use of DL for the physical layer. By deciphering a communication system as an auto encoder, we build up an essential better approach to consider communication system outline as a conclusion to-end reproduction undertaking that tries to together enhance transmitter and receiver in a solitary procedure. This DL based technique demonstrates promising execution change than traditional communication system.  

2003 ◽  
Vol 13 (06) ◽  
pp. 1599-1608 ◽  
Chao Tao ◽  
Gonghuan Du ◽  
Yu Zhang

In this paper, we propose a new approach to breaking down chaotic communication scheme by attacking its encryption keys. A remarkable advancement is that it can decode the hidden message exactly. This makes it become possible to break down some cascaded chaotic communication systems. We also decode digital information from the cascaded heterogeneous chaotic communication system and give the simulation results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 347-357
Wisnalmawati Wisnalmawati ◽  
Agus Sasmito Aribowo ◽  
Yunie Herawati

Marketing using social media is a necessity in the era of industrial technology 4.0. This research problem is a business phenomenon and gap research. The purpose of this study is to analyze; 1. the direct influence of business WhatsApp on purchase intention in the marketplace. 2. the influence of business WhatsApp on the ease of communication system in the marketplace. Three, the influence of the ease of communication system on consumer purchase intentions in the marketplace. 4. the influence of business WhatsApp on purchase intentions on the marketplace mediated by the ease of communication systems on the marketplace The unit of analysis of this research is Sri Rejeki, and Seruni SMEs, a sample of 60 consumers, accidental sampling technique, data collection using a questionnaire (google form), testing the validity and reliability of indicator statement items, data analysis technique used is path analysis with the SPSS program. The results show that WhatsApp Bisnis has no direct and insignificant effect on consumers' purchase intentions. WhatsApp Business has a positive and significant effect on the ease of system communication has a positive and significant effect on consumer purchase intentions. WhatsApp Business has a positive and significant effect on consumer purchase intentions mediated by the ease of communication system. The novelty of this research is to create an ease of communication system to increase consumer purchase intentions in the marketplace. Ease of communication is a mediation between the influence of WhatsApp business on purchase intentions on the marketplace so that the ease of communication is an important variable that needs to be improved so that consumers intend to use the marketplace in purchasing products. The ease of communication is related to the ease of using the application, the ease of alternative transactions, and the design of a simple order form. This is hope for consumers to use the marketplace. Contribution of marketplace training to MSMEs and community business actors.

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