An Experimental Study on State Representation Extraction for Vision-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning
Scaling end-to-end learning to control robots with vision inputs is a challenging problem in the field of deep reinforcement learning (DRL). While achieving remarkable success in complex sequential tasks, vision-based DRL remains extremely data-inefficient, especially when dealing with high-dimensional pixels inputs. Many recent studies have tried to leverage state representation learning (SRL) to break through such a barrier. Some of them could even help the agent learn from pixels as efficiently as from states. Reproducing existing work, accurately judging the improvements offered by novel methods, and applying these approaches to new tasks are vital for sustaining this progress. However, the demands of these three aspects are seldom straightforward. Without significant criteria and tighter standardization of experimental reporting, it is difficult to determine whether improvements over the previous methods are meaningful. For this reason, we conducted ablation studies on hyperparameters, embedding network architecture, embedded dimension, regularization methods, sample quality and SRL methods to compare and analyze their effects on representation learning and reinforcement learning systematically. Three evaluation metrics are summarized, including five baseline algorithms (including both value-based and policy-based methods) and eight tasks are adopted to avoid the particularity of each experiment setting. We highlight the variability in reported methods and suggest guidelines to make future results in SRL more reproducible and stable based on a wide number of experimental analyses. We aim to spur discussion about how to assure continued progress in the field by minimizing wasted effort stemming from results that are non-reproducible and easily misinterpreted.