scholarly journals Solar Climate Features Taking into Account the Morphometric Conditions of the Area and the Possibility of Using Them in Heliotherapy on the Example of the Cieplice and Kołobrzeg Health Resorts (Poland)

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 383
Dawid Szatten ◽  
Mirosław Więcław

Global solar radiation is an important atmospheric stimulus affecting the human body and has been used in heliotherapy for years. In addition to environmental factors, the effectiveness of global solar radiation is increasingly influenced by human activity. This research was based on the use of heliographic and actinometric data (1996–2015) and the model distribution of global solar radiation to determine the possibility of heliotherapy with the example of two health resorts: Cieplice and Kołobrzeg (Poland). The solar features of health resorts (sunshine duration and global solar radiation) were characterized, and they were correlated with the spatial distribution of global solar radiation data obtained with the use of remote sensing techniques (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyzes-SAGA), including COoRdination and INformation on the Environment (CORINE) land cover (CLC) data. Using the maximum entropy model (MaxEnt), a qualitative and quantitative relationship between morphometric parameters and solar climate features was demonstrated for individual land cover types. Studies have shown that the period of late spring and summer, due to the climate’s solar features, is advisable for the use of heliotherapy. The human activity that determines the land cover is the main element influencing the spatial differentiation of the possibilities of using this form of health treatment. It also affects topographic indicators shown as significant in the MaxEnt predictive model. In general, areas with high openness were shown as predisposed for health treatment using global solar radiation, which is not consistent with areas commonly used for heliotherapy. The conducted research has shown the need for an interdisciplinary approach to the issue of heliotherapy, which will contribute to the optimization of the use of this form of health treatment from the perspective of climate change and human pressure.

2016 ◽  
Rosa Delia García ◽  
Emilio Cuevas ◽  
Omaira Elena García ◽  
Ramon Ramón ◽  
Pedro Miguel Romero-Campos ◽  

Abstract. A 1-year intercomparison of classical and modern radiation and sunshine duration instruments has been performed at Izaña Atmospheric Observatory (IZO) located in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) starting on July 17, 2014. We compare global solar radiation (GSR) records measured with a CM-21 pyranometer Kipp & Zonen, taken in the framework of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network, with those measured with a Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (MFRSR), and a bimetallic pyranometer (PYR), and GSR estimated from sunshine duration performed by a Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder (CS) and a Kipp & Zonen sunshine duration sensor (CSD). Given the GSR BSRN records are subject of strict quality controls (based on principles of physical limits and comparison with the LibRadtran model), they have been used as reference in the intercomparison study. We obtain an overall root mean square error (RMSE) of ~0.9 MJm2 (4 %) for GSR PYR and GSR MFRSR, 1.9 MJm2 (7 %) and 1.2 MJm2 (5 %) for GSR CS and GSR CSD, respectively. Factors such as temperature, fraction of the clear sky, relative humidity and the solar zenith angle have shown to moderately affect the GSR observations. As application of the methodology developed in this work, we have re-evaluated the GSR time series between 1977 and 1991 obtained with two PYRs at IZO. By comparing with coincident GSR estimates from SD observations, we probe the high consistency of those measurements and their temporal stability. These results demonstrate that 1) the continuous-basis intercomparison of different GSR techniques offers important diagnostics for identifying inconsistencies between GSR data records, and 2) the GSR measurements performed with classical and more simple instruments are consistent with more modern techniques and, thus, valid to recover GSR time series and complete worldwide distributed GSR data. The intercomparison and quality assessment of these different techniques have allowed to obtain a complete and consistent long-term global solar radiation series (1977–2015) at Izaña.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Ana Flávia Martins Monteiro ◽  
Fabrina Bolzan Martins

Accurate and complete global solar radiation (Hs) data at a specific region are crucial for regional climate assessment, crop growth modeling, and all operations that use solar energy. However, in the Minas Gerais state, Southeastern Brazil (SEB), the number of weather stations that measure global solar radiation is scarce, and when it is available, it presents gaps in the time series. An attractive alternative to solve the data gap problem is to estimate global solar radiation using empirical models. In this study, thirteen models based on maximum and minimum air temperatures, precipitation, sunshine duration, and extraterrestrial solar radiation were compared in the daily estimation of Hs. Data from 10 weather stations, from 1999 to 2017, located in Minas Gerais were used. Also, cluster analysis was used to group the localities (weather stations) with similar patterns of model performance, climatic classification (Köppen–Geiger and Thornthwaite), and seasonal data variability, considering minimum and maximum air temperatures, precipitation, sunshine duration, and global solar radiation. Although it is apparently simple, studies on this subject are scarce and the few existing ones in Minas Gerais have flaws, which justifies this study. The models were evaluated by root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), mean bias error (BIAS), Willmott’s index of agreement (d), and performance index (c-index). Models based on sunshine duration, such as those proposed by Ertekin and Yaldiz and by Newland, showed the best performance (average c-index = 0.71). Models based on temperature and precipitation showed the worst results (average c-index = 0.41). Cluster analysis showed that there is a similar pattern between the performance of the models, climatic classification, and seasonal variability of data among the localities of Minas Gerais. In general, models that presented extremely poor performance were formed with weather stations located in the dry zone, but with different climate classification, and models that presented very good (and good) performance were composed by weather stations located in the humid zone (dry subhumid) with the same climate classification and similar seasonal variability. Furthermore, the models based on temperature have a tendency to overestimate radiation values below 10 MJ·m−2 day−1 and to underestimate values higher than 25 MJ·m−2 day−1. This point is a limitation of the model for estimating global solar radiation below and above these levels, showing the influence of atmospheric systems and atmospheric attenuation mechanisms of global solar radiation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. e00094
Prince Junior Asilevi ◽  
Emmanuel Quansah ◽  
Leonard Kofitse Amekudzi ◽  
Thompson Annor ◽  
Nana Ama Browne Klutse

2018 ◽  
Vol 156 ◽  
pp. 618-625 ◽  
Junliang Fan ◽  
Xiukang Wang ◽  
Lifeng Wu ◽  
Fucang Zhang ◽  
Hua Bai ◽  

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