Suppressing Diffraction-Related Intensity Losses in Transmissive Single-Crystal X-ray Optics
The highest-quality X-ray optics can be made of single-crystal materials such as silicon, germanium, or, even better, diamond. Unfortunately, such X-ray optics have one drawback: diffraction losses or the “glitch effect”. This effect manifests itself as follows: at some energies of X-rays, the intensity of the transmitted beam drops due to the fact that some crystalline planes have satisfied the diffraction condition. Diffraction losses are usually observed in spectroscopic experiments when the energy of the X-rays changes in a certain range. However, this effect might also influence any experiment using X-rays, especially at higher energies. In this paper, we propose a method to overcome the glitch problem in transmissive optics. This is achieved using small rotations of the optical element. We describe the algorithm for “glitch-free” measurements in detail and the theory behind it.