scholarly journals TEV—A Program for the Determination of the Thermal Expansion Tensor from Diffraction Data

Crystals ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-153 ◽  
Thomas Langreiter ◽  
Volker Kahlenberg
1996 ◽  
Vol 60 (403) ◽  
pp. 963-972 ◽  
Kevin S. Knight

AbstractThe thermal expansion tensor of crocoite has been determined from high-resolution neutron time-of-flight powder diffraction data. The temperature dependence of the lattice constants between 4.5 K and 290 K have been fitted to a quasi-harmonic Einstein model, and the temperature dependence of the thermal expansion tensor has been calculated for 60 K ≤ T ≤ 290 K. The magnitudes of the principal expansivities and their orientation exhibit saturation behaviour for temperatures above 300 K. The predicted saturated expansion coefficients are α11 = 33.1(1) × 10−6K−1, α22 = 15.72(3) × 10−6K−1, α33 = 3.36(1) × 10−6K−1, with α22 parallel to b and α11 lying at an angle of −37.86(5)° to c for the P21/n setting of the crystal structure. The direction of maximum expansion is approximately parallel to both and the least-squares line passing through the projection of the chromium atoms on (010). The direction of minimum expansion lies approximately parallel to [101]. No evidence was found for either a structural or magnetic phase transition between 4.5 K and 300 K.

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 241-244
Pedro Pereira Silva ◽  
Manuela Ramos Silva ◽  
José António Paixão ◽  
Ana Matos Beja

X-ray powder diffraction data for N,N'-diphenylguanidinium nitrate, within the temperature range of 103–293 K, are reported. The pattern at 293 K was confirmed by a fitting of the overall parameters performed with FULLPROF using the atomic parameters obtained from single-crystal studies. The compound is orthorhombic, space group Pna21 (33), with unit-cell parameters a=1.7058(4) nm, b=1.3933(3) nm, c=0.5821(1) nm, and V=1.3834(6) nm3. The unit-cell parameters for the other six temperatures measured were determined by performing pattern matching with FULLPROF. The unit-cell volume contracted on cooling from 1.3834(6) nm3 to 1.3403(4) nm3. The thermal expansion tensor was calculated from the changes of the unit-cell parameters with temperature. The elements of the thermal expansion tensor at 293 K are α11=125(4),α22=57(9), and α33=82(3)×10−6 K−1.

2019 ◽  
Carmen Guguta ◽  
Jan M.M. Smits ◽  
Rene de Gelder

A method for the determination of crystal structures from powder diffraction data is presented that circumvents the difficulties associated with separate indexing. For the simultaneous optimization of the parameters that describe a crystal structure a genetic algorithm is used together with a pattern matching technique based on auto and cross correlation functions.<br>

1998 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-350 ◽  
L. E. Hall ◽  
D. R. McKenzie ◽  
R. L. Davis ◽  
M. I. Attalla ◽  
A. M. Vassallo

A mixture of C60D36 with 24.5 \pm 4.5% C60 by weight has been analysed by neutron diffraction techniques. The diffraction data was converted to a reduced density function G(r) by Fourier transformation. The C60 component of the G(r) was subtracted out. This enabled a comparison for five molecular models of C60D36, with symmetries T, Th , S 6 and two D 3 d isomers, with the experimental G(r). This specimen of C60D36 was found to be best described by a T symmetry isomer, in agreement with 13C NMR and IR data for C60H36 [Attalla et al. (1993). J. Phys. Chem. pp. 6329–6331].

1999 ◽  
Vol 55 (11) ◽  
pp. 1914-1916 ◽  
F. A. V. Seixas ◽  
W. F. de Azevedo ◽  
M. F. Colombo

In this work, initial crystallographic studies of human haemoglobin (Hb) crystallized in isoionic and oxygen-free PEG solution are presented. Under these conditions, functional measurements of the O2-linked binding of water molecules and release of protons have evidenced that Hb assumes an unforeseen new allosteric conformation. The determination of the high-resolution structure of the crystal of human deoxy-Hb fully stripped of anions may provide a structural explanation for the role of anions in the allosteric properties of Hb and, particularly, for the influence of chloride on the Bohr effect, the mechanism by which Hb oxygen affinity is regulated by pH. X-ray diffraction data were collected to 1.87 Å resolution using a synchrotron-radiation source. Crystals belong to the space group P21212 and preliminary analysis revealed the presence of one tetramer in the asymmetric unit. The structure is currently being refined using maximum-likelihood protocols.

2005 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 373-380 ◽  
Deyu Li ◽  
B O’Connor ◽  
A van Riessen ◽  
C Mackinnon ◽  
I M Low

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