scholarly journals Assessing Gender Gaps in Educational Provision, Research and Employment Opportunities in the Transport Sector at the European Level

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 123 ◽  
Miriam Pirra ◽  
Angela Carboni ◽  
Marco Diana

Serious gaps are found when evaluating the recognition and inclusion of gender aspects in transport strategies, research and innovation. Similar issues can be spotted in the transport labor market, where only 22% of workers are women at the European level. The roots of these limitations are in the low participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) studies and, therefore, in the traditionally male-dominated transport field occupations. Stemming from the European project TInnGO, the current paper proposes a descriptive analysis to evaluate the gender gaps in educational provision and research in ten European countries. Specific indicators, such as percentages in the gender composition or the presence of university courses dealing with mobility and transport, have been defined and their availability in different countries is verified. In addition, a desktop review of practices for encouraging and supporting women in STEM studies is operated, underling characteristics such as the kind of initiative, the methods and tools used, the target group or the type of promoter. The results of this activity show that a wide network of associations and mentoring operates in various European nations, mostly targeting secondary school students, trying to make females aware of their potentialities in a deeply gender-biased field like the STEM one.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6796
Alejandro Ortega Hortelano ◽  
Monica Grosso ◽  
Gary Haq ◽  
Anastasios Tsakalidis

Several gender differences exist in the transport sector. These include accessibility to transport modes, safety and security when travelling, and the participation of women in transport research and innovation (R&I). In order to achieve sustainable and inclusive transport, planners and policymakers should consider all impacts on gender equality. This paper sheds light on two main issues which interconnect through the decision-making process. The first relates to women’s behaviour in the transport system (i.e., studies the gender mobility gap). The second concerns the role of women in transport R&I, particularly the topics covered by research projects and relevant descriptive statistics of their participation in the sector. Based on a literature review, this paper identifies critical issues in the European transport sector and key European Union policy initiatives and regulations that address gender equality and transport. The European Commission’s Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System (TRIMIS) is used to summarise the status and evolution of European research in addressing women’s issues in transport. It also analyses the participation of women in European transport research and innovation activities. The paper assesses progress to date and identifies challenges and opportunities for women, mobility, and transport. It concludes by providing policy recommendations to overcome the major barriers to gender equality in the European transport sector and to transport research and innovation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
Zaenal Arifin

This study aims to: (1) develop thematic textbooks based on local wisdom of our best friend's environmental theme material for grade V elementary school students, (2) Know the validity, practicality and effectiveness of thematic textbooks based on local wisdom of our best friend's environmental theme material for grade students V elementary school. The development of thematic textbook learning media based on local wisdom uses the Research and Development (R & D) method. The development stages include: (1) Potentials and problems, (2) Data collection, (3) Product design, (4) Design validation, (5) Design revision, (6) Product testing, (7) Product revision (Sugiyono, 2016). The research was conducted with 33 students from class V SDN 2 Sendang Jepara Regency. Initial product development is a process of making media based on needs analysis. Expert testing or validation was carried out by 2 experts, namely media experts and material experts. The data collection method in this research is observation, interview, and questionnaire. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and comparison test of two independent groups, namely using the independent t-test. Based on the results of the trial, this thematic teaching material is very valid, very interesting, effective and can be applied in learning. This can be seen from the results of the validation test from three experts which show that the product is good. The results of the effectiveness test showed that the experimental class students had better learning outcomes than the control class. This means that textbooks based on local wisdom of Jepara Regency are developed effectively

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Muhammad Asriadi ◽  
Edi Istiyono

This study aims to determine the ability of creative thinking high school students in physics learning, know the form of assessment of creative thinking abilities. The study was conducted at SMAN 6 Yogyakrata. This type of research is a survey with a cross-sectional method that is a survey conducted once and at a time. The subjects were the principals, teachers of physics from SMAN 6 Yogyakrata and 30 grade XI students. observations, interviews, and questionnaires were used as data collection techniques. The data analysis method used was the quantitative-qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the creative thinking ability of class XI MIA 1 students at SMAN 6 Yogyakarta can be said to be in the average and quite good category, although there are some students whose level of creative thinking ability is low. In addition, the form of assessment used by physics teachers has not been effective and accurate enough in assessing students 'creative thinking abilities. So it is recommended to use The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) in physics learning because it has been proven to be accurate in assessing students' creative thinking abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 2845
Sara Poveda-Reyes ◽  
Ashwani Kumar Malviya ◽  
Elena García-Jiménez ◽  
Gemma Dolores Molero ◽  
Maria Chiara Leva ◽  

It is well established that the transport sector is not an equalitarian sector. To develop a sustainable society, a more equalitarian and safe transport system for both users and transport sector employees is needed. This work prioritizes the needs and barriers previously identified as relevant among transport system users and employees for four different transport scenarios (railways, autonomous vehicles (AVs), bicycle-sharing services (BSSs), and employment). The aim of this paper is to prioritize the factors affecting women in these four transport scenarios with the help of a survey followed by the application of mathematical and computational algorithms based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methodology. The identification of factors with higher influence in the fair participation of women in the transport sector will help transport planners, bike-sharing system owners, decision-makers, transport companies, and regulatory professionals to develop measures that could plausibly increase the proportion of women as users of BSSs, users of rail public transport, and AVs, as well as employees in the transport sector for a sustainable society. The results indicated that safety and security were the most challenging factors for railways. Weather, topography, and family responsibilities were shown to have a high influence on the use of BSSs. In the case of autonomous vehicles, the simultaneity and trust in the technology are the main opportunities to influence the acceptance of such vehicles. Finally, for transport employment, caring and parenting responsibilities were the factors that had the largest effect. Some differences in priorities were found for different profiles of women.

2008 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 287-300 ◽  
Daniel Edwards

There is a wide variety of universities, university campuses and university courses in Australia available to those interested in pursuing a higher education degree. This paper examines the impact of increasing competition for entrance to university on the educational outcomes for students from the government school sector. Using Melbourne as a case study, the research shows that, over a four-year period of increased competition, entry to some of the more academically accessible university campuses in the city became more difficult and this disproportionately affected the opportunities for university entrance among some groups. Despite the fact that there was no noticeable change in the academic standards achieved by government school completers, the rate at which government school students gained access to these universities declined noticeably during this time. These findings show how changes in supply of university places from year to year can have a profound effect on the opportunities of secondary-school completers—particularly those in more educationally disadvantaged settings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. e189-e198
Xiaomin Luo ◽  
Yu Zhou ◽  
Ruimin Zheng ◽  
Xin Li ◽  
Yue Dai ◽  

Abstract Background Depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms of adolescents not only affect youth but also have wide-ranging impacts on the health of adults. The study was carried out to determine the epidemiological characteristics of depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms and the associations between the two and health-risk behaviors in Chinese adolescents. Methods Participants were recruited from the junior and senior high schools in China. Data were collected by self-designed questionnaires. The questionnaires included questions about demographic characteristics, depressive symptom scales, anxiety symptom scales and nine categories of health-risk behaviors. Descriptive analysis and binary logistic regression were performed by SPSS 21.0 software. Results There were 4.4% of the participants with depressive symptoms. Approximately 32.0% of the participants had anxiety symptoms. Girls and general senior school students were risk factors for depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms. Multiple health-risk behaviors were associated with depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms in Chinese adolescents. Conclusion Depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms were prevalent in Chinese adolescents. Their distribution was affected by certain health-risk behaviors. Multiple health-risk behaviors were associated with depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms in Chinese adolescents.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 240
Irma Wirnantika ◽  
Budiman Agung Pratama ◽  
Yulingga Nanda Hanief

This study aims to determine the physical fitness of the fourth grade students of SDN Puhrubuh 1 and MI Mambaul Hikam in Kediri Regency academic year 2016/2017.This study uses quantitative approach with test survey technique. The population is 24 students infourth grade in SD Negeri Puhrubuh I and MI Mambaul Hikam in Semen Sub-district. Sampling technique in this research uses saturated sample technique, where all population used as sample. The research instrument in this research uses test and measurement. To know the physical fitness of the students the researchers performed the Tests of Physical Fitness Indonesia (TKJI). Data analysis, the results of the physical fitness level of elementary school students Puhrubuh 1 and MI Mambaul Hikam, there were 11 or 45,83% students who were included in the medium category, 9 or 37,50% students were included in the poor category, 2 or 8,33% students were included in both categories with percentage of, 2 or 8,33% students were included in the category of the least ones. According to the research results and percentage descriptive analysis, it can be concluded that physical fitness of fourth grade students of SDN Puhrubuh I and MI Mambaul Hikam 2016/2017 school year in the category medium reached as many as 11 or 45,83% students.

Viqri Rahmad Satria

This research aims to know speaking teaching methods used at Kampung Inggris Pontianak for elementary school students and tutor obstacles during teaching activity. The method applied in this research was qualitative approach with descriptive analysis. The data were collected from interview and observation with the owner of Kampung Inggris Pontianak, West Kalimantan. It was found that English speaking skill to elementary school students was separated into four levels; basic, intermediate 1, intermediate 2, and advanced. There are five methods applied by Kampung Inggris Pontianak to improve students English speaking skill. Flashcards, watching movies, listening, games, and singing. There were two kinds of obstacles that tutors face during the class. First, most of the tutors’ backgrounds were non-educational. So, they found it hard, sometimes, to control their elementary students who are very energetic. They might have English language competence. However, it is not adequate as their only competence to teach students compared to tutors with English educational background. Therefore, Kampung Inggris Pontianak holds micro-teaching practices to see tutor candidate performances before coming into class. Second, new students made many false answers on the placement test just to make them get into a lower level class than they are supposed to be. The researcher hopes this research will give knowledge to the reader of how tutors in Kampung Inggris Pontianak teaches speaking skills to their students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-229
Syani Bombongan Rantesalu

Abstract: A value and character based curriculum is the core of the curriculum from time to time which is designed to answer the challenges of the times. In this paper, the author wants to examine the application of value-based and character-based curriculum in Christian Religious Education learning to the spiritual intelligence of public high school students in Tana Toraja. This is considered important because in the implementation of a value-based and character-based curriculum it has less impact on the spiritual intelligence of state high school students in Tana Toraja. The method used in this paper is qualitative research with descriptive analysis method. This study concludes that the curriculum developed in Christian religious education learning is still general in nature, which is designed in general in a universal context which is then developed according to a particular context. The curriculum in the context of Christianity in learning values and character in Christian education is only one source, namely from the Bible and applies to everyone in all places, as for the value in character building in relation to this spiritual intelligence, namely the value of love which is the main command of God, readiness to hear. and slow to speak, the value of holiness is not defiling oneself with various temptations and the values of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, namely love, joy, peace, patience, generosity, kindness, loyalty, gentleness and self-control.Keywords: values, character, spiritual intelligence  Abstrak: Kurikulum berbasis nilai dan karakter adalah inti dari dari kurikulum dari masa ke masa yang di desain untuk menjawab tantangan jaman. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis ingin mengkaji pemberlakuan kurikulum berbasis nilai dan karakter dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen terhadap Kecerdasan spiritual siswa SMA Negeri di Tana Toraja. Hal ini dianggap penting oleh karena dalam pemberlakuan kurikulum berbasis nilai dan karakter kurang berdampak bagi kecerdasan spiritual siswa SMA Negeri di Tana Toraja. Dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis dekriptif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa, kurikulum yang dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan Agama kristen masih bersifat umum, yakni dirancang secara umum dalam konteks universal yang kemudian dikembangkan sesuai konteks tertentu. Kurikulum dalam konteks kekristenan dalam pembelajaran nilai dan karakter pada pendidikan Kristen hanya satu sumber yakni dari Alkitab dan berlaku bagi setiap orang disegala tempat, adapun nilai dalam pembentukan karakter dalam kaitannya dengan kecerdasan spiritual ini yakni nilai kasih yang merupakan perintah utama Tuhan Allah, kesiapan untuk mendengar dan lambat untuk berkata-kata, nilai kekudusan yakni tidak menajiskan diri dengan berbagai godaan jasmani dan nilai-nilai dari buah Roh Kudus Kata Kunci: Nilai, karakter, kecerdasan spiritual

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