Improving Deep Object Detection Algorithms for Game Scenes
The advancement and popularity of computer games make game scene analysis one of the most interesting research topics in the computer vision society. Among the various computer vision techniques, we employ object detection algorithms for the analysis, since they can both recognize and localize objects in a scene. However, applying the existing object detection algorithms for analyzing game scenes does not guarantee a desired performance, since the algorithms are trained using datasets collected from the real world. In order to achieve a desired performance for analyzing game scenes, we built a dataset by collecting game scenes and retrained the object detection algorithms pre-trained with the datasets from the real world. We selected five object detection algorithms, namely YOLOv3, Faster R-CNN, SSD, FPN and EfficientDet, and eight games from various game genres including first-person shooting, role-playing, sports, and driving. PascalVOC and MS COCO were employed for the pre-training of the object detection algorithms. We proved the improvement in the performance that comes from our strategy in two aspects: recognition and localization. The improvement in recognition performance was measured using mean average precision (mAP) and the improvement in localization using intersection over union (IoU).