scholarly journals The Epidemiology of Food Allergy in the Global Context

Wenyin Loh ◽  
Mimi Tang

There is a lack of high-quality evidence based on the gold standard of oral food challenges to determine food allergy prevalence. Nevertheless, studies using surrogate measures of food allergy, such as health service utilization and clinical history, together with allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE), provide compelling data that the prevalence of food allergy is increasing in both Western and developing countries. In Western countries, challenge-diagnosed food allergy has been reported to be as high as 10%, with the greatest prevalence noted among younger children. There is also growing evidence of increasing prevalence in developing countries, with rates of challenge-diagnosed food allergy in China and Africa reported to be similar to that in Western countries. An interesting observation is that children of East Asian or African descent born in a Western environment are at higher risk of food allergy compared to Caucasian children; this intriguing finding emphasizes the importance of genome-environment interactions and forecasts future increases in food allergy in Asia and Africa as economic growth continues in these regions. While cow’s milk and egg allergy are two of the most common food allergies in most countries, diverse patterns of food allergy can be observed in individual geographic regions determined by each country’s feeding patterns. More robust studies investigating food allergy prevalence, particularly in Asia and the developing world, are necessary to understand the extent of the food allergy problem and identify preventive strategies to cope with the potential increase in these regions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-7 ◽  
Justin Greiwe

A verified food allergy can be an impactful life event that leads to increased anxiety and measurable effects on quality of life. Allergists play a key role in framing this discussion and can help alleviate underlying fears by promoting confidence and clarifying safety concerns. Correctly diagnosing a patient with an immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated food allergy remains a nuanced process fraught with the potential for error and confusion. This is especially true in situations in which the clinical history is not classic, and allergists rely too heavily on food allergy testing to provide a confirmatory diagnosis. A comprehensive medical history is critical in the diagnosis of food allergy and should be used to determine subsequent testing and interpretation of the results. Oral food challenge (OFC) is a critical procedure to identify patients with an IgE-mediated food allergy when the history and testing are not specific enough to confirm the diagnosis and can be a powerful teaching tool regardless of outcome. Although the safety and feasibility of performing OFC in a busy allergy office have always been a concern, in the hands of an experienced and trained provider, OFC is a safe and reliable procedure for patients of any age. With food allergy rates increasing and analysis of recent data that suggests that allergists across the United States are not providing this resource consistently to their patients, more emphasis needs to be placed on food challenge education and hands-on experience. The demand for OFCs will only continue to increase, especially with the growing popularity of oral immunotherapy programs; therefore, it is essential that allergists become familiar with the merits and limitations of current testing modalities and open their doors to using OFCs in the office.

1996 ◽  
Vol 115 (4) ◽  
pp. 312-318 ◽  
Jacquelynne P. Corey ◽  
Anil Gungor

The role of immunoglobulin E-mediated food allergy in subjects with allergic disorders, especially in patients with rhinitis and sinusitis, is underestimated by clinicians because of the initial attribution of these disorders to immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions. The difficulties of diagnosing food-related reactions have caused further delay in their recognition and incorporation into the daily practice of diagnosing food allergy. Two of the diagnostic methods for food allergy are the in vitro assay of total immunoglobulin E and the measurement of food-specific immunoglobulin E levels in serum with the radioallergosorbent test. Measurement of specific immunoglobulin E level is the most commonly used but also one of the most controversial techniques. We examined 123 patients with rhinitis who were referred to our otolaryngology/allergy clinic between January and April 1995. All patients received an initial radioallergosorbent test screen, which included milk. We determined the positive predictive value of this positive screen and, in particular, of a positive test for milk in the diagnosis of immunoglobulin E-mediated food allergies in these patients. Conclusions were based on comparison with the result of an additional radioallergosorbent test food panel consisting of eight common and two investigational food allergens. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996;115:312-8.)

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Charles F. Schuler IV ◽  
Malika Gupta ◽  
Georgiana M. Sanders

Food allergies consist of aberrant immunologic, typically immunoglobulin E mediated, reactions that involve food proteins. A clinical history with regard to the suspected food, temporal associations, the duration of symptoms, characteristic symptom complex, and reproducibility in some cases is the key to making an accurate diagnosis. The differential diagnosis includes, for example, other immunologic adverse food reactions, nonimmunologic adverse food reactions, and reactions that involve nonfood items. Skin and blood immunoglobulin E testing for the suspected food antigen can aid the diagnosis in the context of a supportive clinical history. Immunoglobulin E testing for food components may further enhance diagnostic accuracy. Novel testing modalities are under development but are not yet ready to replace the current paradigm. Thus, double-blinded placebo controlled oral food challenge is considered the criterion standard of testing, although unblinded oral food challenges are usually confirmatory.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 2333794X1989129
Abdullah Alsaggaf ◽  
James Murphy ◽  
Sydney Leibel

Introduction. Food allergies affect 8% of the pediatric population in the United States with an estimated annual cost of US$25 billion. The low specificity of some of the main food allergy tests used in diagnosis may generate false positives incurring unnecessary costs. We examined the cost-effectiveness of oral food challenges (OFC) as confirmatory tests in the diagnosis of food allergy. Methods. We constructed a decision tree with a Markov model comparing the long-term (15 years) cost and effectiveness—in the form of quality-adjusted life years (QALY)—of confirmatory OFCs compared with immediate allergenic food elimination (FE) after a skin prick test or blood immunoglobulin E (IgE) level in children with suspected food allergy. For costs, we included the costs of OFCs and the reported annual costs of having a food allergy, including direct medical costs and costs borne by families. Results. The cost of OFC strategy was $8671 compared with $18 012 for the FE strategy for the length of the model. Also, the OFC strategy had a total QALY of 21.942 compared with 21.740 for the FE strategy. In the OFC strategy, the total cost was $9341 less than FE and the increase in QALY after OFCs led to a 0.202 higher effectiveness in the OFC strategy. Conclusion. In conclusion, our study shows that the confirmatory OFC strategy dominated the FE strategy and that a confirmatory OFC for children, within a year of diagnosis, is a cost-effective strategy that decreases costs and appears to improve quality of life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 450-452 ◽  
Ashley L. Devonshire ◽  
Rachel Glick Robison

Primary prevention and secondary prevention in the context of food allergy refer to prevention of the development of sensitization (i.e., the presence of food-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) as measured by skin-prick testing and/or laboratory testing) and sensitization plus the clinical manifestations of food allergy, respectively. Until recently, interventions that target the prevention of food allergy have been limited. Although exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months of life has been a long-standing recommendation due to associated health benefits, recommendations regarding complementary feeding in infancy have significantly changed over the past 20 years. There now is evidence to support early introduction of peanut into the diet of infants with egg allergy, severe atopic dermatitis, or both diagnoses, defined as high risk for peanut allergy, to try to prevent development of peanut allergy. Although guideline-based recommendations are not available for early introduction of additional allergenic foods, this topic is being actively studied. There is no evidence to support additional dietary modification of the maternal or infant diet for the prevention of food allergy. Similarly, there is no conclusive evidence to support maternal avoidance diets for the prevention of food allergy.

2006 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-232 ◽  
S. Ridout ◽  
S. Matthews ◽  
C. Gant ◽  
R. Twiselton ◽  
T. Dean ◽  

2003 ◽  
Vol 111 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 1672-1680
Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn

Food allergy affects ∼2% of the general US population, and its prevalence seems to be increasing. Despite the potential for a fatal outcome, no definitive therapies are available for food allergy. This article reviews novel approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of food allergy. Improved diagnostic methods include more precise in vitro and in vivo tests for immunoglobulin E-mediated food allergies, in vitro assays for predicting development of oral tolerance, and novel noninvasive tests for cell-mediated food allergies such as patch testing, cytokine assays, and detection of eosinophil activation markers. Several promising novel immunomodulatory approaches to food allergy are discussed, including monoclonal anti-immunoglobulin E; probiotics; traditional Chinese medicine; and immunotherapy with modified food proteins, peptides, bacterial adjuvants, and immunostimulatory sequences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 19-29
Daria M. Levina ◽  
Ilya A. Korsunskiy ◽  
Daniel B. Munblit

Food allergy is one of the most prevalent allergic conditions, causing reduction in patient quality of life. It is linked with high levels of anxiety due to potential life-threatening reactions, and high economic burden for a healthcare system. Food allergy affects approximately 5 to 10% of children around the world. In Russian Federation the diagnosis of food allergy is primarily based on clinical history, laboratory test results, examination and elimination of suspected food. Meanwhile oral food challenge (OFC) is considered a gold standard of food allergy diagnosis by most of professional bodies nationally and internationally. OFC is a diagnostic procedure involving administration of a causative allergen in gradually increasing amount under a close medical supervision. The method is safe, highly specific and sensitive and is widely used around the world for more than 45 years. The main goals of OFC include food allergy diagnosis and presence of tolerance evaluation, which may result in diet expansion. OFC may also help establishing both, reaction severity and dose needed to elicit reaction, which may further assist with alleviation of patients anxiety. In this paper we discuss existing approaches to the diagnosis of food allergy in Russian Federation and review available recommendations on OFC outlined in international guidelines.

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