scholarly journals Living Structure as an Empirical Measurement of City Morphology

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 677
Chris A. de Rijke ◽  
Gloria Macassa ◽  
Mats Sandberg ◽  
Bin Jiang

Human actions and interactions are shaped in part by our direct environment. The studies of Christopher Alexander show that objects and structures can inhibit natural properties and characteristics; this is measured in living structure. He also found that we have better connection and feeling with more natural structures, as they more closely resemble ourselves. These theories are applied in this study to analyze and compare the urban morphology within different cities. The main aim of the study is to measure the living structure in cities. By identifying the living structure within cities, comparisons can be made between different types of cities, artificial and historical, and an estimation of what kind of effect this has on our wellbeing can be made. To do this, natural cities and natural streets are identified following a bottom-up data-driven methodology based on the underlying structures present in OpenStreetMap (OSM) road data. The naturally defined city edges (natural cities) based on intersection density and naturally occurring connected roads (natural streets) based on good continuity between road segments in the road data are extracted and then analyzed together. Thereafter, historical cities are compared with artificial cities to investigate the differences in living structure; it is found that historical cities generally consist of far more living structure than artificial cities. This research finds that the current usage of concrete, steel, and glass combined with very fast development speeds is detrimental to the living structure within cities. Newer city developments should be performed in symbiosis with older city structures as a whole, and the structure of the development should inhibit scaling as well as the buildings themselves.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (9) ◽  
pp. 1387-1404 ◽  
Karishma Biswas ◽  
Humaira Ilyas ◽  
Aritreyee Datta ◽  
Anirban Bhunia

Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs), within their realm incorporate a diverse group of structurally and functionally varied peptides, playing crucial roles in innate immunity. Over the last few decades, the field of AMP has seen a huge upsurge, mainly owing to the generation of the so-called drug resistant ‘superbugs’ as well as limitations associated with the existing antimicrobial agents. Due to their resilient biological properties, AMPs can very well form the sustainable alternative for nextgeneration therapeutic agents. Certain drawbacks associated with existing AMPs are, however, issues of major concern, circumventing which are imperative. These limitations mainly include proteolytic cleavage and hence poor stability inside the biological systems, reduced activity due to inadequate interaction with the microbial membrane, and ineffectiveness because of inappropriate delivery among others. In this context, the application of naturally occurring AMPs as an efficient prototype for generating various synthetic and designed counterparts has evolved as a new avenue in peptide-based therapy. Such designing approaches help to overcome the drawbacks of the parent AMPs while retaining the inherent activity. In this review, we summarize some of the basic NMR structure based approaches and techniques which aid in improving the activity of AMPs, using the example of a 16-residue dengue virus fusion protein derived peptide, VG16KRKP. Using first principle based designing technique and high resolution NMR-based structure characterization we validate different types of modifications of VG16KRKP, highlighting key motifs, which optimize its activity. The approaches and designing techniques presented can support our peers in their drug development work.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 432-439
Melville Saayman ◽  
Waldo Krugell ◽  
Andrea Saayman

The Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour is a major event on the road cycling calendar. The majority of cyclists travel significant distances and participation produces a substantial carbon footprint. This paper examines participants’ willingness to pay to offset their carbon footprint. The purpose of this paper is to make a contribution to the literature by linking willingness to pay to attitudes towards or beliefs (green views) about the initiatives in place, to ensure a greener cycle tour. Factor analysis is used to identify different types of cyclists, based on their green views: those with green money, those who prefer green products and the “re-cyclers”. The results of the regression analysis reveal that socio-demographic variables and the right attitude towards the environment are significant predictors of stated willingness to pay for climate change mitigation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 641-642 ◽  
pp. 616-619
Ji Li ◽  
Bai Hao Li ◽  
Li Lin

With regard to planning theory and practical construction of Early-modern City Planning in Wuzhou, the paper discusses the historic city regeneration was adhere to old city structure and regional resource at early stage, and new planning refer to technology of ideal cities in Europe and America later. It also analyzes the urban morphology for the "Road Construction→Historic City Renovation→Experimental Regional Planning" process, summarizes the activities of Wuzhou early-modern city planning and construction has “Arcades City” characteristic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1077
Leonardo Lijuwardi ◽  
Gregorius Sandjaja Sentosa

ABSTRACTMulti-layer systems theory is one of the concepts used in finding out the amount of strain and stress that occurs in the road pavement system due to vehicle loads. The purpose and goal of this study is to analyze the amount of strain that occurs on the pavement systems in Indonesia, especially in the subgrade position. The type of multi-layer system theory used to calculate the amount of strain includes the theory of one layer systems, two-layer systems and three-layer systems with data analyzed in the form of pavement thickness and type of pavement material.Based on this study, the value of strain obtained by the theory of one-layer system in some of the road data reviewed are 533.8658 microstrains, 361.3456 microstrains, 1577.987601 microstrains, 618,012 microstrains and 140.3075 microstrains. For research with two-layers systems, the results obtained are 1116.2920 microstrains, 544.322 microstrains, 1448.0839 microstrains, 734.1844 microstrains and 738.7226 microstrains. For research with three-layers system, results obtained are 72.20275278; 70.80346908; 192.9638366; 123.1150377dan 391.8845636 microstrains. The results with the calculation of one-layer system are very large because the modulus values of the subgrade layers are not reviewed and only pavement thickness is reviewed. As for calculations with the theory of two-layer systems, the results obtained are far greater than one-layer systems, due to the limitations of the graph to find the value of the ratio between thickness and large contact area. Calculation with the theory of three-layers system is a strain calculation which has a much smaller value compared to the theory of one-layer system and two- layer system. This is because this theory divides the calculated pavement layers into three layers, which is in accordance with the flexible pavement system which divides the pavement layers into three layers, so this calculation is the most ideal calculation because it approaches its original condition.ABSTRAKTeori sistem lapis banyak merupakan salah satu konsep yang digunakan dalam mencari tahu besaran regangan dan tegangan yang terjadi pada sistem perkerasan jalan raya akibat beban kendaraan. Maksud dan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis mengenai besaran regangan yang terjadi pada jalan raya di Indonesia pada lapisan tanah dasar khususnya di posisi permukaan tanah dasar. Adapun jenis teori sistem lapis banyak yang digunakan untuk menghitung besaran regangan tersebut antara lain teori one-layer systems, two-layers systems dan three-layers systems dengan data yang dianalisis berupa tebal perkerasan dan jenis material perkerasan jalan.Berdasarkan penelitian ini, adapun nilai dari regangan yang diperoleh dengan teori one-layer system di beberapa data jalan yang ditinjau, antara lain 533.8658 mikrostrain, 361.3456 mikrostrain, 1577.987601 mikrostrain, 618.012 mikrostrain dan 140.3075 mikrostrain. Untuk penelitian dengan two-layers system diperoleh hasil yaitu 1116.2920 mikrostrain, 544.322 mikrostrain, 1448.0839 mikrostrain, 734.1844 mikrostrain dan 738.7226 mikrostrain. Untuk penelitian dengan three-layers system diperoleh hasil antara lain 72.20275278; 70.80346908; 192.9638366; 123.1150377 dan 391.8845636 mikrostrain. Hasil dengan perhitungan one-layer system sangat besar dikarenakan nilai modulus lapisan dari subgrade tidak ditinjau dan hanya meninjau tebal perkerasan. Adapun untuk perhitungan dengan teori two-layers system, hasil yang diperoleh jauh lebih besar daripada one-layer system, yang disebabkan keterbatasan dari grafik untuk mencari nilai perbandingan antara ketebalan dan luas kontak yang besar. Perhitungan dengan teori three-layers system merupakan perhitungan regangan yang memiliki nilai jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan teori one-layer system dan two-layer systems. Hal ini dikarenakan teori ini membagi lapisan perkerasan yang dihitung menjadi tiga buah lapisan, yang sesuai dengan sistem perkerasan lentur yang membagi lapisan perkerasan menjadi tiga buah lapisan, sehingga perhitungan ini merupakan perhitungan yang paling ideal karena mendekati kondisi aslinya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-103 ◽  
Audrius Vaitkus ◽  
Judita Gražulytė ◽  
Rita Kleizienė ◽  
Viktoras Vorobjovas ◽  
Ovidijus Šernas

According to the European Asphalt Pavement Association, more than 90 per cent of the European road network is paved with asphalt. Constantly increasing traffic volume and climate change accelerate deterioration of current pavements. As a result, there arises a need to rehabilitate them prematurely. Repair and rehabilitation work lead to traffic congestion, which is one of the most significant concerns in highly trafficked roads and urban streets. Concrete modular pavements consisting of precast concrete slabs are a reasonable solution to deal with the road works since their construction, as well as repair, is time-saving. Repair works typically are implemented during a low traffic period (usually at night). A primary purpose of concrete modular pavements is heavily trafficked roads and other transport areas. This paper focuses on concrete modular pavements, their types, issues and challenges related to their design, slab fabrication and pavement construction. The conducted analysis revealed 15 different types of concrete modular pavements that differ from the techniques of slab joints and load transfer between the adjacent slabs. More than 20 issues and challenges related to the design of modular elements, slab fabrication and pavement construction were identified. Finally, the existing practice of concrete modular pavements was summarised and the gaps of scientific knowledge, as well as a need for comprehensive research, were defined.

Sathwik Krishna. L ◽  
Siva Rama Krishna. S ◽  
Abdul Amjad. S ◽  
Mahesh Babu. U ◽  
Lakshmi Surekha. T

Travelling day to day became integrated part of everyone. To travel we use different types of vehicles. A machine is not for a life time and with day to day usage and time-tested in various conditions, it is meant to witness some kind of breakdowns. Many breakdowns can be resolved on the spot by self-repairing. A lot of people are facing difficulties getting help when their Vehicle breaks down on the road. These problems are the motivations for the development of this project to help those who are in need when their Vehicle breaks down along the roads. The objective is to develop an django application that will help the user to avail help by using the application and get access to the nearby mechanic and thereby contact them.

Development ◽  
1958 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 365-372
C. H. Waddington ◽  
Margaret Perry

Several authors have studied the effects on developing embryos of substances which are analogues of naturally occurring amino-acids and purines, and known to act, in other systems, as metabolic inhibitors. It was emphasized by Waddington, Feldman, & Perry (1955) that any particular substance may exhibit very different effects in embryos of different types. They found, for instance, that the purine analogue 8-azaguanine has a very strong action in the chick and a much lesser one in the newt embryo. It is therefore necessary to consider the various classes of embryos separately. In this communication we shall be concerned only with chick embryos. Substances under test can be administered to such embryos by injection through the shell, as was done in the paper cited above With this technique it is impossible to know how much diffusion takes place of the substance injected, and one cannot therefore be certain of the effective concentration which actually reaches the embryo.

Peter Vasquez ◽  
Edwin Quiros ◽  
Gerald Jo Denoga ◽  
Robert Michael Corpus ◽  
Robert James Lomotan

Abstract Efforts to mitigate climate change include lowering of greenhouse gas emissions by reducing fuel consumption in the transport sector. Various vehicle technologies and interventions for better fuel economy eventually require chassis dynamometer testing using drive cycles for validation. As such, the methodology to generate these drive cycles from on-road data should produce drive cycles that closely represent actual on-road driving from the fuel economy standpoint. This study presents a comparison of the fuel economy measured from a drive cycle developed using road load energy as a major assessment criterion and the actual on-road fuel economy of a 2013 Isuzu Crosswind utility vehicle used in the UV Express transport fleet in Metro Manila, Philippines. In this approach to drive cycle construction from on-road data, the ratio of the total road load energy of the generated drive cycle to that of the on-road trip is made the same ratio as their respective durations. On-road velocity and fuel consumption were recorded as the test vehicle traversed the 42.5 km. Sucat to Lawton route and vice versa in Metro Manila. Gathered data were processed to generate drive cycles using the modified Markov Chain approach. Three drive cycles of decreasing duration, based on the practicality of testing on a chassis dynamometer, were generated using three arbitrary data compression ratios. These drive cycles were tested using the same vehicle on the chassis dynamometer and compared with the on-road data using road load energy, fuel economy, average speed, and maximum acceleration. For the 893-seconds drive cycle generated, the road load energy error was 3.93% and fuel economy difference of 1.14%. For the 774-seconds cycle generated, the road load energy error was 4.34% and fuel economy difference was 0.91%. For the 664-seconds drive cycle, the road load energy error was 3.68% and fuel economy difference was 0.91%. On-road fuel economy for the 42.5-km. route averaged over nine round trips was 8.785 km/L. Based on the results, the road load energy criterion approach of drive cycle construction methodology can generate drive cycles which can very closely estimate on-road fuel economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (23) ◽  
pp. 225-236
Dmytro Pivtoratskyi ◽  
Nataliia Bidnenko ◽  
Olha Dubova ◽  
Volodymyr Kaskiv ◽  

Introduction. Maintenance of roads in winter period is a complex of works that include snow resistance, snow removal from roads and slipperiness prevention for ensure the continuous traffic. Different countries have their own approaches for elimination of winter slipperiness, but their essence can be сoncentrated on the following measures: preventive treatment of the pavement to reduce of icing or weakening the adhesion of ice and the pavement; scattering of friction material with or without chemical agents for increasing the coefficient of adhesion of the wheel to the pavement surface; scattering of chemical agents for snow and ice melting with following removal outside of the roadway.The article summarizes the analysis of international experience in elimination and prevention of winter slipperiness formation according to the data of international conferences under the aegis of PIARC.Problems. In conditions of fast development of the transport network of Ukraine the stricter requirements are needed for maintenance of roads and for ensuring the safe traffic on them. The solving of these problems in the winter period also depends of winter slipperiness preventive measures.Purpose. Informing of the road community about the international experience of winter maintenance of roads.Materials and methods. Analysis of information sources regarding the experience of winter maintenance of roads abroad. Results. Specific examples of winter slipperiness preventive measures are given.Conclusions. The experience of different countries in winter slipperiness prevention is summarized and specific examples of its elimination and recommended measures are given.Keywords:road, winter maintenance, ice, maintenance in winter period, icing, deicing materials, brine, salt, slipperiness, snow, sodium chloride

The driver of an automobile is the key part of the “driver–car–road–environment” system, the stable functioning of which determines the efficiency and safety of road traffic. The driver as the operator of the “driver –car–road–environment” system receives most of the information from the road, data from moving and standing objects, road signs, traffic lights, surface conditions and traffic conditions. An analysis of most traffic accidents shows that the weakest part of the “driver–car–road–environment" system, restricting its effectiveness and dependability, is the person. To ensure the necessary dependability and safety, the driver of any vehicle must be careful. This is supported by an appropriate psychophysiological state, which, in turn, depends on many factors. The article presents an analysis of research work taking into account the influence of various factors on the dependability of a vehicle driver. Means and methods of research are described. Recommendations are given on creating a stand for studying the influence of the psychophysiological state of the driver on road safety. Keywords Driver dependability; road traffic; automobile; traffic environment; road accidents; road safety

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