scholarly journals A System for Locating Mobile Terminals with Tunable Privacy

2007 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-91
Sandford Bessler

A number of approaches for capturing and processing location information of mobile users have been proposed in the past; however, only with the latest advances in the handset technology, a terminal-based positioning approach, using overlay SIP signaling on top of a packet switched bearer and area notification as basic functionality becomes feasible for mass applications. Especially in electronic commerce scenarios, in which users often interact with non-trusted services and shops, any location-based solution has to consider privacy aspects as well. The terminal-centric model presented in the paper leads to a simple and efficient way to achieve tunable privacy: mobile users define own "zones" and selectively disclose them to their buddies and to external services. As a result, localization can be performed only in the allowed places and by the allowed watchers, both parameters being configured by the user herself on her mobile terminal. We describe the system architecture, protocols and present representative technical scenarios.

Priya Yadav ◽  
Pranjeet Das ◽  
Ravi Kumar Malhotra

E-commerce is process of doing business through computer networks. Advances in wireless network technology and the continuously increasing number of users of mobile latter on make an ideal platform for offering various high utilityservices in just a snap of a finger to the mobile users and give pace to the rapid development of E-Commerce in India.E-commerce is considered an excellent alternative for companies to reach new customersbut the fact that has hindered the growth of e-commerce is security. Security is the challenge facing e-commerce today and there is still a lot of advancement made in the field of securityfor increasing the use of e-commerce in developing countries the B2B e-commerce is implemented for improving access to global markets for firms in developing countries. With the special characteristics and constraints of mobile terminals and wireless networks and the context, situations and circumstances that people use their hand-held terminalswhich will ultimately fuel explosive ecommerce growth in India This paper highlights the various key challenges and opportunities which Indian e-commerce industry may face in the upcoming years. And also discuss challenges in electronic commerce transactions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 343-355
Jie Li ◽  
Wenyi Xue ◽  
Fang Yang ◽  
Yakun Li

AbstractWith the development of the electronic commerce, the electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) has become important reference information for consumer shopping. EWOM has attracted considerable interest from researchers in the past decade. In this paper, a research review is conducted and an integrated framework is proposed on the effect of eWOM. The effect of eWOM are influenced by its characteristics, communicators, and other factors. The characteristics of eWOM include the source, the volume and the valence. The communicators of eWOM refer to the sender, the receiver and the relationship between them. In addition, dispersion and consistency, persistence and observability, anonymity and deception, and community engagement are related factors for the effect of eWOM.

Elizabeth Tellier ◽  
Ricky Thethi

Deepwater riser selection is a complex evaluation of technical and commercial project drivers. The free standing hybrid riser (FSHR) has evolved in the last 10 years through major use in West Africa and is now gaining serious consideration in other deepwater provinces. The key benefit of the free standing riser is that the steel riser vertical section is offset from the vessel using flexible jumpers, thereby decoupling the riser from vessel dynamic motion. Early FSHR configuration took the hybrid bundle tower form. The very first free standing riser system, installed in 1988, consisted of the Placid hybrid bundle in the Gulf of Mexico. In the late nineties, a hybrid bundle tower was chosen for the Girassol development in West Africa. Since then, the industry has sanctioned numerous developments using multiple single line freestanding risers. Optimization of the FSHR is continuing with new concepts such as the Grouped SLOR developed to offer the combined benefits of both the bundle and single line multiple arrangements. This paper will describe how the FSHR configuration has evolved to meet increasing industry demands over the past 10 years and will discuss the future of this type of riser system. Increasing applications in ultra deepwater regions, hurricane prone locations and tiebacks to existing payload limited production vessels will be discussed with riser system architecture described including interfaces with the vessel and seabed.

As the usage of the Android smart phones has been considerably increasing, a lot of applications have been developed for the benefits of mobile users. In the past, many applications have been designed aiming to help physically disabled persons. This paper presents an android application which providers several options for controlling the movement of wheelchairs effectively. The proposed application enables People with Disabilities (PWDs) to operate the wheel chair with minimum effort. Apart from voice commands, the proposed application detects and measures the tilt change, and moves the wheelchair based on the degree of the tilt. It also provides a soft joystick as in mobile games to ease the operation of the wheelchairs. Furthermore, sensors that are fixed in the wheelchair can detect and avoid obstacles when the chair is on the move. Hence, it ensures the safety while using the wheelchairs. The proposed application will help both physically challenged persons and elders to operate the wheelchairs more comfortably.

Gregor V. Bochmann ◽  
Eric Zhen Zhang

The requirements for an authentication infrastructure for electronic commerce are explained by identifying the partners involved in e-commerce transactions and the trust relationships required. Related security requirements are also explained, such as authentication, access rights, payment credentials, anonymity (in certain cases), and privacy and integrity of message exchanges. Then several general authentication schemes and specific protocols are reviewed and their suitability for mobile users is discussed. Finally, an improved authentication protocol is presented which can provide trust relationships for mobile e-commerce users. Its analysis and comparison with other proposed authentication protocols indicate that it is a good candidate for use in the context of mobile e-commerce.

Hongwei Du ◽  
Albert Lederer ◽  
Jiming Wu

In the past two decades, electronic commerce has been growing rapidly due to the increasing popularization of personal computers, expanding penetration of broadband, and continuing development of the Internet and World Wide Web. According to eMarketer (2009), an e-business and online market research company, the total U.S. e-commerce sales (excluding travel) will grow from $127.7 billion in 2007 to $182.5 billion in 2010. The firm also estimates that the number of online shoppers in U.S. will increase from 131.1 million—nearly four-fifths of Internet users—by the year 2007, to 148.7 million by the year 2010. The growth of e-commerce relies not only on the great convenience of conducting transactions over the Internet but also on consumers’ willingness to trust an online merchant. This view is consistent with that advanced by Holsapple and Wu (2008): non-face-to-face, Internet-based transactions require an element of trust; in other words, trust is a foundation of e-commerce.

Dieter Fink

While much attention is currently being devoted to solving technological challenges of the Internet, for example increasing the bandwidth on existing narrowband network platforms to overcome bottlenecks, little attention appears to be given to the nontechnical aspects. This has been a mistake in the past as human resistance to, or incompetence during, the introduction of new Information Technology (IT) often caused Information Systems (IS) to fail. By focusing on a broad range of technical and nontechnical elements early in the adoption of Internet technology, we have the opportunity to avoid the mistakes made in the past. The Internet has given rise to electronic commerce (e-commerce) through the use of the World Wide Web (Web). E-commerce, by its nature, offers enormous possibilities but in an uncontrolled environment. Therefore, for e-commerce to be accepted, trust must be established as soon as interaction with a Web site begins. In the virtual environment of the Web trust has become even more important because the parties are not in physical proximity. There are no handshakes or body language to be observed when closing a deal. Furthermore, jurisdiction is unclear. Developments on a global scale are required that provide assurance that e-commerce can be conducted in a ‘trusting’ manner.

Jari Veijalainen ◽  
Mathias Weske

During the last five years, the term mobile commerce (m-commerce) has appeared in the vocabulary of business people and researchers. Historically and conceptually, m-commerce can be regarded a new phase in electronic commerce (e-commerce). Although the term was introduced without a clear meaning and it is still lacking a single widely accepted definition, most people would say that the term m-commerce refers to e-commerce activities performed by people while on the move. Thus, m-commerce involves e-commerce transactions where a mobile terminal and a wireless network are used to conduct them. Therefore, m-commerce takes advantage of the e-commerce infrastructure developed for Internet e-commerce. Although in some cases an m-commerce transaction might be an alternative to a regular e-commerce transaction (such as buying a book) performed using a workstation and wired network, in many cases this is not the situation. The limitations of the mobile device - for instance, user interface limitations - are such that it is not attractive to perform typical Internet e-commerce transactions on them. Wireless technologies, combined with so-called ‘Internet-enabled’ terminals, constitute an ideal platform to realize new types of e-commerce transactions that are not possible or reasonable for wired terminals. The small and light, yet powerful, mobile terminals are almost always carried by their owners, just like wallets or watches. They can indeed also store electronic cash, credit card information, tickets, certificates of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), and so forth. Thus, they can assume the role of an e-wallet, as well as function as authentication and authorization devices in various contexts.

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