scholarly journals Dating Violence in Adolescence: Comparison between Scholars and Adolescents in Residential Care

Sexes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Maria Dosil-Santamaria ◽  
Joana Jaureguizar ◽  
Elena Bernaras

(1) Background: Dating violence (DV) among adolescents constitutes a serious problem, not only because of the magnitude of the phenomenon, but also because of the seriousness of the personal and social consequences derived from it. The objectives of this study were the following: to analyze the prevalence of DV among adolescents in residential care and in schools, according to sex, age and origin, and to analyze the prevalence of the types of violence and victimization, according to the residential care resource and the school. (2) Methods: The sample consisted of adolescents in residential care in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (Spain) (n = 271) and adolescents in schools (n = 268) aged between 12 and 17 years. (3) Results: The results showed a higher prevalence of DV in adolescents in residential care than that found in other studies with a normative sample. (4) Conclusions: These results support the need for work and research with these minors in residential care. It also gives an important weight to sociodemographic variables, such as age and sex, and also to the types of violence and victimization, i.e., variables to be taken into account in the intervention with adolescents. Future educational programs should consider DV prevention and children in residential care.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 54
Itsaso Biota

The incessant social, cultural and economic changes in which society is immersed, does require developing coping skills towards change that allow teenagers to successfully develop as active subjects of society.  Within this framework, the school environment is considered an ideal scenario to work resilience in the adolescent stage.  Based on these considerations, the objective of this research is the approach to the reality of adolescents and their resilience.  For this reason, a descriptive analysis is carried out with 193 teenagers from various schools in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (CAPV).  The results show significant differences in resilient capacities related to the age and sex of the participating adolescents.


Laburpena: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoaren egituraren konplexutasuna dela-eta, Administrazioen arteko elkarlanerako mekanismoak garatu behar dira, asko baitira eskumen konpartituak, bereziki Eusko Jaurlaritzaren eta Foru Aldundien artean. Mekanismo horietako bat administrazioen arteko hitzarmenak dira, artikulu honetan aztergai direnak. Eusko Legebiltzarrak onetsi behar dituen akordio horiek unean uneko lankidetzaren adibide argia dira. Horretarako, lehenengoz, Euskadin eskumenen aldetik eta gobernuarteko harremanen aldetik dagoen egoera aztertuko da; geroago, Eusko Legebiltzarrean 1998 eta 2014 bitartean sinatutako hitzarmenak banan-banan aztertuko ditugu, kontuan hartuta zein aldek sinatu dituzten eta zein gairi buruzkoak diren. Azterlan honen helburua da gaur egun gutxitan aztertu den gai bati buruzko hurbilketa egitea. RESUMEN : La complejidad de la estructura de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco hace necesario el desarrollo de mecanismos de colaboración entre Administraciones, ya que son múltiples las competencias compartidas, especialmente entre Gobierno Vasco y Diputaciones Forales. Entre dichos mecanismos se encuentran los convenios interadministrativos, objeto del presente. Dichos acuerdos, cuya aprobación dependen del Parlamento Vasco, son un ejemplo claro de cooperación puntual. Para ello, se analizará primero la situación de Euskadi en términos competencias y de Relaciones Intergubernamentales existentes para, posteriormente proceder a desgranar los convenios firmados en el seno del Parlamento Vasco entre 1998 y 2014 atendiendo a las partes firmantes y la temática de los mismos. El presente estudio pretende ser una aproximación a un tema poco estudiado por el momento. ABSTRACT : The complexity of the framework of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country calls for the development of mechanisms of collaboration between administrations since the shared competences are numerous, specially between the Basque Government and the Foral Diputations. Amongst those mechanisms we find the interadministrative agreements, topic under consideration in this paper. Those agreements, whose approval is up to the Basque Parliament, are a clear example of one-off cooperation. Firstly, it will be analyzed the situation of Euskadi in terms of competences and existing intergovernmental relationships and then we will proceed to pinpoint the agreements signed within the Basque Parliament between 1998 and 2014 taking into account the signatory parties and their subject. The current study aims to be an approximation to a less studied topic.

2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (58) ◽  
pp. 197-204
Juliana Carnevalli Siqueira Nery ◽  
Fabián Javier Marín Rueda

In this study, the relation of age and sex with visuospatial reasoning assessed by the Cube Test was investigated. In addition, a comparative study was conducted between this study sample and the normative group of the test with regard to visuospatial reasoning performance results. Six hundred and eighty-four students participated in this study, from the city of Belo Horizonte (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil), aged between 15 and 57 years old, both male and female. The results showed both age and sex differences, where younger students showed a significantly higher performance than older students and men showed significantly higher averages than women in every test comparison. In the study with the normative sample, men showed higher averages than women throughout every age group and in the overall result of both studies. The results obtained reflect those found in the literature and highlight the influence of age and sex on visuospatial reasoning.


LABURPENA: Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorren Legeak sektore publikoko herriadministrazio eta erakunde guztiei debekatu egiten die ekarpenik egitea enpleguko pentsio-planetan edo aseguru kolektiboko kontratuetan, erretiroagatiko estaldura jasotzen badute. Hain zuzen ere, debeku hori aztertzen da lan honetan. Azterketa Enplegatu Publikoaren Oinarrizko Estatutua eta EK-ko 149.1.13. nahiz 156. artikuluen inguruko doktrina konstituzionala oinarri hartuta egituratzen da, eta debeku haren konstituziokontrakotasuna ondorioztatzen du. Adibidez, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoaren kasuan, debekuak Euskal Herriko Autonomia Estatutuko 10.4 artikulutik ondorioztatzen den berezko eskumen-esparru esklusiboan dauka eragina. RESUMEN: Este trabajo analiza la prohibición que impone la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado a todas las Administraciones Públicas y entidades integrantes del sector público de realizar aportaciones a planes de pensiones de empleo o contratos de seguro colectivos que incluyan la cobertura de la contingencia de jubilación. El análisis se vertebra a partir del Estatuto Básico del Empleado Público y de la doctrina constitucional en torno a los artículos 149.1.13.ª CE y 156 CE, concluyendo en la inconstitucionalidad de aquella prohibición, que en la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi incide en el ámbito competencial propio y exclusivo que deriva del artículo 10.4 del Estatuto de Autonomía del País Vasco. ABSTRACT: This work analyzes the prohibition imposed by the State Budget’s Act to every public administration and entity part of the public sector to contribute to pension plans or collective insurance policies that cover the retirement contingency. This analysis has as essential structure the Basic Statute of the Public Employee and the constitutional doctrine regarding articles 149.1.13 and 156 of the Constitution and it concludes with the unconstitutionality of that prohibition which in the Autonomous Community of Euskadi has an impact on the very own and exclusive powers that derive from article 10.4 of the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country.


LABURPENA: Artikulu hau Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko gobernuen arteko harremanei buruzkoa da, baita gatazkek eta erregulazioen arteko aldeek Euskadiko udalen egoera ekonomiko-finantzarioan izan duten eraginari buruzkoa ere. Hasieran, Autonomia Erkidegoaren egitura instituzionala eta gobernuen arteko harremanak azalduko dira; ondoren, udal-erakundeen eskumenen eta finantzaren arloetako legeak esplikatuko dira. Azkenik, 2009-2012 aldiko zenbait datu ekonomiko erabiliz, udalen egoera ekonomikoa zein den eta azken urteetako bilakaera azalduko dira. Amaitzeko, hainbat ondorio eta etorkizunerako jarraibideak ere emango dira. RESUMEN: Este artículo versa sobre las relaciones intergubernamentales existentes en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco y como los diferentes conflictos y regulaciones existentes han influido en la situación económico-financiera de los ayuntamientos vascos. En un primer momento se explicará la estructura institucional y de relaciones intergubernamentales existente en el seno de la Comunidad Autónoma para después, explicitar el entramado legal existente tanto en el ámbito competencial como financiero para los entes locales. Finalmente, se aportarán una serie de datos económicos del período 2009-2012 para explicitar cuál es la situación económica municipal y cuál ha sido su evolución a lo largo de los últimos años. Para concluir, se aportarán algunas conclusiones y pautas futuras. ABSTRACT: This article deals with the intergovernmental relationships within the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and how the different conflicts and existing regulations have influenced the economic and financial situation of the Basque municipalities. Firstly, we will explain the institutional framework and the intergovernmental relationship within the Autonomous Community and thereafter explicit the existing legal scheme both in the field of competences and in the economic field for the local entities. Finally, some economic data of the 2009-2012 period will be supplied in order to make it clear which is the municipal economic situation and the last years‘ evolution. To conclude, some conclusions and future guidelines are given.

Marcela Gracia-Leiva ◽  
Alicia Puente-Martínez ◽  
Silvia Ubillos-Landa ◽  
José Luis González-Castro ◽  
Darío Páez-Rovira

Dating violence (DV) is a public health problem among young people, especially women. It involves violent acts towards one’s partner and occurs face-to-face (offline) or through the Internet (online). Offline DV is linked to suicidal ideation and attachment to parents and peers. Fewer studies analyze the psychological and social consequences of online DV. This study tests the link between young women’s DV victimization (off- and online), suicide risk (SR), and parent and peer support in a sample of young Spanish females (N = 1227) (Mage=19, SD = 2.82; range = 13–28). Results confirm that compared to non-victims off- and online DV increase suicidal thoughts and attempts. This effect is stronger for victims of both types of DV (thoughts: OR offline DV = 3.11; CI95% 2.06, 4.69; OR online DV = 2.37; CI95% 1.69, 3.32; OR off-online DV = 4.19 CI95% 2.44, 7.17) (attempts: OR offline DV = 4.02; CI95% 1.83, 8.81; OR online DV = 3.69; CI95% 1.96, 7.01; OR off-online DV = 10.55 CI95% 2.56, 44.43). Mediation and moderation models were used to assess the effect of perceived attachment of parents and friends in DV victims and SR. Mediation analyses indicated that perceived attachment and proximity to parents and peers reduces the impact of DV on SR. Moderation analyses showed that a high level of perceived peer attachment reduces the effect of offline DV on SR. Regarding off-online DV, a high level of perceived parent attachment mitigates suicide risk. Loneliness, lack of care from loved ones, and thwarted belongingness increase suicidal thoughts in DV victims. Peers and parents’ proximity may prevent risk behaviors in DV victims.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Petia Genkova

<p>Until now it has not been analysed in previous research if and how cultures affect the well-being of people. It was the aim of this investigation to find conform and different patterns of subjective cultural well-being in the examined cultures of Bulgaria, France, Germany and China. Overall, 280 test persons from these countries were surveyed, namely 70 persons from each country. These samples are connected with different cultural traditions. A cohort design was used with subject to age and sex to assure comparability and to be able to meet the demands for a variance analysis. Overall, the results show that the relationships between the cultural patterns and the subjective specific well-being are not as strong as assumed, but significant. The sociodemographic variables do not influence subjective well-being.</p>


LABURPENA: Bai Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko erakunde erkideek bai lurralde historikoetako foru-organoek guztiek dituzte arauak ezartzeko nahiz egikaritzeko eskumenak, tokiko araubideko kontuetan. Eskumen orokorra erakunde erkideek dute, baina ez dute apenas erabili, eta araudia zatikatua eta egitura eskasekoa eman dute. Lurralde historikoetako foru-organoak direnez eskumen-atribuzio espezifikoen titularrak, haiek jardun dira buru-belarri lanean arauak sortzeko, nahiz behin baino gehiagotan eskumena dela-eta liskarra eragin izan duten. Orotara esateko, Euskadiko Tokiko Administrazioko araubide juridikoak goitik behera berrikustea behar du, eskumenak banatzen hasi aurretik foru-erakundeen eta erkidegoko erakundeen artean. RESUMEN: Tanto las instituciones comunes de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco como los órganos forales de sus territorios históricos tienen competencias normativas y ejecutivas en materia de régimen local. La competencia general corresponde a las instituciones comunes, que han hecho un escaso uso de la misma, produciendo una normativa fragmentaria y poco estructurada. Los órganos forales de los territorios históricos, como titulares de atribuciones competenciales específicas, han desarrollado una intensa actividad normativa, no siempre indiscutida desde el punto de vista competencial. En general, el régimen jurídico de la Administración Local del País Vasco precisa de una profunda revisión, previo deslinde de los ámbitos competenciales autonómico y foral. ABSTRACT: Both common institutions of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and the foral bodies of their historical territories have normative and executive powers in the field of local government. The general power is responsibility of the common institutions, which have barely used it, so the normative is fragmented and poorly structured. The foral bodies of the historical territories, as the holders of some specific powers, have developed a deep normative activity, not always undisputed from the point of view of the powers. In general, the legal regime of the local Administration of the Basque Country needs a deep review prior to a limitation of the autonomic and foral sphere of powers.

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