scholarly journals Optimum Turf Grass Irrigation Requirements and Corresponding Water- Energy-CO2 Nexus across Harris County, Texas

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1440
Ripendra Awal ◽  
Ali Fares ◽  
Hamideh Habibi

Harris County is one of the most populated counties in the United States. About 30% of domestic water use in the U.S. is for outdoor activities, especially landscape irrigation and gardening. Optimum landscape and garden irrigation contributes to substantial water and energy savings and a substantial reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Thus, the objectives of this work are to (i) calculate site-specific turf grass irrigation water requirements across Harris County and (ii) calculate CO2 emission reductions and water and energy savings across the county if optimum turf grass irrigation is adopted. The Irrigation Management System was used with site-specific soil hydrological data, turf crop water uptake parameters (root distribution and crop coefficient), and long-term daily rainfall and reference evapotranspiration to calculate irrigation water demand across Harris County. The Irrigation Management System outputs include irrigation requirements, runoff, and drainage below the root system. Savings in turf irrigation requirements and energy and their corresponding reduction in CO2 emission were calculated. Irrigation water requirements decreased moving across the county from its north-west to its south-east corners. However, the opposite happened for the runoff and excess drainage below the rootzone. The main reason for this variability is the combined effect of rainfall, reference evapotranspiration, and soil types. Based on the result, if the average annual irrigation water use across the county is 25 mm higher than the optimum level, this will result in 10.45 million m3 of water losses (equivalent water use for 30,561 single families), 4413 MWh excess energy use, and the emission of 2599 metric tons of CO2.

2021 ◽  
Marco Mancini ◽  
Chiara Corbari ◽  
Imen Ben Charfi ◽  
Ahmad Al Bitar ◽  
Drazen Skokovic ◽  

<p>The conflicting use of water is becoming more and more evident, also in regions that are traditionally rich in water. With the world’s population projected to increase to 8.5 billion by 2030, the simultaneous growth in income will imply a substantial increase in demand for both water and food. Climate change impacts will further stress the water availability enhancing also its conflictual use. The agricultural sector is the biggest and least efficient water user, accounts for around 24% of total water use in Europe, peaking at 80% in the southern regions.</p><p>This paper shows the implementation of a system for real-time operative irrigation water management at high spatial and temporal able to monitor the crop water needs reducing the irrigation losses and increasing the water use efficiency, according to different agronomic practices supporting different level of water users from irrigation consortia to single farmers. The system couples together satellite (land surface temperature LST and vegetation information) and ground data, with pixel wise hydrological crop soil water energy balance model. In particular, the SAFY (Simple Algorithm for Yield) crop model has been coupled with the pixel wise energy water balance FEST-EWB model, which assimilate satellite LST for its soil parameters calibration. The essence of this coupled modelling is that the SAFY provides the leaf area index (LAI) evolution in time used by the FEST-EWB for evapotranspiration computation while FEST-EWB model provides soil moisture (SM) to SAFY model for computing crop grow for assigned water content.</p><p>The FEST-EWB-SAFY has been firstly calibrated in specific fields of Chiese (maize crop) and Capitanata (tomatoes) where ground measurements of evapotranspiration, soil moisture and crop yields are available, as well as LAI from Sentinel2-Landsat 7 and 8 data. The FEST-EWB-SAFY model has then been validated also on several fields of the RICA farms database in the two Italian consortia, where the economic data are available plus the crop yield. Finally, the modelled maps of LAI have then been validated over the whole Consortium area (Chiese and Capitanata) against satellite data of LAI from Landsat 7 and 8, and Sentinel-2.</p><p>Optimized irrigation volumes are assessed based on a soil moisture thresholds criterion, allowing to reduce the passages over the field capacity threshold reducing the percolation flux with a saving of irrigation volume without affecting evapotranspiration and so that the crop production. The implemented strategy has shown a significative irrigation water saving, also in this area where a traditional careful use of water is assessed.</p><p>The activity is part of the European project RET-SIF (</p>

Daniella P. dos Santos ◽  
Célia S. dos Santos ◽  
Leiliane M. da Silva ◽  
Márcio A. L. dos Santos ◽  
Cícero G. dos Santos

ABSTRACT Optimization of water use in agriculture is fundamental, particularly in regions where water scarcity is intense, requiring the adoption of technologies that promote increased irrigation efficiency. The objective of this study was to evaluate evapotranspiration models and to estimate the crop coefficients of beet grown in a drainage lysimeter in the Agreste region of Alagoas. The experiment was conducted at the Campus of the Federal University of Alagoas - UFAL, in the municipality of Arapiraca, AL, between March and April 2014. Crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was estimated in drainage lysimeters and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) by Penman-Monteith-FAO 56 and Hargreaves-Samani methods. The Hargreaves-Samani method presented a good performance index for ETo estimation compared with the Penman-Monteith-FAO method, indicating that it is adequate for the study area. Beet ETc showed a cumulative demand of 202.11 mm for a cumulative reference evapotranspiration of 152.00 mm. Kc values determined using the Penman-Monteith-FAO 56 and Hargreaves-Samani methods were overestimated, in comparison to the Kc values of the FAO-56 standard method. With the obtained results, it is possible to correct the equations of the methods for the region, allowing for adequate irrigation management.

Welson L. Simões ◽  
Anderson R. de Oliveira ◽  
Alessandra M. Salviano ◽  
Jucicléia S. da Silva ◽  
Marcelo Calgaro ◽  

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of leaching fraction on the biometric and production characteristics and technological quality of the juice of sugarcane varieties grown in saline soil in the Brazilian semiarid region. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with three repetitions, in a 2 × 3 × 3 factorial scheme, corresponding to two sugarcane cultivation cycles: plant cane and ratoon cane; three sugarcane varieties: RB72454, SP943206 and VAT90212; and, three leaching fractions of irrigation water: 0; 9.1; and 16.6%. Number of living leaves, number of internodes, leaf area, stem diameter, plant height, number of tillers, yield, total soluble solids content (°Brix), percentage of industrial fiber, juice purity, juice Pol%, cane Pol% and total recoverable sugar were evaluated. At the end of the two crop cycles, water use efficiency was determined. The varieties SP943206 and VAT90212 showed higher yield under leaching fraction of irrigation water of 9.1% in both cycles, and higher water use efficiency values were observed for the variety VAT90212. Application of leaching fractions to reduce soil salinity does not promote changes in the technological quality of the sugarcane varieties RB72454, SP943206 and VAT90212.

Marcelo R. dos Santos ◽  
Sérgio L. R. Donato ◽  
Lilian L. Lourenço ◽  
Tânia S. Silva ◽  
Mauricio A. Coelho Filho

ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze different irrigation strategies in two cultivars of the banana crop. The study was conducted in four production cycles of ‘Prata-Anã’ and ‘BRS Platina’ bananas. The applied irrigation depths (ID) were obtained by the model ID = K x LA x ETo, where K is an empirical transpiration constant of 0.20; 0.35; 0.50 and 0.65 for the strategies 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively; LA is the leaf area of mother and daughter plants of ‘Prata-Anã’ and ETo is the reference evapotranspiration. The strategy 5 was obtained according to the crop evapotranspiration, ETc = ETo x Kc, where Kc is the crop coefficient. Drip irrigation system was used, with two laterals per plant row and emitters with flow rate of 8 L h-1, spaced at 0.50 m. It was found that ‘Prata-Anã’ is more efficient than ‘BRS Platina’ in terms of water use and the model for irrigation management, ID = 0.35 x LA x ETo, is recommended to optimize water use by ‘Prata-Anã’ and ‘BRS Platina’ bananas, with increase in water use efficiency and maintenance of yield. The same model, with K coefficient equal to 0.50, makes it possible to obtain yield and water use efficiency equal to those obtained with irrigation management based on the ETc.

HortScience ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 446B-446
B. Sanden ◽  
L. Wu ◽  
J.P. Mitchell ◽  
L. Pan ◽  
R. Strohman

This research tests the hypothesis that decreasing lateral spacing from 45 to 35 feet in solid-set sprinkler systems increases the uniformity of irrigation water distribution and improves water and N fertilizer use efficiencies. Three different spacings between sprinkler laterals (35', 40', and 45') were set up in three blocks in a 60-acre commercial carrot field in Western Kern County in California's San Joaquin Valley. Determinations of irrigation water distribution uniformity, yields, crop water use, plant growth, and nitrate leaching were made. Mean sprinkler distribution uniformities (DU) were found to be 80.6%, 78.1%, and 86% for the 35-, 40-, and 45-ft spacings, respectively. Total carrot yield and quality did not differ significantly among the three spacings, corroborating the finding that irrigation uniformities were similar among the treatments. Although the three lateral spacings evaluated in this initial experiment did not result in major differences in irrigation uniformity, total yields, or quality, the findings of this initial stage of our research are significant. They point to the need for new assessments of currently used protocols for evaluating sprinkler irrigation management of water and nitrogen fertilizer if they can be confirmed by repeated trials in coming years.

HortScience ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 525F-526
D.I. Leskovar ◽  
J.C. Ward ◽  
A. Meiri

Reductions in the supply of high-quality irrigation water from underground aquifers is affecting production and irrigation management in the Winter Garden of southwestern Texas. This study was conducted to determine how growth, yield, and quality of watermelons [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai] grown with subsurface drip are affected by synchronizing irrigation with specific growth stages. In 1995 irrigation rates were: 1.0 evapotranspiration (ET) throughout the entire growth period (T1); 1.0ET until fruit set followed by 0.6ET until final harvest (T2); 1.0ET until fruit set followed by 0.6ET until first fruit maturity followed by 0.4ET until final harvest (T3); 1.0ET until fruit set followed by 0.6ET until first fruit maturity followed by 0.2ET until final harvest (T4). In 1996, two irrigation rates were constant 1.0ET (T1) and 0.5ET (T4), and two with varying ET rates throughout the entire growth period. Varying irrigation rates with specific growth stages had more influence on fruit set and early yield than on leaf and vine growth. Total marketable fruit yield ranged from 94.4 to 71.8 Mg·ha–1 when 569 mm (T1) and 371 mm (T4) of irrigation water, respectively, were applied in Spring 1995, and from 90.3 to 80.9 Mg·ha–1 when 881 mm (T1) and 577 mm (T4) of irrigation water, respectively, were applied in Spring 1996. However, plants irrigated with constant 0.5ET demonstrated greater water use efficiency than those with 1.0ET. Information on water use will assist farmers in designing management strategies that minimize risks due to uncertainties in weather and water supplies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 422-426 ◽  
Janet S. Hartin ◽  
David W. Fujino ◽  
Lorence R. Oki ◽  
S. Karrie Reid ◽  
Charles A. Ingels ◽  

University of California (UC) researchers have been involved in research and extension pertaining to measuring evapotranspiration (ET) rates and determining the minimum irrigation requirements of landscape plants for more than 30 years. Early work included the design and implementation of the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) weather station network and determining crop coefficients for warm and cool season turfgrasses based on historical ET and CIMIS data. Other researchers determined the minimum irrigation requirements for several species of established landscape trees, shrubs, and groundcovers in diverse climate zones throughout the state. In addition, the Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS) system was developed by UC personnel in the early 1990s which, to date, has classified more than 3500 landscape species into very low, low, moderate, and high water-use categories based on observation and personal experience by industry experts and UC personnel. Future work in the area of landscape water use and conservation will include updating WUCOLS as more data from replicated trials become available. New research at UC Riverside aims to improve irrigation efficiency (IE) through precision irrigation using smart controllers, remote sensing, and geospatial analysis under controlled conditions. Irrigation training and certification for public and private landscape managers must remain a priority because, even with advanced smart controller technologies, water savings will not occur with poorly designed and functioning irrigation systems.

2005 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-12 ◽  
Hannah M. Mathers ◽  
Luke T. Case ◽  
Thomas H. Yeager

As limitations on water used by container nurseries become commonplace, nurseries will have to improve irrigation management. Several ways to conserve water and improve on the management of irrigation water applied to container plants are discussed in this review. They include 1) uniform application, 2) proper scheduling of irrigation water, 3) substrate amendments that retain water, 4) reducing heat load or evaporative loss from containers, and 5) recycling runoff water.

2018 ◽  
Vol 61 (6) ◽  
pp. 1915-1922
Xiumei Li ◽  
Weixia Zhao ◽  
Jiusheng Li ◽  
Yanfeng Li

Abstract. To improve the management of variable-rate irrigation (VRI) systems in semi-humid climates, three different soil-based irrigation management methods were evaluated on their potential for reducing irrigation water use and maximizing crop yield and water use efficiency (WUE) during the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons of summer maize in the North China Plain. The three irrigation management methods evaluated were soil water balance modeling (SWB), measured soil water content (SWC), and a combination of SWB and the rain forecast for the next three days (RF). The experiments were implemented on four management zones delineated by available soil water holding capacity of a center-pivot VRI system. A similar irrigation trigger point (70% of field capacity) was used for the three irrigation management methods in the four management zones. In the two seasons, the total water application in the SWC treatments varied in a larger range among the management zones, and the irrigation water applied was 22% and 21% less than in the SWB and RF treatments, respectively. Similar yields were obtained among the irrigation management methods in both seasons. The maximum WUE was always observed with the SWC treatments for the four management zones in the 2017 season. The WUE with the SWC treatments was 36% and 23% higher than with the SWB and RF treatments, respectively. Considering the amount of irrigation water applied, yield, and WUE, our results demonstrated that the SWC method was more suitable for VRI management than the SWB and RF methods in this semi-humid climate. Keywords: Center pivot, Soil water balance, Soil water content, Rain forecast, Summer maize, Yield.

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