scholarly journals Advanced Treatment of Real Grey Water by SBR Followed by Ultrafiltration—Performance and Fouling Behavior

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 154 ◽  
Gabriela Kamińska ◽  
Anna Marszałek

Grey water has been identified as a potential source of water in a number of applications e.g., toilet flushing, laundering in first rinsing, floor cleaning, and irrigation. The major obstacle to the reuse of grey water relates to pathogens, nutrients, and organic matter found in grey water. Therefore, much effort has been put to treat grey water, in order to yield high-quality water deprived of bacteria and with an appropriate value in a wide range of quality parameters (Total Organic Carbon (TOC), nitrate, phosphate, ammonium, pH, and absorbance), similar to the values for tap water. The aim of this study was to treat the real grey water, and turn it into high-quality, safe water. For this purpose, the real grey water was treated by means of a sequential biological reactor (SBR) followed by ultrafiltration. Initially, grey water was treated in a laboratory SBR reactor with a capacity of 3 L, operated in a 24 h cycle. Then, SBR effluent was purified in a cross-flow ultrafiltration setup. Treatment efficiency in SBR and ultrafiltration was assessed using extended physicochemical and microbiological analyses (pH, conductivity, color, absorbance, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5), nitrate, phosphate, ammonium, total nitrogen, phenol index, nonionic and anionic surfactants, TOC, Escherichia coli, and enterococci). Additionally, ultrafiltration was evaluated in terms of fouling behavior for three polymer membranes with different MWCO (molecular weight cut-off). The values of quality parameters (pH, conductivity, COD, BOD5, TOC, N-NH4+, N-NO3−, Ntot, and P-PO43−) measured in SBR effluent did not exceed permissible values for wastewater discharged to soil and water. Ultrafiltration provided the high-quality water with very low values of COD (5.8–18.1 mg/L), TOC (0.47–2.19 mg/L), absorbanceUV254 (0.015–0.048 1/cm), color (10–29 mgPt/L) and concentration of nitrate (0.18–0.56 mg/L), phosphate (0.9–2.1 mg/L), ammonium (0.03–0.11 mg/L), and total nitrogen (3.3–4.7 mg/L) as well as lack of E. coli and enterococci. Membrane structural and surface properties did not affect the treatment efficiency, but did influence the fouling behavior.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-234 ◽  
Olivier Lefebvre ◽  
Jiangyong Hu ◽  
Say Leong Ong ◽  
How Yong Ng

This study deals with the feasibility and practicality to recover water and nutrients from fresh urine by means of evaporation/condensation. The evaporation process generated two distinct fractions: a condensate and a concentrate. The optimal percentage of evaporation (in volume) was found to be 80%, resulting in optimal condensate quality. Higher percentages of evaporation resulted in a deterioration of water quality, as urea decomposed into ammonia, followed by volatilization of the ammonia which ended up in the condensate. Following evaporation, struvite was recovered from the concentrate at an optimal Mg/N ratio of 1/1. The condensate was purified by filtration into two layers of soil and sand, followed by zeolites. Complete removal of N-NH3 and 91% removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) could be achieved throughout this process. Finally, the condensate was disinfected by sodium hypochlorite, achieving over 6-log inactivation of MS2 bacteriophage at a dose of 1,200 mg min/L. In conclusion, this study shows that there exist some potential benefits to the production of high-quality water and fertilizer from urine. The value of struvite recovered from the concentrate was found to be equivalent to that of the water from the condensate, showing that both streams deserve equal attention.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 490-496 ◽  
Terutake Niwa ◽  
Takuya Yamashita ◽  
Masataka Mitsumizo ◽  
Masanobu Takahashi ◽  
Masashi Hatamoto ◽  

Abstract A pilot plant was studied to investigate a new method for reclaiming wastewater from the industrial area of Jurong, producing high quality water from it for industrial reuse. The new process used an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and a membrane bioreactor (MBR) with a submerged ceramic flat sheet membrane. The feedwater from the chamber with the industrial wastewater was high in chemical oxygen demand (COD), which varied between 644 and 2,380 mg L–1 and had a pH range of 6.7–7.1. The MBR process was operated in series at a flux of 18–25 Lm–2 h–1 for 100 days. The average COD and the biological oxygen demand of products of the above system were 155 and 9 mg L–1, respectively. The results of this study indicated that a UASB-ceramic MBR process was capable of stably producing high quality water for industrial reuse from industrial wastewater.

2021 ◽  
Cuimei Lv ◽  
Yifan He ◽  
Wenge Zhang ◽  
Changkuan Gu ◽  
Yang Li ◽  

Abstract With the faster urbanization and the higher living environment requirements of people, the urban green area is getting increasingly attention. But green irrigation consumes huge tap water, causes the waste of high-quality water resources. The reclaimed water meets the standard of green irrigation and the source is sufficient, it is a good alternative water source for urban greening. The eco-economic benefit of using reclaimed water as greening water was evaluated in this paper. The composition of benefit was analyzed and the difference in benefit brought by using reclaimed water greening instead of tap water was quantified based on emergy theory. Taking Zhengzhou in 2018 for example, the results showed that the eco-economic benefit of reclaimed water greening was remarkable. The total eco-economic benefit was $4.05 billion, which was three times of that of tap water. Among the benefits, economic benefit accounted for the largest proportion, reaching 69.22%. After deducting the cost, the net eco-economic benefit of reclaimed water greening was $2.00 billion, while tap water was negative. Therefore, using reclaimed water to irrigate urban green area can save a lot of high-quality water and bring a lot of economic, social and ecological environmental benefits. The quantitative results of this paper can provide reference for the promotion of reclaimed water greening and the allocation decision of reclaimed water in water shortage areas. And it is helpful to improve the utilization efficiency of water resources and alleviate the shortage of urban water resources.

Ayşe Gündoğdu ◽  
Erdi Gültepe ◽  
Uğur Çarlı

The study was carried out between May 2014 and April 2015 with the aim of determining the anionic detergent pollution and some physico-chemical properties PH, temperature, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), total hardness (TH), chemical oxygen demand (COD), PO4-3-P, total nitrogen (TN)] of the Sırakaraağaçlar creek in Sinop. According to the results of one year measurement, it was established that the minimum and maximum values of the anionic detergent concentration vary between 0.02 and 0.98 mg/l, respectively. The results were classified according to Turkey’s Water Quality Management Regulation criteria (2008 and 2016). Sırakaraağaç creek water has been determined high quality water and slightly dirty water (class I and II) acording to the pH, temperature and phosphorus concentrations. It was found to be high quality water in terms of total nitrogen and COD parameters. Additionally, creek water is equivalent to polluted water (class II and III) according to anionic detergent concentration and DO values. High anionic detergent and low oxygen content can pose a hazard to sensitive aquatic organisms. Thus, the creek is especially under pressure in terms of anionic detergent and DO. Results of this study showed that the sources of pollution threatening the creek may be primarily the environmental factors that include human and agricultural activities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 920 ◽  
A. Filippidis ◽  
A. Godelitsas ◽  
N. Kantiranis ◽  
P. Gamaletsos ◽  
E. Tzamos ◽  

The commixture of sludge from Sindos industrial area of Thessaloniki with high quality HEU-type natural zeolite (tuff with 86 wt.% clinoptilolite-heulandite) in equal proportions, resulted in odourless and cohesive zeosludge. Also, the treatment of wastewater of pH 7.8 from the same area with high quality HEU-type natural zeolite (88 wt.% clinoptilolite-heulandite) resulted in production of clear water of pH 7.3, free of odours and improved quality parameters by 60% for the NO3 - content, 76% for the chemical oxygen demand (COD), 100% for P2O5 and Cr contents. Simultaneously, a precipitate of odourless and cohesive zeosludge was produced. The odourless and cohesive zeosludge produced either by the commixture of sludge with the natural zeolite or as precipitate from the treatment of industrial wastewater with the natural zeolite and coagulants, is suitable for safe deposition, since the fixation of the hazardous components in the micro/nano-pores of the HEU-type zeolite, as well as the meso- and macro-porous of natural zeolite, prevents their leaching by the rain water, protecting thus the quality of soils, surface and ground waters.

T.N. Tiwari ◽  
P.K. Katiyar

Background: The average productivity of chickpea is quite low (939 kg/ha) because of several factors including its cultivation in rain fed/low moisture and marginal lands, low seed replacement rate (25.4%), use of old and low-quality seed by the majority of farmers. This in turn gives poor germination, delayed emergence and sick seedlings that lead to poor yield. Osmo priming of seed with different in-organic salts has been reported to improve the germination, speed of emergence, seedling vigour, growth and yield of different vegetable and field crops but information’s on response of seed priming with in-organic salts on enhancement of seed quality parameters and crop performance of naturally aged seeds of chickpea is lacking over a wide range of environmental conditions including normal and water deficit conditions.Methods: An experiment was conducted under laboratory as well as in plastic pots with 05 seed osmo- priming level, two varieties of chickpea (Ujjawal and JG-14) and two moisture level (Normal at field capacity and water deficit at half of the field capacity) during rabi season 2017-18 and the Research farm of ICAR- IIPR Kanpur (U.P.) to study the influence of seed osmo-priming with in- organic salts on seed quality parameters and crop performance under normal and water deficit conditions. The observations were recorded on seed quality, growth and crop efficiency parameters at their appropriate time.Result: Osmo-priming of one-year-old chickpea seeds with KNO3, MgSO4, Ca(NO3)2 at 0.2% solution and tap water for 06 hours significantly enhanced the seed quality parameters in both the varieties evaluated under normal as well as under water deficit conditions over their respective control. Amongst, the priming agents used, KNO3 performed better than MgSO4, Ca(NO3)2 and tap water in respect of most of the seed quality parameters studied. Variety Ujjawal responded better the priming treatments than JG-14 under both normal and water deficit conditions. Osmo-priming treatments also showed the positive response in the enhancement of Nitrogen balance index (NBI), chlorophyll, Flavonols, Stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate in both the varieties evaluated under normal as well as water deficit condition.

2013 ◽  
Vol 838-841 ◽  
pp. 1698-1702
Zhi Gang Chen ◽  
Jun Jing Chen ◽  
Han Xiang Chen ◽  
Qing Jie Xie

The water quality of the Jinshan Lake in Zhen Jiang city were evaluated mainly on the basis of forty samples collected from four locations.The purposes of the study were to assess the levels of parameters associated with the demands of the functions of the water body and to compare them with Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water. Water quality parameters included pH, Temperature, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODMn), permanganate index, Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), and NH3-N were analyzed. These water quality parameters were surveyed in 2012 on a monthly basis.Most of them met the Class Ⅲ level of Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water excepting the Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus.The results show that the phenomenon of eutrophication existed in the the Jinshan Lake in 2012.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 788-800 ◽  
Kaitlin Mattos ◽  
Elizabeth King ◽  
Cara Lucas ◽  
Elizabeth Hodges Snyder ◽  
Aaron Dotson ◽  

Abstract Rainwater collection is a common source of household water in developed and developing communities where treated on-site water is not available. Although rainwater catchment has been practiced for generations in rural Alaska communities, there are little data available on the quality and quantity of rainwater resources. Forty-eight rainwater samples were collected from nine communities in Alaska over 2 years. Samples were tested for physical water quality parameters, metals, and bacteria. Characteristics of household catchments were recorded. Rainwater quantity in two communities was evaluated. Overall, high-quality water was observed in rain catchments, with average total organic carbon (TOC) and turbidity being lower than or equal to those values in other published rainwater studies. pH was consistently low. Over 80% of samples were below the United States limits for metals and met international microbiological water quality standards. However, variation was observed between households, communities, indoor/outdoor bacteria samples, covered/uncovered storage containers, and over time. The quantity of rainwater available for catchment could supply 17–40% of annual household water and is projected to increase in future decades according to Alaska climate models. Best practices are recommended for rural Alaska communities to maintain the naturally high quality of rainwater and take advantage of large quantities of rainwater available on-site.

Martha Osei-Marfo ◽  
Michael Oteng-Peprah ◽  
Esi Awuah ◽  
Nanne de Vries

Aims: To characterise wastewater, assess effluent quality and treatment efficiency of 3 existing biogas plants in 3 distinct institutions in Ghana and to provide relevant data necessary to policy makers to inform decision and influence policy. Study Design: Laboratory analyses were conducted on wastewater samples from the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Mfantsipim Senior High School (Mfantsipim) and Ankaful Maximum Security Prisons (Ankaful), between January and April 2018. Methodology: In all, 192 wastewater samples were collected from UCC, Mfantsipim and   Ankaful for analyses. Physical, chemical and biological parameters were analysed on raw wastewater and on the effluent. Quality parameters were determined using the protocol outlined in the Standard Methods. Results: The results showed significant differences between effluent quality from UCC, Mfantsipim and Ankaful with most of the quality parameters falling within the Ghana Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines. However, electrical conductivity (EC), total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), total coliforms (T. coli), Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella spp. (salmonella) exceeded the guideline values. The ratio between BOD5/COD was 0.5 and 0.3 for UCC and Ankaful respectively, indicating high biodegradability while Mfantsipim recorded 0.06, indicating low biodegradability. The parameters which had high treatment efficiency for the biogas plants was UCC (TSS 72.22%, total volatile solids (TVS) 78.41%, BOD5 64.22%, COD 63.56%, PO4 61.29%, T. coli 1.9 log reduction, E. coli less than 1 log reduction, salmonella 1.5 log reduction and vibrio cholerae (V. cholerae) 1 log reduction) followed by Mfantsipim (BOD5 70.45%,  COD 83.84%, NO3 79.17%, T. coli 1.6 log reduction, E. coli 5 log reduction, salmonella 1.8 log reduction and V. cholerae complete removal), while Ankaful was (TDS 57.7%, TSS 68.17%, TVS 56.33%, BOD5 82.4%, COD 81.13%, T. coli less than 1 log reduction, E. coli less than 1 log reduction, salmonella less than 1 log reduction and V. cholerae 0.96 log reduction). The rest of the parameters exhibited negative and/or low values. The performance analysis of the three biogas plants showed that UCC performs a little better than Ankaful and far better than Mfantsipim in term of treatment efficiency. Conclusion: The performance analysis indicated that the biogas plants were under-performing which could be attributed to poor maintenance, design deficiencies, poor environmental conditions and voluminous in-put loads. These factors impact the treatment efficiency resulting in relatively poor effluent quality which could put the health of the public at great risk. It is therefore recommended that authorities and policy makers formulate appropriate regulations aimed at addressing the potential impact of poor effluent quality discharged into the environment.

Alloy Digest ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  

Abstract AMPCOLOY 570 is a cast copper-nickel-aluminum-cobalt-iron alloy specially developed for applications involving severe stresses and high temperatures, such as glass-making molds and plate-glass rolls. It is significantly superior to cast iron which has been commonly used for glass-making molds. Good foundry techniques will yield high-quality castings of Ampcoloy 570 in a wide range of section sizes. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, elasticity, and tensile properties. It also includes information on high temperature performance and corrosion resistance as well as casting, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: Cu-392. Producer or source: Ampco Metal Inc..

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