scholarly journals New records of the non-indigenous species Branchiomma bairdi and B. conspersum (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) on the Pacific coast of North America

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-236 ◽  
Erica Keppel ◽  
Maria Ana Tovar-Hernández ◽  
Gregory Ruiz
1993 ◽  
Vol 125 (5) ◽  
pp. 965-966 ◽  
John D. Lattin

New records for non-indigenous species of Hemiptera: Heteroptera continue to be reported from Canada. Schwartz et al. (1991) reported the microphysid Loricula bipunctata (Perris) from Saanichton, British Columbia, and Larivière (1992) reported the occurrence of the nabid Himacerus apterous (Fabricius) from the vicinity of Halifax, Nova Scotia.Asquith and Lattin (1990) recorded the European anthocorid Brachysteles parvicornis (Costa) from New York, and Noodline, New Jersey. Lattin and Asquith (1991) reported additional material of the species from Maine on Picea glauca (Moench) and from Massachusetts on Pinus rigida Mill. With the latter specimens, the oribatid mite Humerobates rostrolamellatus Grandjean was beaten from the trees along with the bug. This is a cosmopolitan mite that occurs on trees and is found in Europe. Pericart (1972), citing Carayon, stated that Brachysteles parvicornis fed upon oribatid mites found on trees. Pericart provided a detailed account of this species of anthocorid in Europe. Little is known of its habits in North America except that it appears to be found on conifers and seems to be associated with the oribatid mite mentioned above. Pericart (1972) reported other hosts in Europe so the bug may be found on non-conifer hosts as well. There is a brachypterous form but, thus far, only fully winged adults have been collected in North America.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 176
Julissa J. Sánchez-Velásquez ◽  
Lorenzo E. Reyes-Flores ◽  
Carmen Yzásiga-Barrera ◽  
Eliana Zelada-Mázmela

Early detection of non-indigenous species is crucial to reduce, mitigate, and manage their impacts on the ecosystems into which they were introduced. However, assessment frameworks for identifying introduced species on the Pacific Coast of South America are scarce and even non-existent for certain countries. In order to identify species’ boundaries and to determine the presence of non-native species, through morphological examinations and the analysis of the plastid ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (rbcL-5P) gene, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships among species of the class Florideophyceae from the coast of Ancash, Peru. The rbcL-5P dataset revealed 10 Florideophyceae species distributed in the following four orders: Gigartinales, Ceramiales, Halymeniales, and Corallinales, among which the Asian species, Melanothamnus japonicus (Harvey) Díaz-Tapia & Maggs was identified. M. japonicus showed a pairwise divergence of 0% with sequences of M. japonicus from South Korea, the USA, and Italy, the latter two being countries where M. japonicus has been reported as introduced species. Our data indicate a recent introduction event of M. japonicus in Peru, and consequently, the extension of its distribution into South America. These findings could help to adopt management strategies for reducing the spread and impact of M. japonicus on the Pacific Coast of South America.

Zootaxa ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 541 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

Four new shallow water species of the genus Pacifigorgia were found in recent surveys along the Pacific coast of Panama. One of the species was only found in dense patches at two shallow seamount-like localities inside the Coiba National Park, Gulf of Chiriqu . Two other species were patchily distributed at several localities in the Gulf of Chiriqu . A fourth species was widely distributed around the gulfs of Chiriqu and Panama encompassing a broad range of habitats and depths. The new species are described and illustrated in detail with scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of the sclerites, and colour photographs of the colony forms. The suspected occurrence of a particular Pacifigorgia species for this region is confirmed and two other new records are added to the species list. With the new four species, a total of 15 are established for Panama, making 31 species for the eastern Pacific to date.

1995 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Brian F. Atwater ◽  
Alan R. Nelson ◽  
John J. Clague ◽  
Gary A. Carver ◽  
David K. Yamaguchi ◽  

Earthquakes in the past few thousand years have left signs of land-level change, tsunamis, and shaking along the Pacific coast at the Cascadia subduction zone. Sudden lowering of land accounts for many of the buried marsh and forest soils at estuaries between southern British Columbia and northern California. Sand layers on some of these soils imply that tsunamis were triggered by some of the events that lowered the land. Liquefaction features show that inland shaking accompanied sudden coastal subsidence at the Washington-Oregon border about 300 years ago. The combined evidence for subsidence, tsunamis, and shaking shows that earthquakes of magnitude 8 or larger have occurred on the boundary between the overriding North America plate and the downgoing Juan de Fuca and Gorda plates. Intervals between the earthquakes are poorly known because of uncertainties about the number and ages of the earthquakes. Current estimates for individual intervals at specific coastal sites range from a few centuries to about one thousand years.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4964 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-381

In the present work was carried out in the intertidal zone of Las Baulas de Guanacaste National Marine Park (PNMB) located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.                The main objective was to contribute to knowledge about the invertebrate diversity of the park, one of the richest bioregions on the planet, about which little is known. This study assesses the Order Polycladida Lang, 1884, a cornerstone of this ecosystem and one of the most cosmopolitan and plastic invertebrate taxa in the animal kingdom.                In total, 57 individuals were collected in the rocky intertidal zone of Carbón and Langosta beaches. Nine different species were identified, of which four are new for Costa Rica: Semonia bauliensis n. sp.; Cryptostylochus sesei n. sp.; Paraplanocera angeli n. sp., Prostheceraeus fitae n. sp.; and five new records: Paraplanocera oligoglena (Schmarda, 1859); Marcusia ernesti Hyman, 1953; Enchiridium magec Cuadrado, Moro & Noreña, 2017; Pseudobiceros bajae (Hyman, 1953); and the genus Boninia spp. 

2021 ◽  
Daniel R. Muhs

Abstract. The primary last interglacial, marine isotope substage (MIS) 5e records on the Pacific Coast of North America, from Washington (USA) to Baja California Sur (Mexico), are found in the deposits of erosional marine terraces. Warmer coasts along the southern Golfo de California host both erosional marine terraces and constructional coral reef terraces. Because the northern part of the region is tectonically active, MIS 5e terrace elevations vary considerably, from a few meters above sea level to as much as 70 m above sea level. The primary paleo-sea level indicator is the shoreline angle, the junction of the wave-cut platform with the former sea cliff, which forms very close to mean sea level. Most areas on the Pacific Coast of North America have experienced uplift since MIS 5e time, but the rate of uplift varies substantially as a function of tectonic setting. Chronology in most places is based on uranium-series ages of the solitary coral Balanophyllia elegans (erosional terraces) or the colonial corals Porites and Pocillopora (constructional reefs). In areas lacking corals, correlation to MIS 5e can sometimes be accomplished using amino acid ratios of fossil mollusks, compared to similar ratios in mollusks that also host dated corals. U-series analyses of corals that have experienced largely closed-system histories range from ~124 to ~118 ka, in good agreement with ages from MIS 5e reef terraces elsewhere in the world. There is no geomorphic, stratigraphic, or geochronology evidence for more than one high-sea stand during MIS 5e on the Pacific Coast of North America. However, in areas of low uplift rate, the outer parts of MIS 5e terraces apparently were re-occupied by the high-sea stand at ~100 ka (MIS 5c), evident from mixes of coral ages and mixes of molluscan faunas with differing thermal aspects. This sequence of events took place because glacial isostatic adjustment processes acting on North America resulted in regional high-sea stands at ~100 ka and ~80 ka that were higher than is the case in far-field regions, distant from large continental ice sheets. During MIS 5e time, sea surface temperatures (SST) off the Pacific Coast of North America were higher than is the case at present, evident from extralimital southern species of mollusks found in dated deposits. Apparently no wholesale shifts in faunal provinces took place, but in MIS 5e time, some species of bivalves and gastropods lived hundreds of kilometers north of their present northern limits, in good agreement with SST estimates derived from foraminiferal records and alkenone-based reconstructions in deep-sea cores. Because many areas of the Pacific Coast of North America have been active tectonically for much or all of the Quaternary, many earlier interglacial periods are recorded as uplifted, higher elevation terraces. In addition, from southern Oregon to northern Baja California, there are U-series-dated corals from marine terraces that formed ~80 ka, during MIS 5a. In contrast to MIS 5e, these terrace deposits host molluscan faunas that contain extralimital northern species, indicating cooler SST at the end of MIS 5. Here I present a standardized database of MIS 5e sea-level indicators along the Pacific Coast of North America and the corresponding dated samples. The database is available in Muhs (2021)  [].

Sederi ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 47-68
Colm MacCrossan

This article examines the textual framing of a cluster of items in Richard Hakluyt’s The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (1598-1600) relating to the area on the Pacific coast of North America that Francis Drake named “Nova Albion.” Contextualised in relation to the colonial programmes of Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Ralegh, it explores how a variety of editorial techniques combine to encourage a particular understanding of the history of exploration in this region that privileges English territorial claims over those of Spain. What is revealed is a delicate negotiation of the tensions raised by Hakluyt’s use of pre-existing, mainly non-English materials to attempt to legitimise Drake’s actions by aligning them with the Spanish conquistadorial tradition, while at the same time down-playing the extent and significance of previous Spanish activity in that region.

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