The influence of different genotypes of kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin on the productivity of cows of Ayrshire, Holstein and Yaroslavl breeds

R. V. Tamarova ◽  
E. V. Egorashina

Under the conditions of intensification of dairy cattle breeding, genetic markers of protein-milk content, namely allelic variants of kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, are increasingly used. They are established by the method of DNA testing on blood samples of breeding animals. This method is also being introduced in our country, which is especially important when selecting breeding sires for the artificial insemination network. The purpose of the research was to study the quality indicators of milk of cows bred in the region of breeds (Ayrshire, Holstein, Yaroslavl), and the protein-milk product produced from it as cottage cheese, depending on the influence of the genotype. The research has been carried out in CJSC “Agrofirma “Pakhma” in the Yaroslavl region. The object of research was cows of Ayrshire, Holstein and Yaroslavl breeds. The sample included 99 cows, including 36 animals of Ayrshire breed, 33 Holstein and 30 Yaroslavl breed. A comparative comprehensive evaluation of the dairy productivity of cows of Ayrshire, Holstein and Yaroslavl breeds under the conditions in one herd using DNA testing has been carried out, for the entire productive period of economic use, the realization of the genetic potential has been traced. For the first time in the Yaroslavl region DNA testing of Ayrshire cows was carried out and new data on the polymorphism of the CSN3 and LGB genes in Holstein and Yaroslavl cows were obtained. The association of CSN3, LGB genotypes and complex genotypes with milk productivity and technological properties of milk has been investigated. The yield and quality of cottage cheese from the milk of cows of different breeds in association with CSN3 genotypes have been studied. As a result of studying the quality indicators of milk of cows of different breeds and the protein-milk product produced from it as cottage cheese, depending on the influence of the genotype. It has been found that cows of different breeds and different genotypes had significant differences in the quality of milk and cottage cheese produced from it, which must be taken into account when conducting breeding work with these breeds.

2019 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 42-47
E.E. Egorashina ◽  
R.V. Tamarova ◽  

Dependence on imports of main food products remains unchanged in the Russian Federation. Government programms set goals to increase quantity as well as quality of manufactured products. It is possible due to the introduction of a DNA technology into dairy cattle breeding. Reliable genetic markers of a cow protein milk ability are kappa casein and beta-lactoglobulin. We have studied milk proteinpolymorphism, genotype combinations in interconnection with milk ability and breed for the Ayrshire, Holstein and Holstein-Yaroslavl cross breed cows. It was found that in the same conditions and with the balanced feeding differences in milk yield and quantity of fat in milk among breeds are statistically unreliable while in milk protein quantity the difference is highly reliable D ≥ 0,999. There is high occurrence frequency of A kappa casein allele (0,74– 0,93) and low of kappa casein allele B (0,07–0,12), especially in case of the Ayrshire breed. B-allele of beta-lactoglobulin in the genotype of all cows is seen with the frequency of 0,58–0,70, A-allele is average (0,30–0,42). In order to increase the protein milk ability of the cows farms are to use more Ballele kappa-casein servicing bulls. Target breeding according to this characteristic as well as milk yield is also recommended.

Ю.А. Михайлова ◽  
Р.В. Тамарова

Исследования проведены по актуальной проблеме повышения белковомолочности и улучшения технологических свойств коровьего молока и качества белковомолочных продуктов. Цель исследований – проследить наследование аллелей гена каппа-казеина дочерьми от быков-отцов с АВ и ВВ генотипами каппа-казеина, оценить белковомолочность коров, технологические свойства молока, выход и качество творога из молока коров ярославской породы с разными генотипами каппа-казеина. Основные исследования проводились в племрепродукторе по ярославской породе Ярославской области с 2009 года, а в одном из племзаводов региона изучались технологические свойства молока коров, генотипированных по каппа-казеину, с 2012 года. В специализированной лаборатории ДНК-технологий ФГБНУ ВНИИплем были исследованы образцы крови по современной методике ДНК-тестирования каппа-казеина. Решающую роль играют быки-производители в наследовании признака белковомолочности. Было прогенотипировано 49 коров-дочерей от 11 быков-отцов преимущественно чистопородных ярославских животных. Установлено наследование с учётом генотипов каппа-казеина быков-отцов и дочернего потомства. Наследование аллельных вариантов гена каппа-казеина дочерьми от быков различное. Выявлены два препотентных быка-производителя, передающих с наибольшей частотой встречаемости В-аллельные варианты каппа-казеина дочерям (частота встречаемости 0,5). Получены данные выхода и качества белковомолочной продукции (творога) у В-аллельного варианта каппа-казеина на 14–29% выше, чем из молока коров с генотипом АА. Рентабельность производства творога из молока коров, имеющих в генотипе аллель В каппа-казеина, выше на 22–46%. Выявленные данные позволяют рекомендовать шире использовать ДНК-тестирование по генотипу каппа-казеина при селекции крупного рогатого скота по экономически ценным признакам – по содержанию белка и технологическим свойствам молока. Researches have been conducted on the recent problem of increasing protein and milking capacity and improving the technological properties of cow's milk and the quality of protein and dairy products. The goal of the research was to trace the inheritance of alleles of the kappa casein gene by daughters from bulls-fathers with AB and BB genotypes of kappa casein, to evaluate the protein and milking capacity of cows, the technological properties of milk, the yield and quality of cottage cheese from milk of cows of the Yaroslavl breed with different genotypes of kappa casein. The main researches have been conducted in a pedigree breeding unit for the Yaroslavl breed of the Yaroslavl region since 2009 and in one of the stud farms of the region the technological properties of the milk of cows genotyped by kappa casein have been studied from 2012. In a specialized DNA technology laboratory of the FSBSI All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Breeding work blood samples were examined according to the modern DNA testing technique of kappa casein. The decisive role is played by the servicing bulls in the inheritance of the sign of protein and milking capacity. 49 daughter cows from 11 father bulls of predominantly pure-bred Yaroslavl animals were genotyped. Inheritance has been established taking into account the kappa-casein genotypes of bull fathers and daughter offspring. The inheritance of the allelic variants of the kappa-casein gene by the daughters from the bulls is different. Two prepotent bull sires were identified transmitting B-allelic variants of kappa-casein to daughters with the highest frequency of occurrence (frequency of occurrence 0.5). The data on the yield and quality of protein and dairy products (cottage cheese) were obtained in the B-allelic variant of kappa-casein 14–29% higher than from milk of cows with genotype AA. The profitability of the production of cottage cheese from the milk of cows with the kappa casein allele B in the genotype is 22–46% higher. The identified data make it possible to recommend the wider use of DNA testing according to the genotype of kappa casein in the selection of cattle according to economically valuable features – according to the protein content and technological properties of milk.

ScienceRise ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 73-79
Iryna Tsykhanovska ◽  
Alexandr Alexandrov ◽  
Tetiana Lazarieva ◽  
Tatуana Gontar

The results of the influence of the food additive "Magnetofood" on the quality indicators of whipped confectionery in the technologies of curd dessert and white-pink marshmallow (organoleptic characteristics, density, mechanical strength, effective viscosity, degree of overrun and volume kinetics during storage) are presented. It was found that the introduction of the additive "Magnetofood" into the prototypes of cottage cheese desserts and white-pink marshmallows (on agar and pectin) in an amount from 0.1 % to 0.2 % to the mass of the recipe mixture in comparison with the control improves the structure, texture and external type of whipped products; the distribution function of air bubbles by diameter is narrow and symmetric, the diameter d = (45 ... 50) 10-3 m is a fundamental factor indicating the stabilizing effect of nanoparticles of the food additive "Magnetofood". It was found that with an increase in the mass fraction of the food additive "Magnetofood", the following increases (compared to the control): in curd desserts - the maximum shear stress by a factor of (1.18 ... 1.3) and the thixotropy coefficient by 1.26 times; in white-pink marshmallows - the strength of the foam structure is (1.1 ... 1.2) times and the effective viscosity of the marshmallow masses is (1.35 ... 1.55) times (which has a positive effect on the texture of the product and the extension of the period preservation of the freshness of finished products); as well as in marshmallow masses, they decrease: density by (1.12 ... 1.15) times and the duration of whipping by (1.5 ... 2.5) 60 s. The rational content of the additive "Magnetofood" in the recipes of curd dessert and marshmallow of white-pink marshmallow was determined – 0.15 % to the mass of the recipe mixture. The prospects of using "Magnetofood" as an improver and stabilizer of polyphase foam-like structures have been determined Object of research: production technology of cottage cheese desserts and white-pink marshmallows (on agar and pectin). Investigated problem: obtaining stable polyphase food systems, in particular, a foam-like structure, with a deviation of the quality indicators of raw ingredients and technological parameters in production conditions. Main scientific results: a deterioration in the quality of cottage cheese desserts and marshmallow products was revealed with a deviation of the physicochemical parameters of raw ingredients (in particular, cottage cheese, pectin, agar) and possible ranges of deviations of the initial values of the process parameters (temperature conditions, duration of whipping and gelation) leading to a deterioration the quality of finished products in terms of the following indicators: organoleptic characteristics, physicochemical, microbiological and functional and technological properties, shelf life. It is shown that improving the technology and increasing the stability of the polyphase structure of foam-like food products can be achieved by introducing a food additive of complex action "Magnetofood". In particular, due to the structure-forming, stabilizing, water-retaining and bacteriostatic properties of the Magnetofood additive. As a result of the introduction of 0.15 % food additive "Magnetofood" into the recipe for cottage cheese dessert and white-pink marshmallow, the following improves: organoleptic, structural-mechanical and physical-chemical indicators; structure, consistency and appearance of the whipped product; storage periods are extended. The area of practical use of the research results: food enterprises specializing in the production of whipped products (fermented milk desserts, pastel-marmalade products, sambucs). Innovative technological product: technology for the production of cottage cheese dessert and marshmallow white-pink (on agar) and (on pectin) using the food additive "Magnetofood". Scope of application of the innovative technological product: food industry, restaurant enterprises.

A. Bolgov ◽  
N. Grishina ◽  
S. Shterkel ◽  
I. Komlyk

Purpose: Assessment of the quality of the well-producing groups, the productivity of candidates for the first lactation, the possibility of using genomically estimated cows to increase the parameters of mothers of future bulls, to analyze the quality of the offspring of bulls of various origins.Materials and methods. Research was performed on the basis of breeding plants Karelia Megrega (1455 cows) and Ilinskoe (1200 cows). Analyzed the productivity of bob-producing groups isolated on trivials. 66 Genomically estimated flaws were delivered from Finland after calving for milk productivity for the first lactation with local peers. In assessing the quality of the offspring of producers of different origin, the productivity of 1441 of the daughter of imported bulls and 620 daughters of domestic bulls took place. The degree of differences was assessed by the results of biometric processing of indicators.Results. At the Ilyinskoye dairy farm, the milk yield for lactation of cows of the bull-producing group is 11977 kg of milk with a fat content of 4.33%, protein content of 3.22%. There are 11119 kg of milk at the Megrega farm, 4.42% and 3.23%, respectively. A significant number of individuals (14.7-19.8%) with a milk yield above 9,000 kg of milk, which are a source of replenishment of bull-producing groups, were identified at breeding farms among the first heifers. The possibility of forming and improving the quality of bull-producing groups of cows at the expense of their own livestock is noted, provided that the factors of feeding and keeping animals, increasing the fat content and protein content of milk are optimized.Comparison of productivity indicators of imported "genomic" cows with local peers gave mixed results. At the Ilyinskoye farm, "genomic" cows significantly outperformed subjects of conventional breeding in all indicators: milk yield by 796-903 kg of milk, fat content by 0.27%, protein content by 0.09-0.06%, fat production by 59.4-63.8 kg, protein production by 33.9-34.8 kg, live weight by more thanAt the Megrega farm, in terms of fat content and production, "genomic" individuals also significantly outperformed local peers, and in milk yield and protein content, the differences were unreliable. Genomic evaluation of animals and the involvement of "genomic" cows can contribute to the formation of better groups of mothers of future bulls, especially to solve the most urgent problem of increasing fat and protein milk.Conclusion. In the conditions of large dairy breeding complexes with the technology of loose maintenance, it is advisable to use a system for placing groups of bull mothers in comfortable conditions in special rooms, including individual service.

Planta Medica ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 81 (16) ◽  
L Zeng ◽  
H Kong ◽  
M Zhu ◽  
W Yan

2019 ◽  
pp. 3-8
N.Yu. Bobrovskaya ◽  
M.F. Danilov

The criteria of the coordinate measurements quality at pilot-experimental production based on contemporary methods of quality management system and traditional methods of the measurements quality in Metrology are considered. As an additional criterion for quality of measurements, their duration is proposed. Analyzing the problem of assessing the quality of measurements, the authors pay particular attention to the role of technological heredity in the analysis of the sources of uncertainty of coordinate measurements, including not only the process of manufacturing the part, but all stages of the development of design and technological documentation. Along with such criteria as the degree of confidence in the results of measurements; the accuracy, convergence, reproducibility and speed of the results must take into account the correctness of technical specification, and such characteristics of the shape of the geometric elements to be controlled, such as flatness, roundness, cylindrical. It is noted that one of the main methods to reduce the uncertainty of coordinate measurements is to reduce the uncertainty in the initial data and measurement conditions, as well as to increase the stability of the tasks due to the reasonable choice of the basic geometric elements (measuring bases) of the part. A prerequisite for obtaining reliable quality indicators is a quantitative assessment of the conditions and organization of the measurement process. To plan and normalize the time of measurements, the authors propose to use analytical formulas, on the basis of which it is possible to perform quantitative analysis and optimization of quality indicators, including the speed of measurements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (12) ◽  
pp. 52-58
E.P. Meleshkina ◽  
S.N. Kolomiets ◽  
A.S. Cheskidova ◽  

Objectively and reliably determined indicators of rheological properties of the dough were identified using the alveograph device to create a system of classifications of wheat and flour from it for the intended purpose in the future. The analysis of the relationship of standardized quality indicators, as well as newly developed indicators for identifying them, differentiating the quality of wheat flour for the intended purpose, i.e. for finished products. To do this, we use mathematical statistics methods.

2019 ◽  
pp. 51-56

От породы коров и ее особенностей зависят эффективность использования кормов, качество и технологические свойства молока. Материалом исследований служили коровы чернопестрой голштинской и айрширской пород. Для повышения качества сенажа из козлятника восточного использовали микробиологический препарат. В готовом корме с биоконсервантом содержание сухого вещества было выше на 3,66, обменной энергии на 8,04, сырого протеина на 10,86, переваримого протеина на 13,59. Улучшение качества корма оказало положительное влияние на метаболические процессы в рубце подопытных коров. Независимо от технологии приготовления сенажа коровы айрширской породы лучше переваривали, по сравнению с голштинами, сухое вещество на 2,062,91 (Р0,05), органическое на 1,212,04 (Р0,05), сырой протеин на 2,222,49 (Р0,05), БЭВ на 0,921,36, но при этом голштины лучше переваривали сырой жир на 2,732,78 (Р0,05) и сырую клетчатку на 1,551,86. В результате внесения в сенаж биоконсерванта Силостан и улучшения переваримости корма у коров опытных групп значительно улучшился химический состав и технологические свойства молока. Очень важно для сыроделия, что в молоке коров, получавших в рационе сенаж с биоконсервантом, повышается массовая доля казеина на 2,42,7, а доля сывороточных белков и фракции казеина, которые не свертываются под действием сычужного фермента, наоборот, снижается на 1,41,5 и на 0,30,9, соответственно. Уменьшается продолжительность свертывания молока сычужным ферментом, снижаются потери сухого вещества с сывороткой, и увеличивается выход казеинового сгустка. Плотность казеинового сгустка повышается в молоке голштинских коров на 14,3, айрширских на 5,7 и составляет, соответственно, 1,92 и 2,96 г/см2.The efficiency of feed use, the quality, as well as technological properties of milk depend on cow breed and its characteristics. Blackandwhite Holstein and Ayrshire breeds were used as the material for research. Microbiological preparation was used to increase the quality of halyage made of Eastern galega. The content of dry substance in the readymade feed was 3.66 higher, the metabolizable energy 8.04 higher, raw protein 10.86 higher, and digestible protein 13.59. Improvement of feed quality positively influenced the metabolic processes in the rumen of experimental cows. Without regard to the technology of halyage preparation, cows of Ayrshire breed showed betterdigestion of dry substance by 2.06 2.91 (P0.05) than Holstein cows, organic substance by 1.21 2.04 (P0.05), raw protein by 2.22 2.49 (P0.05), nitrogenfree extractive fraction by 0.92 1.36, but Holstein breed showed better digestion of raw fat by 2.73 2.78 (P0.05) and raw fiber by 1.55 1.86. Chemical composition and technological properties of milk improved significantly as a result of addition of Silostan biopreservative to the halyage and improvement of feed digestibility in cows from test groups. The fact that the mass percentage of casein is increased by 2.4 2.7, and the share of serum proteins and ycasein fractions which do not coagulate under the influence of enzyme rennet is inversely decreased by 1.4 1.5 and 0.3 0.9, accordingly, is very important for cheese making. The duration of milk coagulation with rennet is decreased, the loss of dry substance with serum is decreased, and the yield of casein coagulate is increased. Density of casein coagulate is increased in the milk of Holstein cows by 14.3, Ayrshire cows by 5.7, and equals to 1.92 and 2.96 g/cm2, accordingly.

Results of the Ayrshire breed cows, Holstein cows and Holstein-Yaroslavl cross breed cows milk productiv-ity analysis in the same environment conditions and depending on the kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin genotypes are presented in this article. The animals are kept in the common environmental conditions of the LLC Farming firm “Pakhma», the Ayrshire breeding plant. Feeding of cows here is carried out according to detailed norms, concentrated feed averages 43%. The maintenance system is year-round stalling, milking is carried out in the milk line, the DeLaval milking machine is used, and labor-intensive processes in animal husbandry are mechanized. The farm has a milk processing shop. It was established that all the inspected cows (n=91) had a prevailing AA kappa-casein genotype – 75,8% on average. BB Ayrshire breed and Hol-stein-Yaroslavl cross breed genotypes were not established. AB and BB beta-lactoglobulin genotypes are seen on average with a frequency of 44%. AA beta-lactoglobulin genotype in Holstein cows breed was not found. The indicators of statistically reliable difference in milkability among all groups and genotypes was not estab-lished. A higher consistence of protein in the milk of B-allele kappa-casein type cows is evident in all groups with no difference between breed belonging. The complex variant of CSN3/LGB genotypes showed that ac-cording to ultimate milk fat and protein yield the most productive cows were:АВ/ВВ, АВ/АВ genotype Ayr-shire cows, АВ/АВ Holstein genotype cows, AB/BB genotype Holstein-Yaroslavl cross breed cows. Hence, the most efficient cows are those with B-allele variants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (Supplement_2) ◽  
V Raparelli ◽  
L Pilote ◽  
H Behlouli ◽  
J Dziura ◽  
H Bueno ◽  

Abstract Background The quality of care among young adults with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) may be related to biological sex, psycho-socio-cultural (gender) determinants or healthcare system-level factors. Purpose To examine whether sex, gender, and the type of healthcare system influence the quality of AMI care among young adults. Methods A total of 4,564 AMI young adults (<55 years) (59% women, 47 years, 66% US) were analyzed from the VIRGO and GENESIS-PRAXY studies consisting of single-payer (Canada, Spain) versus multipayer (US) systems. For each patient treated in each system we calculated a quality of care score (QCS) for pre-AMI (1-year pre admission), in-hospital, and post-AMI (1-year post discharge) phases of care (number of quality indicators received divided by the total number [range=0–100%], with higher scores indicating better quality). Ordinal logistic or linear regression models, and 2-way interactions between sex, gender and healthcare system were tested. Results Women in the multipayer system had the highest risk factor burden. Across the phases of care for AMI, 20% of quality indicators were missed in both sexes. High stress, earner status, and social support were associated with a higher QCS in the pre-AMI phase, whereas only employment and earner status were associated with QCS in all other phases. In the pre-AMI phase, women had higher QCS than men, mainly in the single-payer system (adjusted-OR=1.85, 95% CI 1.46,2.35 vs. 1.07, 95% CI 0.84,1.36, P-interaction= 0.002). Regardless of sex, only employment status had a greater effect in the multipayer system (adjusted-OR=0.59, 95% CI 0.44,0.78 vs 1.13, 95% CI 0.89,1.44, P-interaction <0.001). In the in-hospital phase, women had a lower QCS than men, especially in the multipayer system (adjusted-mean-difference: −2.48, 95% CI-3.87, −1.08). Employment was associated with a higher QCS (2.0, 95% CI 0.9–3.17, P-interaction >0.05). Finally, in the post-AMI phase, men and women had a lower QCS, predominantly in the multipayer system. However, primary earners had higher QCS regardless of system. Conclusion Sex, gender, and healthcare system affected the quality of care after AMI. Women had a poorer in-hospital than men and both women and men had suboptimal post-discharge care. Being unemployed lowered the quality of care, more so in the multipayer system. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding source: Public grant(s) – National budget only. Main funding source(s): Canadian Institutes of Health and Research (CIHR)

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