Packaging. Paper and paperboard packaging. Design of cartons

2015 ◽  
TAPPI Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-99

Cracking at the fold of publication and packaging paper grades is a serious problem that can lead to rejection of product. Recent work has revealed some basic mechanisms and the influence of various parameters on the extent of crack area, but no studies are reported using coating layers with known mechanical properties, especially for double-coated systems. In this study, coating layers with different and known mechanical properties were used to characterize crack formation during folding. The coating formulations were applied on two different basis weight papers, and the coated papers were folded. The binder systems in these formulations were different combinations of a styrene-butadiene latex and mixtures of latex and starch for two different pigment volume concentrations (PVC). Both types of papers were coated with single and double layers. The folded area was scanned with a high-resolution scanner while the samples were kept at their folded angle. The scanned images were analyzed within a constant area. The crack areas were reported for different types of papers, binder system and PVC values. As PVC, starch content, and paper basis weight increased, the crack area increased. Double layer coated papers with high PVC and high starch content at the top layer had more cracks in comparison with a single layer coated paper, but when the PVC of the top layer was low, cracking area decreased. No measurable cracking was observed when the top layer was formulated with a 100% latex layer.

George Edward TORRENS ◽  
Nicholas Samuel JOHNSON ◽  

Product packaging design is often produced through the practical application of tacit knowledge, rule of thumb and professional connoisseurship. Stakeholders are becoming increasingly demanding that design practitioners provide clarity of reasoning and accountability for their design proposals. Therefore, a better framework for the design of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) is required. This paper proposes a comprehensive taxonomy of ‘design considerations’ to assist the development of low involvement FMCG packaging and aid in rationale communication for design solutions. 302 academic sources were reviewed, inductive content analysis performed to code topics and output validation with academic and industry experts (n=9) through a modified-Delphi card sorting method. The research provides movement towards a comprehensive framework and common dialogue between stakeholders, practitioners and managers to assist in more effectively communicating the value that design can offer to FMCGs. The constructed taxonomy provides a set of 156 ‘design considerations’ to support in objective and informed design decision-making.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Tian Ran Tang ◽  
Si Yeun Kim

Muhammad Fuad ◽  
Tengku Putri Lindung Bulan ◽  
Riny Chandra

The results of situational analysis were identified the product of shrimp paste produced by the partners of thiscommunity service activity has covered the region of Aceh and Sumatera, some cities in Java Island, and even toMalaysia. Unfortunately their products do not yet have a brand, good packaging design and business legality. Thiscommunity service activity aims to accompany the micro-business of shrimp-processing paste in Simpang Lhee Village inthe making of better brand and packaging design as an effort to strengthen their product competitiveness, and IUMKregistration as proof of the legality of business activity concerned. The implementation of activities begins withconsultation at Geuchik and Director of BUMG Simpang Lhee; then do socialization about the importance of businessbrand and good packaging design on product to the partners of activities;and, accompany partners to fulfill therequirement in handling IUMK business. The main output of this community sevice activity is the existence of businessbrand, better packaging design and IUMK registered number has been obtained as a sign of business legality, as astrengthening of the competitiveness of shrimp paste products belonging to each partner of this activities

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