Faculty Opinions recommendation of Basal foot MTOC organizes pillar MTs required for coordination of beating cilia.

Derek Toomre ◽  
Ira Kukic
R.L. Pinto ◽  
R.M. Woollacott

The basal body and its associated rootlet are the organelles responsible for anchoring the flagellum or cilium in the cytoplasm. Structurally, the common denominators of the basal apparatus are the basal body, a basal foot from which microtubules or microfilaments emanate, and a striated rootlet. A study of the basal apparatus from cells of the epidermis of a sponge larva was initiated to provide a comparison with similar data on adult sponges.Sexually mature colonies of Aplysillasp were collected from Keehi Lagoon Marina, Honolulu, Hawaii. Larvae were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 0.14 M NaCl in 0.2 M Millonig’s phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). Specimens were postfixed in 1% OsO4 in 1.25% sodium bicarbonate (pH 7.2) and embedded in epoxy resin. The larva ofAplysilla sp was previously described (as Dendrilla cactus) based on live observations and SEM by Woollacott and Hadfield.

2013 ◽  
Vol 304 (11) ◽  
pp. L736-L745 ◽  
Moe Matsuo ◽  
Atsuko Shimada ◽  
Sumito Koshida ◽  
Yumiko Saga ◽  
Hiroyuki Takeda

The airway is covered by multicilia that beat in a metachronous manner toward the mouth to eliminate debris and infectious particles. Coordinated one-directional beating is an essential feature of multicilia in the airway to guarantee proper mucociliary clearance. Defects in ciliary motility lead to primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), with major symptoms including bronchitis and other chronic respiratory diseases. Recent work suggested that ciliary motility and planar polarity are required in the process of ciliary alignment that produces coordinated beating. However, the extent to which cilia motility is involved in this process in mammals has not yet been fully clarified. Here, to address the role of ciliary motility in the process of coordinated ciliary alignment, we analyzed Kintoun mice mutants ( Ktu−/−). Ktu−/− exhibited typical phenotypes of PCD with complete loss of ciliary motility in trachea and another ciliated tissue, the brain ependyma. Immunohistochemistry using antibodies against axonemal dynein confirmed the loss of multiple axonemal dynein components in mutant cilia. Observation of cilia orientation based on basal foot directions revealed that ciliary motility was not required in the alignment of airway cilia, whereas a strong requirement was observed in brain ependymal cells. Thus we conclude that the involvement of ciliary motility in the establishment of coordinated ciliary alignment varies among tissues.

1971 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-34 ◽  
Richard G. W. Anderson ◽  
Robert M. Brenner

Basal body replication during estrogen-driven ciliogenesis in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) oviduct has been studied by stereomicroscopy, rotation photography, and serial section analysis. Two pathways for basal body production are described: acentriolar basal body formation (major pathway) where procentrioles are generated from a spherical aggregate of fibers; and centriolar basal body formation, where procentrioles are generated by the diplosomal centrioles. In both pathways, the first step in procentriole formation is the arrangement of a fibrous granule precursor into an annulus. A cartwheel structure, present within the lumen of the annulus, is composed of a central cylinder with a core, spoke components, and anchor filaments. Tubule formation consists of an initiation and a growth phase. The A tubule of each triplet set first forms within the wall material of the annulus in juxtaposition to a spoke of the cartwheel. After all nine A tubules are initiated, B and C tubules begin to form. The initiation of all three tubules occurs sequentially around the procentriole. Simultaneous with tubule initiation is a nonsequential growth of each tubule. The tubules lengthen and the procentriole is complete when it is about 200 mµ long. The procentriole increases in length and diameter during its maturation into a basal body. The addition of a basal foot, nine alar sheets, and a rootlet completes the maturation process. Fibrous granules are also closely associated with the formation of these basal body accessory structures.

EDIS ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 (8) ◽  
Timothy K. Broschat

The Canary Island date palm is native to the Canary Islands. Although it can reach heights of 40–50 feet, it is slow growing and requires many years to attain that height. It has 8- to 15-foot-long rigid leaves that contain up to 200 V-shaped leaflets, the basal ones of which are modified into long, sharp spines. Leaves are not self-cleaning and must be manually removed when dead, but the leaf bases eventually rot off, leaving an attractive diamond-shaped pattern of leaf scars on the 2- to 3-foot-diameter trunk. On older specimens, the basal foot or so of the trunk typically is covered with short root initials. This 6-page fact sheet was written by T. K. Broschat, and published by the UF Department of Environmental Horticulture, August 2013. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/st439

1961 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-205 ◽  
I. R. Gibbons

This paper describes the fine structure and its relationship to the direction of beat in four types of cilia on the gill of the fresh-water mussel Anodonta cataracta. The cilia contain nine outer, nine secondary, and two central fibers, such as have been described previously in other material. Each outer fiber is a doublet with one subfiber bearing arms. One particular pair of outer fibers (numbers 5 and 6) are joined together by a bridge. The two central fibers are enclosed by a central sheath; also present in this region is a single, small mid-fiber. The different groups of fibers are connected together by radial links that extend from the outer to the secondary fibers, and from the secondary fibers to the central sheath. The basal body consists of a cylinder of nine triplet fibers. Projecting from it on one side is a dense conical structure called the basal foot. The cylinder of outer fibers continues from the basal body into the cilium, passing through a complex transitional region in which five distinct changes of structure occur at different levels. There are two sets of fibers associated with the basal bodies: a pair of striated rootlets that extends from each basal body down into the cell, and a system of fine tubular fibers that runs parallel to the cell surface. The relationship between fine structure and direction of beat is the same in all four types of cilia examined. The plane of beat is perpendicular to the plane of the central fibers, with the effective stroke toward the bridge between outer fibers 5 and 6, and toward the foot on the basal body.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (16) ◽  
pp. 2177-2183 ◽  
Erin Turk ◽  
Airon A. Wills ◽  
Taejoon Kwon ◽  
Jakub Sedzinski ◽  
John B. Wallingford ◽  

1980 ◽  
Vol 28 (11) ◽  
pp. 1189-1197 ◽  
R E Gordon ◽  
B P Lane ◽  
F Miller

To determine the molecular composition of the components of basal bodies and the interbasal body apparatus of ciliated cells in rat tracheal epithelium, we used rabbit anti-actin, anti-alpha-actinin, anti-tropomyosin, and anti-myosin as primary antisera applied to the tissue in an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The antisera was proven to be monospecific by elution of antibody after affinity chromatography. Sheep anti-rabbit immunoglobulin Fab fragments coupled to peroxidase were used for ultrastructural localization of the bound rabbit antibody. Antibodies against alpha-actinin were demonstrated around peripheral microtubules of cilia and linking these microtubules to central doublet and plasma membrane. Alpha-actinin was also shown in the basal foot processes. Anti-actin antibodies were associated with microtubules of the cilium and basal bodies, except in the region of the ciliary necklace. The antibodies directed against actin also had affinity for rootlets, basal foot processes, and communications between basal bodies and foot processes. Both anti-myosin and anti-tropomyosin antibodies were localized to part of the region of the constriction of the cilium, to the central basal density and the outer surfaces of basal body microtubules, and to the basal foot processes together with their communications to the basal body. The data suggest active contractile function of basal bodies.

1956 ◽  
Vol s3-97 (38) ◽  
pp. 257-268

1. In Hippa pacifica, mitotic division of germinal epithelial cells produces primary spermatocytes which, as sustentacular-like cells appear, divide meiotically to form spermatids. 2. Concurrently as spermatids metamorphose into spermatozoa, germinal epithelial cells renew their activity and again produce primary spermatocytes which, as they fill the sacculus, expel the spermatozoa. 3. A continuous spermatogenic mass enters the vas deferens, where an enveloping secretion from the epithelial cells bounding the lumen forms a thin sheath to the sperm mass. 4. The lumen (viewed in cross-section) becomes keyhole-shaped and a secretion from a wedge-shaped group of cells bounded by two deep crypts both surrounds the sheathed sperm mass and forms a ribbon-like supporting stalk and a broad, basal foot. 5. As the lumen again becomes circular (in cross-section), a secretion from the epithelial cells surrounds the completed spermatophore and forms the homogeneous matrix. 6. The spermatophore of H. pacifica is both macruran-like, because of its continuous, highly convoluted sperm mass, and anomuran-like, because of its raised spermatophore and broad foot. 7. Neither the anomuran-like spermatophore of a macruran, Parrabicus antarcticus, nor the macruran-like spermatophore of an anomuran, Hippa pacifica, justifies the inference that these two animals occupy a systematic position intermediate between the Macrura and the Anomura, but rather illustrates the need for consideration of many characters before postulating relationships.

Paleobiology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-23
Amanda R. Falk ◽  
James C. Lamsdell ◽  
Enpu Gong

Abstract Principal component analysis has been used to test for similarities in ecology and life habit between modern and fossil birds; however, the two main portions of the hind limb—the foot and the long bone elements—have not been examined separately. We examine the potential links between morphology, ecology, and phylogeny through a synthesis of phylogenetic paleoecological methods and morphospace analysis. Both hind limb morphologies and species’ ecologies exhibit extreme phylogenetic clumping, although these patterns are at least partially explainable by a Brownian motion style of evolution. Some morphologies are strongly correlated with particular ecologies, while some ecologies are occupied by a variety of morphologies. Within the morphospace analyses, the length of the hallux (toe I) is the most defining characteristic of the entire hind limb. The foot and hind limb are represented on different axes when all measurements are considered in an analysis, suggesting that these structures undergo morphological change separately from each other. Early birds tend to cluster together, representing an unspecialized basal foot morphotype and a hind limb reliant on hip-driven, not knee-driven, locomotion. Direct links between morphology, ecology, and phylogeny are unclear and complicated and may be biased due to sample size (~60 species). This study should be treated as a preliminary analysis that further studies, especially those examining the vast diversity of modern birds, can build upon.

1972 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-265 ◽  
Richard G. W. Anderson

The structure of the oviduct basal body has been reconstructed from serial, oblique, and tangential sections This composite information has been used to construct a three-dimensional scale model of the organelle The walls are composed of nine equally spaced sets of three tubules, which run from base to apex pitched to the left at a 10°–15° angle to the longitudinal axis. The transverse axis of each triplet set at its basal end intersects a tangent to the lumenal circumference of the basal body at a 40° angle (triplet angle). As the triplet set transverses from base to apex, it twists toward the lumen on the longitudinal axis of the inner A tubule; therefore, the triplet angle is 10° at the basal body-cilium junction. Strands of fibrous material extend from the basal end of each triplet to form a striated rootlet. A pyramidal basal foot projects at right angles from the midregion of the basal body. In the apex, a 175 mµ long trapezoidal sheet is attached to each triplet set. The smaller of the two parallel sides is attached to all three tubules while the longitudinal edge (one of the equidistant anti-parallel sides) is attached to the C tubule. The sheet faces counterclockwise (apex to base view) and gradually unfolds from base to apex; the outside corner merges with the cell membrane.

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