scholarly journals O curso de pedagogia nas modalidades presencial e a distância no Brasil – um estudo comparativo / The pedagogy course in face-to-face and distance learning modalities in Brazil - a comparative study

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 112350-112358
Carmen Julia Lannes Bianchi ◽  
Dra. Zita Ana Lago Rodrigues
David Starr-Glass

Blended learning provides an opportunity to rethink the ways in which instructors and learners use face-to-face and online distance learning modalities. Sometimes, this opportunity is missed and the resulting blended course is no more than a mechanical mix that serves pragmatic purposes but fails to reshape learning. This chapter rethinks the structure and dynamics of blended learning experiences and considers what it might mean to use different teaching/learning modalities. It explores the possibilities, challenges, and design of blended learning from a perspective of variation theory. It also reviews strategies to make explicit the differences in structure and dynamics of face-to-face and online distance environments that are encountered by the learner and suggests the benefits and limitations of such strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 875-894
Yeni Yuliana

Abstract The internet can be made as a way to transfer knowledge from lecturers to students, while Learning that utilizes the internet is one of the E-Learning Learning media. E-learning is distance learning that utilizes computer technology or computer networks or the Internet E-learning, so that it can enable the learning process through computers in their respective places without having to physically go to attend classes or lectures in class, Systems e-learning learning is a new way of teaching and learning. E-learning as a special learning media PAI courses provide a very important role and a large function in the course because so far there are many shortcomings and weaknesses such as the limitations of space and time in the teaching and learning process through E-learning which prioritizes the efficiency of learning so students get full teaching even though they do not have to be face to face, can also be accessed anywhere, anytime, according to the assignments given by the lecturer usually scheduled with a specified deadline. The development of education towards e-learning is a must so that the quality standards of education can be improved, E-learning is one of the uses of internet technology in the delivery of learning and its broad reach. E-learning can also be an answer to a health problem that is Pandemic Corona (Covid-19) which is very influential also in every aspect of life, especially in education.Keywords: Effectiveness, Utilization, Islamic Religious Education, E-Learning, Covid 19. Abstrak Internet dapat dijadikan cara untuk mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan dari Dosen kepada mahasiswa/mahasiswi. Adapun Pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan internet salah satunya adalah media pembelajaran E-Learning. E-learning adalah pembelajaran jarak jauh (distance learning) yang memanfaatkan  teknologi komputer atau jaringan komputer atau internet E-learning, sehingga dapat  memungkinkan proses pembelajaran melalui komputer di tempat mereka  masing– masing tanpa harus secara fisik  pergi  mengikuti pelajaran atau pun  perkuliahan di kelas,  Sistem pembelajaran e-learning adalah cara baru dalam proses belajar mengajar. E-learning  sebagai   media pembelajaran khususnya mata kuliah PAI memberikan  peran   sangat   penting  dan fungsi yang besar pada mata kuliah tersebut karena selama  ini terdapat banyak  kekurangan  dan kelemahan seperti keterbatasan ruang dan waktu dalam  proses belajar  mengajar melalui E-learning yang  mengedepankan keefisienan dalam belajar sehingga  mahasiswa mendapat pengajaran yang penuh meski tidak harus bertatap muka, juga bisa di akses di mana saja, kapan saja,  sesuai dengan tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen biasanya terjadwal dengan  batas  waktu  yang  di tentukan. Pengembangan  pendidikan menuju e-learning merupakan suatu keharusan agar standar mutu pendidikan dapat ditingkatkan,  E-learning merupakan salah satu penggunaan teknologi internet dalam penyampaian  pembelajaran  serta  jangkauannya yang luas. E-learning  juga dapat menjadi jawaban dari suatu permasalahan kesehatan yaitu Pandemi Corona (Covid-19) ini yang sangat berpengaruh juga pada setiap aspek kehidupan terutama bidang pendidikan.Kata kunci  :  Keefektifitas, Pemanfaatan, Pendidikan Agama Islam,  E-Learning, Covid 19.  

R J Singh

This article reports on the use of blended learning in higher education. Blended learning has become popular in higher education in recent years. It is a move beyond traditional lecturing to incorporate face-to-face learning with e-learning, thereby creating a blend of learning experiences. The problem is that learning in higher education is complex and learning situations differ across contexts. Whilst there is face-to-face contact at some institutions, others offer distance learning or correspondence learning. In each context, the mode of learning may differ. The challenge is to cater for various learning opportunities through a series of learning interactions and to incorporate a blended approach. The aim of this study was to examine various ways of defining blended learning in different contexts. This was done through an examination of experiences of the use of blended learning in different higher education contexts. The study presents a case of blended learning in a postgraduate course. The experiences from all these cases are summarised and conclusions and recommendations are made in the context of blended learning in higher education in South Africa.

2001 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 257-265 ◽  
E J Nordal ◽  
D Moseng ◽  
B Kvammen ◽  
M-L Løchen

We compared the diagnoses made by one dermatologist via telemedicine with those of another dermatologist made in a face-to-face consultation. The patients first underwent a teledermatology consultation and then a face-to-face consultation. A general practitioner was present with the patient in the videoconference studio. Videoconferencing equipment connected at 384 kbit/s was used. The doctor-patient relationship and the satisfaction of the patients and dermatologists in the two settings were assessed, as well as technical conditions during the videoconferences. There were 121 patients, with a mean age of 40 years (range 17-82 years). There was a high degree of concordance between the two sets of diagnoses, with 72% complete agreement and 14% partial agreement between the two dermatologists. A total of 116 patients (96% of those included) completed a questionnaire. Both the patients and the dermatologists were in general satisfied with the videoconferences. Videoconferencing with a participating general practitioner may be useful in dermatology, but the technique should be used only for selected patients.

T. О. Petrushanko ◽  
T. D. Bubliy ◽  
L. I. Dubovaya ◽  

The training of future doctors should be continuous and organized at a high level, because medicine is one of the priority spheres of society. With the introduction of quarantine in the context of a pandemic, the question of changing the format of classes has become especially acute, which is associated with the need to exclude massive concentrations of medical students. In our academy, in the first days of quarantine, communication was organized by groups in the Viber and Telegram messengers. In the following days, training was carried out on the use of the Zоm service platform for video conferencing, online meetings and distance learning, and trainings were organized. The department’s website contained the contact information of all teachers, the schedule of classes, the thematic plan of lectures and practical classes, a list of basic and additional literature for students of each course. In the materials for downloading, students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with multimedia presentations of lectures, teaching aids developed by the staff of the department, methodological recommendations on all topics of practical exercises according to the thematic plan. It should be noted that new educational technologies contribute to the improvement of information competence, allow students to independently master the educational material, but training a doctor in practical skills requires the student’s traditional face-to-face contact with teachers and patients.

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