scholarly journals Prescrição de medicamentos sujeitos a controle especial: informações em prescrições e notificações na cidade de Viçosa-MG / Prescription of drugs subject to special control: Information on prescriptions and notifications in the city of Viçosa-MG

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 113501-113516
Isabela de Oliveira Carvalho ◽  
Iran Oliveira Do Prado ◽  
Daniely Alves Almada ◽  
Sebastião Ribeiro Xavier Júnior ◽  
Tainá Soares Martins ◽  
Serhiy Dobrzhanskyi

In the article it has been analyzed the specifics of the functioning of self-government bodies of the cities of Galicia in the second half of XIX century. It is proved that the law of 1889 facilitated the formation of elected bodies of self-government. It was indicated that the law of 1889 significantly expanded the rights of urban self-government. Compared to the previous laws (1862 s 1866), which concerned the big cities of Lviv and Krakow, the new law already includes 30 towns.  Particular attention has been focused on functional responsibilities of public council and magistrate. They had the regulatory with supervisory and administrative executive functions respectively. A constant value membership of public council was set at 36, regardless of the number of residents. The head of both organization was burgomaster.  His credentials included: organize the work of the council, sign documents, disciplinary control and representation of the city before the higher authorities.  In return, the regional authorities have supervised that the bodies of self-government have not exceeded powers and has not violated the law. The innovation in 1889 caused by political motives and the need to increase the efficiency of self-governing bodies, elimination of shortcomings in their work. Among them: the fight against the absenteeism and the indifference of elected people, the creation of a managerial hierarchy between the Council and the magistrate, the creation of special control commissions, the audit of municipal finances, and the improvement of clerical management. The changes made it possible to extend the impact of cities on Galicia's socio-economic life. Keywords: Self-government, Magistrate, Burgomaster, Municipal Enterprises.

2020 ◽  
pp. 36-42

The main principles of the organization of the system for monitoring the progress of works on the improvement of transport infrastructure facilities in order to improve the quality of construction and installation works and the effectiveness of management decisions adopted using algorithms developed by employees of LLC SPC «Сity Development» are presented. The monitoring system consists of three main blocks: «Algorithm for mapping the address list of improvement objects to the MSK-77 system with reference to the UUCS ( Unified Urban Cartographic System) of the city of Moscow on a scale of 1:10000», «Algorithm for monitoring the recording of construction work stages using photo-fixing materials» and « Photofixation». The developed and tested method makes it possible to track the progress of works, carry out weekly monitoring of their implementation, identify problem areas of landscaped territories as quickly as possible and take them under special control, make operational decisions on construction and installation works, and adjust the boundaries of work. This method is universal and is suitable for use not only in the framework of conducting working groups, but also for any other transport programs and projects. Keywords: system, monitoring, territory improvement, transport infrastructure, cartographic material, attribute material, construction stages, mapping, photofixation, map, presentation material.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 873-880 ◽  
Edson Perini ◽  
Daniela Rezende Garcia Junqueira ◽  
Lorena Gomes Cunha Lana ◽  
Tatiana Chama Borges Luz

OBJECTIVE To analyze the patterns and legal requirements of methylphenidate consumption. METHODS We conducted a cross-sectional study of the data from prescription notification forms and balance lists of drugs sales – psychoactive and others – subject to special control in the fifth largest city of Brazil, in 2006. We determined the defined and prescribed daily doses, the average prescription and dispensation periods, and the regional sales distribution in the municipality. In addition, we estimated the costs of drug acquisition and analyzed the individual drug consumption profile using the Lorenz curve. RESULTS The balance lists data covered all notified sales of the drug while data from prescription notification forms covered 50.6% of the pharmacies that sold it, including those with the highest sales volumes. Total methylphenidate consumption was 0.37 DDD/1,000 inhabitants/day. Sales were concentrated in more developed areas, and regular-release tablets were the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical formulation. In some regions of the city, approximately 20.0% of the prescriptions and dispensation exceeded 30 mg/day and 30 days of treatment. CONCLUSIONS Methylphenidate was widely consumed in the municipality and mainly in the most developed areas. Of note, the consumption of formulations with the higher abuse risk was the most predominant. Both its prescription and dispensation contrasted with current pharmacotherapeutic recommendations and legal requirements. Therefore, the commercialization of methylphenidate should be monitored more closely, and its use in the treatment of behavioral changes of psychological disorders needs to be discussed in detail, in line with the concepts of the quality use of medicines.

1999 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-203
Robert Chatham

The Court of Appeals of New York held, in Council of the City of New York u. Giuliani, slip op. 02634, 1999 WL 179257 (N.Y. Mar. 30, 1999), that New York City may not privatize a public city hospital without state statutory authorization. The court found invalid a sublease of a municipal hospital operated by a public benefit corporation to a private, for-profit entity. The court reasoned that the controlling statute prescribed the operation of a municipal hospital as a government function that must be fulfilled by the public benefit corporation as long as it exists, and nothing short of legislative action could put an end to the corporation's existence.In 1969, the New York State legislature enacted the Health and Hospitals Corporation Act (HHCA), establishing the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC) as an attempt to improve the New York City public health system. Thirty years later, on a renewed perception that the public health system was once again lacking, the city administration approved a sublease of Coney Island Hospital from HHC to PHS New York, Inc. (PHS), a private, for-profit entity.

ASHA Leader ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 18 (7) ◽  
pp. 46-48

This year's Annual Convention features some sweet new twists like ice cream and free wi-fi. But it also draws on a rich history as it returns to Chicago, the city where the association's seeds were planted way back in 1930. Read on through our special convention section for a full flavor of can't-miss events, helpful tips, and speakers who remind why you do what you do.

ASHA Leader ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
Sean Sweeney

2009 ◽  
Ferdinand Gregorovius ◽  
Annie Hamilton

2009 ◽  
Ferdinand Gregorovius ◽  
Annie Hamilton

1958 ◽  
Robert Serpell ◽  
Linda Baker ◽  
Susan Sonnenschein

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