The oil and gas potential of the Escalante known geologic structure

1987 ◽  
A.A. Timirgalin ◽  
M.G. Butorina ◽  
N.O. Novikov ◽  
G.V. Volkov ◽  
I.R. Mukminov ◽  

The resource base of Western Siberia needs to be replenished to maintain the current development indicators. The reserves associated with the classic structural traps were diagnosed and mapped for the main horizons in Western Siberia. Replenishment of the resource base at the expense of such reserves is ineffective due to the fact that undiscovered traps of these types are thin, or lie at great depths, which ultimately negatively affects the quality of the resource base and the economic efficiency of their involvement in development. The driver of the growth and replenishment of the resource base under current conditions is the Achimov deposits, which are ubiquitous in this area at depths of 2500–3500 m and are genetically deep-water deposits of fans. The advantage of involving these deposits in development is often associated with the confinement to existing assets, where production is carried out from above and below-lying geological objects, the complexity is associated with the lithological type of traps, which is not diagnosed by direct analysis of seismic materials, as well as the extremely poor knowledge of the deposits over the area. Considering that the variability of properties over the area is a distinctive feature of Achimov deposits, the factor of poor knowledge by drilling significantly complicates the understanding of the potential of the deposits. In order to identify and assess the most promising areas for involvement in the development of the Achimov deposits, in PJSC Gazprom Neft the work “Regional assessment and zonal study of the prospects for oil and gas potential of the Achimov formation in the Western Siberia” was carried out. The goal and objectives is to form a reliable tool for searching and forecasting potential options using the generated regional maps of criteria (various characteristic properties and their combinations) built on the basis of data generalization throughout Western Siberia.

С.К. Курбаниязов

В начале барремского времени море отступило и до начала позднего альба территория представляла собой низменную аккумулятивную равнину, в пределах которой происходило накопление аллювиальных и озерно-аллювиальных отложений: красно-коричневых глин, алевролитов с прослоями коричневых песчаников и песков и линзами темно-серого лигнита. В основании толщи отмечаются гравелиты и конгломераты. В раннемальбе произошла кратковременная трансгрессия моря, однако территория современного Восточного Приаралья не была затоплена и представляла собой прибрежно-морскую равнину, где накапливались глины, алевролиты и песчаники. К концу позднего альба море регрессировало, и территория вновь стала представлять собой низменную аллювиально-озерную равнину. По всей территории происходило накопление пестроцветных глин, зеленовато-серых алевролитов, песков и песчаников, а также углей. При проведении иследовательских работ были обоснованы наиболее перспективные типы ловушек углеводородного сырья по стратиграфическим уровням и выявлена зональность их распространения. Дана оценка перспектив района на выявление залежей нефти и газа. Выделены информативные и качественные признаки (критерии) нефтегазоносности. Обоснованы площади и конкретные структуры для постановки детальных поисковых работ на выявление залежей нефти и газа. Рассчитана оценка потенциальных ресурсов углеводородного сырья. At the beginning of the Barremian time, the sea receded and until the beginning of the late Alb, the territory was a low-lying accumulative plain, within which the accumulation of alluvial and lacustrine-alluvial deposits occurred: red-brown clays, siltstones with layers of brown sandstones and sands and lenses of dark gray lignite. Gravelites and conglomerates are noted at the base of the strata.In the Rannemalba, there was a short-term transgression of the sea, but the territory of the modern Eastern Aral Sea region was not flooded and was a coastal-sea plain, where clays, siltstones and sandstones accumulated. By the end of the Late Alb, the sea regressed and the area again became a low-lying alluvial-lacustrine plain. There was an accumulation of variegated clays, greenish-gray siltstones, sands and sandstones, as well as coals throughout the territory. During the research work, the most promising types of hydrocarbon traps were justified by stratigraphic levels and the zoning of their distribution was revealed. The assessment of the prospects of the area for the identification of oil and gas deposits is given. Informative and qualitative signs (criteria) of oil and gas potential are identified. The areas and specific structures for setting up detailed search operations to identify oil and gas deposits are justified. The estimation of potential resources of hydrocarbon raw materials is calculated.

Minerals ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 510 ◽  
Valery Vernikovsky ◽  
Georgy Shemin ◽  
Evgeny Deev ◽  
Dmitry Metelkin ◽  
Nikolay Matushkin ◽  

The geodynamic development of the north–western (Arctic) margin of the Siberian craton is comprehensively analyzed for the first time based on our database as well as on the analysis of published material, from Precambrian-Paleozoic and Mesozoic folded structures to the formation of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Yenisei-Khatanga sedimentary basin. We identify the main stages of the region’s tectonic evolution related to collision and accretion processes, mainly subduction and rifting. It is demonstrated that the prototype of the Yenisei-Khatanga basin was a wide late Paleozoic foreland basin that extended from Southern Taimyr to the Tunguska syneclise and deepened towards Taimyr. The formation of the Yenisei-Khatanga basin, as well as of the West-Siberian basin, was due to continental rifting in the Permian-Triassic. The study describes the main oil and gas generating deposits of the basin, which are mainly Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous mudstones. It is shown that the Lower Cretaceous deposits contain 90% of known hydrocarbon reserves. These are mostly stacked reservoirs with gas, gas condensate and condensate with rims. The study also presents data on oil and gas reservoirs, plays and seals in the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous complexes.

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