Approach to the synthesis of variable data insertion procedures in structure-independent databases

Andrey S. Grishchenko

The aim of developing an approach to the synthesis of variable data insertion procedures in structure-independent databases is to identify and analyze heterogeneities in the existing construction process. Two types of heterogeneities were identified associated with various forms of representing the minimum structural units for constructing the process of constructing the data insertion procedure, as well as semantic heterogeneities associated with the use of elements that are semantically heterogeneous to structural elements of a structure-independent database. To eliminate them, you need to use an approach based on the action designer. It allows to use actions as minimal structural units in the synthesis process, to reveal the meanings of characteristics, presenting them in the form of an action structure. The result of the article is a formulated approach to the synthesis of variable data insertion procedures in structure-independent databases.

The issues of determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects with the involvement of Federal budget funds at the stage of development of project documentation, during verification of the accuracy of determining the estimated cost and the initial (maximum) contract price are considered. On the basis of the assessment of amendments to urban planning legislation for the purpose of implementing a state contract by the contractor ( based on the results of competitive procedures or without competitive procedures by decision of state authorities), the procedure for forming the estimate as part of a state (municipal) contract, the price of which is firm, is presented. For the purpose of mutual settlements between the customer and the contractor for the work performed, the formation of primary accounting documentation, as well as for checking the work performed by regulatory authorities, an example of drawing up an estimate of the state (municipal) contract on the basis of grouping costs according to structural elements and complexes of work is given. The result of the research conducted was the development of regulations and the formation of criteria for their practical application by state bodies, institutions, organizations and other participants in the investment-construction process, as well as recipients of budget funds, who perform the functions of the state (municipal) customer, developer and technical customer.

2018 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 02047 ◽  
Oleg Kabantsev ◽  
Bozidar Mitrovic

The paper considers the question of substantiating the choice of criteria for limiting states of monolithic reinforced concrete bearing systems for the regime of progressive collapse. Based on the results of computational and theoretical studies, structural elements and structural units of monolithic reinforced concrete buildings are determined, the destruction of which occurs first of all in the event of a failure of the vertical bearing structure. It is established that the destruction of such structural units and structural elements leads to the initialization of the process of progressive collapse. A computational and theoretical analysis has been performed to determine the ultimate deformation effects or load values according to the criteria for the bearing capacity of crutial units of monolithic reinforced concrete systems with different span sizes. It is established that as a basic criterion for estimating the stress-and-strain state of monolithic reinforced concrete structures for the mode of failure of a vertical bearing structure, the relative deformation amount corresponding to the formation of the “fracture” zone of the retaining section of the overlap under the action of transverse forces can be adopted.

1969 ◽  
Vol 115 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-439 ◽  
D. A. Rees ◽  
N. J. Wight

Methylation analysis was used to characterize the pectic polysaccharides from mustard cotyledons, a tissue with potential for rapid biological change involving the walls. The methylated sugars were identified by g.l.c. and paper chromatography after conversion of uronic acid derivatives into [3H]hexoses, and confirmed by the formation of crystalline derivatives of most of the main products, which were: 2,3-di-O-methyl-d-[6−3H]galactose, 2-O-methyl-d-[6−3H]galactose, 3,4-di-O-methylrhamnose, 3-O-methylrhamnose, 2,3,5-tri-O-methyl-l-arabinose, 2,3-di-O-methyl-l-arabinose, 2-O-methyl-l-arabinose, 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-d-xylose and 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-methyl-d-galactose in the molar proportions 1·00:1·14:0·54:0·74:2·86:2·50:2·24:1·88:0·32. The structural units present are similar to those in wellknown polysaccharides from mature tissues, but their proportions are strikingly different. Uninterrupted and unbranched galacturonan segments can therefore contribute little cohesion to these walls, and it is suggested that this correlates with a function of the wall matrix to hydrate and permit readjustment, during germination, of structural elements or wall surfaces or both.

A.S. Grishchenko ◽  

The aim of this work is to implement an approach for the synthesis of variable data insertion procedures for structureindependent databases. This approach makes it possible to synthesize procedures for inserting data into databases, in which two types of inhomogeneities will be absent: inhomogeneities associated with various forms of representation of minimal structural units; semantic heterogeneities associated with the use of elements that are semantically heterogeneous to the elements of the structure of a structure-independent database. Due to the absence of these inhomogeneities, the productivity of the procedures will be increased in comparison with the initial one. The approbation is carried out on the example of a structure-independent database based on the Tenzer data model. As a result of the work carried out, the following were obtained: the minimum unit of data storage for the database, built on the basis of the Tenzer model; algorithm of action using the developed minimum data storage unit; procedure code. As the minimum data storage unit, a triple of the form <Object, Property, Value> was chosen, and checking the obtained algorithm of actions showed that all the elements present are homogeneous to the database structure based on the Tenzer data model, which indicates the successful testing of this approach.

1921 ◽  
Vol 58 (9) ◽  
pp. 397-408 ◽  
H. H. Swinnerton

To illustrate the value of graphic methods when changes in a number of distinct structural elements are studied, examples may be taken from the Carboniferous corals. These are well suited to the purpose, because thin slices yield so much information and are easily measured. In Fig. 4 a diagrammatic section is shown of one of the most highly organized corals, which exhibits the following important structural units: epitheca, tabulæ, septa, dissepiments, tabellæ, lamellæ, columella.

2008 ◽  
Vol 42 (43) ◽  
pp. 91-97
Laima Paliulionienė

Dirbtinio intelekto ir kitų kompiuterinių technologijų naudojimas rengiant teisės aktus pagerina jų kokybę ir sutrumpina rengimo laiką. Viena iš problemų, su kuriomus susiduriama formalizuojant teisės aktus, yra izomorfizmo problema. Tai teisinių žinių bazės fragmentų susiejimo su atitinkamais teisinių dokumentų struktūriniais elementais problema. Straipsnyje siūlomas teisės akto tekstų ir žinių bazių vaizdavimo būdas, užtikrinantis izomorfizmą tarp jų. Struktūruotam dokumento tekstui saugotinaudojamas XML dokumentas, o žinių bazei – F-logikos formalizmas. Be dokumento teksto ir žinių bazės, nagrinėjamas dar vienas izomorfizmo aspektas – testai, aprašantys realias arba hipotetines situacijas ir skirti patikrinti, ar teisės akto straipsnis adekvačiai apibrėžia jo pageidaujamą taikymą. Siūlomas metodas palengvina teisės akto ir žinių bazės pakeitimų valdymą ir sudaro prielaidas generuoti kokybiškesnius žinių bazėje atliekamų išvedimų paaiškinimus.A method of implementing isomorphism between legal knowledge bases and legal documentsLaima Paliulionienė SummaryThe use of artificial intelligence methods or other computer-based methods in legal drafting can improve the quality of legal documents. During the formalization of legal documents, a problem of isomorphism arises. Isomorphism can be defined as the well defined correspondence of the knowledge base elements to the structural elements of source texts. A method of the representation of legal texts and knowledge bases is proposed in this paper to ensure the isomorphism. XML documents are used to store texts of a legal document, and F-logic is used as a formalism for the knowledge base. Additionally to the document text and knowledge base, one more aspect of the isomorphism is included – tests that describe hypothetic or real situations, and are intended to check the adequacy of possible applications of structural units (articles) of the legal document. The proposed method is designed to simplify the management of the changes in legal documents and appropriate knowledge bases, and to generate explanations of the inference in knowledge bases.

2019 ◽  
Vol 87 (4) ◽  
pp. 95-103
Y. V. Grinenko

The functions and powers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the field of combating crime are researched. The expediency and necessity of studying the functions and powers as structural elements of the administrative and legal status of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is emphasized, which is especially relevant in connection with the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and bringing their service activities to NATO standards. It is determined that the legal category of "authority" consists of the rights and obligations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including in the sphere of crime counteraction, aimed at the implementation of functions and tasks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in accordance with the current legislation. It is emphasized that in order to ensure the implementation of the said functions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they have the right to take measures to restore the territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as to provide comprehensive development of secure, economic, information, telecommunication, social and humanitarian infrastructure on the territories adjacent to the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk to implement, in accordance with strategic defense planning documents, measures to strengthen defense and security capabilities of the country. Regulatory acts defining the functions and powers of certain structural units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are analyzed. The author's vision of the concept of "functions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" is offered and his own classification of functions and powers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is given.

2021 ◽  
Hanna Ivanova ◽  
Serhii Hapieiev ◽  
Volodymyr Shapoval ◽  
Kateryna Zhabchyk ◽  

Recently, process of complicating buildings and structures, which is so-called "architectural trend", as well as market competition leads to the construction of insufficiently approved structure forms. The situation is aggravated by the "lagging behind" regulatory framework, unsatisfactory skills of the construction process participants, contravention of the constructed objects operation rules and other negative factors, on the one hand. On the other hand, a number of documents are of a recommendatory nature. Thus, current above-described situation determined the relevance of this publication. There were made the following in order to correctly predict the trouble-free operation of multi-element metal structures: - concepts, principles, qualitative and quantitative indicators of operational efficiency (survivability) and its categories related to nodes, structural elements and technical systems in general were formulated; - a large-scale effect both in the designing and in the operation of large-sized and multi-element metal structures was considered; - emergency metal structures destruction data were nalyzed; - reasons for characteristic defects and rod metal structures damage are considered, including the modeling of damage formation processes, the identification of random physical regularities of the sizes scattering and defects location.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-27 ◽  
Ha Viet Nhu ◽  
Binh Van Duong ◽  
Tuan Anh Vo ◽  
Kien Tran Pham ◽  

The basement of a high-rise building is the optimal space for technical systems and parking. However, the construction in narrow urban areas usually has many unstable hazards. In this study, a numerical model has been established and calibrated using the finite element method on Plaxis 2D software that allowed well control of the design and construction processes of the Madison Building basement. The model covers all structural elements and complex engineering geology conditions. Displacements of the excavation wall and surrounding ground base subsidence were analyzed corresponding to the constructive phases of three basements. The analysis results of the numerical model were consistent with the actual construction process that is useful for design and constructive controlling of the excavation wall.

X. Lin ◽  
X. K. Wang ◽  
V. P. Dravid ◽  
J. B. Ketterson ◽  
R. P. H. Chang

For small curvatures of a graphitic sheet, carbon atoms can maintain their preferred sp2 bonding while allowing the sheet to have various three-dimensional geometries, which may have exotic structural and electronic properties. In addition the fivefold rings will lead to a positive Gaussian curvature in the hexagonal network, and the sevenfold rings cause a negative one. By combining these sevenfold and fivefold rings with sixfold rings, it is possible to construct complicated carbon sp2 networks. Because it is much easier to introduce pentagons and heptagons into the single-layer hexagonal network than into the multilayer network, the complicated morphologies would be more common in the single-layer graphite structures. In this contribution, we report the observation and characterization of a new material of monolayer graphitic structure by electron diffraction, HREM, EELS.The synthesis process used in this study is reported early. We utilized a composite anode of graphite and copper for arc evaporation in helium.

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