Exploring the subject of Mentoring on the Needs of Students of Multicultural Family in a Local Society

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-117
Dongseong Park
Prawo ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 326 ◽  
pp. 209-219
Maciej Gałęski ◽  
Elżbieta Lorenc-Mytnik

Influence of volunteer fire departments on  the  culture level of ecological safetyEcological safety is one of the fundamental types of safety. It is a  kind of safety in which every matter including man comes into direct contact at every moment of existence because it relates to the ecosystem. People are both creators and recipients of this safety. The subject matter therefore is about how we threaten the environment and about the ways in which the environment generates these threats. This is the reason why the principles of sustainable development are so pertinent in every human endevour. Unfortunately, man — the creator has been having an increasingly destructive influence causing a  mechanical feedback of threats that endanger man — the recipient. Under these premises, the cultural education of ecological safety is a  task of paramount importance. In the process of creating such a  culture local communities have an unquestionable importance and volunteer fire departments constitute an integral aspect in such communities. It should be noted that both legal and sociological conditions give VFD a  unique role which refers to the enormous potential of impact on the culture of ecological security. This applies in particular to the development of sensitivity, awareness and educational activities. It is worth emphasizing the fact that activities directed inwardly to a  given VFD automatically affect local society, as members of a  given VFD belong to the local community. External actions addressed to non members but to other people gain importance and effectiveness when cooperating with other entities of a  given local society. So the potential of Volunteer Fire Departments and their impact on the culture of ecological safety is undeniable. At the same time, however, it is “only” a  potential that needs to be transformed into concrete actions. What we are facing is an oppurtunity dependant on the readiness of man being the creator and recipient.

Alina Ivanenko

World War II and the period of Nazi occupation of Ukraine became the period of severe Nazi social experimentation, the transformation of local society into the subject of pumping of raw materials and human resources. At the same time, in order to achieve the goal and objectives of the occupation, humiliation and neutralization of the resistance movement participants, the German administration had to create a certain appearance of law and order. An important role in this segment of occupation policy was played by the system of local civil and criminal courts that arose in mid-1942. The central government of the Reichcommissariat “Ukraine” succeeded in issuing several completed legal acts that regulated this sphere of functioning of the local society. Occupation topic has already become the central subject of research of contemporary Ukrainian historians. Thus, some aspects of local judicial institutions functioning in the RCU are covered in publications of O. Goncharenko, M. Kunitsky, and Y. Levchenko. But the legal lawmaking of the regional administrative units of the RCU, represented by the general commissariats, has actually remained out of their scientific attention. This is the subject of following study. The lawmaking process of the occupation administration of the RCU in the field of creating a system of civil and criminal justice envisaged the creation of normative acts of primary and regional (local) levels. The normative acts, adopted by the central department of the RCU, received the highest legal status. Normative acts adopted by the general commissariats received the status of sub-legal acts. With a few exceptions, the regulations of the general commissioners did not detail competently the specific provisions of the articles of the Reichcommissioner. Mainly, normative acts of the general commissioners contained technical details to the regulations of the Reichcommissioner. Other prescriptions of the Reichcommissar normative acts were simply repeated. The peculiarity of the normative acts of all levels, and especially of the heads of the general districts of “Zhytomyr”, “Volyn and Podillya”, was their extremely unsatisfactory translation from German into Ukrainian. Some specific legal instructions of normative acts, even those published in the official collections of documents, are difficult to understand. Therefore, one of the tasks of those representatives of the central and regional occupation administration of the RCU, who were responsible for creating the system of local justice, was to interpret the texts of the necessary normative acts.

2002 ◽  
Θεόδωρος Κοσμάς

The subject of our PhD is the examination of educational phenomenon at Zitsa, a small town on the N.W. of Ioannina, during the last period of the Ottoman Domination, in particular from 1778 until 1913. The dissertation is focused on close attendance of educational process from the first «koinon» school’s establishment up to Epirus’ liberation from the Ottoman domination We tried to focus on both the presupposition of the educational process and the examination of the major educational indicators, in order to indicate the duration, the tension and the importance of the educational function at Zitsa and the surrounding area. We tried to approach our subject according to the archive sources that we located, exploiting the existing literature and the daily and weekly press. Our study consists of Introduction, 8 main chapters and Epilogue. In the Introduction, we offer a brief overlook on the educational process in Epirus, we examine the general terms in which it occurs, and we point out at the major importance of the economic factor in the support of the educational activity. In the first chapter, the presuppositions that formed the educational process of Zitsa and were crucial for its image. More specifically, the origins of the educational process at Zitsa are examined, in which we indicate the long educational tradition of the town and the important role of the monasteries, mainly Prophet Elias Monastery and Pateron Monastery, as cultural centers. We trace the ideological and cultural presuppositions of the educational process, which find their origins in the messages of Modem Greek Enlightenment and have as important issue the function of the economic factor. The basic sources of financing, the monastic incomes and the donations of the benefactors have been the subject of a systematic approach in the second chapter. After the examination of specific related issues, the duration and the continuation in the educational supplies are underlined, and their crucial contribution to the development and preservation of an important educational infrastructure. In the third chapter, we deal with the evolutionary development process of the school network. The gradual elevation of the educational schedule is stressed, from «Koinon» School towards the rise to a higher level and expansion of educational attempts, which obtains full characteristics with the turn towards the education of the female children, too (Helliniki Scholi, school for girls). In the fourth chapter, a detailed presentation of the educational staff profile is provided. In close connection to this examination, we concentrated biographical notes of 74 male teachers and 20 female teachers, which worked at Zitsa, and whose whole function as teachers is searched. We tried to draw conclusions on issues of pay, quality of educational staff and annual expenses on education, in comparison to communities of Ioannina Prefecture, and in greater detail to the most representative part of Zagori. A positive evaluation of the educational presence at Zitsa is drawn as a conclusion. In the fifth chapter, we focus on the student factor, examining both the student presence at male children schools (Arrenagogeia) and the tendencies which lead the studies to higher degrees and some students from Zitsa to responding study degrees in the city of Ioannina, according to the Zosimaia School Archive. The efficiency of the school function at Zitsa is connected to the study progress of pupils from Zitsa at higher levels (Gymnasion or University). As far as Philiteion school for girls is concerned, our examination extends from an attendance of the numerical factors to a more specific focus on the proficiency of the female pupils. The limited role which the social structure had kept for females (housewife and mother), in which the only appreciated job opportunity was that of a teacher, adequately explains the limited motivation for the possession of higher education. The specific social and educational function of scholarships, which should be regarded as a basic agent of educational elevation, especially for the poor pupils, is analyzed in the sixth chapter. The wide granting of scholarships greatly contributed to the integration of the educational procedure and to the reproduction of the local scientific personnel. In the seventh chapter a special reference is made to the school libraries and their importance in the reinforcement and strengthening of the educational result. Their constitutional elements are described and important pieces of information about their content, their quality and their little remaining documents of the late period in modem libraries are given. Simultaneously, the existence of private libraries, the tracing of cultural tendencies in the local society and the circulation of newspapers and magazines should be regarded as witnesses of a general cultural atmosphere, which cultivates reading and covers many interests. The whole picture is completed by the presentation of the remaining elements of the monastic and church libraries. A catalogue of the prints is given in the Appendix. In the eighth chapter, an attempt is being made so that various dimensions of the educational contribution of Zitsa are explored, which surpasses the narrow framework of the local society. At last, the Epilogue consists of a brief recapitulation of the whole procedure that education at Zitsa followed and of the agents which formed it.

2007 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-40 ◽  
Felicitas Becker

AbstractThis paper examines Tanzanian Muslims' practical and discursive stances on AIDS in relation to the context in which they are produced. The AIDS problematic is interacting with lively debates, as for the last two decades Muslim reformists have been demanding revisions to ritual practice and a more restrictive application of Muslim social norms. The state-sponsored central organisation for Tanzanian Muslims is viewed with distrust not only by reformist, but also many 'mainstream' Muslims, and there is no organisation to provide an inclusive forum for debate. Official AIDS education programmes reached provincial Muslims before the epidemic had become acute, and were initially greeted with the same formulaic, passive acceptance as many other state initiatives. Since AIDS deaths have become more frequent, recommendations for prevention have become the subject of intense debate. Understanding of the epidemic draws on local religious notions as well as Muslim teachings, and invariably focuses on ways of life rather than questions of health narrowly conceived. It indicates increasing scepticism regarding the ability of either local society or the state to achieve 'development' and wariness of the perceived closeness of science to authority. On the other hand, Muslim observers have found ways to relate scientific descriptions of the epidemic to the Qur'an and to accept the epidemic as God's will, without thereby abdicating responsibility for trying to contain it. Ultimately, individuals are on their own in formulating their understanding of the epidemic. There is no clear correlation between reformist sympathies and the acceptance or otherwise of official recommendations, as many other factors, including age, education and personal experience, influence individual stances.

1990 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 347-385 ◽  
Robert von Friedeburg

The relationship between population growth and growing social differentiation and the appeal of Puritanism to—and its effect on— parts of English society has been the subject of much debate ever since the publication of Christopher Hill's Society and Puritanism. The problem was reformulated and elaborated by Keith Wrightson and David Levine, whose studies focused on the village level. They described in detail the effect of Puritan preaching on local society and what parts of local society were particularly attracted by Puritan preachings, taking as an example the village of Terling, Essex. From the late sixteenth century on, Puritanism proved to be a means to enforce public discipline. Keith Wrightson pointed out the concern for order in Puritan preachings. Puritan preachers reminded assize juries of their responsibility to enforce morals and to restore order. Thus they provided a mental framework for the local “better sort,” who wished to readjust their relations to the growing number of local poor. The enforcement of morals was carried out by wealthy local officeholders by means of sweeps of the alehouses, for example, and served as such an adjustment in the village of Terling. Religion, then, ceased to be a vertical bond tying local society together but added instead a cultural dimension to the already existing differences in property and income.In recent years both Margaret Spufford and Martin Ingram have questioned this connection of Puritanism and the growing difference between rich and poor in many villages. Spufford claims that, despite growing social differentiation, religion still worked as a common bond for poor and wealthy villagers alike.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 199-227
Marek Szajda ◽  
Leszek Wisłocki

Leszek Wisłocki is a famous music theorist and composer. For many years he has been a Professor at the Academy of Music in Wrocław. However, before he started working for the Academy, he spent some time living in Jelenia Góra, where for 4 years he attended the Stefan Żeromski Co-educational Gymnasium and Grammar School. These school years are the subject of Wisłocki’s account. It is a detailed description of Professor’s pre-war life, as well as his and his family’s war experience, and in particular of his father’s military service. Wisłocki clearly explains the reasons for his family coming to Lower Silesia and settling in Jelenia Góra. Equally clearly Wisłocki recalls his teachers, school friends and important events which influenced the school life as well as the life of the local society, such as existence of the underground independence movement in 1949. He tells anecdotes about excursions to the mountains or his first performances as a musician staged at school. Wisłocki underlines the importance of this first, post-war period – not only for him, but also for his friends who later, having graduated from grammar school, went on to become professors or achieved other socially significant posts. Finally, Professors pays a lot of attention to returns and school relations – still vivid and close after more than seven decades. Annual school reunions and extensive correspondence exchanged by the ex-pupils serves as a proof that the short period of education, which lasted only 4 years, had a great impact on the life of this generation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (19) ◽  
pp. 202024
Pedro Henrique Carnevalli Fernandes ◽  
Jéssica Amanda Alves Veiga

VOTE AND DECISION OF THE VOTE IN SANTO ANTÔNIO DO PARAÍSO (PR)VOTO Y DECISIÓN DE VOTO EN SANTO ANTÔNIO DO PARAÍSO (PR)RESUMOA decisão do voto e as conjunturas que influenciam essa decisão são de fundamental relevância na escolha dos candidatos nas eleições municipais e, por conseguinte, no futuro da sociedade local, sobretudo quanto às políticas públicas. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a Geografia Eleitoral e do Voto no município de Santo Antônio do Paraíso, no Norte do Estado do Paraná, particularmente, por meio do entendimento e da análise da decisão do voto dos eleitores. Diante disso, foram utilizados como procedimentos metodológicos: levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema; levantamento de dados, principalmente de eleitores do município; aplicação de questionários nos habitantes locais; elaboração de material cartográfico, como figuras, mapas, tabelas e gráficos; e, por fim, sistematização das informações na redação final do artigo. Os resultados demonstram que os respondentes reconhecem a importância da decisão do voto e pesquisam sobre a vida do candidato e sobre as suas propostas para o município. Além disso, a maioria dos respondentes considerou que o principal critério que buscam no candidato é a honestidade para exercer esse tipo de cargo público.Palavras chave: Geografia Política; Geografia Eleitoral; Geografia do Voto; Norte do Paraná.ABSTRACTThe decision of the vote and the conjunctures that influence this decision are of fundamental relevance in the choice of candidates in municipal elections and, therefore, in the future of local society, especially about public policies. Thus, this study aims to comprehend the Electoral and Vote Geography in Santo Antônio do Paraíso, north of the state of Paraná, particularly, through the understanding and analysis the voters' voting decision. The following methodological procedures: bibliographic survey about the subject; data collection, mainly of voters, in the municipality; application of questionnaires in the local inhabitants; elaboration of cartographic material, such as figures, maps, tables and graphs; and systematization of information in the final writing of this paper. The results show that the respondents of the local population recognize the importance of the decision of the vote, being that they investigate the life of the candidate and his proposals for the municipality. In addition, most respondents considered that the main criterion they seek in a candidate is honesty to exercise an elected public office.Keywords: Political Geography; Electoral Geography; Vote Geography; North of Paraná.RESUMENLa decisión de votar y las circunstancias que influyen en esta decisión son de fundamental importancia en la elección de candidatos en las elecciones municipales y, por tanto, en el futuro de la sociedad local, especialmente en materia de políticas públicas. Así, este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender la Geografía Electoral y del Voto en el municipio de Santo Antônio do Paraíso, en el Norte del Estado de Paraná, en particular, a través de la comprensión y análisis de la decisión de voto de los votantes. Por tanto, se utilizaron los siguientes procedimientos metodológicos: levantamiento bibliográfico sobre el tema; recolección de datos, principalmente de votantes del municipio; aplicación de cuestionarios a los habitantes locales; elaboración de material cartográfico, como figuras, mapas, tablas y gráficos; y, finalmente, sistematización de la información en la redacción final del artículo. Los resultados demuestran que los encuestados reconocen la importancia de la decisión del voto e investigan la vida del candidato y sus propuestas para el municipio. Además, la mayoría de los encuestados consideró que el principal criterio que buscan en el candidato es la honestidad para ejercer este tipo de cargos públicos.Palabras clave: Geografía política; Geografía electoral; Geografía del Voto; Norte de Paraná.

Felicitas Becker

Muslims and Muslim polities have been present for hundreds of years on the coast of East Africa. Some 80 percent of the population in Southeast Tanzania is estimated to be Muslim. How and why this came to be the case, and how this process has shaped both the ritual practice of these Muslims and the way they understand their place within their country, is the subject of this book. It concentrates on the role of proselytizers rather than the motives of converts, emphasizing the former's personal commitment and piety. The conversion to Islam among non-Muslims in the countryside, and the spread of Sufi orders in the towns where many people already were Muslim, are addressed. The religious practice and everyday life, and the role of the state, travel, and local society in the production of oral records are described. Moreover, the chapter discusses the historicity of local views of history and religion, kin networks, villages and religious affiliations, and the polyvalence of religious change, struggle, and negotiation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
Sebastian Kubas

AbstractPublic consultation, as one of direct democracy form, is the subject of the article. This problem is presented regarding theoretical, law and practical basis. As theory, I underlined the most important direct democracy qualities and then linked this form of democracy with local government. This is how I tried to understand public consultation as one of direct democracy form. As law, I analysed Polish municipal law and then local Katowice law regarding public consultation. As praxis, public consultation was presented as a tool used by the local authorities to communicate local society and the level of local society interest in taking part in public consultation

2000 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
Anebine Danielsen

The concept of “folkelighed” in practice. The work of an itinerant teacher in the southern Schlesvig of the 1920’sThis article attempts to pin down the way in which an element of “folkelighed” was central to the wide variety of work carried out by itinerant teachers in southern Schlesvig. After the referendum of 1920 and the fixing of the national boundary with Germany, the occupation of itinerant teacher was established south of the new border for the purpose of strengthening, in conjunction with private tuition in Danishminded homes, elements of Danishness. Taking the activities of the itinerant teacher, Jørgen Jørgensen, as an example, we see how popular nationalism at grassroots level was just as clearly visible in games and woodwork lessons as it was in history and Danish. The concept of “folkelighed” was on a par with Christianity, and nationalist thinking was an indispensable part of the mental baggage that belonged to the period and to the area and was therefore a natural component of everyday activity. Jørgen Jørgensen made a very committed contribution. He was a firebrand, who devoted his life to itinerant teaching and his significance for local society can be compared to the earlier platoon commanders. His work can be seen as an example of the way in which the concept of “folkelighed” was acted out in practice. The article concludes with some thoughts on the subject of the concept of “folkelighed” in our day, which, however much its reduced emphasis on nationalist and Christian elements has made it less distinct, nevertheless remains in great demand.

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