2022 ◽  
Vol 06 (06) ◽  
pp. 152-166
H.Kh. Karimov ◽  
B.I. Turaeva ◽  
N.Sh. Azimova ◽  
Kh.M. Khamidova
F. Louchet ◽  
L.P. Kubin

Investigation of frictional forces -Experimental techniques and working conditions in the high voltage electron microscope have already been described (1). Care has been taken in order to minimize both surface and radiation effects under deformation conditions.Dislocation densities and velocities are measured on the records of the deformation. It can be noticed that mobile dislocation densities can be far below the total dislocation density in the operative system. The local strain-rate can be deduced from these measurements. The local flow stresses are deduced from the curvature radii of the dislocations when the local strain-rate reaches the values of ∿ 10-4 s-1.For a straight screw segment of length L moving by double-kink nucleation between two pinning points, the velocity is :where ΔG(τ) is the activation energy and lc the critical length for double-kink nucleation. The term L/lc takes into account the number of simultaneous attempts for double-kink nucleation on the dislocation line.

Joanna L. Batstone

Interest in II-VI semiconductors centres around optoelectronic device applications. The wide band gap II-VI semiconductors such as ZnS, ZnSe and ZnTe have been used in lasers and electroluminescent displays yielding room temperature blue luminescence. The narrow gap II-VI semiconductors such as CdTe and HgxCd1-x Te are currently used for infrared detectors, where the band gap can be varied continuously by changing the alloy composition x.Two major sources of precipitation can be identified in II-VI materials; (i) dopant introduction leading to local variations in concentration and subsequent precipitation and (ii) Te precipitation in ZnTe, CdTe and HgCdTe due to native point defects which arise from problems associated with stoichiometry control during crystal growth. Precipitation is observed in both bulk crystal growth and epitaxial growth and is frequently associated with segregation and precipitation at dislocations and grain boundaries. Precipitation has been observed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) which is sensitive to local strain fields around inclusions.

Koenraad G F Janssens ◽  
Omer Van der Biest ◽  
Jan Vanhellemont ◽  
Herman E Maes ◽  
Robert Hull

There is a growing need for elastic strain characterization techniques with submicrometer resolution in several engineering technologies. In advanced material science and engineering the quantitative knowledge of elastic strain, e.g. at small particles or fibers in reinforced composite materials, can lead to a better understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms and thus to an optimization of material production processes. In advanced semiconductor processing and technology, the current size of micro-electronic devices requires an increasing effort in the analysis and characterization of localized strain. More than 30 years have passed since electron diffraction contrast imaging (EDCI) was used for the first time to analyse the local strain field in and around small coherent precipitates1. In later stages the same technique was used to identify straight dislocations by simulating the EDCI contrast resulting from the strain field of a dislocation and comparing it with experimental observations. Since then the technique was developed further by a small number of researchers, most of whom programmed their own dedicated algorithms to solve the problem of EDCI image simulation for the particular problem they were studying at the time.

Nanoscale ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (46) ◽  
pp. 22432-22439 ◽  
Yinghui Sun ◽  
Yan Aung Moe ◽  
Yingying Xu ◽  
Yufei Sun ◽  
Xuewen Wang ◽  

Local strain is best preserved on Al2O3 but relaxed most easily on mica because of the interface interaction from substrates.

TAPPI Journal ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-66 ◽  

Delamination between layers occurs during the creasing and subsequent folding of paperboard. Delamination is necessary to provide some stiffness properties, but excessive or uncontrolled delamination can weaken the fold, and therefore needs to be controlled. An understanding of the mechanics of delamination is predicated upon the availability of reliable and properly calibrated simulation tools to predict experimental observations. This paper describes a finite element simulation of paper mechanics applied to the scoring and folding of multi-ply carton board. Our goal was to provide an understanding of the mechanics of these operations and the proper models of elastic and plastic behavior of the material that enable us to simulate the deformation and delamination behavior. Our material model accounted for plasticity and sheet anisotropy in the in-plane and z-direction (ZD) dimensions. We used different ZD stress-strain curves during loading and unloading. Material parameters for in-plane deformation were obtained by fitting uniaxial stress-strain data to Ramberg-Osgood plasticity models and the ZD deformation was modeled using a modified power law. Two-dimensional strain fields resulting from loading board typical of a scoring operation were calculated. The strain field was symmetric in the initial stages, but increasing deformation led to asymmetry and heterogeneity. These regions were precursors to delamination and failure. Delamination of the layers occurred in regions of significant shear strain and resulted primarily from the development of large plastic strains. The model predictions were confirmed by experimental observation of the local strain fields using visual microscopy and linear image strain analysis. The finite element model predicted sheet delamination matching the patterns and effects that were observed in experiments.

2014 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-137
A. Sawicki ◽  
J. Mierczyński

Abstract A basic set of experiments for the determination of mechanical properties of sands is described. This includes the determination of basic physical and mechanical properties, as conventionally applied in soil mechanics, as well as some additional experiments, which provide further information on mechanical properties of granular soils. These additional experiments allow for determination of steady state and instability lines, stress-strain relations for isotropic loading and pure shearing, and simple cyclic shearing tests. Unconventional oedometric experiments are also presented. Necessary laboratory equipment is described, which includes a triaxial apparatus equipped with local strain gauges, an oedometer capable of measuring lateral stresses and a simple cyclic shearing apparatus. The above experiments provide additional information on soil’s properties, which is useful in studying the following phenomena: pre-failure deformations of sand including cyclic loading compaction, pore-pressure generation and liquefaction, both static and caused by cyclic loadings, the effect of sand initial anisotropy and various instabilities. An important feature of the experiments described is that they make it possible to determine the initial state of sand, defined as either contractive or dilative. Experimental results for the “Gdynia” model sand are shown.

Shinku ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-22
Koji USUDA ◽  
Tomohisa MIZUNO ◽  
Toshinori NUMATA ◽  
Tsutomu TEZUKA ◽  
Naoharu SUGIYAMA ◽  

Jayhoon Chung ◽  
Guoda Lian ◽  
Lew Rabenberg

Abstract Since strain engineering plays a key role in semiconductor technology development, a reliable and reproducible technique to measure local strain in devices is necessary for process development and failure analysis. In this paper, geometric phase analysis of high angle annular dark field - scanning transmission electron microscope images is presented as an effective technique to measure local strains in the current node of Si based transistors.

2005 ◽  
Tresa M. Pollock ◽  
Marc de Graef

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