scholarly journals ANALISIS PEMBERIAN INSENTIF TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi kasus pada PT. Pusri Palembang departemen operasi amonia 1B)

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-89
Asma Mario ◽  
Putra Ramadhany

This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of incentives on employee performance in the ammonia operations department 1 B PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya Palembang. This research was conducted at PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya Palembang with a research sample of 55 employees in the ammonia operation section 1 B PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya Palembang. The sampling method uses saturated sampling where the entire population is used as the research sample. Data retrieval of this research was conducted at the Department of Manpower PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya  Palembang. The results of quantitative research show the magnitude of the effect of training on the performance of employees of the ammonia operations department 1 B PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya Palembang amounted to 20.2% and the remaining 79.8% explained other factors outside the variables studied in this study, including ability and expertise, knowledge, work design, personality, work motivation, leadership, leadership style, organizational culture, work environment, job satisfaction, loyalty, commitment and work discipline, also affect the performance of employees of the ammonia operations department 1 B PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya Palembang.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-52

Luke Ma. Thesis, 2017. The influence of placement and promotion of office on the performance of employess of PT. Gramedia Asri Media Kupang. Supervisor: Try Suris Lestari, S.Kom.,MM.        The problem in this research is placement data and promotion position at PT. Gramedia Asri Media Kupang is not in accordance with the standards set by Nasional Gramedia in KPI rules (key performance indicator), KPI/STD/GAM/02/2011 for 2012-2016. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the placement and promotion of positions partially and simultaneously significant effect on employee performance at PT. Gramedia Asri Media Kupang in 2012-2016? Based on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study is to determine the magnitude of the effect of placement and promotion of positions partially and simultaneouslly on the performance of employees at PT. Gramedia Asri Media Kupang.        The data needed in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained by way of distributing questionnaires, interviews, and study documentation. Data were analyzed statistically by using multiple linear regression technique which was processed with SPSS program version 20.00. The result of data analysis shows the influence of job placement and promotion on employee performance shown by coefficient of determination ( ) equal to 86,1% and the rest 13,9% influenced by other factors like work motivation, employee compesation, discipline level, leadership style, employee and other employee loyalty.        Based on the results of data analysis suggested to the management of PT. Gramedia Asri Media Kupang for the placement process is expected to pay attention to the elements of education level, working knowledge, work skilss, and work experience, as well as in the promotion phase of office to pay attention to the rules for its assesment given objectively and effectively through carring, credible, competen, competetive and customer delight. So it will be very useful to improve employee work performance. Furthermore, to other researchers are expected to conduct further research to determine the performance of employees at PT. Gramedia Asri Media Kupang such as work motivation, employee compesation, discipline level, leadership style, employee work loyalty that can support the results of this study.

Mahida Eka Mahdayanthi ◽  
Mudji Astuti

This study aims to determine autocratic leadership style, communication and work motivation Against Employee performance at PT. Candi Jaya Amerta. This research includes the type of quantitative research with hypothesis testing. The sample used in this study were 72 employees at PT. Candi Jaya Amerta. The analytical tool used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis, determinant coefficient (R2), multiple correlation coefficient (R), f test, t test, and classic assumption test using SPSS version 18 for windows. Primary data in this study were obtained from questionnaires whose measurement used a Likert scale that was tested for validity and reliability. The results of this study prove that Autocratic Leadership Style, Communication and Work Motivation Against Employee Performance simultaneously affect employee Performance. communication partially affects employee performance, work motivation partially influences employee performance, job satisfaction also partially affects employee Performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 104-112
Hany Rifky Eryanto ◽  
Elok Damayanti

This study aims to analyze the influence of leadership style (X1), competence (X2) and motivation (X3) on employee performance (Y) at Dinas Pengelolaan Bangunan dan Tanah Kota. The sample was obtained by random sampling method with 100 respondents from 132 employees. The data analysis used in this research includes data quality test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results of the partial significance test (t statistical test) from the analysis and discussion of the research show that leadership style, competence and motivation partially have a significant effect on employee performance and the simultaneous significance test (f test) of the analysis and discussion of the study shows that leadership style, competence and motivation together have a significant effect on employee performance at Dinas Pengelolaan Bangunan dan Tanah Kota Surabaya.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Arifin Djakasaputra ◽  
Christina Catur Widayati ◽  
Septy W

This research aims to know the influence of leadership styles, work motivation and discipline on performance of employees at Mandiri Bank Branch Jakarta Kota. As for the methods used in this study using the method of quantitative research. And the samples used in this study as many as 40 employees. This research uses the sampling method is saturated, whereas the methods of analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that leadership style, work motivation and discipline significant effect on performance of the employees. the leadership style effect positively on performance of the employees. The motivation of working in a positive effect on performance of the employees. The discipline of working in a positive effect on performance of the employees

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Christina Catur Widayati ◽  
Septy W ◽  
Thea H. Rahardjo

This research aims to know the influence of leadership styles, work motivation and discipline onperformance of employees at Mandiri Bank Branch Jakarta Kota. As for the methods used in thisstudy using the method of quantitative research. And the samples used in this study as many as 40employees. This research uses the sampling method is saturated, whereas the methods of analysisused was multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that leadership style, workmotivation and discipline significant effect on performance of the employees. the leadership styleeffect positively on performance of the employees. The motivation of working in a positive effect onperformance of the employees. The discipline of working in a positive effect on performance of theemployees.Keywords: Leadership style, work motivation, performance of the employees

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 232-234
Kadek Raditya Awidiya ◽  
I. Gusti Salit Ketut Netra

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of work motivation on employee performance, the effect of compensation on employee performance, and the influence of the work environment on employee performance. This research is classified into quantitative research in the form of associative causality. The population in this study were 86 employees using a simple random sampling method so that as many as 71 employees were used as samples. The analysis technique used is Multiple Regression Analysis. The results obtained that work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Garibaldi Mirza N ◽  
Muhammad Asdar ◽  
Muhammad Ismail

This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance with work motivation as an intervening variable in the Indonesian Export Financing Institution at the Makassar Regional Office. The population of this study were all employees of the Indonesian Export Financing Institution. The number of samples taken in this study were 50 respondents. The sampling method used in this study is the probability sampling method. Data collection in this study is to use archive strategies namely primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed using multicollinearity and Path Analysis. The results of this study indicate that leadership style has a significant effect on work motivation. Leadership style also has a significant effect on employee performance. Work motivation significantly influences employee performance. Leadership style has a significant effect on employee performance through work motivation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 75-89 ◽  
Elisabet Siahaan

The purpose of this study is to determine the difference between three antecedent variables of performance and the impact on employee job performance through reward, compared with institutions led by men and women. The method used was survey method. Quantitative explanation method was also used to explain the relation, difference, and influence between the variables. The type of data in this research is quantitative data. The data used in this study are primary those from the respondents' perception of the variables used. The population in this study was all bank employees in Jakarta in PT Bank X Tbk, PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk, PT Bank Tabungan Negara and Bank BCA. The research sample consisted of employees who directly worked under female and male middle managers in the same division. The sampling method was probability sampling according to which all population units have chance to be sampled because of the population’s homogeneity. The sample was determined by simple random sampling. Sampling of male and female employees was proportion of multistage random sampling method and sampling using procedure. To solve the problems of this study Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis tool was employed using Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) 5 software. The result showed that the performance of employees led by male middle managers was determined by organizational culture and employee work motivation, but transactional leadership style couldn’t influence employee performance. Female managers’ leadership style had reciprocal influence on organizational culture while male managers’ leadership style didn’t have reciprocal influence on organizational culture. Employee work motivation was influenced by male and female middle managers’ leadership style. The reward received by employees led by male and female middle managers was influenced by employee performance. The job satisfaction of employees led by male and female middle managers was determined by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards they received. Male middle managers generally applied transactional leadership style while female used transactional and transformational leadership styles. Gender difference caused differences in behaviors, mentality, and emotional characteristics which are the results of socio-cultural constructs in the society which produced differences in leadership style, behavior and work attitude.

PSYCHE 165 ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 78-86
Muhammad Mahzum

This study aims to reveal, (1). The Influence of Intrinsic Motivation on Employee Performance, (2) Effect of Extrinsic Motivation on Employee Performance (3) Effect of Internationalized Employee Leadership Style on Employee Performance (4) Effect of anorizing Leadership Style Assignment on Employee Performance (5) Effect of Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation, Internative Style Employees & Tasks together on Employee Performance. The population in this study were employees of PT. Amdafa Guides Mandiri in Lubuk Kilangan Subdistrict, Padang City, amounting to 49 people. Sampling using Slovin formula and cluster random sampling method obtained a sample of 45 people. The method used in this research is simple random sampling method. The results of the study indicate that the variable Work Motivation and Leadership Style partially and simultaneously significantly influence Employee Performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-18
Dwi Suci Agustin

This study aimed to analyze and prove the influence of organizational culture, leadership style on the SMEs employee performance with work motivation as an intervening variable. This research was conducted in the Kampung Logam Area, Ngingas Village, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province with sample of 85 SMEs employees. The sampling method uses purposive sampling. The results of hypothesis testing stated that organizational culture had a positive but not significant effect on the performance of SMEs employees. Leadership style had a positive and significant effect on SMEs employee performance. Organizational culture had a positive and significant effect on work motivation. Leadership style had a positive and significant influence on work motivation. Work motivation had a positive but not significant effect on SMEs employee performance. Organizational culture had a positive but not significant effect on SMEs employee performance through work motivation. Leadership style had a positive but not significant effect on SMEs employee performance through work motivation.

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