scholarly journals Note: Public Policy: The Implementation Gap

1997 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-128
Viqar Ahmed

Policy formulation and implementation are the chief, though not the only, business of a modern government, implying exercise of its power. In a democracy the people themselves grant permission to the government to exercise power in their name. Thus through the democratic process power is transformed into legitimate authority. However, there is a feeling that a policy, formulated through due procedures at the highest echelons of the government, is sometimes not implemented in the same spirit or in the same way as was originally intended by the policy makers. Thus there If need to locate and identify the points where such lapses take place.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-177
Abdullah Manshur

Public policy is a decision to deal with a particular problem situation, that identifies the objectives, principles, ways, and means to achieve them. The ability and understanding of policy makers in the policy-making process is very important for the realization of public policy of rapid, accurate and adequate. The product to suit the needs of the public policy, public participation in the policy process is needed in the policy cycle, from policy formulation to policy evaluation. This paper attempts to review the importance of community participation and other forms of public participation in the policy process, in particular, policy areas.

1993 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-88 ◽  
Romano Dyerson ◽  
Frank Mueller

ABSTRACTAs the debate throughout the eighties has concluded, the efforts of governments to intervene at the firm level has largely been disappointing. Using two examples drawn from the British experience, Rover and Inmos, this paper offers an analysis as to why the Government has encountered difficulties when it has sought to intervene in a strategic fashion. Essentially, public policy makers lack adequate mechanisms to intervene effectively in technology-based companies. Locked out of the knowledge base of the firm, inappropriate financial control is imposed which reinforces the ‘outsider’ status of the Government. Having addressed the limitations of strategic intervention, the paper, drawing on the comparative experience of other countries, then goes on to address how this policy boundary might be pushed back in the long term.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-176
Brian L Djumaty ◽  
Nina Putri Hayam Dey

Since the enactment of decentralization local government have been granted the authority to organize, protect society etc. Given the authority that Central Kalimantan provincial government issued a policy (Pergub No. 15 tahun 2010 on guidelines for land clearing and yard for the people) to protect the local community in the tradition / habit of farming by burning forests to customary provisions. The aim of this study is to describe and analyze the extent to which public policy relevance since the issuance of the policy in 2010-2015 and to what extent these policies protect the local wisdom. the method used is descriptive qualitative study, using the study of literature in the process of data collection. Results and discussion of these studies show that 1) in 2015 created a policy that is no longer relevant because the whole area of Central Kalimantan is 15.3 million hectares, 12.7 hectares (78%) is controlled by plantation companies. 2) goodwill by the Government of Central Kalimantan to protect local communities need to be given appreciation. But this policy could apply / relevant if it is done before the 90s because many forests and local people still farming to meet food needs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-130 ◽  
Ninad Shankar Nag

It is proposed that government, being the tangible expression of the legitimate authority within an organised society, has undegone a long transformational journey since its very emergence. The various evolutionary forms and features of the government have been the product of its meaningful and viable responses to the changing expectations of the people as well as to the challenges they faced in an ever-changing environment. The exclusive domain of the state over the period became a shared space with inclusion of other actors and stakeholders, and an era of governance was ushered in since the 1980s. The much celebrated success of the liberal democracy and its market-led open economy heralded as an era of good governance. However, the universal model of good governance fails to take into account the local constraints of a society. Thus, the idea of good governance has to face various types of challenges in the developing as well as underdeveloped societies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-97
Rina Anggraini ◽  
Dhea Ananda Putri

The Covid-19 pandemic has become a real enemy for all levels of society, both from the middle to upper and lower middle classes, because this pandemic does not only attack the health aspects but all aspects of life, both in terms of economy, religion to lifestyle so that with this condition the government implements the order. a new life called New Normal. The following article is a literature study on how monetary policy is in maintaining the Indonesian economy amid the Covid-19 pandemic and will be reviewed from a sharia perspective, and will see whether government policies are fair and not only benefit certain parties. The method used is to review several research results that have been published in journals that explain the Covid-19 Pandemic and the policies taken by the government. The findings of this study inform that monetary policy is indeed influential in suppressing the inflation rate and can achieve economic stability, and the more obvious thing is that the government and a set of policy makers have been very fast in responding to the impacts arising from the Covid-19 pandemic undermining the global economy with policy stimuli that have been drawn up to fight the pandemic. From the point of view of sharia, the policies taken by the government already have a very good goal, namely meeting the needs of the people is fair and mashlahah is the main goal, the policies carried out by the government are conceptual and seen from the sharia side it is very good and upholds the welfare of the people. Pandemi Covid-19 menjadi musuh nyata bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat baik dari kalangan menengah ke atas maupun menengah kebawah, karena pandemic ini tidak hanya menyerang aspek kesehatan melainkan seluruh aspek kehidupan, baik dari segi ekonomi, religi hingga gaya hidup sehingga dengan keadaan ini pemerintah menerapkan tatanan kehidupan baru yang disebut New Normal. Tulisan berikut ini adalah studi literature tentang bagaimana kebijakan moneter dalam menjaga perekonomian Indonesia ditengah masa pandemic Covid-19 dan akan ditinjau berdasarkan perspektif syariah, serta akan melihat apakah kebijakan pemerintah sudah adil dan tidak hanya menguntungkan pihak tertentu. Metode yang digunakan adalah mengkaji beberapa hasil penelitian yang pernah dimuat pada jurnal-jurnal yang menjelaskan seputar Pandemi Covid-19 dan kebijakan-kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah. Temuan penelitian ini menginformasikan bahwa kebijakan moneter memang berpengaruh dalam menekan laju inflasi dan dapat mencapai kestabilan perekonomian, dan hal yang lebih nyata pada saat ini pemerintah dan seperangkat pembuat kebijakannya sudah dengan sangat cepat dalam menanggapi dampak-dampak yang timbul akibat pandemic Covid-19 yang telah merusak perekonomian global dengan stimulus- stimulus kebijakan yang telah disusun demi melawan pandemic. Dari sudut pandang syariah, kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah sudah memiliki tujuan yang sangat baik, yaitu pemenuhan kebutuhan rakyat sudah adil dan mashlahah menjadi tujuan utama, pada intinya kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah secara konseptual dan dilihat dari sisi syariah sudah sangat baik dan menjunjung tinggi kesejahteraan rakyat.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 457-464
Ujunwa Augustine ◽  
Chinwe Okoyeuzu ◽  
Anthony Igwe ◽  
Wilfred Isioma Ukpere

Large investment in African land has generated serious interest among academicians, policy makers, international and local development agencies as well as civil organization. The debates centre on the phenomenal trajectory and the drivers of this investment in Africa. The inaccuracy or ambiguities in number of deals and institutional specificities has brought in the main, the need to undertake country by country study of foreign land deals in agricultural investment. To suggest vital information that will aid policy formulation and deliberation at country level, the study is on Congo-Brazzaville. This paper explores the factors that influenced foreign land acquisition in Congo, the impact of such investment on the host communities, and faults the decision of the government to make the attraction of foreign investment in agriculture a priority without fashioning out institutional framework that will regulate the investors and promote market discipline. Based on the above, the paper recommends strategies the government should earnestly pursue to mitigate the negativities of the investment and leverage on the benefits of commercial farming in the country, especially, in the area of skill transfer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-111
Julizar Idris ◽  
Abdul Hakim ◽  
Sarwono Sarwono ◽  
Bambang Santoso Haryono

Abstract Public policy formulation as a political process is a dynamic formulation of policies involving many actors, ranging from the executive, legislative, academic, to non-governmental organizations. The purpose of this study was to find out the political process of drafting the Oil and Gas Law and determine the model for the formulation of the Oil and Gas Law in the Republic of Indonesia’s House of Representatives. This research method uses a qualitative approach, through observation, in-interview techniques and documentation of secondary data in the process of collecting data. Data analysis using the Interactive Model method by Miles & Huberman's. The results of the study indicate that the political process of drafting the Constitution of Oil and Gas takes place in the following stages: planning, drafting and discussion. Politically, the planning of the Constitution of Oil and Gas comes from several sources: (1) the bill from the President; (2) the bill from the House of Representatives; and (3) the bill from the Regional Representative Council. The long political process in the public policy formulation in the House of Representatives starts from the process of inventorying input from factions, commissions, and the public to be determined as a Legislative Body decision, then the decision is to be consulted with the Government; afterwards, the results of the consultation are reported to the Plenary Session to make the decision.

Rhodri Morgan

In Notes from the Front, practising entrepreneurs and policy makers offer personal perspectives on significant issues in light of their own experience. This issue's author is Rhodri Morgan, First Secretary of the National Assembly for Wales. The Assembly, established by the Government of Wales Act 1998 as part of the UK government's policy of devolution, develops and implements policies that reflect the particular needs of the people of Wales. In this article, Mr Morgan stresses the importance of a culture of entrepreneurship and business innovation for Wales and assesses the new Assembly's policy responses to date.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Kathy Brock ◽  
Robert P. Shepherd

PurposeAccording to the traditional view of public administration, a critical component of good policy formulation is the provision of frank and fearless advice to elected decision-makers. This advice can be provided by permanent public officials or by the people selected by the elected governments to fill key and continuing posts. However, there are major questions as to whether new Governor-in-Council (GIC) appointment processes rooted in new public governance (NPG) are yielding the expected results promised, such as less partisanism, as a consideration for appointment.Design/methodology/approachThe paper uses a mixed methods approach to examine the GIC process as it is used in Canada. In using these methods, the authors employed interviews with senior officials, governmental documents review and expert validation interviews to triangulate its main findings.FindingsThe paper uses the case of the revised appointment process for GIC appointments in Canada and suggests that the new arrangements do not deliver on merit-based criteria that ensures independence is protected between political executive and senior bureaucratic officials. Although new processes may be more open and transparent than past processes, the paper suggests that such processes are more susceptible to partisan influence under the guise of being merit-based.Research limitations/implicationsThe research was limited to one country context, Canada. As such, it will be necessary to expand this to other Westminster countries. Testing whether manifestations of new public governance in appointment processes elsewhere will be important to validate whether Canada is unique or not.Practical implicationsThe authors are left to wonder if this innovation of merit-based appointments in the new administrative state is obscuring the lines of accountability and whether it forms the basis for good policy advice despite promises to the contrary.Social implicationsTrust in the government is affected by decisions behind closed doors. They appear partisan, even when they may not be. Process matters if only to highlight increased value placed on meritorious appointments.Originality/valuePrevious studies on GIC appointments have generally been to explore representation as a value. That is, studies have questioned whether diversity is maintained, for example. However, few studies have explored appointment processes using institutional approaches to examine whether reforms to such processes have respected key principles, such as merit and accountability.

1980 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-76 ◽  
Michael R. Reed

The U.S. burley tobacco industry faces an important crossroad in this decade. It appears that domestic disappearance of burley tobacco will continue to decrease and U.S. burley tobacco will continue to have stiff competition in foreign markets. The government can influence the U.S. tobacco market in the coming decade through its tobacco program. The alternatives available to government policy makers must be analyzed to help guide policy formulation.

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