scholarly journals Pembatalan Hak Merek Yang Telah Dijadikan Jaminan Fidusia

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Delila Pritaria Cantika

Trademark as a part of intellectual property rights in essence is a sign to identify and distinguishing a product that made by a company with other products in the market. Trademark must be registered to gain a legal recourse in the form of Rights Over Trademark. However a registered trademark can still be nullified, based on a certain adequate evidence the registered trademark cannot fulfilled the absolute grounds or relative grounds. In furtherance, nowadays trademark legally feasible to be registered as a collateral. And as for the most accurate form of the collateral itself according to the law shall be registered fiduciary guaranty.

Professor Adebambo Adewopo ◽  
Dr Tobias Schonwetter ◽  
Helen Chuma-Okoro

This chapter examines the proper role of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in achieving access to modern energy services in Africa as part of a broader objective of a pro-development intellectual property agenda for African countries. It discusses the role of intellectual property rights, particularly patents, in consonance with pertinent development questions in Africa connected with the implementation of intellectual property standards, which do not wholly assume that innovation in Africa is dependent on strong intellectual property systems. The chapter examines how existing intellectual property legal landscapes in Africa enhance or impede access to modern energy, and how the law can be directed towards improved energy access in African countries. While suggesting that IPRs could serve an important role in achieving modern energy access, the chapter calls for circumspection in applying IP laws in order not to inhibit access to useful technologies for achieving access to modern energy services.

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-160
Ciprian Raul Romiţan

The moral rights represent the legal expression of the relationship between the workand its creator; they precede, survive and exert a permanent influence on the economic rights.Moral rights are independent of economic rights, the author of a work preserving these rightseven after the transfer of its property rights.The right to claim recognition as the author of the work, called in the doctrine as the"right of paternity of the work" is enshrined in art. 10 lit. b) of the law and it is based on theneed to respect the natural connection between the author and his work. The right toauthorship is the most important prerogative that constitutes intellectual property rights ingeneral and consists of recognizing the true author of a scientific, literary or artistic work.

Hanna Urazova ◽  
Yulia Gudzenko ◽  

The article presents a study of the problem of protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, namely copyright and related rights. It is noted that the issue of protection and preservation of copyright and related rights in the modern world is very relevant and currently not fully resolved. The analysis of normative-legal documents in this sphere is carried out. In particular, the domestic legislation was studied, namely, the norms of the Civil and Criminal Codes of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights", the Law of Ukraine "On State Support of Cinematography in Ukraine". International normative legal acts are analyzed. Namely: the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty (BOIB Agreement) and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement). The definition of "protection" is given, as well as the objects and subjects of copyright and related rights. The article also pays attention to the types of copyright and related rights protection: jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional. Two modern ways of copyright protection have been studied - copyright and copyleft. Civil law protection is analyzed: the grounds for a person to go to court to protect their intellectual property rights, the procedure for protection of infringed rights and ways to protect these rights are determined. It has been established that filing a claim against the infringer of copyright and related rights is not always an effective way of protection. Thus, the subjects of copyright and related rights often choose to protect their infringed rights. Problems related to the regulation, protection and proof of copyright infringement on the Internet have been identified. An analysis of case law on the protection of copyright and related rights. It has been found that courts do not always adequately protect related rights that have been violated on the Internet. The conclusions and prospects of development of protection and protection of copyright and related rights are given.

2021 ◽  
pp. 145-176
Chris Reed

This chapter discusses information ownership in the cloud. The law has struggled with ownership of digital information precisely because it is no longer recorded in permanent form on a physical object which can be owned. The law attempts to solve this problem by creating legal rights in some types of information, in the form of intellectual property rights. However, intellectual property rights are highly limited in scope in order to prevent the monopolisation of information. Thus, disputes over information ownership, and negotiations involving transfer of digital information, can be surprisingly difficult to resolve. The chapter then looks at copyright, database right, and the protection of confidential information. It shows that owning property rights in information, most likely copyright and database right, has little importance in terms of the cloud relationship. Cloud computing does, however, create some risks to confidential information because each player in the cloud is handing over some element of control to other players.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 354
Riska Andi Fitriono ◽  
Sarwono .

This article aimed to analyze legal protection of Lurik Art Conservation Through <br />Intellectual Property Rights in Klaten Regency. Klaten is the area that is most<br />concerned with the survival of lurik weaving. There is someone mentioned that the<br />Klaten Regency was the capital of lurik weaving. Because the weaving of Looms<br />are not machines or Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin (hereinafter abbreviated to ATBM) <br />is a mainstay of this city. There are countless villages that become centers of lurik <br />craftsmen. This research is empirical or non-doctrinal research, which is a study<br />that sees the law not only from the perspective of legislation, but also sees the law<br />in its implementation. The results of the study show that the first legal protection in<br />preserving the current lurik art in Klaten, namely the Klaten Regency Government,<br />then stipulates the Regent's Regulation Number 53 of 2010 Article 23 Paragraph (9)<br />on the Daily Batik and Traditional Weaving Lurik Service or ATBM Striated and<br />the Klaten Regent's Decree Number : 065/1014/06 December 30, 2010 on Wearing<br />Traditional Weaving, Motives, Colors and Free Models with Attributes. Furthermore,<br />based on the Decree of the Regent of Klaten Number 050/84 of 2016 on Klaten<br />Regency's Superior Products, batik striated is one of the superior products of Klaten<br />Regency. With the issuance of these rules as an effort to protect and preserve lurik<br />art in Klaten district and referring to Law Number 28 of 2014 on Copyright, it has<br />regulated the forms of protection of lurik art in Klaten through Article 40 paragraph<br />(1). The Second Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Against Lurik Art, namely<br />Protection of lurik artworks, besides being accommodated in Law Number 28 of 2014<br />on Copyright (Copyright Law) and Trademark Law and other intellectual property<br />right laws. Elucidation of Article 40 paragraph (1) letter j of the Copyright Law. The<br />work is protected because it has artistic value, both in relation to the picture, style,<br />and color composition. The Copyright Act also emphasizes that it is important to<br />protect Copyright because every creator, in this case, the creator of the lurik motif<br />has the right to moral rights and economic rights.

2019 ◽  
pp. 33-39
K. Ivanova

Problem setting. The urgency of the problem is caused by the fact that active innovation processes occurring around the world, informatization of society and transformation of knowledge into a source of progress indicate that the profitability of entrepreneurial activity in a market economy to some extent depends on the ability to dispose of the results of human intellectual activity, hence the importance of intellectual property, their value is constantly increasing, which requires the implementation of a special mechanism for determining their value (appraisal). Analysis of recent researches and publications. In the scientific literature the scientists such as V.S. Drobyazko, P.M. Tsybulov, O.O. Horodov, I.M. Bieltiukova, O.M. Vinnyk, A.O. Kodynets, O.R. Kibenko, O.O. Tverezenko, V.S. Shcherbyna, I.YE. Yakubivskyy have made a significant contribution to the development of the issues on valuation of property rights of intellectual property. Target of research. To analyze the mechanism for assessing the value of such group of intangible assets as property rights of intellectual property and identify the features of this mechanism. Article’s main body. Appraisal activity is a complex institution. Appraisal of intellectual property requires the integration of the economic concept of value and the legal concept of property. But the intangible character (ideal nature) of intellectual property objects distinguishes them from other civil rights objects and becomes a certain obstacle when it comes to determining their value. When it comes to appraisal of objects of the intellectual property rights, such actions are subjected not to intangible (ideal) objects, but to exclusive property rights to them. However, the Law “On Appraisal of Property, Property Rights and Professional Appraisal Activity” considered of objects of the intellectual property rights as intangible assets that, in turn, along with things, securities, units form a broader category “property”. If the legislator had given the object of valuation the exclusive property rights and classified them as “property rights that could be valued”, it would be more in keeping with their nature. The Law “On Appraisal of Property, Property Rights and Professional Appraisal Activity” distinguishes between the market value of property and non-market types of property values (ie other types of value that are different from market value). As a general rule, the market value of objects is determined. Thus the value of property rights of intellectual property is determined by the approximate price of market demand for them. Appraisal activity is carried out in cases established by the legislation of Ukraine, international agreements, on the basis of the agreement, as well as at the request of one of the parties to the contract with the consent of the parties. The legislation defines cases when appraisal shall be mandatory. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The commercialization of intellectual property objects requires the implementation of a special mechanism for determining their value (appraisal), and the improvement of current legislation in appraisal activity field. Property rights of intellectual property belong to those, which have a monetary valuation, and must be carried out under the legislation. Valuation of property rights of intellectual property may take place, in particular, in the following cases: 1) defining the valuation of the exclusive rights transferred under the contract in intellectual property field, in particular the license contract, and defining the license fee base; 2) contribution the property rights of intellectual property to the authorized (composite) capital of certain types of companies; 3) using property rights of intellectual property in joint activities without the creation of a legal entity (including in the form of a common partnership); 4) the pledge of the property rights of intellectual property.

Obiter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
SP van Zyl

It is trite that a taxpayer may deduct, from his/her gross income, any expenditure or losses that were actually incurred, in the year of assessment, in relation to the taxpayer’s trade and in the production of income, provided that the expenditure is not of a capital nature. Section 11(a) does not require that the expenditure must have been incurred in the year of assessment. The courts have, however, interpreted this provision as restricting the deductibility of expenditure to expenses incurred in the year of assessment. It often happens that a taxpayer will engage in a transaction where goods are exchanged for services, or services for other services, or goods for rights. Conversely, barter, or agreements akin thereto, are still a common phenomenon in modern-day business. The question often arises whether or not payment in kind satisfies the requirement of “expenditure” actually incurred to determine the deductibility of the “expense” in terms of the general-deduction formula. The term “expenditure” is not defined in the Act. The Supreme Court of Appeal was recently called on in CSARS v Labat Africa Ltd to interpret the meaning of “expenditure” and to determine whether or not the allotment and issuing of shares in a company in exchange for intellectual property rights, satisfies the “expenditure” requirement in terms of the general deduction formula (or in terms of s 11(gA)), and if so, what value would be attached to such expenditure. This case discussion will also critically discuss the application of the judgment on modern-day barter transactions or where substitutive performance is made to satisfy an obligation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-92
Desak Gde Dwi Arini ◽  
Diah Gayatri Sudibya ◽  
Ni Made Sukaryati Karma

The regulation of technology transfer to Multinational Companies (PMN) to date still pays attention  to the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 25 of 2007 on Investment, especially  Article 2 paragraph 1, in addition to Indonesia has also adjusted the provisions of national laws in the field of economy/trade with the provisions of GATT and WTO that hav been ratified through the Law  of  the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 1994, including adjustments to the provisions of the field of intellectual property rights (IPR) contained in the TRIPs, such as the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 14 of 2001 on Patents, The Law of  the Republic of Indonesia No. 15 of 2001 on Brands, and the  Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 19 of 2002 on Copyright, and others covered as objects of intellectual property rights (IPR). The role of multinational companies (PMN) in the transfer of technology can be mentioned, among  others: As a holding company that can be used for media, containers, information exchange, technology between countries in the international community which is further used, and useful for Indonesia; As a place for investment in order to obtain benefits for Indonesia; and As a place for the application of new technologies to be useful more efficiently and effectively benefit Indonesia, in addition to improving international economic trade.  

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