scholarly journals The Islamic External Critics of Public Administration

1985 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-114
Naim Nusair

"Whence did you enslave people who were born free?" (Umar Ibn-al-Khattab)The growth of public administration and the increasing influence ofadministrative agencies on public policy make the perennial politicalproblem of the control of administration more important than ever.Governmental activities nowadays touch so many people, in so manyways, that citizens' dissatisfaction with administration is inevitable.Many countries have sought protections and safeguards againstoppressive, mistaken, or careless exercise of public authority.Although the bureaucrats act as a leveling and rationalizing force,they are susceptible to certain persistent maladies. W.A. Robson hasidentified these as excessive sense of self-importance; indifference to thefeelings or convenience of others, obsessive to established practiceregardless of resulting hardships, persistent addiction to formality, andastigmatic inability to perceive the totality of the government because ofpreoccupation with one of its parts. When these maladies exist, theymay not be instantly recognized and treated, because administrativework often occurs beyond the gaze of professional observers. Moreover,many of the individuals with whom administrators deal offensively arelikely to be anonymous and the injustices invisible.The purpose of this study is to show that Islam had developedprominent external critics of administration long before the majorcountries had developed their current protective mechanisms againstbureaucratic excesses. The main objective is to integrate the majorIslamic critics of administration found in lslamic literature .andtheir current equivalent in modern countdea so that they become morecompatible with the contextual timing and demands of dailyadministrative life. A comparative approach will facilitate the ...

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 129-142
Russell M. Frazier

Employment plays a key role in the growth and development of any state economy, particularly given its potential to affect the standards of living for the population, as well as the revenues and expenditure of the government itself. A disaggregated evaluation of employment growth enables stakeholders to engage public policy formation in a more effective and efficacious manner. Therefore, the primary goal of this paper is to analyze employment growth trends and policy implications relative to the economic development of Louisiana’s industries at the sector level, by employing a rigorous shift-share analysis. The research employs data for twelve years from 2005 to 2017 to answer the guiding questions of this applied empirical research. Results show that comparative advantages are seen in the following areas: Finance and Insurance; Real Estate and Rental and Leasing; Administrative and Waste Services; Educational Services; Accommodation and Food Services; and Other Services (except for Public Administration). Thus, program initiatives directed at those sectors, with sufficient infrastructure, would enhance the economic development of Louisiana. It is plausible to believe that improved economic growth would draw new investors to Louisiana.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 02062
Jan Urban

Research background: The closer interaction between business and government has, on a global basis, drawn attention to the “revolving doors” issue, i.e. the movement of persons between high posts in the public and private sectors. Purpose of the article: The main research question of this study covers the issue whether successful businessmen do or do not have better prospects for more effective political governance and economic policy making than career politicians or political professionals, and/or if politics and business require, for achieving their goals, similar or substantially different personal requirements. Methods: The survey was based on multidisciplinary qualitative comparative approach and literature research, covering historical, economics, management, and psychological views. This method corresponds the complex nature of the topics surveyed. Findings & Value added: The findings arrived to the conclusion that even a person successful in business may not necessarily have the expertise for effective public administration as well as sound public policy decisions. It showed that the opposite idea, coming often from businessmen circles themselves, fails to take into consideration that government, due to several reasons, cannot be operated like a business and many characteristics of successful businessmen do not fit well to high political posts, due both to their management style and “professional blindness” in terms of their approach to economic policy, e.g. international trade. Even though many management methods of successful companies can and should be taken over by the state/public administration, this goal can be achieved without the direct personal involvement of professional businessmen.

1949 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 899-921 ◽  
Marshall E. Dimock

The government corporation has become a familiar device of public administration all over the world; and yet in some countries, and especially in the United States, uncertainty as to its distinctive purpose and underlying principles seems to grow, rather than to diminish, as the public corporation becomes older and more extensively used. Lack of interest and research cannot be blamed, because in recent years the degree of concentration in this area has probably been relatively as great as in any other sphere of political science. The basic explanation is that administrative formulas and management principles are rarely, if ever, capable of immunization against group pressures and public policy controls, which bend administration to their own designs, sometimes in conformity with what the impartial experts consider sound principle and practice, but just as often in knowing disregard of such considerations and in a determined effort to support their own interests and economic viewpoints.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 151
Evi Oktarina ◽  
Liza Deshaini ◽  
Bambang Sugianto

ABSTRAK Bentuk dari aspek hukum dalam pelaksanaan administrasi publik di Indonesia adalah kebijakan publik dapat ditinjau tidak hanya secara sosial, politik dan ekonomi tetapi juga yuridis (perundang-undangan). Tujuannya agar penyusunan kebijakan tidak sembarangan atau benar-benar mempertimbangkan dalam menyusun kebijakan akan tidak dianggap melakukan tindakan sewenang-wenang melanggar kewenangan atau mengacuhkan kepentingan publik. Fungsi pemerintah dalam membuat kebijakan dibidang hukum adminstrasi publik yaitu fungsi regeling, membuat produk hukum tertulis yang berisikan materi daya ikat terhadap sebagian atau seluruh penduduk wilayah Negara dan fungsi beschikking, produk hukum yang berupa penetapan yang dibuat oleh pejabat tata usaha Negara. Kata kunci: Aspek Hukum, Administrasi Publik, Pemerintahan. ABSTRACT The form of the legal aspect in the implementation of public administration in Indonesia is that public policy can be reviewed not only socially, politically and economically but also juridically (legislation). The aim is that the formulation of policies is not carelessly or truly considerate in formulating policies that will not be considered as having arbitrarily violated authority or ignored the public interest.The function of the government in making policies in the field of public administration law is the function of regeling, making written legal products containing material binding power to part or all of the population of the State territory and the beschikking function, legal products in the form of decisions made by state administrative officials.

2020 ◽  
Iago Oliveira Ferreira ◽  
Marcus Aurélio de Freitas Barros

This book addresses the judicial review on social public policies, intending to propose a new approach to its exercise in Brazil, based on the standards and instruments consolidated in the structural remedies practice. The review approach championed by Brazilian courts creates illegitimate, anti-isonomic and ineffective decisions, which derives from the reliance on a traditional form of adjudication, bipolar and adversarial, that is inadequate to the polycentric and distributive features of the conflicts involving the delivery of public services by the government. Inspired on pioneering experiences in both foreign and domestic jurisdictions, the work outlines a theory of structural remedies applied to public policy issues that seeks to address the shortcomings of the mainstream approach, resulting in a paradigmatic shift in three main aspects of adjudication, regarding legal reasoning (distributive and dialogical), remedial practice (experimentalist, prospective and consensual) and the characteristics of the adjudication process (flexible and cooperative). Besides sustaining the merits of the described methodological shift, the author’s efforts are also aimed at formulating interpretative constructions to allow for its implementation in the Brazilian legal system. By exploring practical solutions towards a more legitimate and effective judicial review, and arranging them in a coherent theoretical framework, the book contributes to the academic debate and also gives valuable input to the public law practitioners entrusted with the duty to oversee the public administration activities in Brazil.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Alih Aji Nugroho

The world is entering a new phase of the digital era, including Indonesia. The unification of the real world and cyberspace is a sign, where the conditions of both can influence each other (Hyung Jun, 2018). The patterns of behavior and public relations in the virtual universe gave rise to new social interactions called the Digital Society. One part of Global Megatrends has also influenced public policy in Indonesia in recent years. Critical mass previously carried out conventionally is now a virtual movement. War of hashtags, petitions, and digital community comments are new tools and strategies for influencing policy. This paper attempts to analyze the extent of digital society's influence on public policy in Indonesia. As well as what public policy models are needed. Methodology used in this analysis is qualitative descriptive. Data collection through literature studies by critical mass digital recognition in Indonesia and trying to find a relationship between political participation through social media and democracy. By processing the pro and contra views regarding the selection of social media as a level of participation, this paper finds that there are overlapping interests that have the potential to distort the articulation of freedom of opinion and participation. - which is characteristic of a democratic state. The result is the rapid development of digital society which greatly influences the public policy process. Digital society imagines being able to participate formally in influencing policy in Indonesia. The democracy that developed in the digital society is cyberdemocracy. Public space in the digital world must be guaranteed security and its impact on the policies that will be determined. The recommendation given to the government is that a cyber data analyst is needed to oversee the issues that are developing in the digital world. Regulations related to the security of digital public spaces must be maximized. The government maximizes cooperation with related stakeholders.Keywords: Digital Society; Democracy; Public policy; Political Participation

Ramnik Kaur

E-governance is a paradigm shift over the traditional approaches in Public Administration which means rendering of government services and information to the public by using electronic means. In the past decades, service quality and responsiveness of the government towards the citizens were least important but with the approach of E-Government the government activities are now well dealt. This paper withdraws experiences from various studies from different countries and projects facing similar challenges which need to be consigned for the successful implementation of e-governance projects. Developing countries like India face poverty and illiteracy as a major obstacle in any form of development which makes it difficult for its government to provide e-services to its people conveniently and fast. It also suggests few suggestions to cope up with the challenges faced while implementing e-projects in India.

Olga Mykhailоvna Ivanitskaya

The article is devoted to issues of ensuring transparency and ac- countability of authorities in the conditions of participatory democracy (democ- racy of participation). It is argued that the public should be guaranteed not only the right for access to information but also the prerequisites for expanding its par- ticipation in state governance. These prerequisites include: the adoption of clearly measurable macroeconomic and social goals and the provision of control of the processes of their compliance with the government by citizens of the country; ex- tension of the circle of subjects of legislative initiative due to realization of such rights by citizens and their groups; legislative definition of the forms of citizens’ participation in making publicly significant decisions, design of relevant orders and procedures, in particular participation in local referendum; outlining methods and procedures for taking into account social thought when making socially im- portant decisions. The need to disclose information about resources that are used by authorities to realize the goals is proved as well as key performance indicators that can be monitored by every citizen; the efforts made by governments of coun- tries to achieve these goals. It was noted that transparency in the conditions of representative democracy in its worst forms in a society where ignorance of the thought of society and its individual members is ignored does not in fact fulfill its main task — to establish an effective dialogue between the authorities and so- ciety. There is a distortion of the essence of transparency: instead of being heard, society is being asked to be informed — and passively accept the facts presented as due. In fact, transparency and accountability in this case are not instruments for the achievement of democracy in public administration, but by the form of a tacit agreement between the subjects of power and people, where the latter passes the participation of an “informed observer”.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Muhammad Husnul Maab ◽  
Shadu S. Wijaya ◽  
Zaula Rizqi Atika ◽  
Denok Kurniasih

The emergence of rural community owned enterprises khown as BUMDes has been in line with evolution of public administration pradigm, from OPA to NPM who implemented in local government. Local potency development becomes a substantial aspect to improving local competitiveness. Hence, BUMDes formation is one of the models financial capacity to develop local potency in rural level. The aim is comparing traditional and public enterprise based management in local potency management. The results show that there is a fundamental difference in the management of local potency in rural level. Consequently, We argue that has been on the right track, the evolution of the government business model to the public enterprise for the management of local potency in rural level. Evolution of BUMDes is from a bureaucratic to the business sector model, but as a social business not profit maximizing businesses.

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