О.V. Kuz’mina ◽  
E.G. Kornil’tseva ◽  
M.A. Vorobyova

In the modern conditions of reforming the domestic education system, higher and higher requirements are being imposed not only on the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers, but also on the level of their psychological well-being and the ability to manage their emotions. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the features of the emotional states of teachers of preschool educational institutions with different work experience. Based on the calculations of statistically significant differences using the Kraskel-Wallis H-test coefficient, it is concluded that the emotional states of teachers with different experience differ in the severity of the degree of fatigue, emotional tone, tension and stress. According to the authors of the article, psycho-pedagogical techniques aimed at optimizing emotional states of teachers should be based on four components: organic, emotional, semantic and behavioral.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3B) ◽  
pp. 470-480
Yaroslav Volodymyrovych Tsekhmister ◽  
Tetiana Konovalova ◽  
Irina Mykhaylivna Ovdiyenko ◽  
Oleksandra Brukhovetska ◽  
Tetiana Volodymyrivna Chausova

The goal of the article is to empirically establish the problems and determine the prospects of formation and development of personality in the context of social well-being. The empirical study surveyed 120 students and students, 118 adults, and 112 seniors. The age of the respondents ranged from 14 to 70 years old. Psychodiagnosis was carried out through cooperation with educational institutions, social protection institutions and with the help of social networks. Respondents were from: Khmelnitsky, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Cherkasy, Vinnitsa, Ternopil, Poltava, Kherson, Odessa regions. Respondents were pupils, students, teachers, medics, trade and service workers, ICT specialists, and pensioners. The main problems of personality formation and development in the context of social well-being are: disregard of altruistic, cognitive, existential life meanings by the younger generation; prevalence of hedonistic beginning over high-spiritual; increased attention to obtaining status and power; consideration of self-realization and status outside the cognitive sphere; low adaptability in society, poorly expressed acceptance of others and self-acceptance, low level of emotional comfort.

Antonio De Fano ◽  
Rotem Leshem ◽  
Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan

In this overview, we discuss the internal and external environmental factors associated with cognitive and psycho-emotional well-being in the context of physical activity and Mindful Movement. Our key argument is that improved cognitive and emotional functions associated with mental well-being can be achieved by an external, Mindful Movement-based environment training called Quadrato Motor Training (QMT). QMT is a structured sensorimotor training program aimed at improving coordination, attention, and emotional well-being through behavioral, electrophysiological, neuroanatomical, and molecular changes. In accordance with this argument, we first describe the general neurobiological mechanisms underpinning emotional states and emotion regulation. Next, we review the relationships between QMT, positive emotional state, and increased emotion regulation, and discuss the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these relationships. We consider the relationships between motion, emotion, and cognition, and highlight the need for integrated training paradigms involving these three trajectories. Such training paradigms provide cognitively engaging exercises to improve emotion regulation, which in turn affects adaptive behaviors. Finally, we address the broader implications of improving cognitive and emotional functioning through Mindful Movement training for environmental research and public health.

Hrytsuk O.V.

Мета. Статтю присвячено вивченню емоційних станів хлопців і дівчат залежно від виду навчаль-ного заняття у вищій школі. Метою роботи є виявлення особливостей складових частин емоційних станів студентів на лабораторних заняттях у виші залежно від курсу навчання. Методи. Психодіагностичним інструментарієм використано «Тест диференційованої самооцінки функціонального стану». Отримані первинні дані оброблено за допомогою пакету STATISTICA 12.0.Результати. Проведене дослідження дало змогу встановити, що у студентів самопочуття на лабораторних навчальних заняттях має позитивні ознаки, причому у дівчат рівень їх вираженості статистично значущо вищий, ніж у хлопців. Студенти почуваються сильними, витривалими, пра-цездатними, бадьорими. На лабораторних заняттях вони можуть проявити особистісні якості, такі як самостійність, ініціативність, лідерські, організаторські й комунікативні здібності. У студентів вираженість активності на лабораторних навчальних заняттях має позитивні ознаки. На лабораторних заняттях у студентів виражене бажання працювати й розмірковувати, вони активні, швидкі, діяльні, уважні, виконують різноманітні практико-орієнтовані завдання, відчувають захопленість ходом занять. У хлопців і у дівчат міра вираженості настрою на лабораторних навчальних заняттях статистично значущо не відрізняється. Загалом студенти мають гарний настрій на лабораторних заняттях. Вони оптимістичні, задоволені, щасливі, спокійні, життєрадісні, веселі. Висновки. Pезультати проведеного дослідження встановили, що у студентів самопочуття на лабораторних навчальних заняттях має позитивні ознаки, причому у дівчат рівень їх вираженості статистично значущо вищий, ніж у хлопців. У студентів вираженість активності на лабораторних навчальних заняттях має позитивні ознаки, причому у хлопців показники за цією шкалою статистично незначущо вищі, ніж у дівчат. У хлопців і у дівчат міра вираженості настрою на лабораторних навчальних заняттях статистично значущо не відрізняється. Ключові слова: емоційний стан, самопочуття, активність, настрій, статистична значущість. Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of the emotional states of boys and girls depending on the type of educational classes in high school. The aim of the paper is to identify the features of the severity of the components of the emotional states of the students at laboratory classes at universities, depending on the course of study.Methods. The empirical study has been conducted with the help of the test of differentiated self-assessment of the functional state. The obtained primary data have been processed using the STATISTICA 12.0 package.Results. It has been found that the students feel well at laboratory classes, and the girls have a statistically significantly higher level of expression of this feeling than the boys have. The students feel themselves strong, enduring, hard-working, energetic. They demonstrate their personal qualities, such as independence, initiative, leadership, organizational and communication skills. The severity of their activity at laboratory classes has positive signs. The students have a desire to work and to think. They are active, fast, attentive. They perform a variety of practice-oriented tasks, feel fascinated by the course. The degree of mood at laboratory classes does not differ statistically significantly at boys and girls. In general, the students are in a good mood at laboratory classes. For the average scores, the mood of boys has higher values than the mood of girls. They are optimistic, satisfied, happy, calm, cheerful. The students perform various types of work at laboratory classes, which increases their interest to the research and cognitive activities and forms an internal motivation to learn. The lowest rates of well-being at laboratory classes have the students of the fourth course. The highest rates of well-being have the students of the fifth course. The fifth-year students have the lowest level of activity at laboratory classes, and the first-year students have the highest level of activity. The highest indicators at laboratory classes are in the fifth year of education, and the lowest indicators are in the fourth year of education.Conclusions. The results of the empirical study have shown that the students have positive emotions at laboratory classes, and the girls have a statistically significantly higher level of well-been than the boys have. The severity of activity at laboratory classes has positive signs, and the measure of severity of the boys on this scale is statistically slightly higher than of the girls. The degree of mood of the boys and the girls at laboratory classes does not differ statistically significantly.Key words: emotional state, well-being, activity, mood, statistical significance.

Nina M. Mulaeva ◽  

Introduction. In modern linguistics much attention is paid to the study of national/cultural features of functioning and semantics of emotive vocabulary. Still, Kalmyk emotive vocabulary has been no subject to any special research. Goals. The paper seeks to identify and classify lexicalsemantic groups of emotive verbs in texts of the Jangar epic, analyze functioning patterns of verbs denoting ‘basic’ emotions, namely: joy (Kalm. җирһх ‘be happy blissful’, байрлх ‘rejoice’), fear (әәх ‘be afraid, frightened, have a dread of, fear’, ичх ‘be ashamed, embarrassed’), and one verb of external (physical) manifestation of emotions (инәх ‘laugh’). Materials. The study analyzes emotive verbs traced in 28 Jangar texts recorded at different times (occasions) and either included in repertory cycles or once recited as separate songs. Results. The study reveals emotive verbs of the epic can be divided into six lexical and semantic groups. So, ‘verbs of negative emotional states’ are more frequently used than ‘verbs of positive emotional states’. The latter are represented by two verbs, the verb җирһх definitely dominates throughout narratives examined, reflecting the state of utmost happiness that consists in peace, tranquility and well-being of the blessed Bumba in general; the verb байрлх is used to denote the short-term emotional state of joy of a particular character. As for ‘verbs of negative emotional states’, the verb әәх prevails in frequency. And it is revealed that the emotion of fear may occur for a number of reasons as follows: fear of failure to execute an order of the Bogdo; fear of breaking an oath; fear of name shaming. The paper observes only scarce cases of the use of verbs naming emotions of sadness (энлх), embarrassment (эмәх), and vexation (һундх). The analyzed epic texts contain no emotive verbs that belong to semantic groups of fascination, love and hatred, worship or self-abasement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-105
Reni Hristova-Kotseva ◽  

The article presents a recent theoretical and empirical study on the emotional manifestations of the child at pre-school age. Emotions occupy an important and essential place in the child’s pre-school life and play a decisive role in their psychological, physical and social development because they are related to the natural and social world. It is through them that the child perceives and understands the environment, reacts and expresses his/her attitude to it, enters the world of human relations, learns to communicate with adults and peers, understands them, shares with them, seeks and expects their support and understanding The problem of the emotional well-being of children in the pre-school educational institutions is current, as the positive emotional state is one of the most important conditions for the full development of the forming child’s personality. Taking into account the importance of emotional for the development and formation of the child at pre-school age, a survey was conducted with teachers. The aim of the study is to explore the teachers’ opinion about the emotional manifestations of the children in the kindergarten group.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. e20693-e20693
N. M. La Verde ◽  
R. Resega ◽  
C. Lurati ◽  
M. C. Garassino ◽  
V. Torri ◽  

e20693 Background: The waiting room is one of the most emotional place in oncological divisions; indeed, it's presumed that the waiting moment makes increase thoughts most related to the experience of disease and its treatment, making them sometimes unbearable. At present, any evaluation of the emotional states in the waiting room doesn't exist, therefore we analyzed the most prevailing emotions and feelings for patients in this context. The identification of them should address also ways to improve patients well being in these moments. Primary objective was to prospectively evaluate the prevailing emotional state patients and feelings in oncological waiting rooms; secondary endpoint is to develop a questionnaire to be further validated and useful to quantify how changes in the environment, as people and furnishings, could reduce prevailing emotional intensity. Methods: A committee of psychoncologists, oncologists, psychiatrists, volunteers, nurses, past patients, and statisticians identified the emotional states considered most important (relationship with environment, surrounding people and treatment, recurrent thoughts about disease and life, fears and things that could ease the wait and prevailing emotions) and developed a questionnaire. In May 2008 for two consecutive weeks this questionnaire was administered by the same dedicated nurse to all the outpatients afferred to our Oncology Department. The compilation of questionnaire was spontaneous and anonymous and it collected also age, sex, whether the patient was under treatment or in follow up and whether was accompanied. Results: In two consecutive weeks 300 questionnaires have been collected in the waiting rooms. Statistical analysis showed that the most prevailing emotions are sadness (51%), fear (29%), anger (17%) and joy (7%). A positive disposition (Cronbach alpha 0.60) and anxiety (Cronbach alpha 0.64) were also assessed. No differences in answers were revealed among patients waiting for follow up and patients waiting for chemotherapy and among different ages. Conclusions: The level of negative feelings seems higher than in other conditions and suggests that active intervention to improve the waiting in waiting rooms is warranted. A further validated questionnaire is ongoing also to evaluate emotions intensity. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

2018 ◽  
Argus J Athanas ◽  
Jamison M McCorrison ◽  
Susan Smalley ◽  
Jamie Price ◽  
Jim Grady ◽  

BACKGROUND The use of smartphone apps to monitor and deliver health care guidance and interventions has received considerable attention recently, particularly with regard to behavioral disorders, stress relief, negative emotional state, and poor mood in general. Unfortunately, there is little research investigating the long-term and repeated effects of apps meant to impact mood and emotional state. OBJECTIVE We aimed to investigate the effects of both immediate point-of-intervention and long-term use (ie, at least 10 engagements) of a guided meditation and mindfulness smartphone app on users’ emotional states. Data were collected from users of a mobile phone app developed by the company Stop, Breathe & Think (SBT) for achieving emotional wellness. To explore the long-term effects, we assessed changes in the users’ basal emotional state before they completed an activity (eg, a guided meditation). We also assessed the immediate effects of the app on users’ emotional states from preactivity to postactivity. METHODS The SBT app collects information on the emotional state of the user before and after engagement in one or several mediation and mindfulness activities. These activities are recommended and provided by the app based on user input. We considered data on over 120,000 users of the app who collectively engaged in over 5.5 million sessions with the app during an approximate 2-year period. We focused our analysis on users who had at least 10 engagements with the app over an average of 6 months. We explored the changes in the emotional well-being of individuals with different emotional states at the time of their initial engagement with the app using mixed-effects models. In the process, we compared 2 different methods of classifying emotional states: (1) an expert-defined a priori mood classification and (2) an empirically driven cluster-based classification. RESULTS We found that among long-term users of the app, there was an association between the length of use and a positive change in basal emotional state (4% positive mood increase on a 2-point scale every 10 sessions). We also found that individuals who were anxious or depressed tended to have a favorable long-term emotional transition (eg, from a sad emotional state to a happier emotional state) after using the app for an extended period (the odds ratio for achieving a positive emotional state was 3.2 and 6.2 for anxious and depressed individuals, respectively, compared with users with fewer sessions). CONCLUSIONS Our analyses provide evidence for an association between both immediate and long-term use of an app providing guided meditations and improvements in the emotional state.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-128
O.V. Frolova ◽  
E.E. Lyakso

A comparative study of the manifestations of the emotional state in vocalizations, speech, and facial expression of children during the first three years of life, healthy (n = 30) and with neurological disorders (n = 20), brought up at family and children brought up in orphanage (n = 26) was conducted. The ability of recognition the different emotional states of children by two groups of adults (experts with professional experience working with children and adults who do not have children) were shown. The common pattern of recognition of the child’s emotional state was found: the best recognition of the state of discomfort on the basis of sound signals, and calm state and the joy on the basis of face expression. The accuracy of child’s emotional state recognition by adults increased with child age. Adults more likely recognized the emotional state of healthy typically developing children; the worst recognition was found for children from orphanage. This work was supported by grants: RFHR N 13-06-00041а, N 17-06- 00503а, RFBR N 16-06-00024а, N 15-06-07852a.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 60-81
Garold E. Zborovsky ◽  
Polina A. Ambarova

The article is devoted to the sociological study of the risks of educational failure for studying youth. The authors show the magnitude of such a phenomenon as schoolchildren’s and students’ educational failure, as well as the relevance of its research in the context of new challenges faced by modern Russian society. The authors reveal the widespread, pervasive nature of the risks of educational failure for all spheres of public life. The authors emphasize the contradiction between the need to take them into account when it comes to the strategy for developing Russian education and this problem being ignored by the authorities and education management. The authors’ interpretation of key concepts (educational failure, its risks, human capital of educational communities) is presented. The classification of risks of educational failure for studying youth is given. Four groups of risks are analyzed specifically: for the development of the continuous education system; for the economy and labor market; for social security and well-being; for the education system. The final section of the article is devoted to analyzing the opportunities for minimizing the risks of educational failure. It is proven that it is necessary to develop approaches for overcoming the risks of educational failure at the levels of state educational policy, educational organizations of various types and educational communities. Special attention is paid to the importance of transforming educational policy in relation to unsuccessful educational communities, of changes in the environment of educational institutions, of implementing social technologies for the educational support of unsuccessful pupils and students. The empirical basis for this article consists of the results from studies conducted in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk Province.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. e2 ◽  
Sam Liu ◽  
Miaoqi Zhu ◽  
Dong Jin Yu ◽  
Alexander Rasin ◽  
Sean D Young

Background College can be stressful for many freshmen as they cope with a variety of stressors. Excess stress can negatively affect both psychological and physical health. Thus, there is a need to find innovative and cost-effective strategies to help identify students experiencing high levels of stress to receive appropriate treatment. Social media use has been rapidly growing, and recent studies have reported that data from these technologies can be used for public health surveillance. Currently, no studies have examined whether Twitter data can be used to monitor stress level and emotional state among college students. Objective The primary objective of our study was to investigate whether students’ perceived levels of stress were associated with the sentiment and emotions of their tweets. The secondary objective was to explore whether students’ emotional state was associated with the sentiment and emotions of their tweets. Methods We recruited 181 first-year freshman students aged 18-20 years at University of California, Los Angeles. All participants were asked to complete a questionnaire that assessed their demographic characteristics, levels of stress, and emotional state for the last 7 days. All questionnaires were completed within a 48-hour period. All tweets posted by the participants from that week (November 2 to 8, 2015) were mined and manually categorized based on their sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) and emotion (anger, fear, love, happiness) expressed. Ordinal regressions were used to assess whether weekly levels of stress and emotional states were associated with the percentage of positive, neutral, negative, anger, fear, love, or happiness tweets. Results A total of 121 participants completed the survey and were included in our analysis. A total of 1879 tweets were analyzed. A higher level of weekly stress was significantly associated with a greater percentage of negative sentiment tweets (beta=1.7, SE 0.7; P=.02) and tweets containing emotions of fear (beta=2.4, SE 0.9; P=.01) and love (beta=3.6, SE 1.4; P=.01). A greater level of anger was negatively associated with the percentage of positive sentiment (beta=–1.6, SE 0.8; P=.05) and tweets related to the emotions of happiness (beta=–2.2, SE 0.9; P=.02). A greater level of fear was positively associated with the percentage of negative sentiment (beta=1.67, SE 0.7; P=.01), particularly a greater proportion of tweets related to the emotion of fear (beta=2.4, SE 0.8; P=.01). Participants who reported a greater level of love showed a smaller percentage of negative sentiment tweets (beta=–1.3, SE 0.7; P=0.05). Emotions of happiness were positively associated with the percentage of tweets related to the emotion of happiness (beta=–1.8, SE 0.8; P=.02) and negatively associated with percentage of negative sentiment tweets (beta=–1.7, SE 0.7; P=.02) and tweets related to the emotion of fear (beta=–2.8, SE 0.8; P=.01). Conclusions Sentiment and emotions expressed in the tweets have the potential to provide real-time monitoring of stress level and emotional well-being in college students.

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