scholarly journals Children’s conceptions of knowledge and cognition: On the development of epistemic thinking in early and middle childhood

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3(57)) ◽  
pp. 145-163
Dorota Zdybel

Metacognitive and epistemological reflection are often perceived as being beyond the perceptive and cognitive abilities of young children. Research, however, has proven that at a very early stage of develop- ment children are naturally intrigued by their own minds, observe and draw conclusions, build personal conceptions of knowledge and cognition, and quickly move from the stage of “naïve theories of mind” to reflecting on more advanced epistemological phenomena. The aim of this article is present the idea of epistemological reflection and its role in the development of children’s conceptions of knowledge and cognition. Theoretical considerations will be complemented with a research project driven by the following research questions: What is the conception of knowledge among young children? What differ- ences do they perceive between knowledge and learning? Visual and verbal explanations prepared by children will be used to present the role such personal epistemology plays in future self-regulation com- petency and in constructing children’s ability to evaluate their own learning and set new aims. In summary, the conclusions for educational practice will be discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 101050
Rebecca Distefano ◽  
Amanda Grenell ◽  
Alyssa R. Palmer ◽  
Kerry Houlihan ◽  
Ann S. Masten ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 379-394 ◽  
Kenneth Ruthven

This article examines three important facets of the incorporation of new technologies into educational practice, focusing on emergent usages of the mathematical tools of computer algebra and dynamic geometry. First, it illustrates the interpretative flexibility of these tools, highlighting important differences in ways of conceptualizing and employing them that reflect their appropriation to contrasting practices of mathematics teaching. Second, it examines the cultural process of instrumental evolution in which mathematical frameworks and teaching practices are adapted in response to new possibilities created by these tools, showing that such evolution remains at a relatively early stage. Third, it points to crucial prerequisites, at both classroom and systemic levels, for effective institutional adoption of such tools: explicit recognition of the interplay between the development of instrumental and mathematical knowledge, including the establishment of a recognized repertoire of tool-mediated mathematical techniques supported by appropriate discourses of explanation and justification.

1970 ◽  
pp. 379-409
Miri Hilai

Mathematics has always presented a challenge, both for teachers and for pupils, all around the world. Teachers of mathematics of all time periods are interested in having their pupils master the mathematical skills and love math. They deliberate on ways of teaching-learning, because of the tremendous gaps in their pupils’ cognitive abilities and their non-uniform abilities to pay attention and to concentrate. It appears that the main solution in the frontal mathematics lessons is offered to the average pupils, but the main goal is to provide a solution for the entire classroom population. Over the years I have searched for different ways beyond frontal and individualized teaching, so that I could provide a solution for populations with different needs in the mathematics lessons. My search for alternative ways derived also from the need to promote the achievements and to boost the motivation, interest, curiosity, and enjoyment in the learning of mathematics. Contemporary research indicates that there is practical innovative learning which is active and involving; it is called project-based learning (PBL). PBL provides a solution for the improvement of the performances in mathematics, for the motivation of the pupils, and for the inspiration of interest and curiosity in and enjoyment from this field of knowledge. From my experience as a teacher in the past and from the reports of my students in the Gordon Academic College for Education in the PBL course, in such teaching a solution is provided for the different populations in the class. The pupils are engaged in learning in practical and realistic projects that are relevant to their lives. They are more active and autonomous, work cooperatively, and develop patterns of behaviour of independence in learning, self-orientation, and self-regulation. These skills and patterns of behaviour are important to their lives as adults and cultivate the six functions of the learner that are derived from the curriculum in Israel: sensory-motor, self-direction in learning and in its management, intrapersonal and interpersonal, cognitive and meta-cognitive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
David Dias Neto ◽  
Ana Nunes da Silva ◽  
Magda Sofia Roberto ◽  
Jelena Lubenko ◽  
Marios Constantinou ◽  

Objective: Illness perceptions (IP) are important predictors of emotional and behavioral responses in many diseases. The current study aims to investigate the COVID-19-related IP throughout Europe. The specific goals are to understand the temporal development, identify predictors (within demographics and contact with COVID-19) and examine the impacts of IP on perceived stress and preventive behaviors.Methods: This was a time-series-cross-section study of 7,032 participants from 16 European countries using multilevel modeling from April to June 2020. IP were measured with the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire. Temporal patterns were observed considering the date of participation and the date recoded to account the epidemiological evolution of each country. The outcomes considered were perceived stress and COVID-19 preventive behaviors.Results: There were significant trends, over time, for several IP, suggesting a small decrease in negativity in the perception of COVID-19 in the community. Age, gender, and education level related to some, but not all, IP. Considering the self-regulation model, perceptions consistently predicted general stress and were less consistently related to preventive behaviors. Country showed no effect in the predictive model, suggesting that national differences may have little relevance for IP, in this context.Conclusion: The present study provides a comprehensive picture of COVID-19 IP in Europe in an early stage of the pandemic. The results shed light on the process of IP formation with implications for health-related outcomes and their evolution.

2020 ◽  
Chien-Da Huang ◽  
Hsu-Min Tseng ◽  
Chang-Chyi Jenq ◽  
Liang-Shiou Ou

Abstract Background: Active learning is defined as any instructional method that engages students in the learning process. Cultural differences in learning patterns can play an important role in engagement with active learning. We aimed to examine process models of active learning to understand what works, for whom and why. Methods: Forty-eight sixth- and seventh-year medical students with experience of active learning methods were purposively selected to participate in ten group interviews. Interactions around active learning were analysed using a realist evaluation framework to unpack the ‘context-mechanism-outcome’ (CMO) configurations. Results: Three core CMO configurations, including cultural, training and individual domains, were identified. In the cultural context of a strong hierarchical culture, the mechanisms of fear prompted students to be silent (outcome) and dare not give their opinions. In the training context of teacher-student familiarity alongside teachers’ guidance, the mechanisms of learning motivation, self-regulation and enthusiasm were triggered, prompting positive learning outcomes and competencies (outcome). In the individual context of learning how to learn actively at an early stage within the medical learning environment, the mechanisms of internalisation, professional identity and stress resulted in recognising active learning and advanced preparation (outcomes). Conclusions: We identified three CMO configurations of Taiwanese medical students’ active learning. The connections among hierarchical culture, fear, teachers’ guidance, motivation, the medical environment and professional identity have been shown to affect the complex interactions of learning outcomes. Fear derived from a hierarchical culture is a concern as it is a significant and specific contextual factor, often sparking fear with negative outcomes.

1991 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-51 ◽  
John S. Gambro ◽  
Harvey N. Switzky

Autism ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 1018-1027
Susan B Campbell ◽  
Jessie B Northrup ◽  
Amy B Tavares

Children with autism spectrum disorder often demonstrate difficulties with self-regulation, although studies of this construct in young children with autism spectrum disorder are limited. In this study, developmental changes were examined using a measure of self-regulation appropriate for young children, resistance to temptation. At 22, 28, and 34 months, toddlers with an older sibling with autism spectrum disorder (high risk) and toddlers with typically developing older siblings (low risk) were presented with an appealing toy and instructed not to touch it. Observers coded whether or not children touched the toy and the strategies they used to resist touching it. At 36 months, children were assessed for autism spectrum disorder, yielding three groups: high risk children with autism spectrum disorder, high risk children without autism spectrum disorder, and low risk children. At 22 months, most children, regardless of group, touched the forbidden toy; at 28 and 34 months, many high risk children without autism spectrum disorder and low risk children resisted the temptation to touch the toy, whereas most of the children with autism spectrum disorder did not. Differences in delay strategies were also evident. Some, but not all group differences, were accounted for by differences in language ability. Results highlight one early index of impulse control that differentiates children with emerging autism spectrum disorder from age-mates prior to the third birthday.

2020 ◽  
pp. 87-93
Makhabat Toleubaevna Zhumadilova ◽  

Introduction. Considering the current situation of reforming child welfare institutions, historical and pedagogical view of their formation and development is essential. As a result, socio-historic research mission of pattern, objective, and the content of the work of child welfare institutions has been updated. The purpose of the study is to learn what pedagogical objectives were set for social institutions in the first quarter of the 19th century when they are just beginning to be created; to determine the conditions for using the historical experience of social institutions at an early stage. Methodology and research methods. As theoretical bases for the study of historical and pedagogical analysis, dedicated to educational practice and social protection of children, pre-revolutionary research (V. O. Klyuchevsky, V. I. Guerrier, A. I. Herzen, etc.) as well as late ones (L. V. Badya, M. V. Poddubny, M. V. Firsov, T. S. Dorokhova, Z. I. Lavrentieva) were used. The research method is the analysis of archival materials based on public organizations, reports, memos, and resolutions. In conclusion the author infers about the use of advanced pedagogical experience in the work of child welfare institutions in the first quarter of the 19th century which can be used in our days.

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