scholarly journals The Unknown God and His Theophanies

1970 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-174
Maciej Manikowski

The analysis, which aims at the interpretation of the three theophanies from Exodus presents—from the metaphysical and epistemological points of view—three fundamental ideas. First, the idea of the absolute unknowability of the essence of God; second, the idea of the real difference between essence and energies in God’s Being; and third, the idea of the real difference between the one essence, three persons (hypostases) and many uncreated divine energies (the powers or names) of God. One must say that the absolute unknowability of the essence of God means that God is forever the unknown God.

Кирилл Кочегаров ◽  
Kirill Kochegarov

The research describes the latest trends in the study of the complex and ambiguous period of the Russian-Ukrainian relationships before the treason by the hetman Mazepa in the fall of 1708. The historiography features different points of view on the causes and prerequisites of this event. A particular focus is given to those of them, which were somehow linked with the attitude of the Russian government to the hetman Mazepa, the Ukrainian Cossacks and the whole Little Russia. The classic narrative of the genesis of “Mazepa’s treason” is based on a well-known source – the letter written by F. Orlik to the Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky. The author explores the most crucial reasons of Mazepa's defect to the Swedish side described in the version taking into account the latest insights into the Russian-Ukrainian relationships in 1704–1708 backed up by the previously unknown archival records. This research, on the one hand, demonstrates the inconsistency of attempts to supplement and develop the ideology of Orlik's letter with some concepts of “reforms” aimed at destroying the autonomy of Little Russia, on the other, clarifies the real level of conflict in the Russian-Ukrainian relationships, which itself was clearly insufficient for the acute crisis. Therefore, it was triggered by an external factor: the invasion of Russia by Charles XII.

1957 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
J. L. Ackrill

My purpose is not to give a full interpretation of this difficult and important passage, but to discuss one particular problem, taking up some remarks made by F. M. Cornford (in Plato's Theory of Knowledge) and by Mr. R. Robinson (in his paper on Plato's Parmenides, Classical Philology, 1942). First it may be useful to give a very brief and unargued outline of the passage. Plato seeks to prove that concepts are related in certain definite ways, that there is a συμπλοκὴ εἰδῶν (251d–252e). Next (253) he assigns to philosophy the task of discovering what these relations are: the philosopher must try to get a clear view of the whole range of concepts and of how they are interconnected, whether in genus-species pyramids or in other ways. Plato now gives a sample of such philosophising. Choosing some concepts highly relevant to problems already broached in the Sophist he first (254–5) establishes that they are all different one from the other, and then (255e–258) elicits the relationships in which they stand to one another. The attempt to discover and state these relationships throws light on the puzzling notions ὄν and μὴ ὄν and enables Plato to set aside with contempt certain puzzles and paradoxes propounded by superficial thinkers (259). He refers finally (259e) to the absolute necessity there is for concepts to be in definite relations to one another if there is to be discourse at all: διὰ γὰρ τήν ἀλλήλων τῶν εἰδῶν συμπλοκὴν ὁ λόγος γέγονεν ἡμῖν So the section ends with a reassertion of the point with which it began (251d–252e): that there is and must be a συμπλοκὴ εἰδῶν.The question I wish to discuss is this. Is it true to say that one of Plato's achievements in this passage is ‘the discovery of the copula’ or ‘the recognition of the ambiguity of ἔστιν’ as used on the one hand in statements of identity and on the other hand in attributive statements? The question is whether Plato made a philosophical advance which we might describe in such phrases as those just quoted, but no great stress is to be laid on these particular phrases. Thus it is no doubt odd to say that Plato (or anyone else) discovered the copula. But did he draw attention to it? Did he expound or expose the various roles of the verb ἔστιν? Many of his predecessors and contemporaries reached bizarre conclusions by confusing different usesof the word; did Plato respond by elucidating these different uses? These are the real questions.

1971 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 646-661 ◽  
T. Krishnan

AbstractThe theory of the effect of bandwidth of lunar occultations is reviewed. It is recalled that effective beamshapes can be calculated for symmetrical bandpasses and that their widths are related to the absolute width in wavelength of the bandpasses. Restoration with the second differential of the theoretical Fresnel diffraction curves at the central wavelength, at the correct rates, yield source distributions as viewed by these beamshapes. It is shown that for asymmetric bandpasses, the real and odd parts taken about the centroids lead to equivalent even and odd beams. Assuming an approximate color temperature for the stars, the total system response can be evaluated and hence the even and odd parts. Restoration of the data should then be performed using the second differential of the Fresnel curve at the centroid wavelength to minimize the odd part, adjusting zeroes, rates, and centroids by inspection. The even part should then represent the even theoretical response convolved with the one-dimensional stellar distribution, provided the latter is circularly symmetrical.The technique is applied to the occultation observation of λ-Aquarii by Nather et al. (1970) leading to closely similar results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 ◽  
pp. 133-149
Francesca Fantasia ◽  

This article shows how the correlation between duty and freedom in the moral philosophy of Fichte can be seen as an image constellation. From the perspective of the real being, the act of the absolute opening of reflexivity in the conditional is an object of an ethical duty. Moral law regulates the transition from self-evidence of the absolute to its actual occurrence. Moral law is a logos: It forms people ontologically, and it regulates the process of ‘becoming image’ of the absolute. The genesis of reality, according to Fichte, occurs only through freedom, the theoretical-practical formational principle of the world. This law is the basis of ideals. As such, it is not the basis of the real. Through freedom – spontaneity and non-law – it produces itself, on the one hand, negatively in the real. As the basis of ideals, on the other hand, this law occurs as an ethical norm – non-freedom – and retains its difference to the real. Freedom, in contrast, is the basis and formational principle of reality. As such, it produces, for one, through the negative relationship to the law and forms the real. As genesis and spontaneity, freedom occurs always as non-law and, as such, retains its difference to ideals. In this double negation, the correlation between real and ideal being is simultaneously formed. Freedom remains the object of an absolute duty.Der Beitrag zeigt, wie der Zusammenhang zwischen Sollen und Freiheit in der Moralphilosophie Fichtes als Bildzusammenhang gesehen werden kann. Aus der Perspektive des realen Seins ist der Akt der unbedingten Öffnung der Reflexivität hin zum Bedingten Gegenstand eines ethischen Sollens. Das Moralgesetz regelt den Übergang von der Selbstdurchsichtigkeit des Absoluten zu seinem wirklichen Geschehen. Das Gesetz ist ein Logos: Es bildet ontologisch den Menschen und es regelt den Prozess der ‚Bild Werdung‘ des Absoluten. Die Genese der Realität vollzieht sich nach Fichte nur durch die Freiheit, als dem theoretisch-praktischen bildenden Prinzip der Welt. Das Gesetz ist die Grundlage des Idealen. Als solches ist es keine Grundlage des Realen: Durch die Freiheit – Spontaneitat und Nicht-Gesetz – stellt es sich einerseits, negativ, in dem Realen her. Als Grundlage des Idealen andererseits, tritt das Gesetz als ethische Norm – Nicht-Freiheit – auf, und behält seine Differenz zu dem Realen. Die Freiheit ist dagegen Grundlage und bildendes Prinzip der Wirklichkeit. Als solche stellt sie sich einerseits durch die negative Beziehung zu dem Gesetz her, und bildet das Reale. Als Ursprung und Spontaneität tritt die Freiheit andererseits immer als Nicht-Gesetz auf und behält als solche ihre Differenz zu dem Idealen. In dieser doppelten Negation stellt sich zugleich der Zusammenhang zwischen realem und idealem Sein her. So bleibt die Freiheit Gegenstand eines unbedingten Sollens.

2018 ◽  
pp. 49-68 ◽  
M. E. Mamonov

Our analysis documents that the existence of hidden “holes” in the capital of not yet failed banks - while creating intertemporal pressure on the actual level of capital - leads to changing of maturity of loans supplied rather than to contracting of their volume. Long-term loans decrease, whereas short-term loans rise - and, what is most remarkably, by approximately the same amounts. Standardly, the higher the maturity of loans the higher the credit risk and, thus, the more loan loss reserves (LLP) banks are forced to create, increasing the pressure on capital. Banks that already hide “holes” in the capital, but have not yet faced with license withdrawal, must possess strong incentives to shorten the maturity of supplied loans. On the one hand, it raises the turnovers of LLP and facilitates the flexibility of capital management; on the other hand, it allows increasing the speed of shifting of attracted deposits to loans to related parties in domestic or foreign jurisdictions. This enlarges the potential size of ex post revealed “hole” in the capital and, therefore, allows us to assume that not every loan might be viewed as a good for the economy: excessive short-term and insufficient long-term loans can produce the source for future losses.

1997 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-263
Waleed El-Ansary
The Real ◽  

To the question of what are the foremost things a man should do,situated as he is in this world of enigmas and fluctuations, thereply must be made that there are four things to be done or fourjewels never to be lost sight of: first, he should accept the Truth;second, bear it continually in mind; third, avoid whatever is contraryto Truth and the permanent consciousness of Truth; andfourth, accomplish whatever is in conformity therewith. All religionand all wisdom is reducible, extrinsically and from thehuman standpoint, to these four laws: enshrined in every traditionis to be observed an Immutable Truth, then a law of “attachmentto the Real,” of “remembrance” or “love” of God, andfinally prohibitions and injunctions.The ultimate motivating cause for homo Islamicus is not happiness or“utility,” but the Truth. For although happiness accompanies confomityto the Truth, it is an effect rather than a motivating cause. As FrithjofSchuon states, “our willing is not insphd by our desires alone, fundamentallyit is inspired by the truth, and this is independent of our immediateinterests.”* Islamic economics recognizes the need for homo Islamicus to conform to the Truth that God is the Absolute and that allthat is relative is attached to the Absolute by integrating all of life arounda Sacred Center. Accordingly, this realizes the meaning of the funda-mental witnesses (shahadatayn)-‘’There is no divinity but Allah” and“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ...

J Ph Guillet ◽  
E Pilon ◽  
Y Shimizu ◽  
M S Zidi

Abstract This article is the first of a series of three presenting an alternative method of computing the one-loop scalar integrals. This novel method enjoys a couple of interesting features as compared with the method closely following ’t Hooft and Veltman adopted previously. It directly proceeds in terms of the quantities driving algebraic reduction methods. It applies to the three-point functions and, in a similar way, to the four-point functions. It also extends to complex masses without much complication. Lastly, it extends to kinematics more general than that of the physical, e.g., collider processes relevant at one loop. This last feature may be useful when considering the application of this method beyond one loop using generalized one-loop integrals as building blocks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (S1) ◽  
pp. 37-37
Americo Cicchetti ◽  
Rossella Di Bidino ◽  
Entela Xoxi ◽  
Irene Luccarini ◽  
Alessia Brigido

IntroductionDifferent value frameworks (VFs) have been proposed in order to translate available evidence on risk-benefit profiles of new treatments into Pricing & Reimbursement (P&R) decisions. However limited evidence is available on the impact of their implementation. It's relevant to distinguish among VFs proposed by scientific societies and providers, which usually are applicable to all treatments, and VFs elaborated by regulatory agencies and health technology assessment (HTA), which focused on specific therapeutic areas. Such heterogeneity in VFs has significant implications in terms of value dimension considered and criteria adopted to define or support a price decision.MethodsA literature research was conducted to identify already proposed or adopted VF for onco-hematology treatments. Both scientific and grey literature were investigated. Then, an ad hoc data collection was conducted for multiple myeloma; breast, prostate and urothelial cancer; and Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) therapies. Pharmaceutical products authorized by European Medicines Agency from January 2014 till December 2019 were identified. Primary sources of data were European Public Assessment Reports and P&R decision taken by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) till September 2019.ResultsThe analysis allowed to define a taxonomy to distinguish categories of VF relevant to onco-hematological treatments. We identified the “real-world” VF that emerged given past P&R decisions taken at the Italian level. Data was collected both for clinical and economical outcomes/indicators, as well as decisions taken on innovativeness of therapies. Relevant differences emerge between the real world value framework and the one that should be applied given the normative framework of the Italian Health System.ConclusionsThe value framework that emerged from the analysis addressed issues of specific aspects of onco-hematological treatments which emerged during an ad hoc analysis conducted on treatment authorized in the last 5 years. The perspective adopted to elaborate the VF was the one of an HTA agency responsible for P&R decisions at a national level. Furthermore, comparing a real-world value framework with the one based on the general criteria defined by the national legislation, our analysis allowed identification of the most critical point of the current national P&R process in terms ofsustainability of current and future therapies as advance therapies and agnostic-tumor therapies.

The barometer, here alluded to, may in some measure be consi­dered as two separate and independent barometers, inasmuch as it is formed of two distinct tubes dipping into one and the same cistern of mercury. One of these tubes is made of flint glass, and the other of crown glass, with a view to ascertain whether, at the end of any given period, the one may have had any greater chemical effect on the mercury than the other, and thus affected the results. A brass rod, to which the scale is attached, passes through the framework, between the two tubes, and is thus common to both : one end of which is furnished with a fine agate point, which, by means of a rack and pinion moving the whole rod, may be brought just to touch the surface of the mercury in the cistern, the slightest contact with which is immediately discernible; and the other end of which bears the usual scale of inches, tenths, &c.; and there is a separate vernier for each tube. A small thermometer, the bulb of which dips into the mercury in the cistern, is inserted at the bottom : and an eye­piece is also there fixed, so that the agate point can be viewed with more distinctness and accuracy. The whole instrument is made to turn round in azimuth, in order to verify the perpendicularity of the tubes and the scale. It is evident that there are many advantages attending this mode of construction, which are not to be found in the barometers as usu­ally formed for general use in this country. The absolute heights are more correctly and more satisfactorily determined ; and the per­manency of true action is more effectually noticed and secured. For, every part is under the inspection and control of the observer; and any derangement or imperfection in either of the tubes is imme­diately detected on comparison with the other. And, considering the care that has been taken in filling the tubes, and setting off the scale, it may justly be considered as a standard barometer . The pre­sent volume of the Philosophical Transactions will contain the first register of the observations that have been made with this instru­ment.

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