DNS Aegis, Authentication with Digital Signature using Hash Functions and Various Attacks: KARKOFF
DNS have a crucial role in adequate functioning/performance of the Internet. Even though every single internet applications rely/trust on ‘Domain-Name-System’ for the ‘Name-Resolutions’ yet in this particular infrastructure have numerous ‘Security-Vulnerabilities’ with specific severity level and influenced by many attacks such as: ‘BIT SQUATTING REDIRECTION’, ‘CACHE POISONING’, ‘DNS REBINDING’, ‘TYPO SQUATTING REDIRECTION’ etc. Suppose what will happen if ‘DNS-Server’ or ‘DNS-Services’ gonna compromised? Answer will be all the resources which belong to Internet/Intranet/Extranet influenced, has a result adverse effect not only for the resources used but to confidential data too. One important point is ‘DNS’ aren’t just gonna used for having ‘Domain-Names’ w.r.t. logical addresses, but it is also utilize to Restrict Unauthorized/Un-Authenticated traffic too. So in cyber security arena manageable, trust worthier infrastructure of DNS is must.